
A Gangsta's Prayer 2: Finale de Dedra B.

de Dedra B. - Género: English
libro gratis A Gangsta's Prayer 2: Finale


Dedra B. Publisher: Twyla T. Presents, LLC, Year: 2022

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Snakes Come In All Forms!

Dang gone Dedra B. I wasn't ready for that cliffhanger! I was so angry at first reading this story. Yes, I really wasn't feeling Kardy at all because she was allowing her child to see her be somebody's punching bag. Then I had to say she's young, and thinking with her heart, she does wake up though and I found myself having much respect for her. What who I didn't from start to finish was that dog Onyx , Shanika nor Rod. They are the worst
Let's start with Onyx boy does that man have so issues, he hates his brother, is a down low brother, cuffing his brother's woman, may have contracted a disease that could cost his life and he is dealing with the enemy. Dam, Dam, Dam!!! I'm gonna need more on why Kenan and Millz are at war. It was a coincidence that Kardy was Kenan
twin, Kenan met the whore Shanika, that just gave him one more up points with having the upper hand on Millz. What will happen now that the cat is out the bag, from a child's mouth? Is Kenan and Kardy gonna be able to keep on being siblings without drama? The fact that Shanika feels untouchable and can do whatever without consequences how is her karma coming? And I wish Kardy would have said finish him, instead of giving him a break cause it may have cost to much. I have to say great job.3 s MarissaAuthor 22 books20


This storyline gives you everything! Love, drama,hood, down-low men, bitter baby mommas, shady people, just everything! Well written character development. I enjoyed and recommend this five star read. Looking forward to reading more from this author, and can’t wait to read part 2!1 Latonia235 23

This is a must read. Onyx is a snake if there ever was one. Shanika got just what she deserved with her vain self. She never saw karma coming for her the way she got it. Millz is bae and Kardy is a sweetheart. I hope they get a happy ending. I love the relationship/friendship between Diamond and Kay Kay. Their bond is going to be unbreakable. own1 mahia slappey8


This book was so good and I’m mad cause it have to wait for part 2. I’m ready to know who shit them and how Mills and Onyx relationship is going to be I’m so ready for Mills to reveal everything he knows and I hope his babymomma and brother get just what they deserve! 1 Regina Farris723 8

This is my first read by this author... I did enjoy the writing style of this author... This book read at a nice fast steady pace... Things did not drag out to long... and she brought the drama and a few twist... I was definitely enjoying this read...
Kardy is one of the main characters... She is in a relationship with an abusive man and they have a daughter... She is a really good woman... But she feels she has no where else to go... So she stays... That is until things around her started to change for the better... Yet this man just kept doing her wrong... Once she was able to land a new and amazing job... Things started looking up for her... But just when things started to look good... It quickly went down hill again... And lies and jealousy that she had no clue about were being laid on the table for her... And because she didn't know any better... She believed them all... But I guess in a way it kind of worked out because... Once her twin brother got home and he found some things out... Things started to change...
Millz is that man... He is a street man but also has legal businesses as well... He has a good head on his shoulder... He is running things with his brother Onyx... He has a girlfriend named Shanika and they have a 5 year old daughter named Diamond together... Things are going good for everyone... But little does Millz know that things are not what they seem... He has a business that he needs help with so he makes his lazy girlfriend come help out... She is not having it so she goes out and recruits someone for the job without the knowledge of Millz and Oxyx... Millz may seem tough but I can definitely see he has a really good heart...
Now Onyx has a lot going on and lots of secrets that he is keeping... I am looking at him funny... He is wondering why things are the way they are with him... Well looking at how he moves I can definitely see why he is in his current position... Being a snake is not a good look... It gets worse when those that you are being a snake to, find out about it but do not inform you...
Now with Shanika... I do not her... I hate how just because she is living good because of her baby daddy... she is over here looking down on others... Girl you came from the same position... Just because she snagged her a man with money... Means absolutely nothing... Especially when he cuts you off you have absolutely nothing to survive off of... This girl just wants to lay around and shop all day... She has no skills and she is not even a good mother... Matter of fact she did not even want to be a mother... She just did it to keep a man... well she thought that her position with Millz was set in stone... But as she started moving funny and letting people get in her ear... She quickly learns that her position is not as strong as she thought... and if that isn't enough... Even things with her side guys aren't as good as she thought... So she needs to quit looking down on others because it looks she is going to be back in that position real soon...
Once doors started opening up for Kardy... And Millz got to see the type of woman she was... It really started to effect other relationships around them... And not for the better...
Now just as things start building up and lies start to come out left and right... Boom we are hit with this cliffhanger that had my mouth open shouting Noooooo at the book... Now I have to hurry up and get to part 2 to see how this will all play out... Natasha Robinson189


Ain’t no way shanika made it there in time to shoot both of them! Did his brother do this? Omg or was it some of Rod people that did it? This has me worried! Please please please let kardy make it! She is so deserving of a happy life and just when she is ready to live in this moment this happens to her! Lord my heart hurts because Kay Kay was there her mom seen it! She said she has a bad feeling but it will pass! Baby however it was May as well look to die because mills is killing behind his! I mean if he was ready to shoot her brother then what makes them think he ain’t gonna shoot who just shot his WOMAN! And what’s really good with the brother? He creeping with his brother baby mama and he messing with TK which happens to be a dude(ain’t nothing wrong with it but be truthful you gay) them working with the OPP’s when he suppose to be his brothers keeper! Shoot wouldn’t be surprised he had something to do with the shooting and it was meant for his brother and kardy instead! Can’t wait to see how part two plays out because this part one was nothing but drama filled! V. Rena1,465 14

Whoa! Very intriguing

Man, where do I start? This story is very intriguing from the go. It keeps your attention and that ending...whoa! So many secrets are revealed and I have a feeling that more will come. With Kardy, you can't help but to root for her. She's genuine with a good heart, but she has been dealt some bad hands.

I love Millz. He tells it to you straight no chaser. But learning about the secrets of his closest family, he's about to unleash a helluva beast and no one will be ready. Onyx is a backstabber, liar, and jealous man with no loyalty in his body. Shanicka thinks she's God gift to every man and that she intimidates every woman. She's just a loud mouth who thinks her looks and having Millz's daughter will keep her in the number one position. However, her insecurities come in full force when she sees that "the ex-broke Walmart employee" has Millz's attention. It always made me wonder when someone who has never worked can call the working person broke when they don't have shyt going on for themselves except who their partner may be. I can't wait to see what happens next. Danni.M365 11

Ohhhhh isshhhhh

This book was too BOMB!!!
I can’t hold this in...WTF!!! Onyx and Shanika is some foul ass individuals.
How did I know it was a possibility that Diamond didn’t belong to Millz?!
Then for Onyx to still be fucking on Shanika smh...but wait, this ninja a booty bandit too. Idk how TK move but I feel when it’s all said and done somebodies are going to have something they can’t get rid of and deservingly so.
Just Millz, I don’t down low ppl, and that go between when it involves the same sex.
I’m sooo routing for Millz and Kardy but then there’s Kenan. What’s the beef between him and Millz is what I want to know. Something gots to shake because before this series end I need Millz and Kardy HAPPY TOGETHER!!!
I can’t wait until the shit blow up in Onyx and Shanikas face.
Shanika was a slore from the very beginning and that whole game the two of them played for Millz was the oldest trick.
Lord what happened on the lawn? I hope Kardy is okay. Yesss come through part two!!! I wish this series was longer...Lmao, I haven’t even read the nest book and I’m looking for a third and forth book. That’s how good this book is. GET IN TO ITTTTT!!!! Kina M525 5

Started off good

This story started off good, and I wouldn’t say it got worse, but it felt it jumped from “oooo let me help you” to “BIH YOU SLEEPING WITH MY MAN”. There was really no work up for Shanika to feel the way she did, except for seeing Kardy at the Xmas party. I also didn’t how weak the heroine is, she was damn near pitiful. She was in an abusive relationship, she had a dead end job and struggling to pay bills, she couldn’t fight. damn what is her strong points? She was a good mother I will give her that. I live in Chicago and no matter how down you are if somebody offer you all this help you not turning it down because of some insecure GF. Then the way Onyx approached her was how a pedophile approaches a child. “Don’t say nothing to nobody or else” kind of approach. As a grown woman you gone take that weak explanation and then throw EVERYTHING away without trying to get answers for yourself? To drive Uber? It would have been an ok story if there was more story development, I feel the characters were introduced and then BOOM drama. Pascale405 2

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