
The Witch's Secret Love de Deanna Chase

de Deanna Chase - Género: English
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Deanna Chase Series: Witches of Befana Bay 02 Publisher: Bayou Moon Press, LLC, Year: 2024

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The Witches of Keating Hollow series has been a blast. I’ve been devouring the books off Kindle Unlimited.

I just love the small town of Keating Hollow. It’s a wonderful magical community where everyone knows everyone and what’s going on. Each book in the series brings us a new couple to enjoy as well as new drama and emotional struggles. I just love the light magical feel and the heartfelt romances. This series is full of facing what life throughs at us, healing oneself, finding love and family and friendships.

Soul of the Witch

This book captured me. I was drawn into the suspense surrounding Abby and why she left Keating Hollow. I enjoyed how the author kept us in the dark until it was time to tell us why she left her home town. There is a lot of emotion and a second chance at love. I felt for Abby and Clay who after years apart are finally finding each other. It’s full of magic, healing, and heart.

Rated: 4 Stars

4-stars freebie-online kindle-own-library23 s Marie Lake11 1 follower

DNF at 36%

Definitely not for me. A soppy love story with poorly imagined characters, poor pacing, and a weak plot. The magic was definitely an after-thought, and although there was a wide cast of characters, they were completely one-dimensional.

The conflict, such as it was, was just so dull. Often, a major problem would be introduced, and then it would be conveniently and completely resolved within a couple of pages. At least it gave the male MC a chance to tenderly brush the female MC's hair behind her ear for the eight thousandth time.

Lots of people loved the novel (which is why I bought the e-book,) but I couldn't finish it. To each their own, but I found this vapid and dissapointing.
19 s Elisa3,171 36

Oh Wow beyond cute for a small town story, with magic galore.

toss a bit of magic in the air, add some drama for flair, kids are always a favourite of mine and cute ones even better lol this story had such a warm fuzzy feel to it, the town setting was great from the farm to the brewery to the bubbling river I loved it all.
The character's were sweet well except for Val she was a wicked Bi..h lol but hey her true colours came through in the end and I am pretty sure Clay will always protect his daughter even from her Bi..h of a mother.

I am looking forward to visiting Keating Hollow again very soon I get the feeling there are a lot more stories to come from there yet.6 s Ghost Orchid63

It felt the characters and their rationale for their decisions and the solution to problems/challenges that they faced were overly simplistic such that the whole story felt under developed and the characters two dimensional. For example, the separation between the two main characters: Supposedly they were head over heels in love high school sweethearts. But I find that hard to believe... if the connection between the two of them was so strong, I don't understand why the H didn't follow/chase the h after she left town ten years ago or even try look her up in the intervening years (before he gets married etc. etc.). How is he not resentful for her deserting him? I understand that what happened to her was traumatic, but what seems to be implied in the story is that she breaks up with him shortly after the incident, flees town and he just accepted it (because it's never explicitly said). He is so perfect that he accepted her decision and didn't even try to change her mind. He even says that he believes that it was her choice, and that he couldn't have done anything... what?!? If this is your "true love" wouldn't you at least put up a fight? I just find it unbelievable that he didn't bother fighting for their relationship or trying to comfort her in what was clearly a very traumatic time for her. Another example is when he tells her he needs to concentrate on his child, but then literally a few pages later and ( and a week later in the books timeline), he changes his mind because now he can't stand being separated from her and believes she gets along with his child - this is all based on watching her interact with his child twice. In other words, the book lacks nuance and there is no suspense or real building up of the relationship.

As I write this more and more instances of under developed plot points come to mind, so to keep this from being a list of negatives, I shall end here. Suffice to say I found this an underwhelming story. This second chance romantic format when written well can be so powerful, but sadly this isn't. Don't think I'll be reading anymore from this writer. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review5 s JoAn2,225 1 follower

Soul of the Witch by Deanna Chase is all about family, friends, and love set in a small town that is the home to witches of all types. I look forward to the next one in the series.paranormal popular-wiccan-fiction5 s Kathrin805 52

3,5 Sterne

Im Kern enthält die Geschichte nicht viel Neues für das Romantik-Genre. Ich muss sogar zugeben, dass viele Aspekte sehr stereotypisch angelegt wurden ( bspw. die Rückkehr der Hauptperson in die alte Heimat; die böse Exfrau, die keinerlei Gutes zu haben scheint, Familie und Freunde, die nach 10 Jahren Nicht-Sehens einfach am alten Status anknüpfen, der blöde Exfreund, der alles falsch macht, usw.).
Was mich allerdings überzeugt hat sind die liebevoll geschriebenen Charaktere (insbesondere die Townsend-Familienmitglieder), der Schreibstil der Autorin sowie der Handlungsort. Dabei handelt es sich zwar erstmal wieder um die typische Kleinstadt, allerdings ist diese von Hexen bevölkert. Das magische Element hat der Geschichte für mich eine sehr interessante Ebene verpasst.

Ich werde also weiterlesen.fantasy series-discontinued witches4 s Spasticnontastic340 51

Meh4 s Denise Keef438 10

This is a story not just about witches but of so much more. It is about family and coming together, of lost loves and finding yourself. Of learning to look inside yourself and not be afraid of the past. I really enjoyed this story. The characters were well written and written about in a way that you could picture them in your mind. The cast is made up of a family of four sisters who were raised by their much-loved father. Abby is more of the main character in this and it is her story coming home to support her father during his illness. Along the way she learns to face her painful past that she was so afraid of. Clay, who was her long ago boyfriend also faces hard decisions of his future and that of his daughter. They both receive support from their families and friends which helps them make big changes in their lives. For better or worse…only time and reading this story will tell. Deanna Chase has written a beautiful story and has weaved a tale that will have you spellbound until the last page is turned. Believe me, I started out to read “just a few” chapters before bed and the next thing I knew it was three in the morning. I had lost track of time and never even realized it. I am not hesitant to recommend this to anyone. So, if you enjoy a well written book that will keep you entertained and that you can lose yourself in and forget about life for a while, then this is definitely for you! I am so looking forward to the next book in this series!

4 s Luna JoyaAuthor 22 books287

This was a second read, and I loved it as much this time as the first time I read it.

A coming-home story of a witch who has blamed herself for magic gone wrong for years (so much that it has cost her the things she wanted most), this is a contemporary romance with light paranormal thrown in. There's no heavy world building or origin stories here. There's just enough witch added to an already lovely story of real life problems. The hero and heroine are a second chance romance that you root for.

It's a sweet witch romance without the steamy parts. There's sexy kissing, but no open door scenes.

Highly recommend.4 s Maggie560 12

Did everyone who rated this 5 stars read it with a gun held to their head?3 s Kristina3,683 68

Soul of the Witch by Deanna Chase is the first installment in the Witches of Keating Hollow series. Abigail “Abby” Townsend is returning home to Keating Hollow after receiving news that her father, Lincoln has cancer. It has been ten years since Abby left after the death of her best friend, Charlotte. Abby has felt guilty since that day and has not created a potion since then. Abby arrives in town and is surprised when she sees Clay Garrison outside Townsend’s Keating Hollow Brewery which is owned by her father. She wishes to avoid him since Abby does not look her best but ends up in an accident which brings him over immediately (of course). The attraction between Clay and Abigail is palpable. Abby knows a relationship is not possible since she has no intention of staying in Keating Hollow. Clay has just gotten out of a bad marriage and has his eight-year-old daughter, Olive to consider. Lincoln is ill from the chemotherapy and none of the potions they have obtained are helping. Abby wants to alleviate his symptoms, but her magic is blocked. What will it take for Abby to have full use of her powers again? Clay has the fight of his life before him. His ex-wife has decided to seek custody of Olive, and Clay will need his wits about him if he to win this battle to keep Olive safe. Can Abby overcome the past, so she can have a bright future? Come along to Keating Hollow to find out what happens with Clay, Abby and Olive in this magical tale.

Soul of the Witch is the story of witches, family, friendship, magic, guilt, tragedy, lost love, forgiveness and so much more. The Townsend family has four girls: Faith, Noel, Yvette and Abby who were raised by their father, Lincoln. Soul of the Witch focuses on Abby. The point-of-view alternates between Abby and Clay. I that we get to see things from each character’s perspective. Soul of the Witch is well written and has a steady pace. The story contains great characters with my favorites being Daisy and Olive. Val is the villain of the story and she adds drama (one of those characters that you love to dis). It allows readers to see what Clay will do to protect his daughter (we get to see his core beliefs). Abby is a complex character. She has been living in New Orleans where she earns a living creating soaps and lotions infused with a touch of magic as well as selling her art. Abby has a boyfriend who has become focused on himself (his career and how Abby can help him succeed). She needs to understand what exactly happened ten years ago which means talking to Charlotte’s mother. To move forward with her life, Abby needs to forgive herself. Keating Hollow is a small town where everyone knows your business. The descriptions of the delectable delights available at A Spoon Full of Magic will have your mouth watering and wishing you could transport yourself into the story. For those of you that enjoy alcoholic beverages, there are some creative brews available at Townsend’s Keating Hollow Brewery (I am amazed at the various flavors). My only negative comment is there is some predictability. Soul of the Witch is a charming paranormal romance novel. My rating for Soul of the Witch is 4 out of 5 stars (I d it). There is a scene near the end that will just melt your heart (one of those “ahhhh” moments). It is a heartwarming, magical story that will delight fans of Denna Chase. Heart of the Witch is the next book in Witches of Keating Hollow series.
2018 cozy-mysteries paranormal-romance3 s Jessica FrancesAuthor 26 books400

I read this as part of Carol’s Crazy Bookish World Facebook Group 2020 Reading Challenge. The January challenge was to read a new-to-me author. This is my first Deanna Chase book and I really enjoyed it. Definitely found a new author to love and a new series to devour. Recommend this book to readers who enjoy entering a paranormal world where the romance is sweet and there are plenty of laughs. 3 s Kristine 1,732 11

This is a wonderful story of family, friends, love, and friendship. It was a pleasure getting to know these complex, and likable characters. This story is engaging and fast-paced, I didn’t want to put it down. I look forward to reading more in this series.

I received a copy of this book from the author, my review has been voluntarily submitted. 2018 fiction paranormal-theme2 s Amber J (Thereadingwitch)997 69 Shelved as 'dnf'

This book just wasn't what I was expecting. The cover is gorgeous but I'm going to pass on this one. DNF at 40%2 s Katie GallagherAuthor 5 books218

Review to come.2 s Clarabel3,472 45

Abby Townsend est de retour dans sa petite ville de Keating Hollow après dix ans d'absence. Son père ayant une santé de plus en plus fragile, elle n'a pas réfléchi en pliant bagage pour retrouver sa famille. Certes, elle n'a pas prévu de s'établir définitivement car une autre vie l'attend à la Nouvelle Orléans mais Keating Hollow possède certains atouts non négligeables. Comme son premier amour, Clay Garrison. Lorsqu'elle retombe sur lui, après un accident de voiture, elle sent son cœur s'emballer comme la midinette qu'elle était. Les vieux souvenirs refont surface. Et voyez les papillons décoller de toutes parts !

J'ai vite déchanté quand j'ai réalisé qu'il était question de petite sorcellerie à base de plantes et de potions. Quelle déception. La lecture est fade, avec une romance inconsistante et des personnages quelconques, il n'y a pas de suspense, pas d'intrigue. Ennui total. Par contre, le cadre est enchanteur : un village de carte postale, une communauté attachante, des décors de rêve et une ambiance très cocooning. En somme, cette série est plutôt axée feel-good et non urban fantasy.second-chance2 s Eileanór Bláth418 17

I'm sorry but I honestly hate when authors take an insipid love story and dress it as something else.
This is the literary version of clickbait.
No, you're not getting into an urban fantasy book about witches, as title and cover might suggest... It's just a soppy and excruciatingly cringey romance but with a witch as protagonist... because it sells more.2 s Jade27 13

A cute, heartwarming story of small town romance and magic. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to read this book in front of a fireplace during the holidays with a mug of Irish coffee in your hand.local2 s Parker152 19

DNF at 31%.

I don't really know what the plot is...dnf2 s Kathryn2,665 86

I promised myself that I would start reading books that made me happy and this book fit that bill. I love books about witches. Abby Townsend left Keating Hollow after a tragic moment in her life, and she didn’t look back. She broke the heart of her high school boyfriend, and her sisters. When her family calls for help, she’s on the next flight, but she’s plotting her exit all the way. She still, to this day thinks her magic is broken, that there is no way back, and her on again, off again New Orleans boyfriend (big jerk) is there to reinforce that thought process, until she runs, almost literally into Clay, said HS boyfriend I was talking about earlier. As the tale unwinds, we realize that Abby’s magic isn’t broken, that maybe it’s just her faith in herself, and the love she has for the magic lies deep within. This was a great second chance redemption love story.2023 fantasy paranormal-others ...more1 Secret Girls254 7

Recensione completa sul blog t.ly/zlPb

Il romanzo è davvero molto breve, leggerissimo e scorrevole. Pieno di cliché con momenti di romanticismo che si alternano con tratti divertenti e sprazzi magici, e si anche qualche nota di tristezza.

Ma Abby non resta sola, ci sarà l’ex ragazzo, che come si suol dire “gatta ci cova” e le sue sorelle a tenerla impegnata.

Riscoprirà cosa significhi davvero per lei la magia e i legami che si era lasciata indietro.
1 Mummy's Naughty Corner1,511 81

This is the first in a series and I must say it sets it up well. I love the village of Keating Hollow. It's a small town where everyone knows everyone. In this one we have Abby coming back after 10 years away. I love her finding her footing in the family again. getting over old fears and meeting Clay. The story was fast paced and worked well. Love the golf cart. It'll be interesting to see what everyone else gets up to in the other books.august kindle kindle-unlimited ...more1 SheLove2Read2,941 193

A lot of readers loved this, which is why I picked it up. Unfortunately I was not one of the majority who gushed over this story.

I didn't feel any chemistry between Abby and Clay, who were high school loves. It was a romance for the ages yet when Abby fled after a traumatic incident, Clay let her go and never bothered to try and find her. Doesn't sound he's the one for you girlfriend. The writing itself was okay, if a little dull in the plot and pacing. 2 stars2022 women-s-paranormal-fiction1 Coco.V50k 26 Want to read

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