
The Clockwork Alice de DeAnna Knippling

de DeAnna Knippling - Género: English
libro gratis The Clockwork Alice


Cherry-juice, clocks, windup cats, wicked fountains, traitors, queens, headless rabbits, twists and reversals...a steampunk adventure!England, 1901.Alice Liddell Hargreaves, the girl who inspired the Alice in Wonderland books, has all grown up. She is married and has three rambunctious boys, an excellent husband, a wonderful house.A good life.Why, then, does she regret never having gone through the painting that the Reverend Dodgson, otherwise known as Lewis Carroll, gave her for her wedding?When she touches it, the pigment melts away and a portal opens—to Wonderland. But she always turns back.Meanwhile in Wonderland, a terrible curse had been inflicted on the inhabitants. For half the day, they are banished to the opposite side of Wonderland, where everyone is made of clockwork and forced to work until sunrise, winding the Master Chronometer that powers them all.And if they don't? The entire world, and everyone in it, will wind down.And if they do?The same thing is going to...

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"We're all mad here." The Cheshire Cat

Steampunk meets Alice In Wonderland!

Take a trip with Alice as she heads back to Wonderland all grown up!author-review fantasy fiction ...more7 s Lainy646 59

I really wanted to this book. I found it confusing and hard to get in to, the world of wonderland seemed only to be hinted at, it was it was there but just out of reach. World building was not their. The characters were wooden. It was each was rushed in to existence to fill the gaps. I found my self too confused at times which took away the reading enjoyment. The book felt rushed. My feeling is that if the book had been longer and delved into deeper, with time spent on world building and character development this book could have great. But for me it was a let down.alice fantasy mystery ...more4 s Bonnie Dale Keck4,681 55

I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date...this was a LibraryThing giveaway and must not have loaded on to my desktop right {there keep all the books supposed to review}. From the emails found, was supposed to have done this about a full month ago, tho not in my defense or anything but did leave me something definitely interesting to read. My apologies to the writer for the lateness, and my thanks for a really good story...or was it just a story.... giveaways-won3 s J441 12

Thank you DeAnna for the ebook of The Clockwork Alice.
3.5* - wish goodreads allowed us that option.
I felt the Disney version Alice during the first half of the story - wasn't comprehending.
But make no assumptions. This is not Disney'd.
The latter part paced up and the ending was spot on for my tastes. I do hope readers will keep reading when the Afterword is reached - it's an ending chapter, not the authors explanation of research, etc. in other books.2 s Kaye Lynne BoothAuthor 35 books33

The Clockwork Alice, by DeAnna Knippling, introduces Alice, all grown up, and takes readers on a return trip to Wonderland, where all is not as it should be, or maybe it never was. Knippling does a smashing job of picking up the tone of the original Wonderland stories, making this a fantasy tale which will delight readers of all ages.

Read my full review on my blog: https://kayelynnebooth.wordpress.com/...1 Kathy399 95

It was so much fun to be able to go back to Wonderland as an adult! Alice has gone back as well, through a panting that was a wedding gift to her from the Author, Lewis Carroll. And we join her as she tries with all her might to save Wonderland from the great unwinding. This was so much fun, as Wonderland always is! Thank you ,DeAnna Knippling, for continuing the story of our childhood dreams!

I highly recommend this new adventure!read-in-2020 sci-fi-and-fantasy1 Siobhan505 9

Just as the original books, this one has two Stories being told at the same time. The surface story in the hidden one. The hidden one is as old as time, and is told from the wrong perspective.1 LanaAuthor 68 books302

This is a truly engaging tale of Alice all grown up! Knippling is a master of this world and gets everything just right - the characters, the setting, and the language. Who doesn't want to know what happens to Alice as she becomes an adult? The Great Unwinding has the flavor of Steampunk yet stays true to Alice in Wonderland. This is a very clever story with interesting twists and lovely language. Well done!1 Mike Siedschlag391 16

As part of the release of The Clockwork Alice author DeAnna Knippling provided me with an ecopy of her book for review.

It has been more years than I care to admit to since I have read the Alice in Wonderland stories. I do remember having varying reactions to the stories, from laughter to fear to just plain confusion. I had the same reactions to The Clockwork Alice, and I believe this was probably the intent of the author. Because in addition to those reactions was a feeling of nostalgia, kind of visiting an old friend, recalling past adventures but seeing how their life has changed yet in some ways, stayed the same. She maintained the feel of the original beautifully. All the characters we remember are there.

A complex story, the original Alice... operated on many levels. Author Knippling has continued that complexity with her continuation of the story, both thematically and structurally. There is more than one Alice (SPOILER ALERT! AAARRGGH!) in this telling, exponentially increasing that complexity.

To the mundane nuts and bolts: There are a few typos/errors which need to be corrected. Things of instead of off, off instead of of, and of instead of from, to name a few (they always seem to jump out at me).

The only other difficulty (minor) for me is that the segues from one Alice to another (remember, spoiler) was sometimes more abrupt and less clear than I would have d. Although to be honest, as the story progressed I was better able to pick up the clues as to which was which.

The Clockwork Alice is a new visit with an old friend, at times bizarre and twisted. DeAnna Knippling has demonstrated (to me at least) an abundance of creativity and imagination. The Clockwork aspect of the story is truly mind-bending. I found the ending to be heart warming and simultaneously heart breaking yet overall comforting.

I don't necessarily recommend this Alice story for younger children. It's not a Disney version. There are themes and actions that would be hard for the younger reader/listener to completely understand.

Adults, if you read any of the Alice in Wonderland stories (and I know you have) you really should read The Clockwork Alice by DeAnna Knippling, you will be glad you did. Enjoy!

Mike1 Bill Sullivan124 7

It has been a long time since I read Alice in Wonderland and it was with some trepidation that I began The Clockwork Alice by DeAnna Knippling. Her story continues to follow Alice's further adventures in Wonderland and as an adult in the "real"world. The writing reminded me of Lewis Carroll and I found myself having to read some paragraphs a second time.
This was a fun return to a place I visited a long time ago. I encourage people to take the trip.
fantasy1 ladymurmur184

Oh, Alice! There's a piece of you to speak to me at every age!

(I just finished a biography of Queen Victoria, including endless details about the marriages of all her children; this added an extra element of surrealism reading about Alice's relationship with the youngest prince.)

fantasy own read_2017 ...more1 3 no 7746 23

What a fun trip. This is an updated continuation of Alice and her adventures. It is a quick, fun adaptation of a classic with a touch of steampunk and fun added along the way. Anyone who loves the original Alice will find this adventure just as enjoyable.1 5t4n5 Dot Com468 4

I really enjoyed All the Retros at the New Cotton Club , so i was really happy to discover that Deanna's also wrote some "Alice and Wonderland" stuff.

Instead of the fun clockwork story about Alice and all things Wonderland that i was expecting, i found a story heavily biased towards the real life of Alice Liddell and her relationship with Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll): this story is set several years after Charles' death.

I'm not going to get into my views about Dodgson here, this is about DeAnna's views, and she does a fairly good job of brushing over things (sweeping them under the carpet) and tidy things up in making a story out of Alice's and Charles' final years.   Although, to be honest, i think that DeAnna just makes things worse: i'm left with the opinion that this story could be a nice little dose of Streisand effect for a lot of its readers.

And for those of you feeling the effects of Streisand, you can begin at Wikipedia .

All that aside, it's a fairly good read, and a must for all Alice and Wonderland fans: just expect it to be more about Alice reminiscing, through thoughts and dreams of Wonderland, than a pure Wonderland adventure.   Sadly, there's a few typos that detract on occasion, and that are so obvious they should have been easily fixed before publishing.

Final words, other than those few annoying typos, DeAnna's a very good writer.   The Queen of Stilled Hearts is in "The Pile" and i'm looking forward to giving that a read soon. NathanielAuthor 26 books186

This is a 2.5 rounded up to a 3.

So reading DeAnna Knippling has been very interesting. I started with The House Without a Summer, which was a gothic horror, and I really enjoyed it until the end. I gave it two stars. Then I found out that she had a steampunk Alice in Wonderland retelling so obviously I had to read that.
It's getting rated just above a two star.
Thing is, I have a lot of fun reading these books. The writing is smooth, the characters are cool, and the vibes are always on point. This was such a cool steampunk experience. It had all the right steampunky feels in all the right places.... yet I still feel something was left out.
So I don't know if I will read anything else by this author because they don't seem to get rated high. Then again, they are fun so I guess I'll have to see.fantasy Lynette Ackman220 1 follower

Wow. Just wow. As I listened, I felt I entered some alternate reality. The narrator’s voices for the various characters were just perfect.

I want to go back to Wonderland (by reading the book again) but also don’t want to go back, because what if I just stay there? It was riveting but also disturbing. I was horrified by a character being torn apart, but the character doesn’t feel pain so it’s okay? And by the time a character is being tortured to get what they want out of it, it’s awful but also... just numbness? And decapitations? And... Wow.

I’ll definitely be looking for more books by the author.
Nancie83 18

It hurts my feelings to have to rate this book so low because I really enjoyed her other Alice book. Unfortunately this book didn't do it for me. For one thing, if I'm going to pay for a book I'd appreciate it being proofread. There were so many grammatical errors throughout the whole thing. It was really confusing and didn't flow very well either. Nonsense that is whimsical is great and what I really love about the original, but this story was lacking the whimsy and just made no sense. Sorry! I did give it 2 stars for the last 5% though. Madeline emeraldragonlady311 2

I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.

DeAnna truly writes from the crazy wonderland experience. It was a little confusing at first but then things came together and made crazy sense. I enjoyed this book and would say to not think of it as a reproduction of any previous Alice in wonderlands but more of an alternate extension or continuation.
Karena beautifully narrates the story and gives it life in a fashion that cannot be repeated. Mandy214 5

I received this book for free at my request but the opinion is of my own. Wonderland is calling for one more time. Alice has grown up, been married, and has had children putting aside all her travels to wonderland until one night she could hear the call from the painting that was given at her wedding. Should she return one more time or stay at home? Will wonderland survive? Melissa Barker78

The story felt in line with the alice in wonderland collection, I appreciated the story-work behind alice and her history of life. If you loved the alice in wonderland books then you’ll definitely appreciate this story. Challa FletcherAuthor 1 book134

pending Charlotte18

It's a story I think an Alice- Adventure story should be. It was an easy read and even if the tale is sometimes confusing it's just Alice. Danielle570 2

Complex return to Wonderlandaudiobook Ami1,897 10

I'm not sure what I was expecting this book to be about but I just couldn't quite get my head into the right place to understand it's twisting convolutions. I tried to, I really did, I wanted to love it as much as I love the cover art. The storyline is not developed in depth and if I'm not mistaken there are actually three Alices in and out of a Wonderland I didn't recognize. I was and still am confused about several scenes but I must admit I quit reading at 74%.

I'm sure there are many that will love this and if you are looking for a a different 'take' on Wonderland, this is the book for you.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author and this is my honest review.fantasy Suki91 5

This enchanting story picks up some years after Lewis Carroll's stories, with Alice all grown up and pondering what-might-have-beens. Alice in Wonderland is one of my favourite books and Knippling does a good job of mimicking Carroll's style and the twisted quirkiness of Wonderland. There are plenty of new characters and locations to explore, which fit right into the existing world, blending with seemingly effortless dream-logic. However, this is a more adult version than the original, with some disturbing scenes and violence. There is also a bittersweet note to the story, a sense of nostalgia and things lost. While it may be true that you can never go back, sometimes revisiting can still be fun.

Summary: Recommended to lovers of Wonderland.

Disclaimer: I received this book in via LibraryThing in exchange for a fair review.fantasy giveaways Nisha SadasivanAuthor 3 books23

I would to thank the author for sharing this book, in exchange for an honest review.

The beginning was very interesting and beautiful. I really loved it. I thought this was the most befitting sequel to the original masterpiece. But, as time went, I lost track of which Alice was which ( as there were two Alices), and lost all interest in continuing further.

And unfortunately, I did not finish reading the book. Cheryl Montgomery-Nolan198 4

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This is my first read of author Knippling, and I must say that it is an interesting read - steampunk, Alice in Wonderland, and a touch of clockwork orange. A good read! Christa45 3

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