
Quando la memoria non basta de D.W. Marchwell

de D.W. Marchwell - Género: Italian
libro gratis Quando la memoria non basta


Sono passati due anni da quando Hank Ballam e Scott Alan si sono innamorati e, decidendo di convivere, hanno iniziato a costruire una vita insieme. Hank ha mantenuto la promessa fatta al suo capo, Brian – fratello di Scott – dimostrando di poter essere, oltre che il pazzo in cerca di adrenalina che è sempre stato, anche un buon lavoratore. Nonostante Hank si goda appieno l'idea di essere il braccio destro di Brian, niente gli piace di più che tornare a casa da Scott ogni sera. Ma con l'arrivo di una notizia importante, Hank comincia a pensare al passato e alla famiglia che ha abbandonato, chiedendosi se potrebbe esserci qualche speranza di recuperare i rapporti e di coinvolgere i suoi genitori e le sue sorelle nella sua nuova vita con Scott. Vedendo Hank tormentarsi con quei pensieri, Scott decide di mettersi in contatto con la famiglia del suo uomo, ma senza però metterlo al corrente. Quando la sorella di Hank sembra essere d'accordo a ristabilire i rapporti con il fratello, Scott si sente al settimo cielo. Tuttavia, la rimpatriata non va come Scott aveva immaginato e lui comincia a chiedersi se, con tutta la serie di eventi che ha scatenato, la sua iniziativa finirà per allontanare Hank per sempre dalla sua vita.

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WOW this really surprised me. I was so looking forward to this, but unfortunately as with a lot of sequals it just never made the grade. First off, my pet peeve, there was far to much sex in this book. I think I counted 3 or 4 detailed sex scenes in the first 50 pages. It seemed, (again for me), that the sex took priority over the story. We have little background or history on Hanks family, yet this was the whole plot of the book. We learn mum knew of Hanks accident yet for 2 years she never contacted him. Not because she was a poor downtrodden wife to scared to act alone, but simply because her husband said Hank wasn't interested in talking to them. I'm sorry but that just fell flat with me. We also meet Hanks 2 sisters, well I say we meet them but only in passing. Where I expected them or at least 1 of them to play a large role, they both seemed more bit parts. One sister we never really meet. She just pops up right at the end and leaves as suddenly as she arrived. There was just no flow to this one, un book 1 which was great. Hank was still adorable, when it came to reading his thoughts and feelings I still choked up. Which makes it all the harder to understand why this book seemed more interested in sex than in telling Hanks whole story. I find I'm still confused over exactly why he had no contact at all with his family. There was no big bust up that I saw. Just a pretty standard argument. I never understood why his sisters were so against him, nor why his mum after her long silence decides to try out for mum of the year.
Another major niggle was Roddy. In book one we hear he is Brians best friend, yet as the story goes on he is only mentioned as being an aragant jerk who would rather skive than work. He is never mentioned with Brian, no nights out or whatever with his "best friend", there was no confrontation to explain away the friendship. Just another minor plot hole that never got filled in. Finally why was there a kid on the cover???

OK sorry for the rant. I just get frustrated when I know an author can do so much better. I really wanted to this, but aside from Hank there really wasn't much to .8 s Anke2,477 98

I finished it and in a fairly decent time:) Nevertheless the whole book felt totally unbalanced for me. First of all the repetitive 'smaller man' 'younger man' were getting increasingly on my nerves. On top of that the important milestones of the relationship were told in hindsight, whereas there were sex-scenes amass, so much that from some point on I only skimmed them. The whole family-related storyline was rather disappointing. First the sister was happy and supporting, then she was on the side of the father and strangely absent. The mom who couldn't care less about her son in the past, but then suddenly evolved to the only one supporting him. And to top it all - the child-issue. It was every now and then pushed to the main issue, only to then vanish again. For me it seemed as if the author lost the thread while writing.6 s T.J.Author 62 books46.1k

Loved, loved, loved it. There was a moment, towards the end when Scott was questioning his mortality that was just wonderfully written. It really made the novel for me. I'm hoping for a third book because I hate saying good-bye to these characters.5 s Lena Polskaia235 10

J'ai vraiment beaucoup aimé. C'est vrai qu'il y a beaucoup de sexe, mais c'est chaud et tendre, et j'aime ça. Et quel bonheur de retrouver Hank le beau bucheron et sa petite teigne. Comme toujours avec DW Marchwell, ses histoires ne sont pas faites de péripéties haletantes ou de redondissements inattendus, mais de ces mille petits rien qui tissent une vie. On est dans le registre de la chronique à la fois amoureuse et "familiale", de ces choses à la fois dérisoires et fondamentales qui font nos vies autant que celles des personnages: la confiance dans le couple, le désir d'enfant (ou pas), le difficile rapport au père, le manque de confiance en soi, le deuil. Et la construction d'une nouvelle famille, de celle que l'on se choisit... Moi, ça me parle et ça me touche. Et je n'espère qu'une chose, c'est d'avoir un troisième tome pour retrouver Hank et Scott, et de les voir étendre leur petite famille ....mm-romance3 s Neet596 1 follower

Maybe I was in a bad mood when I read this book, but it annoyed the hell out of me. I was so sick of hearing about what a saint Scott was, I kept wondering if he had a halo...I have to say that if I heard one more time what a good person with a big heart that everyone just opens up to that Scott is I would scream aloud. Scott the handsome (I mean he looks Josh Lucas) is too good to be true, I think he craps gold. I got a secret thrill when someone didn't fall for his charms. Also sad sack Hank, who can't believe his luck that after 2 years Scott is still with him. I'm still scratching my head over the fact that in one part of the story that Scott is saying how he paid for a small wedding for his brother, Brian and his wife Kiara where Kiara's adult son has attended, and in the next part of the book her son is coming home for Thanksgiving and Scott hasn't met him...Also Kiara and Brian have a son, and I think baby must be an alien since he's eating strained beans and is giggling and it's a newborn (talk about a growth spurt). Not to mention the fact that at the end of the book the same couple are having another baby.This book is just irritating, and the writer could at least put a timeline, not that it would make a difference because I still would have hated it. What a waste of time!Also I must mention that I loved Falling and other books by this author, but this one sucked!****Re-read this book, and I still hate this freaking book. Scott has to be the most arrogant,self-absorbed, douchebags ever written. I can't undestand why everyone is so in love and protective of with this middle aged man-child and line up to kiss his behind.12/15/142 s Eve443 3

Wow, this was painful. I loved this series when I started it. I found it unknowingly looking for something low angst and high on the romance. Book 1 was good, with it's minor quirks. But this one became insufferable. I didn't DnF because I was too intrigued to see the end but as other mentioned, "younger man/ smaller man", playing with this slit and the space between the foreskin and a BJ in the middle of no-condom sex is kinda gross. The whole sex aspect was over the top. Literally every other page. I love me some good sexing but this was a little over board. The whole family story line was a little convoluted and twisted and yes there was a lot of loose ends around there Roddy or Sandra's sudden 180. I don't know. This one kind of disappointed me. The repetition of catch phrases and scenes made me feel I was reading the same thing over and over and the end never came!m-m2 s Stacey Jo627 205

When Memory Fails is the sequel to Falling by D.W. Marchwell and picks up two years after the end of Falling. Hank and Scott are living very happily together. They are as much in love with each other two years later as they were when they first fell in love. These are two guys who have great chemistry together in bed. The scenes of them together are well done—not over the top. I found them to be realistic and very sweet.

Everything has been pretty much status quo for Hank—he’s got a great with Scott—but happy events in the Alan family make him wonder about his nieces and nephews and the family that he’s been estranged from for the last five years. Scott, being the perceptive lover who will do anything for Hank’s happiness, contacts Hank’s sister and makes the connection that brings Hank back to his family. Things, however, aren’t as smooth as one would hope. Bigotry runs deep in many people’s minds and sadly, it doesn’t matter if the “different” person is a family member or a stranger. It’s really frustrating for the reader to have to “put up with” the antics of some of Hank’s family members, because honestly, some of them are just flat out jerks. But Hank is able to reconnect and even if he’s not able to gain the acceptance that he wants/needs, he does at least get some closure.

Of course, through all the reconnecting with family, this has taken a toll on HankÂ’s well-being, as one would expect, and Hank and Scott start to have some issues. Scott is afraid that Hank will no longer have time for him if he makes room for his family, when he sees Hank pulling away. And HankÂ’s family is not overly accepting of Scott. Another bit of turmoil for Hank and Scott is HankÂ’s growing desire to have a child and ScottÂ’s continued stance on not wanting to have children. Hank assures Scott itÂ’s not a deal breaker, but Scott has a lot of guilt over denying Hank when seeing him holding a baby is such a completely natural thing for Hank.

By the end though, Hank and his family issues have worked themselves out as best as they can. Things are going great for Hank at work. Hank and Scott are as strong as ever in their love for each other they are even working on their issues regarding their own family. I wouldnÂ’t say this ends on a happily ever after, but more of a happily for now, although it definitely has a happy ending. It looks to me it could very well move right into a third book, which I very much hope Mr. Marchwell will give us because I really these guys and would to see more of their story. So this was a great story. I highly recommend it.
mm-contemporary mm-family-is-the-focus-and-kids mm-i-own ...more1 Valérie Betty128 1 follower

Super suite que j'ai aimé autant que le premier tome.
Nous retrouvons nos deux tourtereaux deux ans plus tard, ils vivent ensemble et sont heureux. Dans ce tome nous faisons connaissance avec la famille de Hank et malheureusement ils ne sont pas tous satisfaits de sa relation avec Scott, ce qui créera des tensions et inquiétudes au sein du couple. C'est toujours aussi chaud et tendre et la particularité de cette série c'est la description de leur vie commune. Leurs prises de bec, leur complicité et leurs moments câlins. C'est ce qui m'a le plus plu, ils sont vraiment adorables tous les deux. En tout cas je vais m’intéresser aux autres écrits de l'auteure, je crois que j'ai "Bon à savoir" dans ma PAL.1 Kerry sullivan959 71

This book was reviewed for musings of a bookworm

This was an OK story of learning to accept and wanting to be accepted by family. I found that at times this was a little boring with just enough sex to give it some spice. I felt it lost its impetus half way through and dragged. It was almost as if the author had forgotten what the story's message was. I am sad to say I thing this story was about 50 pages to long and could have done with out some of the minutia. Maybe it would have helped if I had read the first novella in this series but I doubt it.gblt romance1 Pati868

This book was such a disappointment after "Falling". I can't begin to understand why this was written with the sex scenes being in present tense but almost all of the rest being told in past tense. It has a very disjointed feeling to it. I prefer to experience things with the MCs not be told about it at a later date and what was with the every now and then being filled in again with summaries of things we'd read about just a little while before?! This is by far not my only problem with this book but all of my other complaints about it would be spoilers so I'll keep my mouth shut other than to say that none of these people stayed true to character.... ~sigh~...really disappointed.m-m romance1 Firenz216 30

Nothing new or special in this one! It feels and reads the same as the first book. Still a bit corny and a feel good novel. (I was annoyed when Hanks asked Scott's brother behind Scott's back to be his best man). To much sex that could have been better used exploring Hank's family.a-mm-romance hea1 Karlijn655 16

This was a nice follow-up to the first story of Hank and Scott. The kid on the cover left me with hope, so I was a bit dissapointed because there is not much about kids to read in this story. But okay, in the end I enjoyed their story and I hope there will be another follow-up.constructionworker-repair-mm give-me-more hurt-comfort-mm ...more1 ReginLaRadiosa489 23

Due anni. Erano insieme da due anni, adesso. Vivevano insieme da due anni, e Hank non aveva mai smesso di imparare nuove cose sul suo Rambo. Quando si erano conosciuti, in quell’ospedale, due anni prima, aveva subito capito che Scott era una forza della natura, costantemente di buon umore e sempre disposto a dare tutto se stesso a chiunque avesse bisogno di lui. Scott aveva visto in Hank qualcosa che nessun altro aveva visto; o, anche se qualcun altro lo aveva fatto, si era trattato di così poche persone che Hank non se le ricordava nemmeno. Hank si era accorto ben presto di essere stato intrappolato, come in sabbie mobili invitanti e accoglienti, che gli offrivano una felicità che non avrebbe mai creduto possibile. Non era riuscito a mantenere il controllo e aveva permesso a se stesso di abbandonarsi a quell’esperienza, e di godersi il calore e il fervore che Scott Alan emanava.

Sono passati due anni dal tragico evento che ha rivoluzionato la vita di Hank Ballam, ora vive felice con il suo uomo, Scott Alan, è felice, il lavoro prosegue bene e si sente soddisfatto di se stesso e della sua vita. Ma quando Brian e Kari annunciano loro di aspettare un bambino, oltre alla gioia immensa di una tale notizia, si fa strada nell’animo di Hank l’amarezza di non poter condividere nulla di tutto ciò con la sua famiglia.

È ironico, pensò tra sé e sé, che considerassi sempre questa città come il punto d’inizio di qualsiasi viaggio che avrei intrapreso. Ma dopo aver incontrato Scott, si era accorto con piacere che il suo bisogno di continuare a viaggiare era sparito, soprattutto perché era Scott stesso a essere un viaggio vertiginoso. Si trovava esattamente dove voleva essere, e stava semplicemente aspettando che arrivasse qualcuno con cui condividere la sua vita.
E poi era successo. Una casa, una famiglia. Hank non si era mai sentito così amato prima d’allora, così benvoluto come quando stava con Scott, Brian e Kari. Ma quella non era la sua vera famiglia. Avrebbe voluto chiamare le sue sorelle più spesso e provare a ritrovarsi, ma era troppo difficile respingere la voce che, dentro la sua testa, gli diceva che nessuno a casa sua – specialmente suo padre – avrebbe approvato ciò che era e quel che provava per Scott.

La sua famiglia ricorda un Hank alcolizzato, immaturo e irresponsabile che li ha lasciati dopo una litigata furiosa e parole molto amare. Hank sa che suo padre non lo accetterebbe mai, troppo concentrato a criticarlo e a non farlo mai sentire “abbastanza” per lui; però soffre ancora per ciò che ha detto e per il rapporto ormai inesistente con la sua famiglia.

Scott si accorge che Hank è tormentato e compie un passo che potrebbe segnare le loro vite per sempre: intromettersi nella sua vita, chiamando la famiglia Ballam o lasciare che le cose seguano il loro corso?

Ma quello non significava forse che aveva la responsabilità di sostenere il suo partner? Che cosa ci faceva insieme a Hank, se non poteva aiutarlo come compagno e come amico? Doveva forse starsene con le mani in mano mentre Hank soffriva?

Scott decide di intervenire e chiama Sandra, la sorella di Hank, che sembra inizialmente propensa a una riappacificazione; ma le cose non vanno come la coppia aveva sperato e la scoperta di un figlio gay, che convive con un altro uomo, non è accolta favorevolmente dalla famiglia.

L’unica persona che è felice di questa seconda possibilità è la madre di Hank, Rose, che, però, non riuscirà a far ragionare il marito Jhon.

Hank ora è di fronte a una scelta: scegliere di continuare a vivere con Scott o rinnegare tutto ciò che è stato e diventare come suo padre vorrebbe che fosse?

“..Scott, tu non sei solo l’amico che conosce la melodia del mio cuore. Sei il mio migliore amico, quello che capisce quando io non ricordo la canzone e me la canta senza avere bisogno che io glielo chieda. Gli ultimi due anni sono stati, per me, la prova che tu sei l’unica persona a cui io possa affidare il mio cuore e la canzone che esso canta ad alta voce ogni volta che ti trovi vicino a me.”

D.W. Marchwell ha scritto un libro all’altezza del primo: con uno stile scorrevole, una narrazione in terza persona con i due punti di vista dei protagonisti ha scritto una storia appassionante, con salti temporali che hanno accelerato lo scorrere della storia evidenziando le vicende più importanti.

Molto bella la caratterizzazione dei personaggi: Hank è un uomo che vorrebbe riavvicinarsi alla sua famiglia ma non a costo del suo amore; Scott ha paura di aver innescato un susseguirsi di eventi che porteranno inevitabilmente Hank via da lui ma quando l’altro capirà di non poter più stare tra Scott e la sua famiglia, prenderà una scelta definitiva a dimostrazione che la sua vita e il suo cuore sono riservati al suo “Rambo”.

Molto bella anche la figura di Rose, la vera colonna portante della famiglia Ballam, una madre che tenta di appianare le cose, di tenere unita una famiglia dispersa e rovinata.

Amo molto leggere il “dopo per sempre felici e contenti”, perché è proprio quando tutto sembra essere perfetto che nascono i problemi e l’amore è fatto anche di tutto ciò: rivalsa, perdono, affetto e tanta forza.

Se avete amanto “In caduta libera”, questo seguito è d’obbligo!

Scott osservò il viso sereno di suo marito e gli diede un bacio sulla fronte liscia. “Lo sei, Hank. Sei la cosa più bella che mi sia mai capitata,” gli sussurrò all’orecchio. Poi, chiudendo gli occhi, si fece cullare dal lento respiro ritmato di quel gigante buono che non aveva idea di quanto fosse speciale. Ma va bene così, abbiamo tutta la vita davanti a noi, e te lo dimostrerò. Ana110 2

Es lindo leer como les va la vida a esta preciosa parejaboyslove ManOhMan269

Reviewed by Stacey: When Memory Fails is the sequel to Falling by D.W. Marchwell and picks up two years after the end of Falling. Hank and Scott are living very happily together. They are as much in love with each other two years later as they were when they first fell in love. These are two guys who have great chemistry together in bed. The scenes of them together are well done—not over the top. I found them to be realistic and very sweet.

Everything has been pretty much status quo for Hank—he’s got a great with Scott—but happy events in the Alan family make him wonder about his nieces and nephews and the family that he’s been estranged from for the last five years. Scott, being the perceptive lover who will do anything for Hank’s happiness, contacts Hank’s sister and makes the connection that brings Hank back to his family. Things, however, aren’t as smooth as one would hope. Bigotry runs deep in many people’s minds and sadly, it doesn’t matter if the “different” person is a family member or a stranger. It’s really frustrating for the reader to have to “put up with” the antics of some of Hank’s family members, because honestly, some of them are just flat out jerks. But Hank is able to reconnect and even if he’s not able to gain the acceptance that he wants/needs, he does at least get some closure.

Of course, through all the reconnecting with family, this has taken a toll on HankÂ’s well-being, as one would expect, and Hank and Scott start to have some issues. Scott is afraid that Hank will no longer have time for him if he makes room for his family, when he sees Hank pulling away. And HankÂ’s family is not overly accepting of Scott. Another bit of turmoil for Hank and Scott is HankÂ’s growing desire to have a child and ScottÂ’s continued stance on not wanting to have children. Hank assures Scott itÂ’s not a deal breaker, but Scott has a lot of guilt over denying Hank when seeing him holding a baby is such a completely natural thing for Hank.

By the end though, Hank and his family issues have worked themselves out as best as they can. Things are going great for Hank at work. Hank and Scott are as strong as ever in their love for each other they are even working on their issues regarding their own family. I wouldnÂ’t say this ends on a happily ever after, but more of a happily for now, although it definitely has a happy ending. It looks to me it could very well move right into a third book, which I very much hope Mr. Marchwell will give us because I really these guys and would to see more of their story. So this was a great story. I highly recommend it.


http://manohman.blogspot.com/2...This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewreviewed 3librisoprailcielo42 7

A volte nel saper attendere si viene ricompensati. Scott e Hank sono tornati più innamorati che mai. Sono passati due anni, ma il loro legame è sempre più forte e appassionato. Ma nonostante questo, questioni familiari turbano la felicità della coppia. Brian e Kari ,finalmente si sono sposati e renderanno, Hank e Scott zii: la notizia è accolta con gioia e fin quì tutto bene, ma...

L'attività di Brian purtroppo non va a gonfie vele e l'uomo è riluttante a chiedere l'aiuto del ricco fratello; ma secondo voi, Scott e Hank, non inventeranno qualcosa? Certo che sì!

Hank sembra sentire la nostalgia della sua famiglia anche se si tiene tutto dentro, ma Scott conosce bene il suo uomo e anche in questo caso prenderà in mano la situazione.

Marchwell è un autore romantico al punto giusto: i suoi personaggi sono sempre molto passionali e diciamocelo, la cosa non guasta affatto. Se avete letto la serie:"Buono a sapersi", capite cosa intendo. Argomenti come le problematiche in famiglia, il desiderio di paternità e il cercare di trovare una soluzione che vada bene per tutti sono presenze costanti e mai stancanti nei romanzi di D.W Marchwell..

In "Quando la memoria non basta" non è il rapporto tra Hank e Scott ad essere messo in discussione, anzi, li troviamo uniti ad affrontare questioni vecchie o nuove o irrisolte,c on le persone che amano e che stanno loro più o meno vicine.

Tra loro non c'è il classico tira e molla - sto - bene - con - te - e - scusa - ma - forse - non - siamo - fatti - per - stare - insieme... No. Quando i "suoi" ragazzi s'incontrano, inevitabilmente si accorgono fin da subito di essere uno la metà della mela dell'altro e da lì è un lungo percorso, per conoscersi e affrontare sia gli ostacoli che, le cose belle o brutte della vita. Come nella vita reale, non tutto si risolve in pieno, ma questo fa parte del gioco!

Romanzo 4 stelline e mezzo!! Monika 2,157 33

In lieu of writing – I’m taking an extended break – I decided to leave this list showing some of the reasons for the stars I’ve given to the stories I’ve read.

5 Stars – Given to stories that had me falling in love with the characters or stories where I hated the characters but the author had me hooked. For stories that had me so engaged in the plot I couldn’t put the book down and stories that either made me cry buckets and/or laugh until I cried. In short…. these ones rocked my world!!!
4 Stars– Given to stories that I REALLY, REALLY enjoyed reading but had me wishing for just a bit more.
3 Stars – Given to stories that I thought were well worth the read but they didn’t knock my socks off.
2 Stars – Given to stories that didn’t work for me. I couldn’t connect to the MCs or feel any sort of connection between them. I couldn’t follow the plot or there wasn’t a plot. Every so often one of these stories just needs work to fix what went wrong but mostly 2 star reads are stories that leave me wondering why I kept reading until the end.
1 Star - I RARELY give out 1 Star so when I do it means the story was a complete train wreck.

I know what I may love another reader may wonder what the hell I was thinking and vise versa but IÂ’m okay with that!
established-couple men-who-love-men nothing-but-sex Sabrina (Soter) Sally1,839 64

“Un amico è qualcuno che conosce la canzone del tuo cuore e te la canta quando la tua memoria non basta.”

A mente fredda mi rendo conto che questo secondo volume non era indispensabile e in realtà tutta la trama è un po' fragile e sa di zuppa allungata XD Tuttavia avevo adorato nel primo Hank e Scott e perciò poter leggere ancora di loro mi ha solo fatto piacere! *ç* I nostri due innamorati ormai vivono insieme da due anni felici e contenti, sono circondati dalle persone che li amano (in primis ovviamente Brian e Kari, ora sposi!) e tutto sembra andare per il verso giusto...tranne il piccolo tarlo della famiglia assente e menefreghista di Hank! XD Il nostro Scott (soprannominato tra me e me "l'impiccione") non può fare a meno di provare a sistemare le cose e con un'apparentemente innocua telefonata darà il via ad un giro di scenate, recriminazioni, lacrime, abbracci e rischierà in prima battuta una quasi rottura! >.< Da tutto questo però i due guadagneranno una relazione ancora più forte e salda ed il finale è davvero romantico e perfetto, con un'occhio rivolto verso un futuro radioso! ;Dromanzi-m-m Paul14

I certainly enjoy reading this author. I read 'Falling' a while back and thoroughly enjoyed it. Since it has been a while since reading this first book, I thought the characters might be foreign to me; however, I was surprised that the characters and storyline of book 1 came back to me.

In this second novel, Hank and Scott continue their love affair as Brian, Scott's brother and Hank's boss, and Kari make plans to expand their little family. What should be a joyous occasion for the family is overshadowed by the fact that Scott may have messed things up by trying to get Hank re-united with his family. As Hank spends more and more time with his unaccepting father, Scott gets pushed further and further back by Hank until the breaking point when Hank says (with face in his hands), "I'm sorry, Scott, I can't do it anymore."

I must admit that having seen the movie "Between Love and Goodbye", I could only imagine the worst happening. I will say that the endings to this book and the movie I just mentioned are nothing a. Enjoy!glbt-fiction Ancora una pagina191 2

Romantico, sensuale, profondo, tenero e tanto altro ancora.
Questo romanzo mi ha davvero toccato. Forse perché sono in un periodo in cui mi commuovo facilmente, oppure perché è stato scritto davvero bene, fatto sta che mi ha commosso, soprattutto nella parte centrale.
Mi sono immedesimata tantissimo in Hank ed è stato come provare in prima persona tutte quelle emozioni tumultuose.
Le scene "hot" sono davvero incredibili ed ho amato il fatto che, nonostante gli anni passati insieme, Hank e Scott hanno comunque continuato ad esplorare la loro intimità, non limitandosi a fare sempre e solo quello che sapevano con certezza che piaceva al partner.
Per non parlare di tutti i problemi che affrontano...
Davvero, questo romanzo è stata una parentesi stupenda nella mia settimana lavorativa.
Lo consiglio caldamente! Michelle B62 2

I was very happy to immediately jump into WMF after Falling. This was a much more ambitious book in the complexity of the storyline. In some ways, the author achieved the goal (for me) and in others, it felt a bit rushed.

Again, I was glad to have the continuation of the story as I did enjoy the M/M characters. I didn't feel the author showed a lot of character growth for them, as the story centered more on them dealing with a series of events that unfolded around them. In itself, these events served to strengthen their bond.

A different book from the first, I still highly recommend it. Janie1,702 2

Well after re-reading this book again I realized that Hank and Scott are just destined to be together forever. They just have such a great vibe with one another that everything just flows so easily between them. Their sex life is as always hot and sexy as hell, and never dull or boring. I felt so bad for Hank that his family (with the exception of his mother Rose) just wasn't willing to accept him for who he was, oh well, seriously their loss. I enjoyed when the guys babysat Matthew, too funny. I would greatly love if a third book came out and Hank and Scott finally take the plunge into parenthood.family m-m-romance Tj1,574 19

Not sure Falling needed a sequel. In the sequel we meet Hank's family and they are odd. The sisters are too self absorbed to feel anything for Hank. His father was an unhappy man who wasn't satisfied with anything Hank accomplished. His mother is supposedly this wonderful caring woman but didn't come when Hank was injured and fighting for his life in the first book.

Since Falling ended with HEA, it would have been best to let Hank and Scott fade way into the sunset. No one needs to meet Hank's family and other than some hot sex scenes When Memory Fails didn't add to the experience knowing Hank and Scott.

family-angst library-freebie Grandmat218 1 follower

First, I'll say I enjoyed the story. However, if you remove the sex scenes, the story could be told in about 80 pages. I know many people love the sex scenes, the more the better. Not me. When they become this frequent, they become boring, overwhelming an otherwise decent story. Hank and Scott are drawn well, likable, but they talk emotions and of personal stuff very early, even before a relationship has been established. Not something typically male. This is a sweet, sentimental, romantic tale. Angela1,668 43

The sequel to Fallen picks up two years into the relationship of Hank, an adrenaline junkie logger and Scott a composer. The love for each other shows through in a wonderful storyline filled with humor and heartbreak. I'm glad this couple worked out and was given a follow-up book delving deeper into their relationship and the relationship with their families. With the way it ended, I'm left to wonder if there will be a third book?ebook erotica fiction ...more CB3,186 6

This is the 2nd book in the series (and last to date). I highly recommend reading the first book before this one - not sure this would make much sense without doing so and they are both very enjoyable. Sexy, confident, charming MC's I really enjoyed getting to know.

Note to self - the baby on the cover is not the MC's (this was confusing and I kept expecting them to somehow come up with a baby but it does not happen in this book - that may be where the 3rd book comes in...?!?) Tamela1,849 26

I feel so bad that Hank's family turned out to be so mean... except, of course, his mom. Scott is a rock, always there for Hank and wanting to make things better, even when he is afraid he might be losing Hank back to his family.

Good read, nice to see these two men growing together through their adversity instead of apart.

Recommended.adult-fiction contemporary life-goes-on ...more T.T. KoveAuthor 60 books166

Again with all the sex scenes. The books could've been half the size without them and be better for it. It would sure get a better rating from me if half the books (over half really) hadn't been pages filled with smut. There were a few inconsistencies throughout the book, but all in all it was a nice sequel to Falling. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewgenre-contemporary Rikanin98

Loved the first book and I'll never turn down a chance to see more Hank and Scott since I d those characters. odd thing though - in the first book Hanks dad was dead. There was a line in there about him not having visited the family cabin since Hank's father had died I thought?
But I d it.
Fi Brit323 4

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