
Wed to the Dark Elf de Eden Ember

de Eden Ember - Género: English
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Eden Ember Year: 2023

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I keep reading this series because Layla is an amazing writer and Cara is getting so much better but WTF is it with Eden's contributions?

This story was soooo meh. The dark elf guy is so angry and moody broody and a warrior but the second he is with her is a shy fumbling virgin that is soooooooo high schoolish. And she, for one that hated that she was betrothed just jumped on him AND KNEW exactly everything about s3x????

Every other book in this series makes the priests at the temple seem really nice and that its all a perfect match but in this book the priest is sooooo mean and has no regard for her and this girl basically says some of the women that are betrothed and come back abused full of bruises from their wedding night. I know its 3 different authors, but come on, there has to be some consistency. Arent all these books in the same timeframe because in some books they have electricity but this book seems it takes place in the 1800s.
14 s Susan Short318

oh wow....no

I adore this series and each book I get through with no breaks.

This book bored me to tears, I came back 10 times if not more to finish it, I didn't want to finish it, but due to my love of the series thus far, I knew I had to.

I really wished I had not.

Bored beyond tears, characters have no feel to them. They speak from the 1800s while no other book has.

I can't explain it. It's just terrible to me.6 s China Brinson230 17

Not my favorite in this series

This post will probably get taken down since Amazon does negative . But I’ll post it anyway. Cause everything can’t always be positive. This was not my favorite in this series. That’s it. 3 s BossyBibliophile56

Book 11 in this series nd I have decided that I should have skipped over all of Eden Ember's contributions after the first one.

I dunno if its her or her editor's lack of skill but my god, the plot holes in ALL her books!

There's absolutely no flow whatsoever to this book. It felt it was on fast forward the entire time. So much so that I thought I had missed something nd went back a few pages to check. I had not.

There were plenty of examples of this thruout but I didnt start keeping track until halfway thru.

Althir is a character that kinda pops up outta nowhere. He teaches her how to wield a sword? A dagger? We aren't really sure. Then we get this very vague sense that they've become close but we know absolutely nothing about him. Then the battle happens, he's wounded (leg cut off at the calf) nd yet turns up behind enemy lines when she is "rescueing" Vamen to help, limping on his stub. Then nothing is mentioned of him thru Vamen's very miraculous recovery. Then suddenly, we are at the beginning of Yule celebrations on the Day of Remembrance nd we unexpectedly find out that Althir DIED! nd left behind a wife nd daughter. , what?!

Then Iris goes on to talk about how Vamen remembered a small mention of a Yule tradition she celebrated but there was zero mention of it prior to this. In fact, all we know of Iris is her parents died of a sickness when she was very young nd she was raised by the temple. Which she mentions several times as being quite bleak. So, is this tradition from before her parents death? Or from her time at the temple?

There are literally so many unanswered questions it made my head spin. Not to mention the heavy use of medieval english? He's a big brute of a thing nd so are his ppl. I got a very Jon Snow on the North Wall vibe nd yet, here they are all talking posh royalty. Even speaking in a very poetic type way from time to time. Even Iris, who ly had the bare minimum of educations at the temple. I felt the author tried way too hard to turn this into something its not. I could NOT WAIT to get to the end. Thank god they're just novellas...altho, if it were full length, maybe she wouldnt have tried to cram things in willy nilly.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Serena Loves Books1,617 95

'Eras una brújula que me alejaba de los oscuros arrecifes cuando todo parecía perdido.'

•Mi opinión puede contener Spoilers.
•Esta destinada a ser un descargo personal no para que alguien más lea pero si lo haces y te ofende, me disculpo porque sé lo que es que te guste un libro y otros lo critiquen.

Wed to the dark elf de Cara Wylde Serie Arranged Monster Mates libro 11


En un mundo gobernado por monstruos y dividido por facciones, una sola coincidencia de ADN podría cambiar el destino de Alia Terra para siempre.

"Wed to the Dark Elf" te sumerge en el viaje que cambiará la vida de Iris Flemming, una huérfana humana, y Vamen Blak, un formidable guerrero elfo oscuro. Unidos por la tradición pero unidos por una conexión inexplicable, deben navegar por el malestar político, la revolución en ciernes y sus propias emociones encontradas. ¿Será su amor el catalizador de la unidad o la chispa que encienda sus mundos? Prepárate para una historia de amor, guerra y transformación que te hará preguntarte dónde están tus lealtades.

Mi humilde opinión:

Romance de monstruos y matrimonio arreglado entre un elfo y una humana.

Me gustó la fantasía en la historia que me recordó a una película de El señor de los anillos. La autora me transportó a ese mundo fantástico tanto asi que pude imaginarlo en mí cabeza con las descripciones. El tono al hablar de los personajes también era medieval. Lo que me pareció raro porque no recuerdo que fuera tan marcado en libros anteriores de la serie.

Iris y Vamen no tienen una atracción instantánea la primera vez que se ven. Sino que no piensan lo mejor del otro, tienen dudas y de a poco construyen una relación a algo más profundo. Me encanta cuando hay compañerismo para trabajar en equipo y ellos hacen justo eso. Aprenden a confiar, darse contención y amarse en momentos de conflictos, conspiraciones, peligros y guerra.

Si bien disfruté de la aventura y la acción, me pareció que todos los problemas con los lobos invadiendo y después el rey que quería someter a Vamen, era demasiado para un libro de corta duración. Yo medio me confundí en algunas partes, quería más explicaciones y saber que sucedió con todos estos conflictos contra el reino de Vamen.

De todas formas me gustó la historia y el romance estuvo bien, vírgenes duales, más pasión del tipo dulce que picantes.paranormal-fantasía1 kymagirl3,553 50

Vamen (H), a dark elf lord rules from his House Blak keep in the Northern Mountains of Alia Terra, receives word he's been matched to a human woman, Iris (h), for an arranged marriage through the Marriage Temple. Iris worries when told she's been matched to a fearsome dark elf and briefly contemplates escaping the Temple but realizes there's nowhere for her to go as she's been raise inside the Temple since she was orphaned at a young age. After Vamen and Iris are wed, they return to a keep and initially struggle to get to know one another. Things heat up between the two and Iris offers Vamen the comfort he needs as threats begin to mount against his realm. As Iris becomes more involved within the keep, Vamen's admiration and feelings for her strengthen and their connection deepens. The challenges keep coming and Vamen and Iris will have to battle to survive and reach for their happiness. Dark elf-human slow burn romance with a bit of violence and danger, a bit more fantasy and battling than is my personal preference.arcs elves owned1 Sarah Khalil A.A.Author 1 book48

this book sounded so uptight and felt uncomfortable to read even though the plot was different from any other books in this series still I couldn't enjoy it, the way I did with others.
I had to DNF this dnf monster-romance1 Alexis70

DNF 59%

This book was a disapointment. I only made it to 59% before I had to stop.
The story is flat, has no character-building and is - I can't think of a better word than jumpy and confusing.
An example of what I mean:
at 23%, in chapter 4, two main characters Vamen and Iris, are standing in her room. They have known each other for 2 days and only just arrived back at Vamen's castle. It's night and here's what happens:

He nods. "It is late. You should rest." He moves toward the inner door but pauses, looking back. "This marriage is...unexpected. But you will be cared for here. Until we grow more accustomed."
I smile. "Nothing the present to become acquainted or accustomed to each other, as you say." I'm nervous, but also can't ignore the warm fanning through my belly.
"Iris, I am as new to this as you are. I want to be a good mate to you. If I ever do anything that hurts, just tell me."
He sits beside me after discarding the remeinder of his clothing. Oh! His body, think with muscles, causes heat to flood into my middle. I gulp and pull the blanket up, my body naked under it...

So, how did she go from standing fully dressed to naked? How did he go from leaving to being mostly naked? Super jumpy and confusing. It's there is no connection between scenes.

Then, even though after this scene they sleep together in the same bed, and after the next intimate scene as well, a few chapters later at 41%, Iris asks him if he wants to stay in her room and this happens:

"Will you not stay, my lord? It's too late to retire separately..."
Vamen pauses, weariness warring with propriety on his face...

What propriety?! He's slept with her a few times now.
Makes even less sense when you take the scene from 30% (chapter 5) into account:

(from Vamen's POV) Iris blinks in surprise at my awkward compliment. Small bare feet peek from beneath her nightshift. She seems diminished withour the fine dresses and shoes. Younger somehow. Vulnerable.
I clear my throat gruffly, recalling *proproety has no place here*...

That's just a couple of examples of how poorly, in my opinion, this book is written. And why I had to stop reading.4 s Sherri Leisure849 4

Wed to the Dark Elf is a wonderful addition to the Arranged Monsters Mates Series by Eden Ember. While I wouldn't say I loved the book I definitely d it and found it to be an enjoyable read. The development of Vamen and Iris' relationship as well as their individual growth was well written. Eden made it impossible not to these two allowing me to feel a connection with them throughout their story. There were a few moments in the story that left me less than thrilled, but that is bound to happen from time to time. Overall, I really do love the series as a whole and I am looking forward to reading the next book.

An heir is needed to continue Lord Vamen's lineage so he applies to the Marriage Temple to find his perfect match. Iris is an orphan who lives at the Marriage Temple and works for her keep. She has been waiting for quiet some time to be a monsters bride. When she learns that her monster match is a Dark Elf Lord Iris becomes nervous. There have been several rumors about these monsters being ruthless and cruel. With no place to go outside the temple walls Iris' fate has been sealed. The relationship between Vamen and Iris starts out rocky, but as the days pass things begin to look promising. Will Lord Vamen and Iris survive the threats they will face in the coming months or be torn apart? Can Vamen and Iris find happiness and love in each others arms?

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and I am voluntarily leaving a review. 1 Dani95 1 follower

I really enjoyed this book. This is the story of Vamen, Lord of the Dark Elves of the North and Iris, a human raised in the temple. It follows the same premise as others in the series but gives off a very different vibe. And it is also the first book that really suggests that the Temple is more insidious and underhanded than we may have previously suspected.

Vamen has sent in his blood and once matched, heads off toward the temple. Their fortress does not have a portal, so he must travel by warhorse through a treacherous and icy trail to the temple. Iris has been raised in the temple and is surrounded by other women who have had matches go well, as well as matches leaving humans abused and rejected following their wedding nights. Both have accepted that this is a match that is not wanted but rather a necessity and duty to be undertaken.

The characters are well developed and show significant growth throughout the novella. Iris goes from what is a suspected quiet subservient human to a strong assertive woman well suited for a life with the king. Vamen learns what it means to lead and be a loving husband. The plot is fast paced and the highlight a bit expected, but still a great read. It is a great addition to the series, and I recommend it highly!
alien fantasy Karen Nastasio2,454 16

This was a brilliant book and I wished we had DNA matching and get the perfect partner. Iris Fleming is a human female that has been raised by the The Temple and will be matched for Marrage but some of the other women have been picked and then retuned and Iris is scarred this will happen to her and now she has been matched to Lord Vamen Blak who is a Dark Elf. Lord Vamen Blak is a Dark Elf Warrior and is Lord of the North who has given his DNA to the Temple to find a female mate and to for fill his duty to his people but also because he is lonely and now he must travel to Alia Terra to collect her and he is surprised that she is a human female and now he isn’t sure about this match but they are married and there is an instant connection between them and when they return to his keep they struggle to get to no each other but things get hot and heavy when there are threats against his realm and she comforts him and becomes more involved with the keep and his Admiration for Iris grows as does his love and her foe him but with everything going on around them they must fight the battle and Political unrest to get there HEA. Loved this book.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Nancy Warr62 1 follower

This story has me a little perplexed, *spoilers* for starters I'm not sure I was actually reading about a dark elf or some other fantasy creature as I've never read of a dark elf having a tail and claws along with sapphire colored skin made me think I was possibly reading about a creature from avatar instead of a dark elf. Also the story really jumped from one scenario to another without any explanation. A lot didn't make sense, in the middle of a battle with werewolves the male lead leaves the battlefield to have sex with his wife...huh?? In one sentence we learn the weapons master has lost a leg but he has the foresight to summon our female lead to let her know her husband has been injured and she somehow escapes the ongoing battle to go be by his side, she attempts to defend her husband but is beaten and her gravely injured husband has to save her before collapsing and she cannot move him but then the weapons master who has just lost his leg comes to both of their rescue then in the next sentence you hear of the weapons master death but our gravely injured male lead survives.. I don't know how many times I read my husband or my wife in a sentence it was very repetitious. Lacrymosa Quiñones611 11

A fun read indeed

So this book took me for a ride and definitely kept it going. At first I thought I was going to get the typical human meets monster tale but it veered off completely. The book got confusing every now and then because it felt the author kept putting things in that seemed out of place. The middle section was good but by the end the author lost me again.

Also the unexpected death of a supporting character caught me off guard and I’m not happy about it! I also felt it was odd to have the lord leave his title at the end when this was the point of him getting a wife.

Despite this though I did enjoy the book even if I had some misgivings about it.

Vamen: seemed a strong and interesting character even angry but then it was he did a 180 threw me off completely.

Iris: I knew she wouldn’t have been what he thought she be so I wasn’t surprised she turned into a more supportive role. So at least the female character was great.

Anyways 6.9/10 ??
Pear Ly258 5

I love Iris's character. She was shy but courageous and wise, never a damsel in distress. Her loyalty to Vamen is admirable.

And Vamen, you, sir, deserve such a loyal and wise wife in Iris. With all the battles going on, I'm so happy for their happily ever after. The amount of adoration and devotion between Vamen and Iris is a win, considering how they turned out after such an awkward first meeting.

Between Iris and Vamen, there was always 'us,' there was always 'we.'

I love how this book is written with a formal and somewhat archaic style of wording, characterized by elaborate and descriptive language. The use of terms "bedchamber," "mistress," and "lord" among others adds a touch of medieval or fantasy flair to the story.

That's a win for me. Gleeful Goblin Reviews244 9

Gleeful Goblin Review: This is an incredibly quick read, light and fun for all the darker overtone of dark elf and human pairing. There's good tension resulting from an arranged marriage and the awkward getting to know you phase though it's fairly brief. Both MCs are v!rg!ns and the intimate scenes do a pretty good job reflecting that. Since the book itself is quite short it's a tall order to put in a TON of detail but I really d the world building and the high fantasy meets post apocalypse restarted civilization feel to this world. 5/5 Stars.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Nina Diab3,248 37

'I too feel the wrongness of this moment. A human bride to a dark elf lord seems blasphemous. Yet when I look at her, an inexplicable resonance hums through my blood, as if she belongs at my side.'

I enjoyed this book. I love the world of this series with the marriage Temple. I d both Vamen and Iris. This was no lust/love at first sight. It was a journey for both, but danger and opposition bring them closer together, and I enjoyed seeing their relationship grow and their character development.

I was disappointed the book cover does not accurately depict Vamen, who has midnight blue skin, and though bald-looking in front, has long white braided hair.

4 stars La'Jacinth1,223

Funny how you do something for duty and cause you suppose to but the action turns out to be the very thing that you need and WANT.

Vamen started outmarrying Iris for duty but realized fairly quickly that she was/is a force to be reckoned with. Iris married through the Temple not quite sure what she was getting into but prayed that being an orphan and burden on the Temple would yield a better life. And it did along with love, acceptace,and the found family.

I need another on these group of mountain elves...and very very vested in the series!!!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Gerri Blanton247 1 follower

I really d this book

There was great world building and of characters. I want a match! The dark elf sent blood to the mate matching temple, and Iris a human orphan living at the temple is his match. There was so much more in the stripy than a few of the others. Of how she and Vamen relationship develops and grows. She makes it her mission to get to know the elf’s and their home. Was not going to be a damsel in distress but active participation in the castle. I really enjoyed the book. Had all my checks: mystery, laughter, romance and adventure. Merry One Maria1,640 5

A sweet tale for Iris

This book is part of a series of books. This one is between Vamen, an Orc leader of a Mountain tribe and Iris, a human female. Vamen is so fair and righteous, and leader of his people. He receives a formal invitation from the temple that a mate match has been made for him. He is reluctant at first but decides to accept and make the trek to pick Iris up. Iris is strong and meek because she grew up at the temple. However, unbeknownst to all, this move for Iris with make her stronger. Read On! Andi Downs700 10

This is book 11 in this amazing Monster Mates series. :D This time we meet the dark elf lord- Vamen and his matched human bride - Iris. Another quick, enjoyable read. As with other and my own personal enjoyment of this series, you should come join us on this fascinating journey, as these characters are matched and grow.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.eden-ember Phyllis L.233 2

Overall, I enjoyed the book. The author writes in first person, but in a high fantasy style that reminds me a little of Tolkien. I found the romance scenes disappointing, however, considering the other authors in the series. It might have been better to close the door or fade to black, and that's not something I would typically say. Still, the actual romance and the growth in the love story was quite good and very tender. Jenni6,249 37

When Iris learns shes been atched to Vamen a dark elf lord she wants to run but settling in to her new home with Vamen is anything but smooth going as unrest settles, can they get to know one another? well written steamy human/elf monsters, mates romance.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Lisa Bing4,042 48

This is another great addition to this fun multi-author series. Dark elf, Vamen, and human gal, Iris, find themselves matched and, while hesitant at first, soon enough find their chemistry leading them to love. However, their path to an HEA wasn't very smooth. Filled with adventure, there was fab emotion, danger and suspense to keep me rapidly flipping pages :D 1 Christine Stutzke204

I don't know what happened. I have read every book in this series. But this one was not my favorite. Things happen with no explanations or reasons. I won't say who, but a character was alive, then a couple of pages later, he was dead. There was no reason why or mentioned how he had died. Months and months pass. Dani Shambaugh181

I go back and forth between a 3 and a 4 but I just can’t put my finger on why this book fell flat for me…I enjoyed the beginning a lot but the second half of the book felt dry if that even makes sense? I guess I was expecting some sort of drama between the two but there really was none which to some may be a good thing ShKh71

I’m 40% in the book, sorry but I couldn’t continue this book. It was so boring and their relationship, intimacy, and conversations are so cringy. This book feels an imposter to the series, everything happened contradict all the series! Why suddenly the temple is evil? Why we are in a different timeline? Book Nessie18

Very lame. Just could not finish this book. Only got about 30% through it before I gave up. There’s no connection built between the two MC before they have sex. The scene itself was about a page long and boring. Minimal description or detail. MMC basically puts it in, they both finish and then don’t talk for a whole day till the next night?? Cheap writing move even for a book this. dnf Hanna Belle1,448 66

Eden Ember is a great monster romance book writer and this book is no exception. An awesome addition to the Arranged Monster Mates series.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.4-star-books arcs-online-review-books books-between-100-and-300-pages ...more Kellyythoralabatalla624 14

It was weird bc they didn't each other but 5 pages later they love each other, and they have sex, acting cute a normal or lovely couple but they speak and treat each other strangers. Anyways, it was okay and meh.
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