
The Echo of Old Books: A Novel de Davis, Barbara

de Davis, Barbara - Género: English
libro gratis The Echo of Old Books: A Novel


Rare-book dealer Ashlyn Greer’s affinity for books extends beyond the intoxicating scent of old paper, ink, and leather. She can feel the echoes of the books’ previous owners—an emotional fingerprint only she can read. When Ashlyn discovers a pair of beautifully bound volumes that appear to have never been published, her gift quickly becomes an obsession. Not only is each inscribed with a startling incrimination, but the authors, Hemi and Belle, tell conflicting sides of a tragic romance.

With no trace of how these mysterious books came into the world, Ashlyn is caught up in a decades-old literary mystery, beckoned by two hearts in ruins, whoever they were, wherever they are. Determined to learn the truth behind the doomed lovers’ tale, she reads on, following a trail of broken promises and seemingly unforgivable betrayals. The more Ashlyn learns about Hemi and Belle, the nearer she comes to bringing closure to their love story—and to the unfinished chapters of her own life.

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The Echo of Old Books was the first book that I have had the pleasure of reading by Barbara Davis. It was a beautifully written and heartwarming story. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book but I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It was written in a duel time line. One part of The Echo of Old Books took place in the past during 1941 in New York City and the other part took place in 1984 in New Hampshire. During each timeline, there was a strong female protagonist and a very compelling romance. I don’t usually gravitate towards books that involve romance but both romances in The Echo of Old Books worked well for me. Barbara Davis’s research that she conducted to write this book was very commendable. I found it very hard to put this book down.

Ashlyn Greer grew up in New Hampshire as an only child. Her relationship with both of her parents was lacking the warmth and love that Ashlyn so desperately wanted. She lost both of her parents when she was quite young. They both died within a very short time period of each other. Whenever Ashley wanted to avoid going to her her own home, she always ended up at An Unly Story, an antique bookstore. It became her safe place. Even before her parents died, Ashlyn spent a lot of time there. The owner of the bookstore was quite fond of Ashlyn and always welcomed her.

When Ashlyn was about twelve years old, she discovered that she possessed a very special gift. Ashlyn was able to feel the echoes of the book’s previous owners when she opened a book and touched its pages. She was able to feel all kinds of emotions that stemmed from the person who had once owned the book just from handling it. At first Ashlyn thought that everyone had this capability but she later realized it was something that very few people had. Ashlyn learned later on that her special gift was called psychometric.

An Unly Story was left to Ashley when the owner of the bookstore died. Over the years, the owner had taught Ashlyn how to restore old books. She became quite proficient at this skill and was often commissioned to do restoration work on rare and old books. One day, a friend of Ashlyn’s informed her that he had received a donation of old books and that she was welcomed to go through them and see if she wanted any of them for her store. Ashlyn discovered two bound books that were very similar to each other in appearance. They were missing a publisher’s name and a copyright. Ashlyn suspected that the books had never been published. Each book revealed a curious inscription. The authors were Belle and Hemi, respectively. The books immediately piqued Ashlyn’s curiosity. One was entitled “Regretting Belle” written by Hemi and the other was entitled “Forever and Other Lies, written by Belle. Ashlyn felt very powerful echoes from each of these two books as she opened each book. She felt compelled to read the books and soon discovered that both books described the same love affair from the perspective of each writer. Ashlyn became obsessed with these books. She could not stop reading them. Ashlyn was determined to discover the identities and fates of the two lovers and would not stop until she had.

The Echo of Old Books by Barbara Davis was about family, love, forgiveness, betrayal and secrets. It explored the growing anti-Semitic feelings that were taking root among some of the wealthiest and most influential Americans as World War II began. The roles of the affluent women that lived during the 1940’s were described. These women were meant to live their lives in relation to their place in society. Women were expected to marry, dedicate themselves to raising their children and take a backseat to their husbands. Some brave women rebelled against these norms. They wanted more. Those women were not interested in staying home, raising children and planning dinner parties. Some of these women wanted more out of life. They wanted to be treated more as equals to the men in their lives. The Echo of Old Books was also about second chances. I loved how Barbara Davis used “Regretting Belle” and “Forever and Other Lies” to weave together the lives of so many people. The Echo of Old Books brought tears to my eyes, it made me smile and it made me hope. I really enjoyed The Echo of Old Books by Barbara Davis and highly recommend it. I look forward to reading more books by Barbara Davis.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing for allowing me to read The Echoes of Old Books by Barbara Davis through Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. All opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.marilyn-s-challenge212 s6 comments Shelley's Book Nook298 341

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Books are the quietest and most constant friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient teachers. —Charles W. Eliot

When this title became available on NetGalley I couldn't say no, a book about books is for me! This is part romance, part historical fiction and part epistolary novel. The story had me intrigued right from the start, a woman who can feel a book owner's feelings from touching the cover? A book with a mystery inside? Sign me up...take my money!

I loved the unique format of the book, told via two books and in two different historical timelines. So refreshing! I appreciated the delicate way the author handled the anti-Semitism in the story, while still being true to history Davis remained sensitive. The two separate stories were woven together seamlessly holding this reader in rapt attention while reading both.

As sad as this book was I loved every page of it. I can't believe this is my first book by Barbara Davis, it certainly won't be my last. All. The. Stars. 182 s8 comments L.A.566 220

What a fascinating story! Finding a couple of old books with curious inscriptions, Ashlyn goes on a hunt to find the origin of their stories. It appears Hemi and Belle's books went unpublished, yet packed an intriguing story of their forbidden love, regrets and betrayal. The dual timeline of 1984 is Ashlyn's story of her inherited antique bookstore "An Unly Story" with all the old books wafting of discolored paper and ink with beautiful leather bound books.
~This reminds me of the old bookstores that dot the streets of New Orleans. With books laying haphazardly, yet poetically telling their own story, their authors are even more interesting. Ashlyn has a unique gift of psychometric vibes and can feel the authors' stories within. When she inquires about Hemi and Belle, she finds forbidden love and the history of some of the wealthiest people and a link to anti-Semitic secrets.
In the 1940's, "Regretting Belle" & "Hemi and Other Lies" are conflicting stories of a tragic romance. With no trace of how the books came to be, it is amazing how this author pieced the story together so it flowed flawlessly and beautifully. I was touched by the whole scene of two timelines and didn't mind the change up. The characters are touching and dealt with emotions of families ideology that was impossible to break through.adult-fiction can-t-put-it-down domestic-suspense ...more159 s1 comment Sandysbookaday 2,245 2,248

EXCERPT: It (wasn't) the first time she had been caught off guard by a book's echoes. It happened quite often, actually. Secrets so scandalous, they singed the tips of her fingers. Sadness that felt a stone lodged in her throat. Joy so fierce, it made her scalp prickle. There wasn't much she hadn't come across. But she had never experienced anything close to what she felt while holding Regretting Belle.
Her eyes slid to the book. Even closed, she could feel the pull of it, the allure of its anonymity, its careful, inscrutable prose, beckoning to be read after who knew how long.
And the echoes.
Over the years, she'd come to think of them the way a perfumer describes the notes of a scent. Some were simple, others more complex - subtle layers of emotion combined to create a whole. Top, heart, base.
With Regretting Belle the notes were complex, heavy, and slow to lift. Against her better judgement, she placed a hand on its cover. It was bitterness that came through first, hot and sharp against the pads of her fingers. That was the top note, the initial impression. Next came the deeper and rounder heart note, betrayal, which carved a hollow place beneath her ribs. And finally, there was the base note, the most resonant of all the layers - grief. But whose grief?
How Belle?

ABOUT 'THE ECHO OF OLD BOOKS': Rare-book dealer Ashlyn Greer’s affinity for books extends beyond the intoxicating scent of old paper, ink, and leather. She can feel the echoes of the books’ previous owners—an emotional fingerprint only she can read. When Ashlyn discovers a pair of beautifully bound volumes that appear to have never been published, her gift quickly becomes an obsession. Not only is each inscribed with a startling incrimination, but the authors, Hemi and Belle, tell conflicting sides of a tragic romance.

With no trace of how these mysterious books came into the world, Ashlyn is caught up in a decades-old literary mystery, beckoned by two hearts in ruins, whoever they were, wherever they are. Determined to learn the truth behind the doomed lovers’ tale, she reads on, following a trail of broken promises and seemingly unforgivable betrayals. The more Ashlyn learns about Hemi and Belle, the nearer she comes to bringing closure to their love story—and to the unfinished chapters of her own life.

MY THOUGHTS: What a great read to end the year on. I have a book hangover and doubt I will be able to look at another book for several more days. The Echo of Old Books is a love story. Not a romance. A love story. And a mystery spanning decades.

Barbara Davis tied my hearts in knots. She wrung every emotion possible from me. I plunged from the heights of joy to the depths of despair. I am emotionally bereft, quietly excited, and absolutely satisfied.

The story is told over two historical timelines, aided by alternating chapters of two books: Regretting Belle written by Hemi, and Forever and Other Lies written in reply to Hemi's book by Belle.

I couldn't stop reading. I cried. I smiled. I felt frustrated, angry and ultimately, satisfied.

This was my first book by Barbara Davis. It won't be my last.

A Few Favorite Lines: We develop a particular fondness for our favorite books, the way they feel and smell and sound, the memoires they invoke, until they begin to exist for us as living, breathing things. - Ashlyn Greer, The Care & Feeding of Old Books

We never think of our parents that way, as people with dreams and passions. They're just parents.


THE AUTHOR: I’m a Jersey girl raised in the south, now living and writing in New England. Confused? Constantly. Happy? Deliriously! But then, living your dream will do that! After fifteen years of wearing heels and schlepping a briefcase as an executive in the jewelry industry, I traded in my pinstripes for a little peace of mind, and decided to follow my dream of becoming a women’s fiction author. And what a ride it’s been! Six books later, I’m still pinching myself, and I’m still as much in love with writing as I was the day I began this journey. Maybe it’s because I believe in miracles, in happy endings and new beginnings. Heaven knows I’ve had my share.

I’m blessed to be married to my best friend and soul mate, Tom, who I must say, sets the bar pretty high for my on-the-page heroes. We also have a lovely ginger cat named Simon, who is twenty years old, wretchedly spoiled, and doesn’t give a fig if I’m on deadline or not. When I’m not making up stories, you’re ly to find me reading, cooking, watching college football, (Go Gators!)

DISCLOSURE: I own my copy of The Echo of Old Books by Barbara Davis.2023 5-star domestic-drama ...more109 s35 comments Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill644 604

I loved this book!!! ?? I was sold at the cover and title alone! A book about books? With an actual book within the book? Sign me up!!
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