
La Reina de las Bestias (La Sociedad 2) de Diana A. Hicks

de Diana A. Hicks - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis La Reina de las Bestias (La Sociedad 2)


De la galardonada autora, Diana A. Hicks, llega la cautivadora conclusión del dúo “El Rey de las Bestias”. Caterina Alfera Mi enemiga Mi obsesión Mi reina He dejado todo en juego por Caterina Alfera. Ella tiene las llaves de todo lo que he deseado. Pero, ¿será capaz de hacer lo impensable por mí? ¿Lo correcto? Si te gusta el romance oscuro y apasionante con una gran dosis de suspenso y giros intensos, entonces te encantará La Reina de las Bestias, de Diana A. Hicks. Nota de la autora: La Reina de las Bestias es el libro Dos del dúo Bestias, como parte del Mundo de la Sociedad del Crimen.

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Having finished the second part of this duet,having the answers i needed,and knowing where Rex and Caterina are now,i can finally take a relieved breath.
This really was a rollercoaster ride that kept me guessing throughout who wanted what,and at what cost.
The only times i could breathe easily was during the Kinbaku scenes,that were beautifully done.
And the aftercare Rex gave Caterina….
Just when i thought they were going in the right direction,when they confessed their feelings,and showed their trust in eachother,everything went to hell,though…..
Caterina refused to believe her father was as bad as Rex told her,but evidence was showing something else.
Could Rex be right about him,and what would happen if he was?
Caterina needed him to be wrong,but at what cost?
After walking into a trap one time too often,Rex is done with her and her family.
But he’ll be damned if he’s going to let her walk…..she wíll pay for her betrayal!

These two were supposed to be beyond the hate,to be able to talk things through.
But where Rex seemed “ blinded by lust”,as it was called,he seemed “blinded by anger” later on.
And he wasn’t listening to reason….
In fact,i didn’t feel he was acting the intelligent mob boss he was before.
He didn’t think things through,he didn’t bother to check for facts.
And it nearly cost him everything……
Caterina was a little too naïve,even after hearing what her father really had been doing all those years.
Ok,he wás her father,but he was also he man that tried to get the man she loved killed….
He did get redeemed in the end,he did make things right,but still….all the unnecessary pain he’d caused could’ve been avoided.

All in all,it still was a story that i enjoyed.
And i might be tempted to read more in this series…..action-packed age-gap anti-heroes-we-love ...more6 s Jessica Alcazar4,091 573

Well now … that was delicious! The conclusion to Caterina and Rex’s journey was just as provocative and arousing than the beginning. I mean … wow!

This entire story was all kinds of twisty and intense. The passion flowed thru the story a tsunami; it was in everything! Stories such as these should be exactly that, passionate, and Diana delivered in spades! I won’t lie and say this was a book without imperfections because honestly, there were too many times when I just wanted to slap either Caterina or Rex or both for their constant poor communication skills. It wasn’t so much that it made the story unrealistic but it annoyed me to no end and when I’m annoyed, I’m not enjoying so *shrug*

Overall, I enjoyed this duet with all its twist and mystery and suspense and sensual intensity. I have a boat load of questions still about The Society so that portion of the story is far from over so stay tuned …2021-blog-tour-read hicks-diana-a library-kindle-doc ...more4 s Kelly_Reads_Books1,978 149

The finale to King of Beasts was wonderful and completely perfect.
Caterina and Rex balance between trust and doubt, lies and deception, hope and love. All the emotions encompasses the events and characters in this story.
The Society, which this tale is based on, are century old group that combines families and enforces their own laws and rules.
Great duet!4 s Veronica Ticker901 56

While in the first book, Rex seemed to be a confident and strong man, albeit clearly in love with Caterina, here we get the completely smitten side of him. Because he’s blinded by his feelings, easy to manipulate because of them, most of the plot–and the dangers he faces–come from this weaker side. It was interesting to read. How the mighty has fallen on his knees for his princess.

Figuratively, at least. Because it’s still a kinky story, and the one really on her knees is Caterina. Though their intense encounters are fewer, they’re still meaningful. I really enjoyed the power shifts at play here. Submission and devotion aren’t a one way street.

Family is still an important part of the story. Rex and Caterina’s families are more interconnected than we were led to think. Secrets are uncovered too.

The mafia/mystery part is still a bit weak in the knees. Sure we have some violence, but the actions and reactions make little sense. They’re supposed to be mafia kingpins, and they make dumb decisions. And the shooting scenes are left unseen–which I found a bit frustrating.

More romance than mafia, more kinky than pure love, I still enjoyed Caterina and Rex, and their impossible love.


- Series: King of beasts duet #2 (end of the duet)
- Hashtags: #mafia romance #erotica #BDSM #enemies to lovers #fairytale retelling #virgin
- Triggers: BDSM, mild violence and death
- Main couple: Caterina Alfera & Rex Valentino
- Hotness: 4/5
- Romance: 4/5
- + what we learn about Caterina’s mother
- – still a bit weak with the mafia part3 s Joyffree3,178 57

I'm a bit upset (I have more colorful words but ... )
At Rex for not believing - for not listening - for tainting what should have been a special moment - something pure and beautiful
At Santino for not telling the whole truth
And a touch disappointed at Caterina
Maybe I am being petty but you should have turned that nob -
And Michael? I get it in so many ways I understand how tainted your world had become from your grief

This is the conclusion to Rex and Caterina's story but far from the end of the Society's
Hang on tight because nothing is at it seems
Not sure who I believe - even now that we are calm and seem to be regrouping
Can the king and queen take their rightful places and if they do can they align the families once again? Or has too much damage been wrought upon the Society?
arc-tbr1 Ri5,090 7

4.1 stars

Great conclusion to the story. I'm glad the Society was explained more in this book because I'd struggled with that part of the story in the first book. Strong characters, suspense, and an interesting storyline made this enjoyable. Ill look more from this author in the future.1 Read.Review.Repeat Blog5,261 96

"Sometimes you have to ""Beastly"" things for the greater good and your future. This second part picks up where Book 1 ends. This story has fast paced action and suspense with all of the sweet hot moments I needed. Control is the name of the game but it is hard to achieve amongst chaos. Caterina is the pawn in both her father's and Rex's plans. Rex isn't sure who to trust but the tether to Caterina is unyielding. I really enjoyed this story.

“I never wanted anyone as much as I want you. Our union would benefit a lot of people, it would complete the contract between our families. But I don’t want any of it, if I don’t have your love too. I want you to want me.”~ Rex"1 Karin2,172

Loved the conclusion to Caterina and Rex’s duet. We get to see a softer side of Rex in this one cause of the way he feels about Caterina and she’s more open to Rex in this one and together they have a intense connection that they can’t deny no matter what.1 book_fairy13456 6

I am obsessed with Rex and Caterina!

The ending was perfect and heartbreaking at the same time.
The relationship between Rex and Caterina was beautiful, they love each other and want to be together. I loved seeing them grow as individuals and as a couple. Both of them want to be together, and for that, they need to open up to each other. They are learning to be more truthful, loyal and starting to trust each other.

I loved Caterina in this story, she is finally standing up for what she wants and is facing the truth. She wants her family to be safe and will do anything for it. She is much stronger than in the previous book and I am really proud of her.
Her character shows women in power get things done properly!1 Karen1,246 9

Rex Valentino is on a clock if he’s going to save his seat as the head of The Society, the combination of five mafia families that work together to keep peace and protect their own, and to save his life. There are hidden factors against him, and he has to figure out who is betraying him and who is working to try to protect him and save him. Will he figure it out in time? Will his obsession finally become a reality and will the woman that he has fallen for figure out her actual feelings in time for both of them to survive?

Caterina Alfera’s life is not what she has always thought it was and her father is not the man she thought he was. At twenty-four her whole life has been turned upside down and she has to find a way to balance the love of her father and the man that she has always avoided at all costs, only to figure out that she really does not hate the man.

I loved the conclusion to the King of Beasts Duet. The story is full of deception, families that will do their best to protect everyone they consider family, and the danger of the mafia and their battle with law enforcement. I loved the characters and the story. Catrina is a bit naïve, but she’s also a woman that has lost already and can’t think of losing anyone else that she loves, and this can put her life in danger as well as put others in danger. Her naivety is a dangerous thing for her in the life that she finds herself. I loved the book and give it a 5-star review. I want to pick up Massimo’s story, Lost Raven, and read it as well.

Little monster492 10

So we pick up right where we left off with Caterina and Rex, and boy do we get answers from the questions that were left from book one!!!!

We now see that Caterina is the pawn that everyone needs and wants in this game with the society and they all play to win!!!!!!!! But Cat belongs to one King only and that is Rex!!!! He won't let her go even though everyone tells him he's so consumed by Cat he can't see straight and he's putting not only her but himself in danger!!! We get to see how the society work and function a lot more in this book and how everything falls into place with Cat's father and why he's behaving the way he has been, and we find out some interesting information on how and why Rex and Cat are meant to be.

This couple are destined to be together no matter the cost and yes there is a section towards the end where I wanted to throttle Rex with how he treated Cat, and I for sure wanted Cat to grow some ruddy balls and stand up for her man and make him listen to her!!!!

All in all I couldn't fault this duet, mafia being the main plot line but of course with this undertone of Shibari/Kinbaku ( which again those scenes had me from the get go being a bunny myself ) I honestly hope we see more of Cat and Rex Lynn Reynolds1,697 40

Rex seems to be in something of a pickle. Caterina is back in the family’s fold. This book picks up where the last book left off. We get to see their connection develop and get stronger.

Besides the personal connection, we get to see more of a connection to the Society and everything that entails. It’s there are two separate stories here and neither one overtakes the other. It was interesting to see how the author created a fine line between who may be the “good guys” and who may be the bad. One thing that was easy to see was the growing relationship between Rex and Caterina.

Rex could be so tender and commandeering around Caterina one minute and then the tough all business guy the next. At no time did I seem confused as to where the author was taking her story. She was also good at when to turn the heat up and knowing when to tone it down. One thing that swirls its way through the story is a mystery and our main characters are at the heart of it. That mystery is what made this a page-turner for me and what kept me riveted right until the end. But is the author done with the Society? Only time will tell.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
2021 finished-reading Fictionlove_alwaysforever 147 21

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