
Medraut de David Pilling

de David Pilling - Género: English
libro gratis Medraut


"All the world's wonder, no grave for Arthur..."

Britannia has been at peace for six years. With his enemies defeated, Artorius reigns as High King over a golden era of peace and prosperity. Yet his doom is near. A new generation of young warriors has reached manhood, who care little for the victories won by their fathers. To them Artorius is a relic, an ageing symbol of a bygone era.

These restless young men find a leader in Medraut, the High King's youngest son. Since his return from the East, Medraut has bided his time at Caerleon. Now he steps out of the shadows to take advantage of the growing resentment and unrest against his father. When the Yellow Plague hits Britannia, a lethal sickness that sweeps across the land and spares neither young nor old, Medraut seizes the chance to make his bid for power. All the while, the ever-present threat of the Saxons under their formidable leader, Cerdic, looms in the background.

Leader of Battles (V): Medraut is the fifth and last installment in the Leader of Battle series. A lonely figure, surrounded by enemies, Artorius will ride out to battle one last time and leave the memory of a deathless legend.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

As usual with a David Pilling novel, blood and ale flow freely and the reader lives through the terror of battles as they must have been with characters who feel real enough to call friends or enemies. With his Arthurian saga, Pilling has put his scholarship and research to good use in reconstructing a rousing, conflicted world of fifteen centuries ago where the most civilized legacies of Roman Britain are gradually eroded by new conquerors and the failures in men's hearts. In this final installment, as Arthur grows old, making provision for the future of his kingdom, he faces the last great challenge to his vision of a strong, unified British federation against the Saxon invaders. As we so often find today, the ruin of a great nation is bred not without but within and Pilling unfolds the tale of Arthur's final days with grace and finality, bringing the fairy tales of old back to Earth but hanging on to just enough magic to keep the story's timeless resonance. Recommended. historical-fiction-arthurian Alison Bahmüller30 1 follower

"Leader of Battles (V): Medraut" is an engaging novel that makes you want to read on and see what will happen next. The story is exciting and original, with very interesting characters. The prose is simply beautiful. The author has a talent for transporting the reader back to a certain time and place, and for making the reader live through the excitement and terror of battles. But he can also make the reader smile with his descriptions, and feel for the various characters.
In short, I really enjoyed reading this book, and I highly recommend it.1 R Pata166 3

An Ending

When a hero of a series passes on, it always saddens me. Even a flawed hero Arturius (Arthur). He existed. He was truly larger than life. He was a very good man. And his legend was instrumental in developing Western Culture.

With the dreaded evil that was the invaders from the east, there arrived a devil’s spawn that sought to destroy that shining culture of the West. Evil always attempts that, in all places and in all times. Even as exemplified in today’s world.

It is our duty to grab that evil by the throat and roar defiance in its face, giving no quarter and striving as hard as you can to defeat the evil. It is our time to do what Artorius and the Companions did in the days of the Ancients. Robyn Kosowski5

Read this series

I have been a fan of David Pilling for a while now. He is a good story teller. Of all the King Arthur books I have read, this is my favorite. He brought new life to an old story. Much more believable characters. Graham Dalrymple1 review

Just brilliant

Absolutely phenomenal retelling of the battle of camlaan and the events leading to it! It's a grim,bloody tale with excellent,fleshed out characters and superbly written battles. A truly outstanding series,can't wait to read the authors take on robin hood Jerry Mercer390 6

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