
Omega Required de Dessa Lux

de Dessa Lux - Género: English
libro gratis Omega Required


An alpha werewolf chasing his dream meets an omega fighting for his life in a strictly temporary marriage of convenience…

Alpha werewolf Beau Jeffries has been going it alone ever since he was cast out of his pack as a teenager for trying to help a human and endangering the pack’s secrets during the tumultuous years when the wider world was learning the truth about werewolves. He hasn’t lost his drive to help others, and he’s about to begin a prestigious medical residency–only to learn that, as the first werewolf the program has knowingly accepted, he’ll have to follow special rules, including the one that requires him to be married when he begins his residency.

Omega werewolf Roland Lea is just trying to survive. After escaping the last and worst in a string of abusive relationships that left him scarred and unable to conceive, he’s found safety in a refuge for homeless omegas. But despite the help he’s getting at the refuge, he just keeps getting sicker instead of better, further and further from being able to make it on his own. When he’s offered the opportunity to sign up with a mate-matching agency, he figures he has nothing to lose. No alpha is ever going to want an omega like him.

When Beau sees Roland’s profile, he knows at once what’s making the omega sick, and he’s determined to help. If he can persuade Roland to marry him, he can save Roland’s life while Roland helps him get through his residency. But will their hasty partnership be enough to bring them both through what’s ahead–and can temporary necessity lead to a forever love?

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DNF @70%. I’m done. This book isn’t the most terrible thing ever, but it has nothing holding me to it at this point.

This is the first A/B/O-mpreg-omegaverse novel I’ve read (or, mostly read). I’m rather fascinated by the concept and I’ll definitely try others. The first 30% or so, I was pretty into it and curious about what was going to happen, but since then it has been beyond sloooooow. Even with the extra sexual elements that should make variety a given, it’s already gotten repetitive there, too.

But the worst of it is that the characters are flat and saintly, without a selfish bone in their bodies. I can’t anymore with them treating each other eggshells and not communicating. Since I don’t really care what happens with them, I’m moving on.2018 abo-mpreg-etc author-first-date ...more24 s Susan2,245 425

3.5 stars

There were a lot of elements I d about this story. But mostly, the overabundance of hurt/comfort I found in this. I do have to say the book felt too long and some intriguing plot points were never resolved, so that left me a bit disappointed at the end.

Beau is a young alpha who has just finished medical school. He is fully prepared to start his residency at the prestigious Rochester Clinic, when he learns he will only get accepted if he has either pack ties, or a mate. Since Beau never wants to be in a pack again after his own pack kicked him out, his only option is a mate.

Rory is a traumatized omega living in an omega refuge. He has finally broken free from his last abusive alpha and is not looking for an alpha ever again. But then he gets asked if he wants to consider a marriage proposal from a young alpha. Rory will get taken care of, he will get paid and he can leave the marriage at any time, but hopefully after 3 years so that the alpha in question can finish his residency.

Rory isn’t sure what to think of Beau. He seems too good to be true. But he also knows he cannot live at the refuge forever, so this might seem a decent opportunity to be earn some money to stand on his own two feet after 3 years.

But once these two are married it is clear the marriage doesn’t feel fake to either of them. But Beau doesn’t want Rory to feel obligated to stay, and Rory is sure Beau doesn’t want him for a forever kind of marriage…

I loved the hurt/comfort parts in this. Rory is so hurt and shy, and Beau was this super patient alpha who just wanted to take care of Rory and to make him feel cared for.

I do have to admit that around the 50% mark I was getting just a bit bored since this book is so long. It takes them quite a while to be truly honest with each other about their feelings. Not that they were hiding everything, because both realized there must be feelings on both sides since they did act a true mated couple. But the true I loved yous only happened near the end.

There were two things I really didn’t and one was how Beau let himself be manipulated by the father of a young patient of his. And the other thing was how the medical problem with that patient was never resolved. I was so curious to find out what was wrong with the little girl, but we never learned that. Total bummer.

Other than that it was an enjoyable hurt/comfort alpha/omega mpreg story (no mpreg in this one, just the possibility) that might have been a tad too long, but still overall enjoyable. I do recommend this only for the die-hard shifter mpreg hurt/comfort fans, who the hurt omegas and the super sweet alphas who take care of them.


An ARC of Omega Required was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

This review has been cross-posted at Gay Book Reviews.
arc comfort-reads gbr ...more17 s Gail CarrigerAuthor 57 books15.1k

I don't normally go for mPreg romances, just not to my taste. This one, fortunately has no actual pregnancy, although it is a plot point. Honestly I don't go for the whole secret baby, accidental pregnancy, etc romances tropes in general, gay or not.

However, this one got a stellar review in one of the blogs I follow, so I thought I would give it a try. I do shifter stuff.

This is remarkably sweet and touching. A very gentle romance of two outcasts with tragic pasts finding and healing each other. My absolutely favorite part happens about 2/3 of the way through and has to do with stitching charms into clothing. Such an adorable idea. It reminded me of my youth (Mum stitched my name into most of my jackets because I was awfully forgetful) and also living in Peru. In Cusco we would take our clothing to a laundry service and they threaded colored yarn markers into everything. Anyway, this book offered a lovely family oriented twist on this simple premence. The ending was slightly abrupt, but otherwise nicely done.

A surprisingly charming and warm book, that will ly turn into a comfort re-read for me. Bit of a tear jerker, but in the best possible way. Sex scenes are San Andreas Shifter level graphic.queer shifters15 s Line1,082 185 Shelved as 'probably-not-but-freebie'

Freebie at the zon.com right now: https://smile.amazon.com/Omega-Requir...8 s Myriam370 59

4 stars that would really be 5 for anyone who s their Romance with a capital R

I love Dessa's work and have so far followed her down any path she wanted to take. I really enjoyed the Protection of the Pack series but compared to this new series (hopefully) it's clear that it was more focused on the explicit aspects of the a/b/o world. This time around the worldbuilding is still excellent but the focus is a little more broad and I really loved the world that she developed and can't wait to learn more about it!

Omega Required is the kind of a/b/o I prefer for a good long read. Alpha's are entirely able to control their urges to mate and Omega's are not viewed as in any way inferior to the other wolves. The fact that Roland still ended up being awfully abused by a succession of assholes is clearly down to them being assholes and not because he was too weak or their nature.

The hurt/comfort aspect is writ large all over this book. Beau, as a doctor, is already in the perfect position to help and care for Roland and the fact that he is an incredibly kind and thoughtful person only helps. That these two will fall in love over the course of their arranged 'temporary' mating is a given for anyone who has ever read a book in this genre.

The other given is that there has to be some obstacle to overcome before these two can have their well deserved HEA. And that's where Dessa Lux proves that she has been around this block a few times. Without spoiling anything I can tell you that there are no stupid misunderstandings, no entirely and obviously avoidable failures of communication or other tired cliches to threaten this relationship.

It's all really well done and dare I say realistic :) The same goes for the entire progression of the relationship really. No insta-love, no magicial healing cock. Roland is fucked up by the things he experienced and he is not magically ok again by his HEA.

For anyone worried about the specifics of his previous experiences: Do not worry. Anything he experienced is only alluded to in such a way you understand that it was awful but never spelled out in any way. There are no flashbacks. This is very much a story about what happened after he got himself out of the situation he was in and never about what his life was before.

I guess this is where that 1 star went for me when reading this. As a lover of dark!fic I am definitely the kind of reader who would have jumped to read exactly that story! But Dessa Lux is so good at this that I loved this quiet tale of two loners learning to open their hearts to each other.

I have some idea of who the next books could be about and I am really, really excited about that because I have some spoilery theories that I want to have confirmed.

If you're in the mood for a good a/b/o Romance with the promise of MPreg but not actual MPreg (yet) this is for you!

I was provided with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.a-b-o hot-shifter-dudes m-m ...more7 s Joyfully Jay7,969 458

A Joyfully Jay review.

4.5 stars

I’m going to start this review by saying Omega Required is one of the best Alpha/omega/shifter stories I’ve ever read. This is one of my favorite genres, and when I read the blurb, I knew it would be right up my alley. It didn’t hurt that Dessa Lux was the author. She has written some awesome stories, so I was already a fan. You guys, this one completely blew me away. I think I may have been expecting something different…maybe a little bit of a set up, then insta love, a little conflict, and a fluffy HEA. Instead I got a compelling story with layered characters in a situation that could be nothing more than a business transaction, but turns into something so much deeper. I was so enthralled with it, I read it straight through…no interruptions, no bathroom breaks, and no sleep. I simply did not want to put it down.

Read Kenna’s review in its entirety here.

kenna7 s ?Michaelle?3,672 216

Oh man, this book. I have to admit, it was slow going at first. Excruciatingly so, at times. Heart-breaking, too. But I am so very glad I persevered (it's a long book) because it was a wonderful story, with so much character and relationship development, so tender and romantic. (And also hot; it's a werewolf story, with knotting, so...yeah. Hot.)

I can't wait to read Adam & Casey's book now; I totally kept thinking that they would be thrown together, somehow, even though they don't appear on page together & don't know each other at all. But I felt it. And the preview chapter makes me think I'll love their story, too.fantasy-magic-paranormal lgbt m-m-romance ...more6 s Emily Seelye726 26

Beau is a werewolf interested in human medicine. He’s just finished medical school and looking to start his residency. The one program willing to work with him wants him to have support either through a mate, or a local pack.

Rory is a sickly omega who Beau thinks he can help and he ends up marrying to satisfy the school’s terms.

What starts off as a marriage of convenience/business transaction slowly turns to one of love. Before they can find their happily ever after, they need to learn to trust each other, and themselves.

I really d this, I was pulled into the story from the beginning and it held my interest throughout. That said, it did seem a little long, and I wish the conflict had been resolved sooner.

*ARC provided by author arc m-m shifters ...more6 s ~nikki the recovering book addict1,243 2

4 stars!!

I really enjoyed this! Although, the starts and stops of conversation was a little bit overused throughout the entire book. I was also beginning to get a tiny bit annoyed by Rory’s timidness but it was great that he managed to find his backbone and strength later!

Beau, for all intents and purposes, were really much too perfect. But that didn’t mean he didn’t make mistakes so it was lovely to see him falter and not be such a perfect character since perfection isn’t really part of reality and such.

I the way they got to know each other. I the pace of the story, although so much was implied and hinted and alluded to but not really explained. Which I wish was explored because it could have made the story that much richer. Rory had such a layered story that it was such a shame that we didn’t really get to see it in its entirety. Also, his family! And Beau’s family! I wanted them as part of the story too!

All in all, this was a solid read for me. I hope there’s more stories in this universe!2018-mm-read kindle-unlimited mm-romance ...more4 s Steph ??702 29

A shifter book with an actual story
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