
Ace of Shades de Deborah Wilde

de Deborah Wilde - Género: English
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Deborah Wilde Series: Magic After Midlife #7 Publisher: Te Da Media Inc., Year: 2022 ISBN: 9781988681757,9781988681740,9781988681764

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This felt the perfect ending to a series I've really enjoyed, wrapping everything up nicely into a satisfying ending.

I love the character growth arc we've seen Miri take over the 7 books of this series - it hasn't always been smooth sailing, and sometimes she's really annoyed me (as, indeed, has Laurent). But it feels worth the moments of irritation to me to have arrived in this place. I love how she spends the bulk of the book aware of and reflecting on just how precious the 'found family' she's built around her is.

Plus, in a PWF world of interchangeable middle aged women getting divorces and discovering they've inherited magical B&B's, I just really - *still* - appreciate the completely different, fresh spin Ms Wilde has put on the genre. And the fact that this may be the first urban fantasy / PNR rooted in Jewish mythology I've read doesn't hurt - I'm now really looking forward to diving into her Jezebel Files and Unable Demon Hunter series (both of which I think I already have Book 1 for)9-10 angels-and-demons-and-plots-oh-my jewish-mythology ...more2 s Lisa189

I was so looking forward to this book and so much of it felt one step forward, two steps back for Mitzi’s character growth - everyone else made major leaps in their development, but Mitzi moved back a few books. This book also felt it was rushed - there were some glaring continuity errors - see below.

First - her relationship with Laurent. He is a guy she is hot for, but until the very end he’s not much more - unless you count constantly wanting to fix him. He is not the person she thinks to confide in first, or the person she prioritizes, or even someone she thinks about much beyond trying fix his personal struggles or trying to have sex with him. The first, and one of the few times, she prioritizes spending time with him was on the anniversary of his wife's death because she wanted to make sure he was ok - which would be fine if the relationship wasn’t always so one sided on the sharing front. In other words, he's not really her person, he's her project/hook up. For someone who bangs on a lot about being an adult and wanting an adult relationship, she really doesn’t hold up her side.

Second- can we all agree that Jude is also not her person? She is supposedly her best friend but is generally absent from everything major in the series (or just absent all together). Jude is that friend who once was a best friend and so you keep calling them that even if it no longer fits.

Third - nitpicking but calling Eli out for liking an old picture of Goldie because it's supposedly weird because he's gay - except it has been well established that he's bi so it wouldn't be even slightly weird.

Fourth - trusting that many people with such a delicate operation that could get her, and probably anyone involved, killed (assuming they didn't have some moral or loyalty objection in the first place) is extremely stupid. Any one of them is a potential point of failure. Especially since you've barely only known some of them for a few months. She won’t tell her boyfriend about her fears and dreams, but she’ll trust everyone she has ever met with something that is so insanely secret and dangerous.

Fifth - why does she tell everyone that her parents died when she was 13? It has already been established in previous books that she was 15.

Sixth - one of the things I loved about this series in the beginning was that Mitzi was on a journey to find herself outside of being a mom, or a mothering figure, to everyone, but in this book she loses that. Almost her entire internal dialogue is about other people - what they are going through, what they need, feeling guilty because she exists in their lives, etc. As a middle aged woman myself, it was so frustrating. Everybody's problem is her problem and she counts her accomplishments in what she does for other people. She got a new haircut and wardrobe, but went back to old thinking and behavior until 85% into the book.

Finally - the one spicy scene we get just felt off. There was no tension leading up to it and it just felt obligatory.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Susan1,089 40

Ace of Shades is the final book in the Magic After Midlife series. I always hate the end of series, but Ms Wilde wraps it up nicely for Miri. Very nicely!! Miri finally gets all her answers. Loved every minute of this installment. I laughed, I cried, and I swooned! I’m going to miss this cast of characters.1 Cassey1,324 4

I tried and tried to spread out my reading of this, it's the end of the era. I just wasn't ready for it to be the last of Miri and everyone else. *sigh* And while it is the end, what an ending. All the lose threads are tied up into the right bow for the right character.

This was definitely the opportunity for us check-in with all the folks who have expanded Miri's world from when we first met her. This read was a great one in terms of seeing just how thins work out for all the characters we've become attached too. And while there were things I thought would go differently, this was just great for all the Miri, Laurent, Tatiana, Emmet, Zev, Sadie, Eli and everyone else moments :D

*I'm a lucky fish and on the author's ARC team*1 Jill91 1 follower

Highly recommend this series ?? no spoiler review

Some books/series I read, at the end I’m , yeah that was good, enjoyed that but now it’s on to the next one. Others I don’t want to get into another book/series straight away, I just need a little while before starting another one, because the one I’ve just finished was sooo good. This series, for me, is the latter and definitely on my ‘to re-read’ list! Yet I’m not as sad as I thought I’d be at finishing this series (don’t get me wrong tho, I’d love more Miri adventures!) and I think that’s because we’re leaving Miri in a very happy place with her extended family of choice and it all feels fulfilled and complete. Kudos to Ms Wilde for such excellent writing, making not only the fmc believable and fully fleshed out, but all the ‘side’ characters too, which tbh don’t feel side characters as they’re as integral to the plot(s) as Miri is. Not to mention the action, drama, sadness, surprises and, of course, laughs along the way in this final instalment of Miri’s journey; which is not only a journey through the magical world to find the answers she’s wanted since her childhood was tragically overturned, but a journey of self discovery, acceptance and celebration of herself. Oh and I can’t leave this review without mentioning - again! - how much I love love love Mitzi and Laurent as a couple ?? I still can’t hear Rebel Yell without a big grin spreading across my face!
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