
Last Girls de Demetra Brodsky

de Demetra Brodsky - Género: English
libro gratis Last Girls


Demetra Brodsky's Last Girls is a twisting, suspenseful YA thriller about sisterhood, survival, and family secrets set in the world of doomsday prepping

No one knows how the world will end.

On a secret compound in the Washington wilderness, Honey Juniper and her sisters are training to hunt, homestead, and protect their own.

Prepare for every situation.

But when danger strikes from within, putting her sisters at risk, training becomes real life, and only one thing is certain:

Nowhere is safe.

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Sisterhood and survival?

Time to break out the creepy grabby gif you all know I loooove:

31 s Stay Fetters2,197 148

"Rules breed rebels. We’ve all been taught that the black sheep is a deviation from acceptable standards and something to be avoided. Still, when you see it amongst a herd, its lack of conformity is what steals your breath and captures your attention."

There are people out in the world who think they know when the end of the world will happen. They spread that a long to anyone who will listen, thus causing a huge surge of chaos. When the end of the world is near, are you prepared?

Blue, Birdie, and Honey are known as the Juniper Sister Weirdos. They don’t live on normal streets or live a normal childhood but they do live with the other doomsday preppers on a compound in the Washington wilderness and the outsiders don’t know it. Instead of meeting friends for coffee or texting, they learn how to hunt, live without comfort technology, and survive.

What they thought was a safe community turns into something that makes them second guess everything that they’ve ever known. One of their own is sent away but not before warning the sisters. Now nowhere is safe and this isn’t what they were trained for.

I didn’t know much about doomsday preppers before reading this but I’ve heard the term. This sheds a lot of light on what they are and how they sacrifice a lot to feel safe and secure when the time comes.

What got me giddy was the mention of something that shouldn’t have been mentioned. All I can say is that they broke the first two rules and Tyler Durden will be displeased. (I am Jack’s smirking revenge)

Last Girls was a breath of fresh air for YA thrillers/mysteries. This was so much more than a preppers life and I was shocked at the twists in this book. Nothing this has been in my possession before and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It sinks its claws into you from the start and never lets go. It was a thrill ride for sure and one that I’ll never forget. This will be the book that you’ll want to add to your soon to be read lists.

Just remember your three R’s. Be Responsible, Reactive, and Ready.

But most importantly..... Don’t Trust Anyone!!33 s Susan's Reviews1,138 607

This author knows a lot about prepping for the Last Days. She did a lot of research. We are given the benefit of all of this research in great detail. So much so that several of the action sequences in the story lost a lot of momentum. This book needed serious editing, or it needed to be chopped up into two stories, told from different points of view? TMI, but quite literally so. I started to skim here and there because I didn't need every little scene or facial expression or thought dissected.
The ending was a major disappointment to me. Don't get me wrong, you have a wonderful HEA, but it was kind of rushed, and it was kind of a major twist. Now HERE was a point where you wouldn't have minded the author running on for a few more chapters. The WHAAAAAAT?!?! moments and twists and turns toward the end left me feeling totally dissatisfied.

This author writes so well and does a decent job with her characters. I really loved the three sisters and enjoyed a fair amount of this book, but I kept cringing at how much information was being thrown at me in almost every sentence. "Overdescribed" is not a word, but it applied here.
You will still enjoy this one, but I felt the author was prepping the reader for the "end of days." If that is your goal, then this book is for you! I rate this one a 3.45 out of 5.29 s ?faith?trust?pixiedust?408 526 Shelved as 'dnf'

I received this eARC from Tor Teen via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of this book in any way.

DNF at 11%

I always feel bad DNFing ARCs but at the same time, I'm not gonna force myself to read and then rate poorly a book I don't want to read anymore, regardless of whether its released or not. I didn't this. It's as simple as that.

I'd say my biggest issue with this was the somewhat false but mostly incredibly vague advertising. I thought I had an idea what it was about going in to things, and it turned out I was wrong. I expected a survival horror-esque book along the lines of The Water Cure or a non-scifi/fantasy version of Wilder Girls. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I expected there to be a doomsday in this, and instead it was just a school shooting conspiracy. The lack of a trigger warning was disgusting and I absolutely hated that aspect. It gave me a lot of anxiety, as I've been in a lockdown for a suspected school shooting before, and though nothing happened and everyone was safe, I still get a lot of anxiety from that. Beyond myself, I'm sure, given how frequent they've been in recent years, that this book will make its way to someone who has suffered through an active shooter and they'll relapse because of the lack of warning. Again, it's disgusting. I really hope the published copy has a trigger warning, because if it doesn't, then I'm boycotting Tor for being garbage. I don't have an issue with including difficult topics, just give me a freaking warning, would you?

My second biggest issue was the writing, the characters, and the plot beyond the false advertising. The writing was extremely voicy and very very very first person and I simply didn't the main character. She was really annoying and her narration made everything super difficult to follow. There wasn't a whole lot of logic to each scene and the sheer amount of exposition didn't make a lot of sense considering the first person narration.

The rest of the cast, mostly her sisters, seemed to be just a bunch of manic pixie dream girls, too ethereal to be human and too ridiculous to be human either. I didn't particularly care for the bunker thing. And the fact that these doomsday preppers even go to normal public school was frankly unbelievable. I doubt literally the entire premise.

I could sense that there was going to be some random love interest boy so I jumped ship before he could annoy me beyond his obnoxious classroom staring. The random unmentioned character with an artist family was fine but "his sisters"? What the heck?

Ultimately, this wasn't what I wanted and it isn't what I to read, so I dropped it a hot potato. If I were to rate this, which I won't, it would probably be a 1 star. I really didn't it. Feel free to check it out for yourself and if you do, let me know if the publisher ever put a trigger warning.


So, I checked the book preview on Amazon and the copyright page doesn't show a trigger warning and as far as I can tell, there isn't one.

Also, what on earth? Why did they use *this* font?

1st-person arc contemporary ...more27 s Martina338 44

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher Tor Teen (Macmillan-Tor/Forge) for providing me with the digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The first thing that caught my eye about Last Girls by Demetra Brodsky was how it was presented: a tale of doomsday preppers, secret compounds and sisterhood. The second thing was that its synopsis (as you can see from above) doesn’t tell anything more. The third thing was its breath-taking cover. So, when I started reading this novel, I had literally no idea where the whole story would be going. I found myself entangled in a pretty unique and unexpected tale. And guys, I completely loved every single page.
The characters are all very well developed and every single one of them has a lot of depths, especially the main protagonists, Honey, Birdie and Blue. Every sister has her own strong personality and this is shown very well. During the read I really grew fond of any them.
Last Girls is a breath of fresh air for YA thrillers, for sure. I’ve never read anything this one and I enjoyed every single twist, even if some of them were quite predictable. This is so much more than a book about doomsday preppers’ lives and mysteries. It’s about family, sisterhood, brotherly love and the importance of art.
This book had a huge impact on me. It was a rollercoaster of emotions and I will hardly forget its gripping story or characters. I strongly recommend this read, it’s such a unique and special story.23 s Christy1,505 285

Demetra Brodsky's debut, Dive Smack, was my favorite book of 2018 and she's back with her sophomore story that completely enraptured me. Told in parallel stories that converge in a way that will make you gasp aloud as they converge, Last Girls is a story perfect for the current world as it explores hope, connection, and the things we hold onto when times are difficult. I won't soon forget the Juniper Sisters!

Cover Reveal!

Check out the cover of Last Girls, get your preorder on, and be sure it's on your TBR!

Cover Reveal Coming Monday!

I already know this is going to be a favorite of 2020.24 s Sofii? (A Book. A Thought.)406 443

I want to thank NetGalley and Tor Teen for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book a lot, especially its great originality and the incredible perspective that the author chose to explore, atmospheric and suspenseful. It took me a bit, in the beginning, to get fully into it, especially since the main character didn't click with me and I ended up having certain problems with her attitude, I feel that it's simply not my type of character, even so, I enjoyed most of the aspects of the book and it's a stand-alone that I would definitely recommend, for its survival and sisterhood side.

4/5 ????

You can find more fo my on my blog A Book. A Thought.

In Last Girls, we follow the Juniper sisters: Blue, Birdie, and Honey, who live in a doomsday preppers community, where they've been trained to survive any possible destruction or "end of the world" as we know it. One day, a danger awakens from within and Honey must put everything they learned to the test to keep her and her sisters safe.

I really enjoyed the plot itself, in fact, since I knew what it was about I had an interest in reading it, it's a YA suspense/thriller that has all the condiments to keep you hooked from the first moment since jumps quickly into the action. I how the author handles intense moments and the action too because I felt that it was also watching a movie, which I really d. I don't want to dig too deep into the plot itself because I think exploring it yourself is part of the fun, it has unexpected twists that genuinely blew me away, and it takes interesting paths to follow.

Exploring also the doomsday preppers lifestyle was very interesting, especially because I didn't really know much about it, rather than having seen this dynamic in some movies, so I really d that it was the focus of the story, it makes it unique and quite peculiar, to distinguish it from other books of the genre. In addition to touching on these topics, the book covers a large range of situations, it talks about family, friendship, love, and personal grown, it also touches on topics such as terrorism and conspiracies. Overall, I really enjoyed each one of these aspects, which is great.

On the other hand, I had a difficult time with the characters, especially with Honey, who has a very distinctive personality, is somewhat abrupt, terribly honest and can also be very hurtful with others, but behind all that, I must admit that there's an artist sensitive soul inside her and a protective sister that I d to see. On the other hand, I loved the character of Blue, it was my favorite, for some reason the smallest of the Junipers touched my heart with her personality so mature for her age and was the only one whom I could really connect with. Then we have Birdie and she's the trouble-maker type, and impulsive, and I feel pretty unbiased about the character.
But the magic happens when they're all together because I completely LOVED their sisterhood, the way they protect each other, the concern and love is remarkable, and it made me feel so good to read a sister dynamic this one, simply I loved it. We have more secondary characters but honestly, I don't feel that any of them has a great impact other than being there as a love interest, and I'm sorry to say that, but it's something that almost always happens to me, and that's that I didn't enjoy the romance as I expected, it seemed to me that it developed hastily.

The writing style is wonderful, I ended up super committed to it, but I confess that at first, I found it somewhat difficult to follow. Even so, I would be interested in reading more of the author, even more, if she continues writing about this type of plot, so exciting and intriguing.

This is a super personal opinion that didn't prevent my enjoyment of this story at all, but I do think it would have been more beneficial and accurate to follow a single plotline or at least two at most. The author expands this story too much, so we have many sub-plots ramifications that can be somewhat distracting from the main topic and can even make reading somewhat dense. Especially when you start reading it's a confusing structure, for me, it was super enjoyable, though and I would recommend it.

It's a brilliant point of view on survival, resilience, intelligence, challenges, and family bonds. I think that it also explores the human being very well, and how sometimes we react to being placed in extreme and unexpected situations. Although the characters can be a challenge to follow, they have varied personalities, and each one represents a possible outcome or reaction, which I appreciate and understand 100% what the author wanted to convey with this book. I'm thrilled to see that it has such positive so far; I think it deserves it!

My First Thoughts 04/30/20

I really enjoyed the originality that this book gives us, it's entertaining and it keeps you wanting to know what will happen from the beginning, which I loved. On the other hand, there are some factors that I didn't that much, above all they have to do with the characters and their personalities, but I'll talk more about it in my full review SOON
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