
Artful Antics at St Bride's de Debbie Young

de Debbie Young - Género: English
libro gratis Artful Antics at St Bride's


Debbie Young Publisher: Boldwood Books, Year: 2023 ISBN: 9781804831373,9781804831366,9781804831380,9781804831359,9781804831335,9781804831434,9781804831427,9781804831403

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*I received a free copy of this book with thanks to the author, Boldwood Books and Rachel Gilbey at Rachel’s Random Resources blog tours. The decision to review and my opinions are my own.*

Gemma Lamb is back at St Bride’s in her fourth adventure, along with Joe, Oriana, Hairnet, the Bursar – all the old favourites.

As this is a series, I would recommend reading in order to find out how Gemma ended up at St Bride’s boarding school for girls and to see the development of her relationships with the staff there (along with a few surprising revelations about said staff!). That said though, none of the backstory is really necessary to enjoy this gentle school-based mystery in its own right.

The main plot features a sullen new girl with strange family circumstances and the usual desperate need for funding at the school – due to a collapsed roof this time – requiring the girls to get creative (and artistic, as you can tell from the title) to try to raise some funds. Add in a splash of romance with Joe, some humour – I do have a soft spot for Max Security – and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a lovely, quick and easy read that would be suitable for mystery lovers tween-aged upward (no sex, violence or bad language… just pure, clean family fun!).

The comparisons to both St Trinian’s and Mallory Towers are very appropriate, as staff and girls get into scrapes and hi-jinks, so for fans of those classics there is a pleasant sheen of nostalgia over these stories as well, even though they have a fresh style of their own.

I confess that I am now thoroughly obsessed with St Bride’s and fully intend to read every single book in this series! I need to know whether Gemma and Joe ever make things work with their work-life balance, whether Oriana ever lands a millionaire and whether the library, art block and sports department ever do manage to get fully-funded! I’ll keep you posted as I find out…

Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog
https://bookshineandreadbows.wordpres...2 s Roz483 12

Another great book in this cozy mystery series set in an English boarding school.

Lovely characters, exciting plot and another mystery to be solved.

Thoroughly enjoyed this book which follows on and helps build the characters that the reader has been introduced to in the previous books in the series. This could be read as a standalone but I feel is better enjoyed when reading the earlier novels.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.1 Kirsty (BookBlogger)1,423 50

Artful Antics at St Bride's by Debbie Young

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


When English teacher Gemma Lamb’s school flat is wrecked by storms, maverick headmistress Hairnet insists the girls must fund its repair by setting up their own businesses – the start of a series of hilarious unintended consequences. Meanwhile Gemma’s worries are compounded by the arrival of bossy new girl Frieda Ehrlich, sponsored by a mysterious local tycoon whose wealth is of dubious origins. Fearful for the school’s reputation, Gemma recruits an old friend to help investigate the tycoon’s credentials, jeopardising her romance with sports teacher Joe Spryke. What is Frieda hiding? Why is her sponsor living in a derelict manor house? Why is his chauffeur such a crazed driver? And what has become of McPhee, Hairnet’s precious black cat? With a little help from her friends, Gemma is determined to solve these mysteries, restore her flat and save the school. For anyone who loved St Trinian’s – old or new – or read Malory Towers as a kid. St Brides is the perfect read for you!

My Opinion

This is a nice, cosy mystery that I managed to read in one sitting. This is a wonderful series and so far I have really enjoyed every book I have read. When a new student arrives at St Bride's, Gemma's attention is grabbed by the address the new student's sponsor claims to be living at. Gemma feels the need to investigate and reaches out to an old friend for help.

This is a great addition to the series and whilst it could be read as a standalone, you would be missing out.

Rating: 4/5 2023-kindle blog-tour netgalley ...more Elaine Tomasso3,199 62

I would to thank Netgalley and Boldwood Books for an advance copy of Artful Antics at St Bride’s, the fourth novel to feature Gemma Lamb, a teacher at St Bride’s, a private boarding school in the Cotswolds.

Gemma returns to St Bride’s after the half term holiday to find it flooded after a leak in the roof. The headmistress organises the pupils into setting up their own businesses to pay for the repairs with unintended consequences. Meanwhile, a mysterious sponsor has sent Frieda Ehrlich to the school as a pupil and Gemma suspects there is more to the sponsor than he’s admitting so she starts investigating.

I enjoyed Artful Antics at St Bride’s which is another fun addition to the series. It is a light, frothy novel designed for humour and entertainment so the plot is slight and, perhaps, predictable. Not that it matters because it’s the humour and incidents that make the novel work, for example the smuggled rats or the chauffeur’s driving. There is a warmth to the novel in the way that the staff get on well together and with the pupils, who can be ridiculous and amusing.

The novel is told from Gemma’s point of view and she has a welcoming tone. She’s relatively new to St Bride’s but is already an integral part of the school and will do her best to protect it from danger, in this case the unknown quantity of the fishy sponsor. Unsurprisingly she comes up trumps in her investigation and all is revealed in the most satisfactory way.

Artful Antics at St Bride’s is a fun read that I can recommend.1 Rachel Gilbey2,977 541

I am just love, Love, LOVING this series, and this is another wonderful installment. I devoured it and couldn't get enough of it. And that a clever title it has too.

Although classified as a cozy mystery and there is a mysterious element to it, to me it's far more of just a nostalgic feeling school story, giving off Malory Towers or Twins at St Clare's vibes, and I love catching up with the staff and girls at this school.

And this time there is a new girl in the school Freida, and it's her sponsor that is attracting various curious looks from the staff. And the latest essential skills projects were young enterprise at my school, basically making your own business, in this instance in a way to raise funds for the new roof for the staff apartments.

I love how Gemma's curiosity knows no bounds, and she is determined to learn as much about these new people as she can. I also enjoyed seeing how her bonds with the rest of the staff are deepening at all times.

i once again read this book in record time, it is just so easy to read and be involved in the story. It felt coming home and I just love this setting and these characters so much. Please let there be another book.

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 3 s Emma's Things to Read550 4

As an English teacher who grew up wishing she could go to Mallory Towers, this is the perfect mystery series for me!

I love the idea of an expensive and elusive but sometimes slightly bonkers boarding school.

This term starts with a disaster as the roof of the stately home is leaking, and Gemma and Orianna are forced to leave their staff apartments and move into the former scullery maid rooms. With funds ending low, they need to come up with a plan to rebuild the roof.

There’s also a mystery new pupil, Frieda, whose father appears to be a chauffeur/gardener and whose fees are being sponsored by a mysterious millionaire who has bought Torrid Manor, a nearby crumbling mansion.

As the girls create their own businesses, Gemma sets out to unravel the mystery of a millionaire who appears to know little about the world of business and a chauffeur who drives a learner.

There is so much warmth and good humour in this book. The dialogue is fizzy and genuinely funny – the scenes with the girls will make you smile!

I confess that I did work out some of the ‘what’ of the mystery, but the ‘why’ kept me guessing, and it was fun to see how everything would finally be revealed.

This is a quick cosy read that is perfect for a rainy summer afternoon. St Brides would make a great TV series. This series is on my auto buy list, and I look forward to Gemma and the team’s next adventure.2023-reading-challenge Helen HollickAuthor 56 books520

I always look forward to a Debbie Young tale - whether it's a St Bride's or a Sophie Sayers because I know I'm about to enjoy a treat. Ms Young's tales are the true definition of a 'cosy mystery': entertaining, well written, interesting plot, familiar characters set in a familiar location, doing familiar things... but with the bonus of an intriguing mystery to be solved. This is not always a murder - just a puzzle to be unravelled for characters and readers a. Enid Blyton's 'Malory Towers' for Grown Ups. (But as equally suitable for young adults!)

'Artful Antics' is enjoyable as a stand-alone story, but with an ongoing background theme - you don't have to start at the beginning of the series, but to fully appreciate these delightful characters I'd recommend starting at Number 1... 'Dastardly Deeds at St Bride's: The first in an addictive cozy mystery series from Debbie Young (A Gemma Lamb Cozy Mystery Book 1)'

Addictive is a very good description - although I think I'd word it as 'charmingly addictive'! LittleRead1,815 46

When storms damage the school, the head mistress decides the girls will raise the money for the repairs. Which means there is going to be some fun times with this part of the plan.

However what interests Gemma the m oct is a new student who has a mysterious benefactor. Gemma, being inquisitive as she is, MUST know the entire backstory and is determined to flush out the full story. Is there something fishy between the benefactor and student? That’s what Gemma hopes to figure out.

This is one of my favorite cozy series. There is just something about British books that are sometimes far more enjoyable than some US based series. They embrace the quirkiness of the characters and I love that…maybe that’s what it is for me that makes them so much more enjoyable. Either way, this is one of the best series and I encourage your to give one of Debbie Young’s books…otherwise, how will you know what you’re missing out on?!
Jen316 4

This latest book about St Brides boarding school for girls is just as good as the previous ones. Frieda Echlich is the new girl who turns up this term and appears very bossy and looks down her nose at everyone and everything. Her sponsor is a tycoon who is living in the nearby derelict manor house but when googled no one can find out anything about him. All is not what it seems and they are obviously hiding something. Added to this the school roof needs replacing somewhat urgently so the girls are tasked with coming up with business ideas to raise funds. I find Debbie Young’s books easy to read and follow. There is enough backstory of each character in each book if you haven’t read any before, but I’d highly recommend you do as they are so good. Great characters and locations. Perfect for those who loved St Clare’s and Mallory Tower books, or any other similar ones. Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for the ARC Sharon552

This is the 4th book in the St Brides school series.

When Gemma returns to her apartment to find the carpet squelching under her feet, it becomes clear that parts of the school have been damaged in a recent storm, and the school are going to have to find the money for urgent repairs somehow. The headmistress comes up with the idea that the girls can raise money by running their own businesses.

Also when a new student joins the school under mysterious circumstances, Gemma becomes more curious about who the young lady and her strange benefactor is.

No secret to the fact that I love this series. This is just as enjoyable as the previous books. They are fun, easy reads with quirky characters .

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my review. theweebookworm 295 22

I've not really read many cozy mysteries but this one sounded interesting. I believe it is part of a series but I read it stand alone.

I loved that it was set in an English all girls boarding school and was full of so many quirky characters. I enjoyed some of the girls' fundraising suggestions when they were raising money to fix the roof.

I was intrigued by the mysterious girl who joined part way through term and kept trying to guess who her sponsor was. I was surprised when the truth came out.

This is a lovely easy book to read which I would recommend if you a fun, cozy mystery.

Thank you Rachels Random Resources for my gifted copy. Amanda Rozell755 4

This was a really fun cozy mystery. It’s part of a series, but I haven’t read any of the previous books and now I want to because I enjoyed this one so much. Very enjoyable.

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC. ~I was given this book and made no commitments to leave my opinions, favorable or otherwise~ Leslie McKeeAuthor 8 books64

I didn't realize this was fourth in a series, but it could be read as a standalone novel. Characters are well-drawn, quirky, and fun to follow. There's a nice dose of humor, as well, which makes for a fun, cozy mystery.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy, but I wasn't required to leave a positive review. Georgina Candy392 13

This is book 4 in the St Brides cosy mystery series and just as good as the rest, a fabulous standalone too. Frieda starts at the school midterm and Gemma finds herself worrying about her and the possible disruption she’ll cause, she’s a bit blunt and doesn’t seem to anything or anyone.

Meanwhile, part of the roof above Gemma and Olivier’s rooms has collapsed during the half term leaving the rooms soaked and uninhabitable. So the girls are encouraged to start businesses to raise funds to help repair the roof and redecorate the rooms.

Frieda seems to be hiding something and Gemma gets invited for dinner to the house her father and sponsor are staying in, a derelict Manor House near the school. Another weird evening ensues from this and causes Gemma to wonder who these people really are and what they’re hiding.

I nearly guessed what was going on but not quite, hints but not quite enough throughout the story tell the tale and leave you wondering too. Looking forward to the next instalment of this great cosy series.
Lorraine Joad429 11

It’s always good to be back with Gemma Lamb on another adventure at St Bride’s.
This one is all about a new pupil who comes with mystery! As usual Gemma is on the case and solves it along with all the loose ends being tied up. A good read with surprising results. Kati1,933 67

I really d the going-ons at St. Bride's here, the girls and their projects. The girls's antics were fun and funny, especially Olga and her rats. Though I do think that Gemma was a wee bit too nosy this time around, digging into the background of a student that...2024 audiobooks in-english ...more Grace Power695 15

Cosy mystery which reminded me of Malory Towers and St Clare’s books. A nostalgic cute read. Jess siekmann17

Such a feel good read! L.S.760 26

I never miss a chance to return to St. Brides if I can help it; the stories are always entertaining and original, and reminiscent of books I loved to read as a child (Malory Towers, St Clares etc) - and who can resist a stroll down memory lane?
With two storylines running alongside each other that provide both fun and mystery, my fourth visit to St Brides is as engaging as ever. The fun element comes as a result of some rather serious storms that have flooded parts of the school - primarily the teachers' accommodation. With funding always an issue, the students are encouraged to create small businesses to generate income while learning business skills. Some of their ideas are off the wall, yet others have a real chance of succeeding. That said, at times, these ideas result in some wonderfully, wacky scenarios that bring a lovely touch of humour to the story.
Mystery arrives at St Brides in the form of new student with a wealthy sponsor, whose background raises Gemma's suspicions - who is Frieda Ehrlich and why St Brides? Gemma's investigations expose a well-kept secret, one that is kept under wraps until the end and, as such, held my attention to the extent that i read this well-paced story in one afternoon.
With familiar and relateable characters, St Brides offers a cosy vibe with plenty of humour and a gentle and intriguing mystery. british cosy escapism ...more1 Rowena Onions297 1 follower

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