
The Ones We Leave Behind de Deanna Lynn Sletten

de Deanna Lynn Sletten - Género: English
libro gratis The Ones We Leave Behind


Deanna Lynn Sletten Publisher: Deanna Lynn Sletten, Year: 2020 ISBN: 9781941212554

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I think 2 stars is generous for this book - and it’s mostly because the story had such potential. A woman finds out her grandmother is alive after being released from prison for killing her grandfather - kind of intriguing. But what a terribly written book… it was written an elementary student wrote it. The language was juvenile and the metaphors old. The simplicity of the sentences were almost laughable. I’m not sure how I made it through this abomination. Definitely not recommending this one to anybody. Glad that’s over!17 s1 comment J.E. GraceAuthor 14 books117

An amazing story of abuse, courage, and tough choices. I could understand why Anna found herself trapped with no other choice to make. Living in the time that she did, things were very hard for a married woman.

I laughed at some of the cute comments Barry made as he supported Diane's decisions. I admired Diane's strength, patience, and ability to try a relationship in spite of her past.

The story was well-written and described in such detail that it was almost I was watching it happen. Even the abusive parts were handled well, even though I cried with empathy and found myself reaching for the tissues.

I will definitely read more of her work.

10 s Susan (The Book Bag)882 71

Can you even imagine finding out that your grandmother is alive after being told all your life that she was dead? And then to find out that she has spent the last 65 years of her life in prison. Inconceivable! So, of course, Diane has to reach out to her grandmother but in the process of listening to her story, and to her mother's version, she gets conflicting accounts of Anna, the life she lead, and how she ended up in prison.

We are transported to Anna's life in the 1950's as she shares her life back then with her granddaughter. Things were wonderful for Anna once upon a time, until they weren't anymore, until 1955 when the unthinkable happened.

The story alternates to the present, where Diane is trying to understand all of this and to make sense of what her grandmother went through. all while trying to convince her mother to come face-to-face with the women she has hated most of her life.

Once again, Deanna has created a memorable, heartbreaking, beautiful story that will make you feel all the feels—joy, love, fear, anger, betrayal, forgiveness, despair, acceptance—and so much more.

The Ones We Leave Behind is a must-read for lovers of historical fiction and women's fiction. It definitely fits the bill for both of these genres. I loved it, I knew I would, and I highly recommend it! 2020-book-hoarder-reading-challenge 2020- books-read-in-20207 s Bonnie Sogoloff377 4

Sophomoric writing, a bit cheesy, and wildly predictable.
6 s Peggy 113 9

Very well written . A story about Diane and her interactions with her Mother and her grandmother (whom she has recently discovered). Human emotions abound in this story and how Diane deals with the story of her grandmothers and mothers stories of the past. A good read that will keep you involved until the very end no matter your age.4 s Ari749 50

This was an interesting concept but to me, the writing felt poor at times. Just a bit cheesy. read-in-20214 s Lovetoread342 27

I borrowed The Ones We Leave Behind by Deanna Lynn Sletten from Kindle Unlimited. I have never read any of Ms. Sletten novels before reading The Ones We Leave Behind. All I can add from the general description of this novel is this. If you have a list of books for 2022 to must read, make sure this one is on that list. What an incredible read. I know I have just read this novel, but I plan to buy it because I know I will want to re-read it in a few years. Also, I plan to look into more of Ms. Sletten novels, she is an incredible author.2022 5-star-reads borrowed-from-unlimited ...more3 s Linda594

Great book

I really enjoyed this book. I've never read a storyline this. While it's hard to comprehend how someone stays in an abusive relationship, I've read enough other stories and articles about it to understand the varied reasons why. so many situations, bad or good, you can't really say what you'd do for sure until you are in one yourself. 3 s Trish28 2

This was an excellent story. It held my interest from beginning to end. I highly recommend this book.3 s Kelly Keemer96 3

I couldn’t even finish this book. Honestly I got four chapters in and the writing just wasn’t up to par. I’m sure the story was decent (although many I saw - after I went to rate this book and quickly shove it off my currently reading list - called it predictable and said the story had potential) but I couldn’t get past the writing. The dialogue was so generic and the flow to it was not realistic at all. I felt it was someone’s first attempt at writing a story that they wanted to rush to make points instead of allowing the dialogue or story to unravel itself organically. Someone else used the word sophomoric to describe the writing and I totally agree. I hate starting a book and not finishing but this just wasn’t up my alley. 2 s MaryAuthor 1 book1 follower

Interesting story

Anna is released from prison after serving 65 years for killing her husband. Her granddaughter starts visiting her and recording her story.
The story is about poverty, alcoholism, and domestic violence that seems to be generational. As Anna’s story unfolds it prompts her daughter and granddaughter to deal with their own stories.
It is a good story but probably a bit too drawn out. I felt that many of the themes were used one too many times and that did not enhance the plot.
Overall, this is a very readable book and presents a unique perspective of a 95 year old woman making a life for herself after so many years in prison.2 s Ruby A. Everett6

This was an amazing book and the dynamics of a woman back in the 1950s dealing with physical abuse and an alcoholic husband. The granddaughter looks back at the history of a grandmother she had never heard of and her own past, each deals with their own fears, heartache, and problems in their own way. I couldn't put it down. Well written, and a beautiful story. I will have to check out more books by this author2 s Elaine248 14

This is story about Anna whose life changes when she loses everything and spends 65 years in prison. When her granddaughter finds out about her and meets her, Anna relives her life through stories that no one knows, it is a heartwarming story of forgiveness and life journeys that are often misrepresented. Highly recommend this book…2 s Sandy Shelton7 2

Sad but moving story

I’m thankful for how this story ended. It was a very quick read, and hard at times to hear, but the characters really pulled you in and made you feel for them. All in all, a good read. 2 s Barbara103 52

I woke up at 4 this morning with this book calling me....
"There's only 75 pages left to read of this gripping tale! You really need and want to know how this story ends!"
Well, I just read the last page and what an amazing story this book told!
Definitely a 5 star rating from me
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