
Blindspots de David Sakmyster

de David Sakmyster - Género: English
libro gratis Blindspots


Six strangers from across the globe, all afflicted with Prosopagnosia - a disease that renders the sufferer unable to recognize faces-find themselves drawn to a secluded Vermont clinic specializing in their condition. Once there, to the shock of their lives, these strangers find they are not only able to see, but somehow recognize each other.
But before they can learn the amazing truth about their connection, they are targeted by a preternaturally-gifted killer who has been waiting, more than one lifetime, for their arrival.

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What a gem of a book this is, I have just gobbled it up over 2 hours of intense reading, happily lost in the words and the story in this exciting novel. A book that grabs your attention early on and does not let go, with just the right amount of mystery to keep you guessing all the way to the end.

IT'S WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE THAT MATTERS. . . Six strangers from across the globe, all afflicted with Prosopagnosia, a disease that renders the sufferer unable to recognize faces find themselves drawn to a secluded Vermont clinic specializing in their condition. Once there, to the shock of their lives, these strangers find they are not only able to see, but somehow recognize each other. But before they can learn the amazing truth about their connection, they are targeted by a preternaturally-gifted killer who has been waiting, more than one lifetime, for their arrival.

The book follows the stories of these individuals, each of them in different parts of the world, all with very different lives and history behind them, but one thing unites them, Prosopagnosia, essentially the inability to read and see faces, in this novel portrayed in it's most severe form, where the seer can only see a blur where the face is. Prosopagnosia is a very real condition, in a milder form those with Aspergers Syndrome and Autism ( myself) suffer from it.

One by one they all begin to realise that they can see ONE particular individual's face, this is of course a huge shock to them all. It stirs long hidden deep seated memories of a place, a secluded clinic in the USA that treats those with the condition, a place that seems SO familiar, but all is not as it seems, not everything is above board and out in the open.

With their arrival one by one at the clinic, and their encounters with the strange head of the facility and the staff that serve her things start to get very weird for these new intakes, but not all are questioning things, some may know more than they let on. But I will not reveal much more, this book has way too many spoilers potentially in it if I keep sharing!

The book has a great pace, kicks in from the start and does not let up until the very last word, all the characters are really interesting, all carrying their own version of baggage along the way, flawed, imperfect characters. The plot is really interesting, and incorporates degrees of the supernatural in it, it's this part that really makes the book as good as it is, it's a key element to the overall story and outcomes.

Why can they all recognise each other when they can't see anybody's else's face? What is the secret behind this? More to the point, why are they all drawn to this treatment facility at the same time, to be in the same place all together. This dear readers is part of the secrets this book holds until the big reveals, then you will no doubt have an ah-ha moment or two.

I really d this book, very enjoyable, easy to read, interesting plot, plenty to keep me guessing. What's not to really? I loved the supernatural elements that are injected into the plot, really well done.

I received a copy of this book thanks to the author and Story Cartel in exchange for an honest review, many thanks.could-not-put-down paranormal-supernatural10 s Winter Sophia Rose2,208 10

Riveting, Gripping, Heart Pounding & Mind Blowing! A Unique Read! I Loved It!3 s Sharon770

Page turner

Wow! A crazy story of a Dr that found a way for successive lifes and to keep your treasures.

Lots of action and a wild ending awaits. Enjoy.2 s Kim664 3

This book is okay, but at one point, I skipped 60 pages and apparently didn't miss anything. To me, that says the story has more filler than substance. I won't look for more by this author. Dee Haddrill1,564 19

This was a fantastic book that grips you from the beginning, and keeps you enthralled until the very end. Excellent supernatural thriller!!5-stars paranormal read-2023 ...more Terry Parrish159 15

Excellent story. Had to put it down, then pick it back up. Made me nervous. Lol. But towards the end I did not want to put it down. Had to know what happened! Phillip IIIAuthor 30 books177

I have been something of a long time fan of David Sakmyster. He writes in an array of genres, smoothly transitioning from one to the other without missing a beat. BLINDSPOTS is the first psychological thriller I have ever read by him, and the best I can say is I was blown away, not just by the unique story, but also by the amazingly well-crafted narrative, character development and realistic dialogue.

The back cover synopsis reads:

It's what you can't see that matters. . .

Six strangers from across the globe, all afflicted with Prosopagnosia-a disease that renders the sufferer unable to recognize faces-find themselves drawn to a secluded Vermont clinic specializing in their condition. Once there, to the shock of their lives, these strangers find they are not only able to see, but somehow recognize each other. But before they can learn the amazing truth about their connection, they are targeted by a preternaturally-gifted killer who has been waiting, more than one lifetime, for their arrival.

First, I had to look up Prosopagnosia to see if it was even real. I could not imagine anyone suffering from "face blindness." That's what a talented author does. They take the obscure and rare and write about it, making it real. Sakmyster has not only done this. He nailed it.

BLIND SPOTS is captivating from the opening scene. In two sittings, I devoured this book. As the characters are introduced, each of the six suffering from Prosopagnosia has an engaging and messed up history. Their lives are far from normal. I loved them. You sense the danger they are in almost immediately. Each of them sees a news broadcast where --for once in their life-- they actually can see the face of a person on the news. They can see eyes, and a nose, and a mouth --instead of just a blur of features. It is shocking to them. It gets stranger still, because something inside them clicks --and not only can they SEE that person's face, they are sure that they already know them.

These people need to find out two things. Why can they see the face of the person on the news, and why do they feel they know that person? A research facility works to collect the Six. They may be the only one with answers to the questions.

The journey to the facility is not simple. Digging for answers might be exactly what someone wants. It makes the Six easier to spot. Easier to find. Easier to kill.

But why? How could Six strangers pose a threat to anyone? How does killing random individuals with a shared, albeit unique illness effect the outcome of anything?

David Sakmyster's BLINDSPOTS is just ... wow. If you tight, creative and believable psychological thrillers, then BLINDSPOTS is what I recommend to feed that craving.

Phillip Tomasso
Author of Blood River and Vaccination
Amy LignorAuthor 10 books224

In this infinite realm of vampires and werewolves, this is one book that soars directly out of that ‘pack’ and takes paranormal to a whole new level!

Readers are introduced to six individuals who are located in various places around the globe. The only thing these human beings have in common is that they are all suffering from a disease called, Prosopagnosia.

Un the regular ‘Carrie’- paranormal power, this particular illness causes a person to be completely unable to recognize faces. Oddly enough, when these same six people are all brought to a very secluded (and more than frightening) clinic located in the dark, lonely state of Vermont - they are able to recognize each other. In fact, it feels as if they have known one another their whole lives.

Now at this clinic, this particular illness is what they specialize in, so it comes as no actual surprise that this half-dozen people finally ‘see,’ which leads to nothing but happiness and relief. …Even while staying in a clinic that is an old, strange gothic house right out of the worst serial killer book you can possibly imagine.

You guessed it… Before the characters can actually revel in the happiness of their newfound ‘cure,’ they notice there’s something rotten in Denmark, (or, in their cases, Vermont), about the so-called experts who are supposedly helping them to recover. It comes to light that only one within that gothic house knows the true reason behind their illness and holds the actual answers. Unfortunately, that one person is also a bloodthirsty killer who’s trying to cover their tracks.

Talk about daunting! While trying to figure out this disease, the horrific and thrilling world of a true killer’s mind comes into play. Beyond unusual, this is one book that is so original, readers will not want to skip even one word. (Trust in this; after reading Blindspots, vamps and werewolves will be about as scary as a Saturday morning cartoon!) Bravo!
Jada RykerAuthor 20 books50

A Master Plan That Crosses Time and Space

Monica is alone in the house. Her husband is away. She hears an intruder in the house. Did he disable the house security? Terrified, she hears stealthy footsteps on the stairs. Various violent scenarios run through her mind a slasher movie on fast forward. Her hands are sweaty as she grips her firearm. When the intruder enters her bedroom, she shoots. He moans, "Monica."

Her husband is dead by her hand.

a small number of other people around the world, Monica suffers from Prosopagnosia. Rather than seeing a person's face, she sees only a swirling mass.

Dr. Gabriel Sterling was the director of the Daedalus Institute, a small clinic in Northern Vermont he had inherited from his father. After eight years trying to rebuild its reputation, Dr. Sterling was shocked when young, untrained, Alexa Pearl waltzed in with the legal authority to take possession of the clinic. She also had the only key to a secret vault in the basement of the clinic.

Blind from birth, Alexa works with her own staff at the clinic. The mysterious team, composed of three men and two women, all possess the same snake tattoo on their necks.

Alexa runs her own experiments on a carefully selected subset of the clinic's patients, who all suffer from Prosopagnosia. With the help of her team, Alexa shows patients photos of people's faces. The faces are all of other people who suffer from Prosopagnosia. During one of Alexa's experiments, a patient sees Monica's image.

He recognizes her face.

Alexa has unfinished business. Her evil plan involves six people with Prosopagnosia. She won't stop until she reaches her secret objective. Neither time nor death can stand in her way.

Blindspots, by David Sakmyster, is a psychological thriller. With intense action and surprising plot twists. Mr. Sakmyster makes the reader his own until the shocking finish.

Kelly263 11

I was given a free copy of this book for an honest review, I enjoyed it so much that I went and bought it anyway. David Sakmyster does a fantastic job of blending mystery and suspense in a fun and interesting story. It grips you from the first chapter and doesn’t let go. I spent the entire book questioning why these people could only see and recognise each other, what drew them together and what was going to happen next. It was really fun, not many books have that effect, the conclusion of the story is surprising and I didn’t see it coming, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a well written mystery, with a paranormal twist. latybug157

I received a free download of this book from Story Cartel, thank you!
This book was an entertaining read for me. Although the story is fiction, it gave me some insight into the real disorder of Prosopagnosia. I can't imagine what it might be for people who have it, and the characters in the story had some interesting ways to cope with it.
I found myself swept up in the drama of the characters coming together, and then once they found out why they were brought together, they had to deal with that situation as well.
Overall it was an enjoyable read and I would recommend it to others. I would read more by this author.
Denise1,772 24

** I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.**

'Blindspots' is a captivating thriller. I was sucked in from the first few pages and I couldn't let go until the end. The storyline was was very intriguing and well written. I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense, the action and the thriller aspect. I loved how it played out. The characters were great. So many different personalities were brought forth and each one seemed to play an integral part to the overall story. I loved the sassy characters. This book should be a definite add to your tbr. Highly recommended. mountain-of-books-2014 Kristal6

Okay wow so I don't normally do and this one is LONG over due. I received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads and let me just say. AMAZING. The story grips you right away and you stay within it's grasp through-out the entire book. It's a mystery and a thriller and creepy but in a way that you just can't put it down. I highly recommend this to anyone and everyone. I never read thrillers but after this book, I am a fan. Not to mention, the ending was perfect. No cliff-hangers!!! 10/10 do recommend! Michelle Marchant16 1 follower

As a Dean Koontz fan I read this book but have to say I enjoyed it more than my last few Koontz books.

This is my first David Sakmyster book and I certainly will be reading some more.

Six strangers who suffer the same rare seemingly genetic disorder are drawn together from the four corners of the globe where they face some terrible truths about their condition.

I loved the truth and mythology woven into this book, it definitely hit all the right spots for me. Twilightwatchers40 16

I was completely enthralled by the first sentence. The concept was very good. The flow from character to character was done quite well, without any confusion. I enjoyed the building of suspense and didn't see the story going the way it does. The ending was very satisfying, but unfortunately, no chance of a sequel. Maybe a prequel!!!!

I recommend this book and will be reading more of David Sakmysters' works.

Thank you, Story Cartel for giving me a free advance copy to review.
Amy ShannonAuthor 108 books122

The story was completely heart pounding. The connection of six characters across the globe and how they are connected ... it was well written and put together. It led my heart beating faster and more excited as I anticipated what could possibly happen next all the way to the end. I read it in one sitting and couldn't turn the pages fast enough. Makes you wonder about life's blindspots ... such an epic thriller. Myeve12341 4

An interesting thriller with a smart and badass villain (I love books that have strong antagonist). The sense of dread always foreshadows the scenes, and although I could guess the quest have something to do with reincarnation I couldn't see the plot twist coming about the villain's identity. The ending does the story justice and overall it's a good read. Carolyn Walkden69

I have never read a book before with the condition called Prosopagnosia (Face Blindness) at the centre of the plot. There is so much more to this novel by David Sakmyster as the story unfolds and I was enthralled. Blindspots is well written with intriguing characters and I enjoyed it so much, I will be reading another by this author very soon. Brilliant! I highly recommend it. Beth40 1 follower

This is my first read by David Sakmyster and I have to say I was wowed!
A fantastic paranormal thriller that keeps you on the edge right up until the end.
Will definitely be looking for more by this author.
2013-50-book-challenge Katya233 35

A creative idea for a story, lots of action, straightforward good vs. evil plotline, but the characters were a little flat for me. I'm glad I read this but would not re-read.

ARC received in exchange for honest feedback. Walt710 10

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