
Omega Defiant de Dessa Lux

de Dessa Lux - Género: English
libro gratis Omega Defiant


An omega who wants nothing to do with alphas…
An alpha who wants to save omegas, but never meant to fall for one…
And a thousand-mile roadtrip that will change their lives… if they don’t kill each other first.

Omega werewolf Casey Niemi has grown up in the safety of his adopted pack. He can’t remember what took him from his original family–and he doesn’t want to, even if it might explain why getting too close to an alpha makes him panic. He’s moving on with his life and totally has it under control–until a new alpha shows up and throws Casey’s world completely off kilter.

Alpha werewolf Adam Vinick wants to improve the lives of omegas through the power of rigorous scientific research. After the death of his omega dad, he left his father’s pack and has never looked back. But he’s been having a hard time finding omegas for his study, and his life’s work may be cancelled if he can’t show results soon. When he turns to the Niemis for help, he’s not expecting an omega like Casey.

Adam and Casey have instant chemistry–the kind that explodes on contact. When the Niemis send Casey to assist Adam on his research trip, enemies become reluctant allies and it doesn’t take long for them to argue their way into each other’s beds.
But can their long road lead them to each other’s hearts?

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I don't even go here

I'm not really a werewolf person (not that there's anything wrong with werewolf people! It's just not a usual genre for me), but I'm a fan of Dessa Lux's writing in other genres, so I've been reading and enjoying her wolf serieses. This book, however, knocked me out with how amazing it is. It's got all the stuff you probably come to paranormal romance for, but the STORY. There's gender theory! There's examinations of systems of control! There's various takes on mental illness! There's a throughline of understanding that parents mostly do their best but that they still fuck you up sometimes! I loved every word of it, my heart felt sore and full from the experience, and this will stay with me for awhile.6 s Joyfully Jay7,969 458

A Joyfully Jay review.

4 stars

Omega Defiant is the second installment in the Wolves in the World series, following Omega Required. I d that one a bit more than this book, but not by much. The author is building a great world in which a great series can thrive. The stories are compelling, and there is obviously a much larger arc that they’re a part of. The characters are strong, interesting, and definitely well fleshed out. Their personalities shine through, they’re very easy to know, and they leave you wanting to know them more.

So, let’s start with Adam and Casey. It took me a while to really them. They had issues on top of their issues, but as their trip went on and I was able to get to know more about them, I began to love them. I picked up a lot of insecurity from both of them, and that’s one of the reasons I think they worked so well together. Eventually, they became each other’s security.

Read Kenna’s review in its entirety here.

kenna3 s ?Michaelle?3,672 216

I d this one even more than I did the first one...

Once again, it's a slow moving story - but at least the sexy times come a bit quicker in this installment. Heart-breaking (again) and yet so romantic. I can't wait to read Ethan's story. (Which I hope comes out soon!)fantasy-magic-paranormal lgbt m-m-romance ...more2 s Walford737 48

Phew! Made it through. And it was so worth it. Gotta tell you though our protagonists really wore me down with their prickliness and bickering (in the first quarter of the book, and this book is long); almost gave up. Don't give up! What a story, edge of my seat and all that good stuff. Didn't make it through the first in this series for the above reasons, as I recall, but now I'm going back to finish it. (BTW you don't need to read the first to enjoy this one.)2 s Erica ChilsonAuthor 42 books435

I received a free copy of this title to read and review for Wicked Reads

3.5 Stars

Dessa Lux is a new-to-me author.

Omega Defiant is the second installment in the Wolves in the World series. While I hadn't realized this was the second in a series, it didn't offer any confusion while reading. With that being said, I do believe a few of my issues would have been resolved if I had read the series in order.

Alpha Adam is a researcher, doing a genetics study on omegas. His personality comes off as cold and clinical, distanced with an emotional shield firmly in place. While Adam's personality and profession fit perfectly, it was hard for me as a reader to fully connect with him. I'm more of a cerebral person, so I could understand to a certain extent, but it made the emotional and romantic connection seem cold and clinical as well.

Omega Casey is a midwife, not living with his birth pack, after painful events happened to him when he was a small child. I won't go into detail, as that was part of the mystery of Omega Defiant, not shown until far into the novel, details given as the novel progressed.

Casey is manic. That's the best word I can use. Manic. He's suffering PTSD over events he doesn't remember, with his pack walking on eggshells around him or forgiving any transgression because it was Casey, not expecting more out of him.

Science and emotion collide in a perfect balance between the alpha and the omega, some of their interactions more angsty love-hate, slow-burn, where they ignored their immense attraction to one another. While yummy, the manic and the clinical never resonated with me, as neither Adam nor Casey were easy to read, both personalities rather grating at times.

Adam goes pack to pack, signing up omegas in a genetics study, with Casey as his guide, where they grow closer together, while exploring issues from both of their pasts- those issues that caused their personalities to be what it is today.

On the surface, the plot and the delivery should have had me turning the pages at a rapid rate. However, it took me nearly two weeks, reading a chapter here or there, to finish the novel, simply because I was never as hooked as I felt I should be.

The pace is definitely on the slower side, without much of a hook at the beginning, with the clinical monologue. I fear some may stop reading before they get to the meat of the story, as the novel's pace is slow, the length long, and the details are strung out, not necessarily released when necessary to keep the reader's attention.

My inability to connect to either narrator may have been resolved had I read the series in order. While the world-building is not confusing at all- definitely not shown in much detail, sticking to the norm of the genre -if I had read the first, I may have developed an emotional connection to the characters and the universe they were structured in, where I would have connected better with Adam and Casey.

In the future, I may go back and read the first, then reread this novel. If my view of the story changes, I will edit my rating and review accordingly.

I do recommend this author, novel, and possibly the series, as the plot was a solid one. My issue was simply how I never connected to the narrators.3-5 alpha-male doctor ...more1 Serra ?·??·??276 17

I continue to enjoy this series and the world the author’s built here!

Where Rory and Beau were gentle and soft, Casey and Adam are explosive and fierce. They push each others buttons no one else can.

They’ve both had traumatic childhood experiences and while their reactions were quite different, it was interesting that they both developed a wariness against alphas/omegas respectively. Casey in particular because he truly repressed what he went through.

And yet... they just couldn’t resist each other. That’s what made their slow surrender to their feelings and building trust so satisfying.

I d the way Casey’s history was slowly unraveled as he opened up to Adam and let his guard down. The fact that he shared that with Adam, and inspired Adam to look back as well was really impactful. Two broken people, healing together... It always gets me!

I also really appreciate that the author pushes the boundaries of the a/b/o genre w/ inclusivity rather than being confined by normativity.

Overall this was a great read!1 Bea124 4

I had a pretty lukewarm response to the first book in this series, but I found this one to be pretty damn amazing.

If I recall correctly, I already had a weird attachment to Adam back then, even when he appeared very minimally, and reading about his backstory here kinda justified that attachment. I really love Casey as well, and I just love Adam and Casey's dynamic together. They're equal parts banter and softness - just the way I it.

The writing style is still superb; I often say that you can tell the author writes (or used to write?) fanfic because of how her narrative just flows. My reading experience is always smooth and I read half of this book the day I started it. Exams and projects be damned.

Looking forward to see where this series goes! Ethan's story is going to be a fascinating one, I can already tell.favorites fiction paranormal ...more1 Sheila671 31

Disclaimer: I know the author.

I found this book so intense that I kept having to stop and just absorb it - and then dive back in, because omg what was going to happen next. There were a lot of unexpected twists, including things that had me shrieking and disturbing the cat, and through it all Adam and Casey both being stubborn and painfully themselves while falling in love just made me so damn happy.1 Poplora625 91


Better than the first but still lacking some resolution1 Karolina Cebula390 4

Review in English and Polish || Recenzja po angielsku i polsku

Although Adam Vinick is not a child anymore, the memories of his difficult childhood return to him every single day. That's what made him the alpha he is now – staying out of the way, awkward in his relationships with others, always careful and fully devoted to his research, that in the future could help the omega werewolves on many planes of life. To achieve his goal and open up new perspectives for omegas, Adam must open himself to working with others, even if he's not good at it. And that's exactly how the fate puts Casey Niemi in his path, a vulgar omega who keeps away form alphas and who, from the very first meeting, would to either jump down Adam's throat or rip his clothes off.

"Omega Defiant" is the second volume of "Wolves in the World" series and although you can read this novel without knowing the previous part, it's not easy for the reader to comfortably enter this universe. At the moment, I'm not able to assess the extent to which the lack of knowledge regarding the first part of the series is responsible for that, but what I know for sure is the fact that our adventure with "Omega Defiant" begins a bit chaotically. Instead of introducing us smoothly into the world of the novel and highlighting its most important features, the narrator seems to, to some extent, throw at us some not entirely clear fragments of the world-building facts. For this reason, it's hard for us to find ourselves in the book. Only as we get to know this story, everything begins to slowly look much clearer, as we on the one hand get used to our lack of knowledge and, at the same time, on the other hand gradually learn more, traveling alongside the two main characters. What else can I say, the universe created by Dessa Lux seems really interesting and unique, so it is really worth forgetting all about these initial ambiguities.

I admit that the above-mentioned uniqueness of the world of "Omega Defiant" is seen, among other things, in the presentation of the werewolf community. Let's begin with the fact that their existence is known to the world and has been accepted by people to such an extent that every werewolf has his race printed on the ID card. In this case, the author really surprised me, as I did not expect such openness between people and shapeshifters. However, this is not all, because it turns out that in the world of "Omega Defiant" some omega werewolves are taught to be midwives, among whom the highest position is occupied by Granny or Pappa, while lower in the hierarchy is Auntie or Uncle. And here we get to the heart of the matter. It turns out that these titles are given to midwives, regardless of their "first" gender – in other words, it's not important if they are men or women. For me this was probably the biggest surprise in this novel and it took me the longest time to get used to it. Yes, Auntie Mark gave me a really hard time!

However, even more fascinating is the fact that the author attaches great importance to scientific research on werewolves, and in particular on omegas. It turns out that men who can give birth to children are a phenomenon even among their own race. For this reason, they require DNA testing and working on specifying the similarities and differences in the genetic code between them and other genders. In the "Omega Defiant" universe it is not known why omega is an omega. I think that this is an incredibly interesting theme and I really the fact that Dessa Lux bravely touched the subject of DNA, genetics, chromosomes and inheritance. Believe me, when Adam starts talking about his research on omegas, the reader absorbs every word.

Finally, I would to praise this novel for a very interesting choice of characters. Dessa Lux has created two differently broken werewolves, who at all costs try not to think about their problems, although everything they do is to some extent dependent on those issues. It is equally important that the reader slowly, step by step, discovers the protagonists' story, looks into their past and observes the changes taking place in their psyche. Even without knowing exactly what happened to them, we can easily see clear patterns of behavior which guide them and which change as the characters evolve. Their mutual relations also develop in a similar way, when instead of pure lust, feelings slowly come to the fore. All this is undoubtedly a reason, we read this novel with interest and pleasure.

In short, "Omega Defiant" is a novel that starts a bit awkwardly, but quickly gains momentum. It's set in an interesting and, in some ways, unusual world, which conceals many secrets even from people living in there. We can also find here some interesting, broken characters, whose evolution we observe in each and every chapter we're reading and whose love story really captivates us.


Adam Vinick ma za sob? trudne dzieci?stwo, którego wspomnienia powracaj? do niego ka?dego dnia. To w?a?nie ono uczyni?o go takim alf?, jakim jest teraz – nieporadnym w relacjach z innymi, trzymaj?cym si? na uboczu, zawsze ostro?nym i oddanym w pe?ni badaniom, które w przysz?o?ci mog?yby pomóc wilko?akom omega na wielu p?aszczyznach ?ycia. Aby osi?gn?? swój cel i otworzy? przed omegami zupe?nie nowe perspektywy, Adam musi otworzy? si? na wspó?prac? z innymi, nawet je?li nie wychodzi mu to najlepiej. W?a?nie w ten sposób los stawia na jego drodze Casey’a Niemi, wulgarnego, stroni?cego od alf omeg?, który ju? od pierwszego spotkania najch?tniej albo rzuci?by si? Adamowi do gard?a, albo zdar?by z niego ubrania.

„Omega Defiant” jest drugim tomem serii „Wolves in the World” i chocia? jak najbardziej mo?na czyta? t? powie?? nie znaj?c poprzedniej cz??ci, to jednak nie ?atwo jest czytelnikowi wej?? w to uniwersum. Na chwil? obecn?, nie jestem w stanie oceni?, na ile odpowiedzialny jest za to brak wiedzy dotycz?cej pierwszej ods?ony serii, ale tym, co wiem na pewno, jest fakt, i? nasz? przygod? z „Omega Defiant” zaczynamy troch? chaotycznie. Zamiast wprowadzi? nas p?ynnie w ?wiat powie?ci i zaznaczy? jego najistotniejsze cechy, narrator wydaje si? do pewnego stopnia wyrzuca? z siebie fragmenty faktów, które nie s? dla nas do ko?ca jasne. Z tego te? powodu, ci??ko jest nam si? w tym wszystkim odnale??. Dopiero w miar?, jak poznajemy t? opowie??, wszystko zaczyna nam si? nie?mia?o uk?ada? w g?owach, przyzwyczajamy si? do swojej niewiedzy i jednocze?nie stopniowo j? zmniejszamy, podró?uj?c u boku dwójki g?ównych bohaterów. A co tu du?o mówi?, tworzone przez Dess? Lux uniwersum wydaje si? naprawd? bardzo ciekawe i wyj?tkowe, tote? warto przymkn?? oko na te pocz?tkowe niejasno?ci.

Przyznaj?, ?e o wspomnianej wyj?tkowo?ci ?wiata „Omega Defiant” ?wiadczy mi?dzy innymi sposób przedstawienia ?rodowiska wilko?aków. Zacznijmy od tego, ?e ich istnienie jest znane ?wiatu i zosta?o przez ludzi przyj?te do wiadomo?ci do tego stopnia, ?e ka?dy wilko?ak ma swoj? ras? wpisan? do dowodu osobistego. W tym wypadku autorka mnie zaskoczy?a, jako ?e nie spodziewa?am si? takiej otwarto?ci mi?dzy lud?mi i zmiennokszta?tnymi. To jednak nie wszystko, poniewa? okazuje si?, ?e w ?wiecie „Omega Defiant” niektóre b?d?ce omegami wilko?aki s? szkolone na po?o?ne, w?ród których najwy?sze stanowisko zajmuje zazwyczaj Babunia, czy te? Tatko, za? ni?ej w hierarchii znajduje si? Cioteczka, b?d? te? Wujek. I tu dochodzimy do sedna sprawy. Okazuje si? bowiem, ?e tytu?y te nadawane s? po?o?nym omegom niezale?nie od ich „pierwszej” p?ci – inaczej mówi?c, nie wa?ne, czy s? m??czyznami, czy kobietami. To by?o dla mnie chyba najwi?kszym zaskoczeniem w tej powie?ci i do tego najd?u?ej musia?am si? przyzwyczaja?. Tak, Cioteczka Mark da? mi pod tym wzgl?dem nie?le popali?!

Jeszcze bardziej fascynuj?cy wydaje mi si? jednak fakt, i? autorka przyk?ada ogromn? wag? do bada? naukowych nad wilko?akami, a w szczególno?ci nad omegami. Okazuje si? bowiem, ?e m??czy?ni mog?cy wydawa? na ?wiat potomstwo, s? niejako fenomenem nawet w?ród w?asnej rasy. Z tego te? powodu wymagaj? przeprowadzenia bada? DNA oraz pracy nad wyszczególnieniem podobie?stw i ró?nic w kodzie genetycznym mi?dzy nimi, a innymi p?ciami. W ?wiecie „Omega Defiant” nie jest bowiem wiadome, dlaczego omega jest omeg?. Uwa?am, ?e jest to niesamowicie ciekawy motyw i bardzo podoba mi si? to, ?e Dessa Lux odwa?nie wesz?a w temat DNA, genetyki, chromosomów, dziedziczenia. Wierzcie mi, kiedy Adam zaczyna mówi? o swoich badaniach nad omegami, czytelnik ch?onie ka?de s?owo.

Na koniec chcia?abym pochwali? t? powie?? tak?e za bardzo interesuj?cy dobór bohaterów. Dessa Lux stworzy?a bowiem dwójk? w ró?ny sposób „z?amanych” wilko?aków, którzy za wszelk? cen? staraj? si? nie my?le? o swoich problemach, mimo ?e wszystko, co robi?, jest w jakim? stopniu im podporz?dkowane. Równie istotne jest to, ?e czytelnik powoli, krok po kroku odkrywa histori? g?ównych postaci, zagl?da w ich przesz?o??, jak i obserwuje zmiany zachodz?ce w ich psychice. Nawet nie wiedz?c dok?adnie, co ich spotka?o, mo?emy bez problemu dostrzec wyra?ne wzorce zachowa?, które nimi kieruj? i które zmieniaj? si? w miar?, jak bohaterowie ewoluuj?. W podobny sposób rozwija si? tak?e ich wzajemna relacja, kiedy zamiast czystej ??dzy, powoli do g?osu zaczynaj? dochodzi? równie? uczucia. Wszystko to niew?tpliwie sprawia, ?e powie?? czyta si? z zainteresowaniem i przyjemno?ci?.

Krótko mówi?c, „Omega Defiant” to rozpoczynaj?ca si? nieporadnie, ale szybko nabieraj?ca rozp?du powie?? osadzona w interesuj?cym i pod pewnymi wzgl?dami niecodziennym ?wiecie, który kryje wiele zagadek nawet dla zamieszkuj?cych go ludzi. To tak?e interesuj?cy bohaterowie po przej?ciach, których ewolucj? obserwujemy z ka?dym przeczytanym rozdzia?em i których historia mi?osna naprawd? nas porywa.favourite in-english lgbt ...more Sarita Chapdelaine1,214 1 follower

This is another amazing book in the Wolves in the World series and I love everything about it. I was engaged from the very first page and I could not put it down. It is well-written, emotional, inspiring, sweet, intriguing, funny at times, has some sad moments and the characters are incredible. There are a few surprising twists in the story but the overall feeling is hope. Hope that Casey can deal with the past that he can't remember and hope that Adam will also be able to deal with what happened in his childhood. I love Adam and Casey together and even though they start out disliking each other their connection and chemistry is smoking hot. Being forced to spend time together is the best thing that could happen to them and I love how their relationship changes and develops while they travel. The secondary characters are great and I am so happy to catch up with Rory and Beau. I love the ending and I can't wait to read Ethan's story next.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book. arc1 Meg405 3

I really enjoyed this book! I have not read the first book in the series, but I was not lost with the storyline at all. It was obvious that there is a story behind Rory and Beau, but it is not necessary for this plot. I do plan to read their story soon.

I read this book in one sitting. It kept me engaged throughout the story. It is different enough from other ABO books that I found it refreshing and really entertaining. And the sexy times were hot!

The MCs are well developed and have very strong personalities. Adam is not your typical Alpha, but his background is well thought out and fully underscores why he is the way he is. Casey is definitely a defiant omega, but he has his reasons, too. I really d that the author chose to portray the omegas as gender identity personal to the individual, not what the parents assume. There is even a nonbinary omega, which I was really excited to see.

I also d the nontraditional bonding that is possible in the world the author has created. It allows part of the action to take place, and also gives the MCs time to make responsible decisions.

All in all, I really did enjoy this omegaverse mpreg novel. This is a new author for me, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I d the story.

Happy reading!

*I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. * Madison Schaeffer190 5

So, look, quirky werewolf romance novels are kind of my guilty pleasure. That would be because the genre is... not always the absolute best. But this book, man. This book is the best werewolf book I've ever read. It might even be one of the best ROMANCES I've ever read. It's a master class in slowly-developed emotional intimacy, damaged but fundamentally good characters, and world building. The first book in this series was good - I enjoyed it. But this one? This one was incredible. I loved every single thing about it, from the science (WEREWOLF DNA YES) to the lore (so many neat cultural pieces to the werewolf thing) to the found family aspects. I'd never have thought of a werewolf romance novel as a venue for intensely thoughtful exploration of gender roles, but it managed that exquisitely too. The romance was amazing. This book was such an unexpected delight. If this genre is your cup of tea, I literally cannot recommend this one enough. So, so amazing. Elizabeth Hanelt85 3

The chemistry wasnt immediate but...

I really love a good slow burn, and I love Dessa Lux's other work, under All The Pen Names... we met both Adam and Casey in Omega Required, also a lovely piece of work, and a bit of psychological mystery. Or maybe sociological mystery would be a better term.
Adam is cranky, rigid, and academic, an alpha with almost no social skills, and he knows it. Casey is friendly, emotionally literate, a competent midwife with deep training in his pack's traditions. Casey also has a childhood trauma he's been unwilling to unpack, that includes a deep fear of Alphas.

Somehow though, there's something delicious about Adam... And Casey keeps drawing closer... Scooby2905 16

“Omega Defiant” is my first book by Dessa Lux and I think the writing is just not for me. I love alpha/omega books but this one just didn’t work for me. I struggled to finish it, which disappointed me because I love these books. I found it to be too wordy, way too long, and I had a hard time getting into the story. Although this is the second in the series I didn’t feel I needed to read the first, I wasn’t lost. This may be a case of me and not the book, since others seem to it.

I give this book 1-1.5 stars

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. MT390


This author manages to take everything we think we know about shifter mpreg and expand on it until it’s barely the same. It becomes something bigger and more wonderful than we knew to wish for.

The books in this series are long. This book was shockingly long for a mpreg. But it was important to use that entire length to tell the story. And what a story it was!!!

There is a depth to the world and characters that you just don’t frequently get with mpreg books. This story must have taken a lot of time and effort to craft and it was worth every second the author spent. It was just absolute perfection. coslyons226 14

I d Casey better than I d Rory, and so I was way more disappointed by the fact that he ended up acting so...flippantly? permissive? dotingly? around Adam. I just felt the switch got flipped too fast from distain to ardor, all because they fucked. Something about that really rubbed me the wrong way.

Also this one had way more mpreg which was not something I enjoyed at all, because pregnancy as a concept is deeply disturbing for me. (It’s a body horror thing that I have, nothing against folks who pregnancy)

One thing I did , because this is an awfully negative review and I actually didn’t hate this book, was the worldbuilding. I d the myths Casey told. Grace2,929 167

4.5 rounded down

Another really interesting book in this series! the first, it's on the long side, but the build here feels so natural that it really worked for me. I enjoyed the characters immensely, and I d that while Casey and Adam had their own traumas to work through, as did the characters in the first book, their journey was still very much their own. I continue to find the world-building here really fascinating, and am looking forward to Ethan's book next! Very curious to see if he's matched with the character we see in this book, or if it's with somebody completely different...kindle-unlimited mm-paranormal-supernatural mm-romance ...more Sineala733

I got the first book for free and went back and bought the second one, so the dastardly promotional tactic works! *shakes fist*

I am not typically a big fan of A/B/O werewolves but I love Dessa Lux's writing in other genres and under other names so I had no doubt she would be able to deliver a compelling romance story. And this was great. Adam and Casey are initially at odds with each other but then, over the course of a roadtrip, slowly fall in love and each end up learning things about their own and each other's pasts. Also there's a lot of fun worldbuilding about omega gender identity.

I'm gonna go buy the short story now, I guess.e-books fiction gay ...more Karen108 1 follower

Love love

I have read everything Dessa has put out through the kindle app. I just love her writing.
I have to say,, Casey and Adam’s story surprised me. I didn’t see any of it coming. As with most stories, you kind of get a feel for where the author is taking you. So that was nice to be actually stunned at what was happening.
Casey is just the right amount of snarky. Adam is stand off ish and tries not to rock the boat in life I think. He does what he can to not be a typical alpha I believe, which is what Casey needs in a partner. Kathryn3,409 27

Omega Defiant by Dessa Lux is the second book in the Wolves in the World series. Casey and Adam's story is a journey through finding themselves, answering the questions of the past and finding a forever future. Their interactions gave me all the feels with their sweetness and yet sexiness. The story is well told and highly entertaining, definitely kept my full attention.

I received an advanced reader's copy of the book and I am voluntarily leaving my honest review and recommendation.

Diana204 9

Absolutely fantastic series

I love a good shifter romance, and Dessa Lux writes fabulous ones. Not only do they have a page-turning plot and wonderfully sexy sex scenes, but the characters are so well written and the reader gets to see them grow throughout the book. Her werewolf culture is richly detailed, giving depth and context to the characters’ struggles. Truly a standout series by a standout author. Nimelle33 1 follower

I almost DNFed it at around 50%. The story was moving too slow, Casey was interesting, but Adams character was too plain and boring, so I lost interest. Even the smut felt boring. Eventually I got through the whole book in about 2,5-3 weeks, which is very unusal for me (I read my books usually in 1-3 days, depending on how much time I have), but it felt a chore to finish it. I d the first book better, but that also wasn't the best for me. schneefink273

I just wanted to read a chapter or two and ended up finishing this in one go. This was just overall a very nice story: A lovely slow romance between two characters with baggage that find together and how they fit together and can help each other, with some family drama as scenery that worked well too. Victoria1,666 2

A little deeper than your average shifter book

I guess I’ll start by saying that I have read all of this author’s books and I have really loved all of them. This story has two traumatized MCs who kind of figure their pasts out during a long road trip together. Love that these guys are weirdly perfect for each other in a totally unexpected way. Highly recommend. Kaila5,700 35

this was really interesting.. the writing is a whole different kind of world for me. i havent read many this. it was interesting and kept me on the edge of my seat curious to see what was next. the characters bantar was fun.. it made me laugh and smile. very good and i cannot wait to see more by this author and this series.
Beth3,458 15

I enjoyed this new installment in the WitW series, although I admit I put it down for a while as the guys discovered SO MUCH ANGSTY FAMILY BACKGROUND. I mean, honestly, they could have shared it among six or so extra people. But I d Casey and Adam together as the dysfunctional pair that they are, and I'm planning to move on to Ethan's story. Lux does a good romance.romance inaword364 5

In a word: Read the thing! This book is a bit the first in the series, and yet still different. And I loved it. Casey and Adam aren’t new characters, we first saw them in the first book (Omega Required, which is Beau and Rory’s story), but we get a way deeper insight into them here, now that we’re getting their story. Adam is Beau’s former classmate from medical school, and is now doing work as a researcher. He’s studying omegas, hoping that he can learn more about their physiology so that they aren’t such a mystery to themselves or anyone else. Casey is a midwife in the Niemi pack, the pack that informally adopted Beau and Rory in the last book. So the main plot to this book – Casey and Adam go on a road trip to collect samples for Adam’s research while also falling in love – is standalone, but reading both books in order makes for a richer experience with regards to worldbuilding and relationships between all the characters. The worldbuilding is probably one of the best things about this whole series because the author has created this complex universe with different mythologies for both werewolf lore and Omegaverse. Adam and Casey have had vastly different life experiences that have coloured the way they view the world, and part of their personal journeys on this literal journey is them learning about different experiences and broadening their worldviews (while also fucking and falling in love, natch). I really wasn’t expecting everything I got out of this story. It had romance, gender politics, worldbuilding, mystery, the whole thing. And it was great! Adam and Casey were great characters to follow and get to know, and they certainly made sure this road trip adventure was never boring. The twists and turns they discovered just added an extra layer of fun on top of everything, and made for a very engaging read. I really hope there’s a third book, because this universe is amazing and I need more of it.

[read the full post at In A Word] Lazysecrets 77

For some reason authors believe omegas being unreasonable and rude is empowerment. Adam wasn't a bad guy. Neither was the alpha in the last book. Someone who wants you to set your limits and respects them actively doesn't deserve to be treated a tyrant everytime they have a suggestion to make. Very weird. Let's love our partners and treat them actual people Beth242 6

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