
Il castello sul lago de Elaine Coffman

de Elaine Coffman - Género: Italian
libro gratis Il castello sul lago


Scozia, 1740/1746 - Alto, snello, con i capelli neri e occhi azzurri come il mare, Fraser Graham sembra uscito da un sogno, e per Claire, che è sempre vissuta a Lennox Castle, la fortezza costruita dai suoi antenati sulle sponde di un lago scozzese, è amore a prima vista. Folgorato a sua volta dalla bellezza e dallo spirito di quella focosa fanciulla dai capelli rossi, prima di partire lui le ruba un bacio e le promette di tornare per finire ciò che ha iniziato. Ma quando si ripresenta al castello, il giorno seguente, non è per mantenere la parola data, bensì per informarla che suo padre e i suoi fratelli maggiori sono stati barbaramente trucidati in un'imboscata. Non sono certo le premesse ideali per una storia d'amore, eppure quell'immenso dolore porta con sé la promessa di una nuova speranza... che qualcuno però vorrebbe far naufragare.

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Not as good as the first book

I d the first book far better. This one had them separated for two years and divorced. She thought Fraser betrayed their vows with a strumpet and divorced him for adultery. Then she found out her cousins were evil, vile human beings. They framed him just he told her and They were poisoning him with arsenic. They killed her Father and her Brother and now they were working on her. She realized she made a mistake and she still loved him. Fraser went to study law for two years and it didn't sound he was celibate either. There was mention of some Dutch girl and he said they had already said Goodbye. But he only loved Claire and didn't plan on moving on/marrying anyone else either. Then the evil cousin takes Claire to an isolated castle where he puts her in a dungeon and starves her. She is rescued but I didn't really the ending or the epilogue for some reason. It was just too vague for me. I want everything spelled out and all the i's dotted. Just okay for me. Not something I would read again or recommend.could-not-finish divorced dnf ...more4 s Frances1,665 6

If one can judge a book by how long it takes to read it, I took 45 minutes for a 298 page book, because it was that bad!!!historical-romance1 Victoria10 5

It got to the smut rather quickly and then I was left slightly intrigued by the story. The separation of the lovers was manipulated by her guardians and those types of villains fill me with righteous fury. Surprisingly, there were a couple phenomenally relatable passages about love lost between someone who is still in love with their previous lover and the person they have tried to move on with. Bit of a wave to feminism too in this book as the Lady was in charge of her clan after her father and brother's death. Her man didn't try to take over control and let her set the terms of their relationship, even when she was manipulated into divorcing him. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Angie886 32

I couldn't put it down. Loved itadult-fiction books-set-in-scotland-ireland erotica Linda Reece309

So disappointed in this story line. I skipped a lot of the pages because I just couldn’t stand to read any more. Would not recommend wasting your time. Faith Dominguez151

This book was truly amazing I know it woke long for me to read this but it was worth the wait for me cause it was truly amazing it made me cry laught and very very made me ...um (blush and made me feel sheepish that's the way we would say it lol) I love everything but when they killed off some many you where about to feel the pain that the family goes though. I truly hated thriee charaters that made me really angry I hate lord Walter and Isoble and her pay off friend
You where about to see how Isoble was a snake in the grass her and her friend so you would tell your going to have people that where ever you go. Claire felt something with Isoble so she was going to kept her distant but then Isoble started seem she was the nicies person so Clarie started to doubt herself and didn't listen to her husband. Then Isoble was to get kill her husband cause he found out something ,,(but you will have to found out what when you read)
But then she brought her friend in and we'll you get the picture ..so Clarie left him but when someone knows something is worne with that person and left it also don't fall for there fake ness and quickly get then out of your life cause it will make you suffer and make you lose everything you love.. When I was reading this I felt so bad for Claire and what they where putting her though that it made me want to go get her husband and have him go save her. But I truly loved that her sister where there to help so that's a blessing :) so I do recommend this books to everybody but thoughs under 18 and if you do read this please have your parents read this book
So Enjoy and GOD BLESS
WITH LOVE FAITH ? HAPPY HOLIDAYS MY FRIENDS :) favorites historical-romance this-book-is-amazing Jess233

Part of the series mentioned early, this is the first book. While it gives you the story on how the Lennox girls' family died, and how they got involved with Lord Walter and Lady Isobel, I think it's too much. It starts out when Claire and Fraser fell in love, just before her father died. They married, but Isobel and Walter were guardians to her brother, the Earl, who dies suspiciously. Fraser tries to get Claire to open her eyes, but she refuses and throws him out when Isobel's plan to make him an adulturer works. Then, after he is gone, Isobel and Walter are mean, only wanted to marry Claire off to someone wealthy, so they can have her money. They can't force her, she'd rather die, which she almost does when Fraser returns after 2 years to rescue. So, great for the back story, but the romance sucked.
romance Rachel39 1 follower

The beginning of the book was very interesting and started off with a great story of a girl and a monstrous Dragon. After that, nothing really happens except the drama between a very incompetent empire and the people living in the castle. The author uses the hook at the beginning of the story to keep you reading even though there's not a lot going on. Crystalclear10

dont it.i skip a lot of pages to finish this book. Witch237 22

Shit. Andrea620 7

I enjoyed the book. Pamela1,885 15

Rated 3.5 Laura342 3

Boring. Nothing much happened. S Miller1,478 1 followerRead

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