
Cat in a Hot Pink Pursuit de Douglas, Carole Nelson

de Douglas, Carole Nelson - Género: English
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Ace freelance PR woman and amateur detective Temple Barr is 30-going-on-19 when she agrees to do homicide lieutenant Carmen Molina a big favor and go undercover as a contestant at Teen Idol, a TV reality show. The lieutenant is worried because someone is threatening the contestants—including her own 13 year old daughter—by leaving mutilated Barbie dolls all over Las Vegas.

Reliving the years of melodrama and teen angst while acting as a nanny-cum-diversion is bad enough, but Temple is dismayed to discover her professional nemesis is in charge of PR for Teen Idol-and, even worse, her romance novelist aunt has flown in from New York to be a judge. Can redheaded Temple fool her nearest and least dearest with a black dye job to complement her new punk persona, Xoë Chloë Ozone?

Temple is on her own among 28 unnatural blonds, who all say they'd kill to make the final cut and be named Teen Idol Queen... and one of them might actually do it. Usually Temple has...

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I ended up liking this book although it didn't start out that way. You can't read this series out of order, because each book flows into the next and some storylines don't get answered until the next book. The only real bone I have to pick with this novel is the author's obvious jealousy of blondes, which is so tired. I wish unattractive brunettes would keep their jealousy under wraps. favorites1 Joan217 6

Once again Midnight Louie, plus Midnight Louise, his perhaps daughter, save the day, while Las Vegas PR expert Temple Barr goes undercover as a 19-year-old at a TV reality show, Teen Queen, at the request of her sometimes enemy, Police Lieutenant C. R. Molina. Molina's daughter, 13- year-old Mariah is entered in the "tween" section, and may need protection. All contestants will be sequestered in a mansion for the two-week duration of the shooting.

Of course, there is murder and mayhem, Temple's love, Max, is mostly missing as he tries to infiltrate the Synth, and neighbor Matt is in Chicago trying to trace down his real father, at his mother's bequest.

Lots of unexpected twists and turns to keep the excitement and angst going. Michele1,902 36

I.love the series...there is always the main ot, but there are 3 sub plots that lurk below the surface, building some extra mystique into the series. They fuel the main plot in a perfectly supporting way. Roxanna39

I found places where the author or ghost writer had been talking about a character then a sentence later called the character by the wrong name. One other issue stood out while reading that just confirms Miss Douglas is probably now using ghost writers. Crystal Karre558

Best series favorites Andry24

I thought it was very fun. I love the idea of a cat protagonist. The mystery confused me a little bit. Kelly Fowler41

This was hard to get into at first because there were so many confusing characters thrown into the mix. Once I figured out what was going on, this was a fun read. One thing I can't stand though: SO MANY TYPOS! Not sure if that is the fault of the author or the publisher but it was annoying! Jenger63 4

This is the first I've read in this series and, even though it put me in the middle of an ongoing story, I really enjoyed it and didn't feel lost at all. It just piqued my curiosity and made me want to go back to the beginning of the series and read them all.

What I found unique about this book is that it truly is a story already in progress. There are loose ends from previous books that are addressed while new ones are created to be continued in the next installment. It creates even greater anticipation for the next book.

The characters are also well defined and, even though Max is rarely in this book, I found myself cheering for his relationship with Temple to work out. I did Matt but just couldn't see him with Temple, even after they got together at the end of the book.

Another unique aspect of this series is that Midnight Louie's story is written from his 1st-person experience in separate chapters. So not only do you get the story from his perspective, you also get a second storyline about his world as well.

The story itself was fresh and keeps you interested. It's also subtle enough that you don't guess the killer right away, if at all. And it takes the concept of the reality show and adds a twist with worth reading. I'm looking forward to the next book but also to catching up on all the books previous to Hot Pink Pursuit.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Andrea799 12

Maybe because this is a book in the middle of a series (and I didn't read any of the others), but this was the worst book I've read in a long time! This mystery had too many characters, too many (thin) plot lines, and too many unresolved threads from previous books and into the next. It wasn't engaging and what was supposed to be witty repartee was just flat dialog with unnecessary words. Erika712

The story never seemed to gel for me; the mystery didn't hold together, and the characters didn't either. There were too many people and too many very different possibilities for the murder. It all seemed contrived and I actually ended up bored with it before the mystery was even solved! Mary Newcomb1,727 2 Read

Temple winds up as a contestant in a reality show contest under some odd circumstances. This book seems to be much more about moving the back story than it seems to be about the mystery. Said mystery is solved but not overtly.
Pat503 Read

Midnight Louie Nikki11

The writing seems dated. deb230 1 follower

CND always delights!2012 Debra719 4

another wonderful Midnight Louie who done it.... Roy WeilerAuthor 4 books3

the first time it was good. That's why I read it a second time. Christine241 1 follower

Pleasant fluff. What can I say, I love cat mysteries. Victoria981 5

The author seemed to go out of her way to make this story difficult to follow. Gave up after a couple of chapters. Helen2,479

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