
Cats on the Prowl de Davis, Nancy C

de Davis, Nancy C - Género: English
libro gratis Cats on the Prowl


Willow, the fluffy white Persian cat, gets more than she bargained for when she comes to live at the Nelson Police Station. Nat, the big tabby tom cat, takes her under his wing and starts teaching her the art of the police cat. Before she knows what hit her, Willow finds herself caught up in a web of intrigue, murder, and adventure that will take her to her limit and beyond. With the help of Nat and a curious collection of mysterious alley cats, Willow is on her way to discovering a depth of potential and excitement she never thought possible.

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From the title, Cats on the Prowl: Book One, you might expect the felines in this cozy mystery by Nancy Davis to be cat burglars. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Nat and Willow are two police station cats, deputies, if you will, although their human detectives seem to be unaware of their investigative status.

Nat, a big tomcat with previous case experience, takes the soft, cuddly Persian girl under his watchful eye and shows her the ropes. After all, does she want to spend the rest of her career hanging around the station comforting people when she can be “out in the field” doing some real good? He considers the human cops, especially Sgt. Carl Ridout to be subpar in being able to sniff out criminals. Both cats do admit that Naya Wesley solves the crimes while Ridout gets the credit. When a man dies in a bakery fire, Nat takes Willow out to give her a taste of some real police action. Before she knows it, Willow is caught up in the excitement and is performing tasks she never thought possible. She meets some smart, street-savvy alley cats, which changes her mind about some of the preconceived notions she has about alley cats. They prove to be good sources of information and very encouraging to a rookie kitty cop too.

The plot is pretty straightforward. While I d getting the story from the cats’ purr-spective, it was rather bland overall in the telling, I felt, despite a smattering of humor here and there. I did Nat, Willow, and their alley cat friends, however, so I might consider picking up another book in the series to see what our furry feline snoops – I mean, detectives – do next.

3.5 stars
20 s Lexxi Kitty2,037 457

My first read by this author. Despite everything, I've not actually read a lot of cat stories. Or, I mean, cats as main characters. I've read a few, here and there, but not many.

This one was different, to a certain extent, than any other I'd read in that the humans have at least one of the point of views. It's mostly, though, from the point of view of a young female cat who lives in a police station. And has been talked into becoming a real police cat by another cat who lives there. Real as in solving cases.

So, they begin investigating her first case. Them being that male cat and the female cat. Willow and Nat. The case of the murder/arson at a bakery. They sneak into exam rooms while people are being interviewed, question alley cats, investigate the scene of the crime, and basically do police work with both the advantages and disadvantages of being cats.

An interesting book, though there was a vague feeling that developed at the beginning that I might be reading something that would end up being too stiff or something. But I was entranced and continued reading. That vague feeling mostly left, though there was still a certain something 'off' that I can't quite pinpoint. Anyway, the story of Willow the police cat was entertaining, and I'd recommend it to those who cats and or books from the point of view of animals/cats._2015-ez-read-a-thon 03-x-and-three-4ths-stars cats ...more1 Dharia Scarab3,253 8

Since I don't normally write unless I have something specific to say, here's the break down of how I rate my books...

1 star... This book was bad, so bad I may have given up and skipped to the end. I will avoid this author the plague in the future.

2 stars... This book was not very good, and I won't be reading any more from the author.

3 stars... This book was ok, but I won't go out of my way to read more, But if I find another book by the author for under a dollar I'd pick it up.

4 stars... I really enjoyed this book and will definitely be on the look out to pick up more from the series/author.

5 stars... I loved this book! It has earned a permanent home in my collection and I'll be picking up the rest of the series and other books from the author ASAP.kindle1 Trish2,498 37

Very much feeling its way as the first in a series.cozy-animals zsrc-2016-2-summer1 Jae666

The main characters are two cats, Nat and Willow, who live at the police station. Nat considers himself a cat detective, and he decides it's time that Willow follows in his paw prints.

When a local bakery burns down with the owner inside, detectives Carl and Naya are on the case. What they don't know is that Nat is also on the case. He begins taking Willow with him as they question some of the alley cats, sit in on interrogations, and visit the homes of suspects. Willow is timid at first, but once she meets tiny alley cat, Bella, and sees how fearless she is, it gives Willow courage. She makes the rounds with Nat and learns the ropes, and she even sees some clues that he missed. Their sleuthing ability uncovers a conspiracy, and now Nat and Willow must point their humans in the right direction to solve the crime.

Cute and fluffy story but with no real substance. It's okay for a spot of mindless entertainment. I do enjoy stories about cats. One would think the author must love cats, as well, but if she thinks a week-old kitten (Bella) can fend for herself after her mother disappears, she has another think coming. Week-old kittens don't even have their eyes open yet, let alone have the capability to survive without their mother. Sigh.

I'm giving it three stars, and that's being generous. Erunyauve77 1 follower

Very short, but cute. If you Rita Mae Brown's Mrs Murphy series, this is somewhat similar in format. Brown's books, the story is told from a cat's point of view, but not in the first person. I've found other series with cats as the central characters, but most seem to be first-person, which I usually dis.

Of course, Nancy Davis is nowhere near the calibre of Rita Mae Brown (and needs an editor: a wrap sheet is something one uses to wrap gifts; it's a 'rap' sheet the author was wanting), but as this is the first book in the series, I'm hopeful that the writing will improve. I would have d more background on Willow, the principal cat in the story - I rather felt there was a story that should have preceded this one.

The cats, in any case, are quite believable, being primarily concerned with proper naps, tuna and good grooming, as any cat should be. And, oh yes, catching bad guys, since they're police cats.cat-mysteries Dallas30 1 follower

This book is very cute! As a HUGE cat lover and cat dad, I enjoy seeing cats as the main characters to a story. It gives you a different perspective and I love it! Now, I’m not sure if this is the authors first book, but it read a first book. I caught a spelling error or two and at first I wasn’t sure about it. I just finished this and it brought a smile to my face. Not sure which genre this is, but middle grade would suffice. Definitely an easy and quick read! I actually ordered books 2-5 before even finishing this and I’m glad that I did, because now I can just binge this whole series. I know this author focuses on cats in her books and though they may not be the best books ever written, she has a lot of room for growth. Regardless, I will probably, definitely, be picking up more of her books after this series. Solely for the reason that she focuses on cats!! Would recommend if you want a very quick and light story. Krystyna5,134 40

On the job training for a young house cat

Terrific. A detective series written through the eyes of two cats. Brilliant! Being cats at the police station is not just about being a pet. When a murder occurs it is up to the cats to use their senses to get to the killer. Will they find the vital evidence and then draw it to the attention of their human police members. A really terrific viewpoint and a nice neat plot that has overtures of Murder on the Orient Express about it. The two cats are brilliantly depicted. With the elder one advising the younger more timid female. If you cats or even a different kind of cozy then this is for you. Laura3,203 346

Purrfect introduction to Willow and Nat, police cats. Nat is the old-timer around the station. He's been helping solve crimes for years, with the help of cats on the street and in the alleys. Willow has been around a while thinking her job was within the station walls. Nat explains to her how useful the humans are and that they have to let them think they are the ones solving the crimes.
This is their first adventure "in the field" uncovering an arsonist murderer.
I enjoyed meeting everyone and putting together the clues.2017-craving-for-cozies climbing-my-tbr-pile cozy-mysteries-read ...more Sue Ellen692

You really have to suspend your disbelief with this one, but it's still a fun read for cat lovers. So far, I'm finding the alley cats even more interesting than the Police Station cats. I hope they appear in more books in the series. I'd love to read some books about their lives told from their point of view. Brenda647

New series for me

Reading from a cat's point of view is a little different. I d the characters and the plot but it felt the end was rushed.read-in-2018 Mike Dellinger16


Love cats, never meet one I didn't . Often wondered what cats did when not around their humans. Good read. Cheryl Lopatka239 1 followerRead

A cute story

This was a fast read. It wasn't very long, but was well executed and held the readers interest. This might even be a good book for a young reader. Brenda1,148 15

I love finding a new author to read and with Cats on the Prowl Nancy C. Davis has gained a fan in me. I always enjoy reading a good cozy mystery and when animals are included it's always an added bonus for me. With this mystery we meet Nat and Willow. Willow is a beautiful stray kitty who has come to live with Nat at the police station. Nat is a seasoned police cat which means he knows how to solve crimes, and he has decided to teach Willow the ropes. Soon these two crime solving kitties and trying to solve the latest murder which happens to be the local baker.

The author weaves such an interesting who dun it that once I started reading I couldn't put the story down. Sure we are seeing the crime be solved through the eyes of cats, but honestly once I got into the story that actually became something that I quite enjoyed. Bits of humor, descriptions that easily allowed me to envision the characters, human and feline, along with an interesting mystery made this a page turning read. I will say that I found a few editing errors but that didn't detract from the overall story. I certainly will be watching for the next installment of A Cat Detective cozy mystery series.2 s Lorna9 1 follower

A Badge For Bella

The story focused on Nat, the detective cat and Willow the rookie. It wasn't cluttered by tripping over humans jumping back to cats. I did have to reset my Kindle language setting to Mews, Yowls and Hissing to convert to cat talk first. Lol. Being a keen observer of stray cats and owning an un local Siamese Ms. Davis excelled at uniting the very different lifestyles of indoor and outdoor cats teaching Willow leaps of information. Bella adorable. Chester atypical old Tom with human traits. A different perspective though the cat characters reminding me of humans I know. Great detective work in casing for morsels of clues to solving the dumb-sters who committed the crimes. Jack Courtney46

I really d it.

I have not run across a good animal mystery book in a while. The few I have read do not put out any new books in a while, so looking for new author was hard glad I stumble across this one. Lynn729 5

WOW! Police Cats

What a great idea. Nat and Willow are definitely a pair. Nat is an experienced police cat and has taken on the job of training the younger Willow. This story is very entertaining. Cheryl Willoughby15 18

A fun little cozy. More a short story. You have to accept talking cats although they don't speak human, they tell one another in English!! Fun characters, easy to read plots, lots of fun.mystery-cozies LE Eastman200

This was a very cute book. Clever use of characters, still engaging and fun to ready. If you love cats and mysteries definitely a book for you. Charlotte Shea115 2

A great read

I really enjoyed reading a mystery, specially if there's cats involved. I cannot wait to read book two. I hope the second book, is just as good. Michele bookloverforever8,010 39

I live with 3 very clever cats...nothing surprises me anymore.cozy-mystery ebooks novella Donna LoCastro136 1 follower

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