
Coupled in Cabos: A Grumpy Sunshine Romantic Comedy (Vacation & You Book 2) de Dhara Shah

de Dhara Shah - Género: English
libro gratis Coupled in Cabos: A Grumpy Sunshine Romantic Comedy (Vacation & You Book 2)


Dhara Shah Publisher: Independent, Year: 2023

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Let me say, I absolutely hated Tisha at first. I found her to be extremely arrogant and self-centered. The crap she pulled and then refused to apologize when she found out she was wrong. It really pissed me off. I hate when men act that in books and even more so when women act that way. She did grow at the end, but not as quick as I wanted her to. I felt that Ayan really deserved better. He did everything for Tisha, and she refused to open up to him. I felt that she held her assumptions against him and didn't want to give him a chance. I was so glad when I got to the end and she had matured and taken control of her own life. Ayan is amazing and patient and deserves the world. I do hope that they end up married in the next book. I do love that this author writes different couples and different relationships. The diversity of cultures leaps off the page! This is one of the reasons I'm continuing to read this authors work.1 2 comments Jenifer F33 2

I don’t always dis characters because I know that they are extreme versions of actual human beings. That being said, Tisha is the effing worst.

I honestly cannot understand why Ayan didn’t just let her drown. I would have.

We get more than halfway through the book before she does anything even slightly redeemable but even then she doubles down on her awfulness by lying and compromising Ayan’s relationship with his mom. , be serious.

At the same time, Ayan is the main man we deserve. He is strong, confident, sexy and hella patient. He plays Tisha’s games until he just can’t anymore and even then finds the strength to live life - have love - on her terms.

It was a quick read and even though I wanted to throw Tisha in the ocean on a black flag day, I did enjoy watching their relationship blossom into something sustainable; I just wish it was the love that Ayan deserved.contemporary1 S Amit7 1 follower

One of my favorite trope is Grumpy Sunshine.
The Synopsis gives enough to pique anyone's curiosity and pick this book.

Ayan saves Tisha from drowning, but she gives him a piece of her mind. Albeit their misunderstandings and banter they have a one-night stand, but Tisha fakes her reaction.
And from here the story gets really interesting.

I how Dhara works on her characters they are relatable to any reader.And you will meet them again in her next read.
She effortlessly blends elements Self-discovery,Romance,chemistry ,and family dynamics.
And I have added Cabos to my wishlist of "places to visit" after reading the book. Such is the descriptive writing style of the author.
And the idea of different Pov gives us reader a better understanding.
Coming back to Ayan and Tisha read this fun book to find out more.1 Destiny Imperati347 14

This was such a cute rom-com! It was easy to read and had the perfect amount of spice! I really disd Tisha at first but I feel she kind of won me over. This author's writing style is so unique and I love it! I'm so looking forward to more of her books!1 Katja ?101

While I mostly enjoyed the storyline, the writing style nearly made me dnf it. It’s written so choppy, and repetitively, and super descriptive every little detail needed to be mentioned to be more descriptive. Wasn’t my cup of tea unfortunately. 1 Heather McKenzie23 1 follower

This was an ARC read for me. 2nd book in a series. Great romance! I really enjoyed the love story with Tisha and Ayan but even more I loved following more of Dev and Emily’s story from Hitched in Hawaii. I love the bond of friendship based on the men instead of the women. I learned some history about India and Pakistan I did not know. The cultural influence of the families was interesting. Looking forward to following their journey in the next book!1 Linda Jansen59 1 follower

Rating: ????????

I received this as an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review, and I can honestly say this book surprised me (in a good way!)

Ayan was a great MMC and the perfect book boyfriend. While Tisha really annoyed me for part of this, she really grew as a character and came around, and I found myself really rooting for them as a couple!

The multicultural aspect of this book was unique but I really enjoyed it as it introduced me to a world that I don’t have experience with myself — such as arranged marriages, cultural differences etc.

“Coupled in Cabos” was the perfect mix of romcom, spice, humour and uniqueness it had me hooked the entire time.
1 Deamer396 38

For cynics and heartbroken people, this will be an unexpected heartwarming romance spicy but different

Rating: 4.5 stars

Real life has been weird lately sucking out hope from me, I generally try to let go and move on, but its been weird. I came across the 'Vacation & You' book series by Dhara then, I felt I had to pick them up to brighten things a bit. I also read the first book. I loved it too, but this one hit all the right spots for me.

This book checked all the tick marks, romance - big yes, connection and understanding - another big yes, character awareness which is my favourite as some of you know already - a big clap of yes.

Tisha, the main protagonist, wow she is something, a modern woman stymied into 'Indian' values due to her father, facing big real life problems in the beginning but slowly blossoms into a beautiful human being who owns up to herself, making choices to move beyond and that was something.

Ayan, the male protagonist, I had already d him in the first book, but he won Tisha's heart and mine too front and center with his grumpy but loving personality. He felt real and that added a nice touch to the book.

Kudos to the author for writing the story in a way which felt real and true to each individual, bringing life to their insecurities but still going above and beyond to make them accept them, that brought a very satisfying arc to the book.

I d the spice too, it was needed for this book, that took the story to another level. I loved the book period.

Book Recommendation - Hell yeah for curious romcom lovers

I received an advance copy and I am voluntarily leaving a review in my own words. Maz1,093 20

After reading and loving Hitched in Hawaii, I was looking forward to this one. I remember Ayan from the first book.
He is staying at Dev's and Emily's holiday rental while in Cabo, Mexico. This is where he meets Trish. Ayan is Pakistani, kind, hot and intelligent.
Trish is very Curvy and is dual heritage. Her father is Indian. I really struggled to Trish, yes they have grumpy but she came across very petulant. I understand why she tried to keep him away but there was nicer ways to do it. One is because of a secret and two because her dad is r4c1st and being Indian he doesn't Pakistanis. This is a well known fued between the two countries. But if new generation is able to look past it, I think the old generation needs to start doing it. But I understand as being Asian I know how these historical issues are hard for old generations to look past. So Dhara has handled this truthfully and as cautiously possible.
I guess in the end seeing how Trish stands up to her father and how she tries to win Ayan back, kind of redeems herself. I was celebrating when she stood by Ayan with her head held high.
Their chemistry was felt a bit later on the book for me. Although it was there from the beginning, it wasn't as strong until the secret is revealed. There was drama, emotions, love, rivalry and spice.
I absolutely loved that Dev and Emily were just as involved in this. Was great to see what's happening in their life.
There is a sensitive issue that gets discussed so check trigger incase it affects you.
I d how it ended and want to know what the next book has in store for us. I hope to see more of Ayan and Trish. Shravani15

As I loved the first book of the series I was curious to read this book. The book is not exactly the continuation of the first book, but one of the characters from the first book is the main lead here and it's his story. So even if in case you have missed the first book, do not worry, you will understand the story but it will be better always to know more story.
Ayan and Tisha poles apart in personalities and belong to two different standards of society but find attraction towards each other. Ayan who is a very cool guy and lives his life on his own terms, basically does not want to be in love and relationships, and finds himself falling for Tisha head over heels. On the other side, Tisha who is pushing away Ayan even though she is attracted towards him, gives the story the touch of slow-burn romance.
Tisha was playing to get hard but she has her genuine reasons for that, which I will not give here for obvious reasons.
The chemistry between both the characters is just mind-blowing but the story has its own twists and turns which will make you think, that these kinds of people will never find love again if they are not going to be together.
I can not wait for the third book so I can get more story about the third couple as I got some hints from this book and so I would to know more about Ayan and Tisha as well.
The steamy scenes are written very well and I can not wait to see Ayan and Tisha's romance scene even in the third book.
Do grab the book to read it anytime but during your vacation or honeymoon time, it will level up your romance for sure. Rt_reads116 4

I just finished reading "Coupled in Cabos" from my favourite go to author and let me tell you, it was an absolute rollercoaster of emotions! This romantic comedy had me hooked from the very beginning with its unique and intriguing storyline.

The dynamic between Ayan and Tisha is both hilarious and complicated. I found myself laughing out loud at their banter and the way they constantly rubbed each other the wrong way. Tisha's grumpiness and Ayan's attraction to her created this delicious tension that kept me eagerly turning the pages.

One thing that stood out to me was the author ability to create well-developed characters. Tisha, with her hot exterior and sharp tongue, had me constantly guessing what was going on beneath the surface. And Ayan, the charming hero, refused to give up on her, determined to uncover her secret and win her heart.

Throughout the book, the author skillfully weaved in moments of true love and heartfelt emotions. The high stakes and epic battles between good and evil kept me on the edge of my seat, eagerly rooting for Ayan and Tisha to overcome their obstacles and find happiness together.

I must say, "Coupled in Cabos" is a delightful romantic comedy that perfectly balances humor, spice, and genuine emotions. It's a story that will make you laugh, swoon, and maybe even shed a tear or two. If you're a fan of grumpy sunshine characters, witty banter, and a touch of mystery, this book is definitely worth a read!
Jane litherland2,074 34

Ayan is vacationing in a beach house owned by his best friend Dev and his wife Emily ( Hitched in Hawaii) . He sees there are black flags on the beach denoting the danger of riptides etc so he’s surprised to see a woman near the water, when he sees her dip her toes he’s belting down there to rescue her. Only she doesn’t see it quite the same as he does and sparks fly. She is the sister of the owner of the beach house next door and they know Dev but she thinks Ayan is just a freeloader. When Emily arrives and seems is all over Ayan , she thinks it is her duty to inform Dev of their dalliance which he finds highly amusing …Dev is to join them later and with jubilation relates to Emily and Ayan what they’re supposed to have done…… Ayan soon finds a reason to get to know Tisha and they do spend time together with the newly married couple . As the romance blossoms in a a will they won’t they own up their feelings towards each other , a discovery is made about Tisha that has Ayan wanting no needing to help her even if they will not see each other again after his vacation ends…. This story has so many depths, it’s really well written and deals with a delicate subject extremely well and with empathy . The narrative is really well constructed and the characters are very engaging relatable. I read this book in one sitting. Could not put down, it’s that immersive and a compelling experience.
I read an advance copy of this book and my review is voluntary and in my own words Lynn500 8

Tisha is staying at her sister’s beach house when she encounters the very hot Ayan. Although she finds him extremely attractive, she grossly misjudges him and assumes he’s either a freeloader or a short term renter. After an embarrassing misunderstanding, Tisha is forced to apologize for her conduct, does a poor job of it, and Ayan responds by marching over to her house, interrupting her shower, and kissing her silly. Shortly thereafter begin a physical relationship however temporarily, where Ayan learns Tisha’s most intimate and personally devastating secret. Ayan embarks on a quest to be the one to help Tisha with her issue.
This was a pretty quirky book, and apparently part of a series, and as such several of the secondary characters show up in the book. There was a lot of unevenness in the way Tisha and Ayan interacted with one another, especially early on. Many of their reactions were over the top or just plain confusing.
Also the manner in which feelings became involved seemed out of nowhere, and not in keeping with what the reader learns of the MCs early on.
One truly unfortunate aspect was the gross over sharing of their intimacy with other characters, and the lack of boundaries the secondary characters have particularly in Ayan’s case with Dev and Emily.
I received an advance reader copy from the author and bookfunnel and I’m sharing my honest review. Patty Baumeister322 28

ARC Book Review
Coupled in Cabos
A Novel Written By Dhara Shah
Fiction - Romance
Published December 5, 2023
236 Pages

This is the author’s second book in her Vacation & You Series. This book takes place two years after the first book in the series, Hitched in Hawaii. Many of the characters from that book are also featured in this book.

Tisha Gill and Ayan Siddiqui are the main characters. Ayan wasn’t one of my favorite characters in the first book. He redeems himself in this book. Ayan and Tisha meet in Cabos, Mexico. He is there for a medical conference and vacation. Tisha is on vacation. They are staying in neighboring houses on the beach. Their first impressions of each other are not favorable. Quickly, things get heated between the two. Because Tisha is Indian and Ayan is Pakistani, a relationship that leads to marriage will not be accepted by her father. Will love win out for these two lovebirds?

The author included a lot of spice in this one! I am looking forward to the third book in the series to see how this all plays out.

“But I’m not fine without you in my life.”

Mohini Shukla336 2

A grumpy girl will find a boy who can be her sunshine. Wow. That is something interesting. The trope of this book was something, I was looking forward to reading.
The book is the second book of the Vacation and You series by Dhara Maam. The first book was incredible and I loved Dev and Emily in that and their role in this book. This book has different couples but they are connected. But the best part about this book is even if you have not read the first part, grab this book and read it, you will understand what's going on because it has focused on only Ayan and Tisha.
Ayan's character is something very easy to understand for me as an Indian because I know many boys with whom I can relate that character but Tisha's character came as a soul sister for me. The chemistry between them was good but I think the execution of spicy scenes and at the end of the story things could have been better, I am telling this because I have loved all the books by Dhara Maam and I know how incredibly she writes. I will wait for the third book with a lot of curiosity and I hope everyone gets their perfect match at the end. Amanda C88 1 follower

Coupled in Cabos features Tisha and Ayan.
A very much enemy -ish to lovers romance.
Very much Grumpy Sunshine, but SHE'S the grump. He's a cardiologist.
She's a spoiled rich kid.
He's Pakistani American.
She's Indian American.
Having very little knowledge on Indian/Muslim cultural differences, I was surprised to learn of the friction these characters encounter due to their backgrounds.
No spoilers here so you'll have to read to find out specifics.
The spice is spicing in this one and I always enjoy how this author really let's us into her Characters minds and how they think.
She's always very thorough in showing how her characters make their life decisions.
As always with Dhara, family plays a huge part in this story.

We even get to spend some time with the couple from Hitched In Hawaii! (Dev and Emily)

A simple, quick read. Dual POV.
These lil love stories are really great palate cleansers for me.
While also learning about other cultures, I get to fall in love with these characters.

I'm excited to read her third book in this series, Engaged in England! Jane litherland2,074 34

Ayan is vacationing in a beach house owned by his best friend Dev and his wife Emily ( Hitched in Hawaii) . He sees there are black flags on the beach denoting the danger of riptides etc so he’s surprised to see a woman near the water, when he sees her dip her toes he’s belting down there to rescue her. Only she doesn’t see it quite the same as he does and sparks fly. She is the sister of the owner of the beach house next door and they know Dev but she thinks Ayan is just a freeloader. When Emily arrives and seems is all over Ayan , she thinks it is her duty to inform Dev of their dalliance which he finds highly amusing …Dev is to join them later and with jubilation relates to Emily and Ayan what they’re supposed to have done…… Ayan soon finds a reason to get to know Tisha and they do spend time together with the newly married couple . As the romance blossoms in a a will they won’t they own up their feelings towards each other , a discovery is made about Tisha that has Ayan wanting no needing to help her even if they will not see each other again after his vacation ends…. This story has so many depths, it’s really well written and deals with a delicate subject extremely well and with empathy . The narrative is really well constructed and the characters are very engaging relatable. I read this book in one sitting. Could not put down, it’s that immersive and a compelling experience.
I read an advance copy of this book and my review is voluntary and in my own words Heather Burt95 7

Once again dhara shah pull story with another book. This is the second book in the vacation in you series. Hitched in Hawaii came out earlier this year.

this is definitely a read for summer. Ayan saves Tisha from drowning. And as most women when we're panicking instead of thinking somebody we give them a peace of mind and that's exactly what she did. What she doesn't realize is he finds her insanely hot but when she tells him how she feels she ruins it.

being on vacation there is an odd of 1 in 10% that you would be staying next door to the person who kept you from drowning. Sadly this is the case. Tisha is next door and she finds him attractive but knows that he has to stay forbidden. So things get a little spicy and they have a one night stand.

Hoping this fake attraction will come to an end destiny tells them different.

If you're looking for a double POV, rom-com, spicy, grumpy Sunshine, enemies to lovers, multicultural, and beach vibes grab this book now. Samantha Nipper2 2

I received this book as an advanced reader for an honest review.

This book is a quick and easy read with just the right amount of spice! I recommend to check out ‘Hitched in Hawaii’ prior to reading this book, but you could read this one without being lost.

I enjoy Dhara Shah bringing in different cultures into her materials that are not normally represented in romance novels.

I loved the tension between Ayan and Tisha, the build up was everything! I enjoyed seeing their story begin while also continuing to get a glimpse into Dev and Emily’s new adventures (characters from ‘Hitched in Hawaii’).

I hope to see more of Ayan and Tisha I’m booked 3 as we find out about Tisha’s sister and her new British fiancé!

This is a 5 star that I recommend to anyone who is looking for romance mixed with comedy! AshLynn Baughman-Kiersey20 6

I revived an arc for this book as well as the first to post an honest review.

I have to start with this was a very cute and easy read with a dash of spice. I love reading books that incorporate different cultures that aren’t typically incorporated in romance novels.

With that being said, I absolutely despised Tisha in the beginning but as she grows, I began to enjoy her character a lot more. The love interest with Ayan and Tisha was beautiful. Ayan was so patient and loving with Tisha even though she didn’t always deserve it. I can’t wait to see what the next book has in store for this couple!

Overall, the author did a great job at capturing different aspects of relationships making it seem more real in my opinion. I loved her writing style and can’t wait for her to publish her next book. Georgie’s Library19 2

I was so incredibly lucky to be one of Dhara’s arc readers for a second time!

having previously read Hitched in Hawaii, I was super excited about going into this book and reading Ayan’s story.

Ayan met his match with Tisha, and I loved every moment of it. The storyline was definitely interesting, and a lot spicer than hitched.

This sounds silly to say but I really enjoyed reading the story from both Ayan and Tisha’s perspectives. The story itself was a lot, and quite an emotional one. Being able to see the emotional and mental sides of these characters was really enjoyable, I loved that we got to see more of Emily and Dev and seeing their happy ending.

Overall this was an awesome read! cannot wait for the third and final book
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