
One Dance With a Duke de Dare, Tessa

de Dare, Tessa - Género: English
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In One Dance with a Dukethe first novel in Tessa Dares delightful new trilogysecrets and scandals tempt the irresistible rogues of the Stud Club to gamble everything for love.

A handsome and reclusive horse breeder, Spencer Dumarque, the fourth Duke of Morland, is a member of the exclusive Stud Club, an organization so select it has only ten membersyet membership is attainable to anyone with luck. And Spencer has plenty of it, along with an obsession with a prize horse, a dark secret, and, now, a reputation as the dashing Duke of Midnight. Each evening he selects one lady for a breathtaking midnight waltz. But none of the women catch his interest, and nobody ever bests the dukeuntil Lady Amelia dOrsay tries her luck.

In a moment of desperation, the unconventional beauty claims the dukes dance and unwittingly steals his heart. When Amelia demands that Spencer forgive her scapegrace brothers debts, she never imagines that her game of wits and words will lead to breathless passion and a steamy proposal. Still, Spencer is a man of mystery, perhaps connected to the shocking murder of the Stud Clubs founder. Will Amelia lose her heart in this reckless wager or win everlasting love?

From Publishers Weekly

Starred Review. This standout Regency romance, the first in Dare's Stud Club trilogy, matches an unlikely heroine with an arrogant, secretive duke. Plump, plain, and poor, spinster Amelia d'Orsay is astonished when Spencer Dumarque, duke of Morland and a famously handsome and wealthy bachelor, literally sweeps her off her feet and out the door at a London ball. The news of a friend's unexpected death leads them on a significant detour, and Amelia returns home at dawn. Deciding others will believe Amelia compromised after a night in his company, Spencer asks for her hand, leading to a hasty, often conflicted, and deeply passionate marriage. Amelia's imperfections endear her to both the reader and her husband, while Spencer's complexity of character sets him well beyond the typical aristocrat and a little bit of a murder mystery adds the perfect finishing touch. (June)
Copyright Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


"An engaging love story with strong, believable characters. I can't wait to read the sequels!" Mary Balogh, New York Times bestselling author "This standout Regency romance matches an unlikely heroine with an arrogant, secretive duke... ...and a little bit of a murder mystery adds the perfect finishing touch Starred Review" Publishers Weekly "A sharp-witted and sharp-tongued heroine matches wits and romantic wiles with a sinfully sexy hero" Chicago Tribune

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horse girl? no, horse guy

i d this! both of the characters were sort of idiots, but the heroine amelia was also pretty fun and sweet with a big heart. and the sex scenes? early tessa dare really went there. of all of the tessa dare books this probably has the second best sex scenes, ya know for reference ;)

i also did mildly swoon at times. not sure this is gonna be for everyone bc it's not super traditional and the hero is an ass but i enjoyed it.2020 historical-romance155 s Catherine523 561

This book started off well, but by the time I finished it I was pissed! If I could have reached through the pages of the book and throat punched the heroine, Amelia, I would have.

Spencer and Amelia have really great chemistry in the beginning. I really d them both. Watching Amelia push beyond her wallflower image to claim that dance...it was great. I loved that he was so flummoxed by her. His little love affair with her embroidery was cute.

Spencer was a great character. All the mystique created by the ton meant nothing to him. I loved how the author turned the mysterious male trope on its head. He didn't mean to cause gossip, he was just trying to do his duty and escape. He was so amused when he found out what they were saying about him. I loved that he was a secret romantic. I d that when we found out why he wanted the horse it was a simple reason. There's was no terribly complicated plot for him. It was a nice change.

I d getting to know Bellamy and Ashworth. I thought they were really interesting. Bellamy is so steeped in roles that I wonder if he even remembers who he is anymore. I felt so bad for him when he kept insisting everyone but him marry Lily. He thought she deserved better than him. Ashworth seems a little less complex, but still intriguing. I wonder why he thinks his life would be better if he ended it. I think the men from the Stud Club made the book for me.

Speaking of the Stud Club, thank God Amelia and Lily didn't accept the club name with a straight face. I'm glad someone mocked it. With them poking fun at the name it made me feel the author was inviting us to share the joke with her. It was nice.

Well, now we're down to what ruined the book for me...Amelia. I had such high hopes for her. I really d her in the beginning! I loved that she married Spencer for practical reasons. Watching her weigh the pros and cons really made me respect her. She seemed very mature and levelheaded. Unfortunately, she didn't stay that way.

All of a sudden they're married and she wants to have a chaste marriage until he convinces her he didn't kill anyone. If you really thought he killed someone, you idiot, why did you go through with the marriage? You made a deal when you married him. Why should he have to go through with his end of the bargain when you clearly won't go through with yours? While denying him sex she still finds time to gloat to herself about the new households she has. That takes a lot of brass right there. You haven't even consummated the marriage, it can still be annulled if you don't stop acting a twit.

So, Amelia decides she's only denying him sex because she's really afraid to fall in love with him. May I take a second to stop and point out how irritating I find this belief? Sex and love don't always go hand in hand. Why do these women persist in believing (and practicing) that? Irritating! Moving on... So, she decides she'll finally give it up. I felt we were going to get back to the Amelia I enjoyed. The one that had a clue. She goes to tell him, but the when he becomes the aggressor, because she won't spit it out, she freaks and literally runs from him. What is wrong with you???

That's not my only problem with her though! Spencer says this to her:

"Amelia," he whispered, "at this moment, I don't think you'd recognize the truth if it pinched you on the bottom."

That really summarizes my opinion of her. I don't know what reality she was in, but it sure wasn't the one I was reading. Spencer tries to buy her family home that she loves to help her brother cover his debts. He won't give him the money freely, but he'll help him out and give Amelia something she'll love. She decides he's "stripping" her family's pride. Later she's okay with someone else buying it and bulldozing it. Why was it not okay for him to buy it?

Amelia's worst flaw is that she puts her brother ahead of everyone else. She coddles him while he bankrupts the family and lashes out at anyone who doesn't want to enable him. A situation develops at the end that was all her fault. Even when she admitted she was to blame she still didn't see the reality of her brother. It was aggravating!

The biggest thing that pissed me off was the end. Amelia was the one in the wrong, but Spencer was the one who had to come to her and prove his worth. What??? She left him, not the other way around. She chose her brother over him. Why the hell did he have to make the effort to get her back? Arghhh!!!!

Even though I really disd this book I think I'll read the next one. I d the author's writing, and I d the story she was telling, I just hated Amelia. Let's hope the next book won't have another of her ilk.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewengland historical read-2010 ...more72 s Whitney Atkinson977 12.8k

sometimes picking up a random book in a used bookstore for 25 cents pays off. after buying it from a library bookstore just because i recognized tesss dare's name, i grabbed this book off my tbr shelf at random because it was the most summer-looking romance i owned, and it is now easily one of my favorite books of the year.

i recently rewatched briderton, so this whole book read in my head a movie. but it was also aided by how gorgeous Tessa Dare's writing style is. there were SO many lines that i marveled at the word choice and how the sentences flowed so well and provided such lush descriptions. the characters' dialogue felt so real, i could definitely imagine this being pulled word for word and being transformed into a show or movie. this is embarrassing to admit but sometimes i was reading the dialogue out loud to my cats and my friends because it was just so damn punchy and realistic. for a book published in 2010, i can't believe it holds up to time so well and was so beautiful.

mainly, the storyline in this is what connected with me so deeply. it's hard to find books that i can relate to that don't feel the spitting image of ninety thousand other similar books, but this book hit a sweet spot. the main character is weird and chatty but also deeply self-conscious about not being desirable, which hits so close to home that i couldn't help but love her. the love interest is perfectly grumpy without being an unredeemable asshole, and it certainly helped my enjoyment of this book that he is a horse girl through and through. (plus, he has panic attacks and deals with social anxiety!!) put these two characters together with a handful of my favorite tropes? man, i was FEASTING.

this book has everything. everything. smut, emotion, relatable...ness. my only critique is that the ending felt rushed in comparison to the rest of the book, but i knew within 50 pages this was going to be a favorite of the year. i mean, for christ's sake, i have 100 sticky tabs in this book, and it's a mass market paperback with a hideous cover (that also misrepresents that the main charater is PLUS SIZED!!).

i could go on and on. this book made me cry just because it had a hugging scene. , come get yall juice. don't keep sleeping on tessa dare. i will now read the rest of this series and pray and hope that it hits the same, because WOW. reading this in three sittings while listening to the pride & prejudice soundtrack may just be the highlight of my summer.fat-rep favs-of-2022 made-me-cry ...more70 s Anne4,201 69.9k

Not my favorite Dare book.
I Tessa Dare because her books are humorous and have likable characters. There's just this spirit of fun to them.
This was one of her earlier books, and it just reads a regular romance.

The hero, Spencer, is a bit of an emotionally retarded asshole who said a few things that made me cringe. Plus, he's a horse lover and those people are always a bit crazy.
No offense to my horse-loving friends. <--but y'all know I'm right!

The heroine is just too nice for her own good. By the end of it, I was ready to smack her for the way she kept letting her gambling crackhead of a brother walk all over her. You can't give someone that money!
What are you doing?!

Anyway. This was a decent romance, but not what I think of when I think of a Tessa Dare romance.audio read-in-2010 read-in-2021 ...more69 s UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish1,097 1,672

Spoilers are marked

It seems that lately I’ve been doing a lot of “first reads” of an author and in keeping with that trend, this is my first by Tessa Dare and overall I was quite pleased.

I’ll start out by saying that I’ve seen and comments by people who thought the Stud Club idea for a plot was dumb, boring, and lacking believability, but I actually thought it was a great jumping off point and foundation for the trilogy. After all, when you think about it, it’s not too hard to believe that there would be the need or desire for a men’s club in which membership was not based on which side of the tracks, or in this case, which side of the ton you were born on. And, while we never meet him, it made me respect and care for the late Leo Chatwick, the Marquess of Harcliffe, whose idea it was to start the club, because even though he was one of the wealthy ones, he knew that money didn’t make the man, and valuable and lasting friendships could be formed between people of all classes. As Julian Bellamy, one of the three remaining members of the Stud Club so passionately and eloquently tells us when speaking to one of the others, “It’s naught but luck. Simple, dumb, blue-blooded luck is all that separates a man you from a man me. Leo understood it. He never thought himself the better of anyone. That’s why he created this Club, made its membership contingent on the kind of good fortune that comes after one’s birth, not before it.” What a great, unique idea for a storyline!

I enjoyed Spencer Dumarque, Duke of Morland well enough even before he deserved it. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there was something about him that reminded me of Clayton Westmoreland from Whitney, My Love. Spencer Morland is a very intense, demanding man. He wants things his way and doesn’t mind using his ducal status to get it. He demands respect and does only what he wishes and has a difficult time fathoming it when someone isn’t intimidated by him—ly because it doesn’t happen that often! He’s aloof, mysterious, brooding and all the other things that a man must be if he expects to be worth his weight in whatever it is a Duke’s weight is worth. Whew! Say that 20 times fast without taking a breath! He isn’t necessarily my favorite kind of hero, one who suffers some physical scars as well as emotional ones, but yet, there was just something about him that captured my heart and my imagination and I knew from the start that I’d end up falling in love with him. I was right. *sigh*

As far as heroines go, Amelia d’Orsay was ok. A 26 year old spinster, she’s strong, resourceful, stubborn, capable, and intelligent and with a list that, you’d think I would have adored her. But sadly, I wasn’t drawn to her and never felt a real connection or attachment. I can only guess that it’s because she seemed to lack much compassion towards the people who really deserved it, except Lily, and she is quite gullible where her brother, Jack, is concerned which made for some frustrating times. It somehow just didn’t fit that this incredibly smart woman, so, so insightful and full of common sense, just couldn’t see beyond her love and devotion for him to see what a sniveling, whiny little miscreant he is. Instead, she kept making excuses for him, constantly bailing him out of trouble, never even considering that she wasn’t helping him at all. I wasn’t sure how this would turn out, but finally, very near the end we get our answer:

Slight Spoiler: This takes place when Amelia, finally “gets it” about her brother, when Jack fails to offer his coat to a shivering, pregnant young woman: Strangely enough, Amelia was glad of it. That small example of thoughtlessness might be inconsequential compared to his other misdeeds—but it was this final ounce of selfishness that tipped the scales. For many months, she’d believed she could save her brother if only she loved him hard enough. But she saw her error clearly now. She’d accused Spencer of being insular, but Jack was the one incapable of seeing beyond his own grief. Other men lost brothers, friends, even children and wives—and still avoided abject dissolution. Why Jack had stumbled into the chasm when others managed to skirt it, she would never know. But she finally understood it was beyond her power to pull him out. This epiphany of hers was so totally believable to me, because I’ve had those sudden, painful moments of clarity where family is concerned myself. Anyway, this is where Amelia redeemed herself and ceased being TSTL (Too Stupid to Live) and became someone I could cheer for, someone I could respect and someone deserving of a happily ever after with Spencer, a man I adore.End Spoiler

The supporting cast of characters, Lily Chatwick—Leo’s sister, Claudia, Lord Ashworth, and Julian Bellamy, I found to all be people with compelling enough backgrounds to warrant their own stories. I know that Ashworth and Bellamy (with Lily as his happily ever after) will have books of their own, but I’m hoping that we’ll see enough of the Morland clan to learn what ultimately happens with Claudia, Spencer’s ward. Then of course there’s Jack d’Orsay, and frankly, I’d be perfectly fine never hearing his name again.

I have to say that what I suspect was the main storyline – the murder mystery – was secondary to me. I was more interested in what I saw as a tale of the classes. About those who “belong” in proper society and those who don’t. I really the way Tessa Dare approached it, because let’s be honest here, it’s a theme that’s been quite written to death, but by using the idea of the Stud Club, she gives us a unique, interesting and funny twist to a “done to death” plot in historical romance novels. I enjoyed Ms. Dare’s writing style, her unique turn of phrases and her ability to take situations which might normally seem just more of the same old, same old, and made them fun, interesting and burn up the pages hot! Can anyone say “piquet?” LOL

A couple of my favorite scenes and quotes -

Spencer, seeming baffled by Amelia’s lack of… awe of him, states “You’re not intimidated by me.” Amelia realizes that before Leo’s death, she would have been, but now she sees life differently. “Today, I know we are merely humans. Two flawed, imperfect, mortal beings, whose bones will one day crumble to dust. Just a man and a woman.”

And this little exchange between Amelia and Spencer: “My virtue? You were--“Oh, there was no use in mincing words now. “You were able to divine my virginity by fondling my leg.”


She covered her eyes with one hand, then traced her left eyebrow with a fingertip. “Forgive me, Your Grace. Are you suggesting a woman is some sort of…piece of fruit to you? One squeeze and you know if she’s ripe?”


Overall, I enjoyed One Dance with a Duke and Spencer is the latest addition to my All Time Favorite Top 10 Heroes list. And even though I’ve heard a couple of less than appealing things about Twice Tempted by a Rogue, the second book in the Stud Club Trilogy, I’ll keep reading because I want to know what happens with Ashworth, Bellamy, Lily and Claudia, I want to find out who killed Leo and ultimately, what becomes of the Stud Club.
2010-reads 5-stars author-tessa-dare ...more63 s Shawna3,585 4,709

4 stars – Historical/Regency Romance

This is my first read by Tessa Dare, and I enjoyed the writing, humorous dialogue, witty banter, rather unique plot, and steamy romance. The main reason it didn't get a 5-star rating is that I just didn't quite connect fully with the characters, and I never really became emotionally invested in their relationship. I d curvy, spirited, strong-willed spinster Amelia and arrogant, alpha with a hidden, tender, romantic side Spencer, Duke of Morland and enjoyed them together, especially the love scenes...yowza! I just wouldn't necessarily consider them favorite characters or even that memorable of a romance couple, and I can't quite say that I loved this. Still, I can definitely understand all the rave for author Tessa Dare, and I'll definitely read more of her books. Oh, and it definitely deserves at least a ½ star for the amusing, brazen series name Stud Club...*snicker, snort*!author-tessa-dare hero-alpha? hero-stud-mantel-hall-of-fame ...more33 s Daniella256 578

I rage quit this book by Chapter 6. GOD I COULDN'T STAND IT. THE HERO, SPENCER, WAS SUCH AN ASSHOLE. I just couldn't finish it. I'd rather do somersaults over a vat of molten lava than finish it.

Yes, he was that bad.

How? Ha. Well let me count the ways. First and foremost, he was an arrogant son of a bitch who kept saying to himself "Oh, I'm the Duke of Morland, I'm not required to explain myself". WILL YOU JUST GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE FOR A SECOND AND BE HUMAN, YOU ASS?

And oh, since we're on the subject of horses, apparently Spencer was an avid horse breeder/fan. So when his friend dies, the first thing he says to the bereaved sister is "Oh, I'd to buy your brother's prized horse from you."WHAT THE FUCK??????? THAT'S WHAT YOU SAY TO THE WOMAN???????


I guess the last straw was when he proposed to the heroine in a way that made me feel shit. That was probably the worst proposal ever! I positively seethed when he said things "Oh, I'll be faithful to you until we have a son, after that we won't even have to meet" and etc. I WANTED TO WRING HIS ARISTOCRATIC NECK AND KICK HIM IN THE BALLS.

Only a madwoman with no self respect would accept his fuckery of a proposal.

The heroine accepted.

And that's when I knew I was done. Totally done with this shit. The hero was beyond redemption for me, and I didn't want to torture myself anymore. Blech.33 s Dina1,324 1,284

I'm sorry, but an annoying heroine can ruin any book. Wanting to hit her with a shovel over and over isn't conducive to a pleasant read.ebook historical-romance to-review31 s Amy | Foxy Blogs1,571 1,028


The STUD CLUB trilogy is a fun historical romance series.

Leo has created an exclusive gentleman's club that only allows 10 members to own a retired stud. The only way you may obtain a coin (membership) is by a game of chance (coins must never be sold). When Leo is murdered his coin has gone missing. The remaining members of this gentleman's club begin a search to find answers.

Spencer is a wealthy duke. He doesn't to be around large groups of people because he suffers from panic attacks. Because of this condition he only shows up to balls at midnight which earns him the name the Duke of Midnight. He dances one dance and then disappears.

Amelia has an undying devotion to her family members which includes five brothers. Her brother, Jack, puts the family into debt with his gambling. He owes Spencer a lot of money and Amelia makes it her mission to right his debt.

Spencer and Amelia come to an agreement: he'll marry her and give her security and she'll produce an heir to inherit his fortune.

A fun book video made by the author: The Stud Club Trilogy


Continuing story where secondary characters from the first book become the main focus in subsequent books.
Book 1 - Spencer Dumarque (a duke) | Book 2 - Rhys St. Maur (a war hero) | Book 3 - Julian Bellamy (a scoundrel)
2014-5-stars 2014-books library2go28 s LauraAuthor 13 books602

I thought this was great. I read a few where Amelia's affection for her brother Jack was overdone,but I thought it worked with the way her relationship and self-martyring personality was. And to be fair, the self-martyring wasn't really all that bad...that was more Spencer's take on Amelia, not mine.

Amelia and Spencer meet at a ball, minus any romantic impulses. They are married just days later, as a business arrangement, and fall into friendship and love. I loved how Spencer was able to admit that he loved Amelia from the second she pressed her handkerchief into his palm.

One of my favorite parts of this book is an impromptu ball given to the newly married Spencer and Amelia. Amelia is just absolutely shining in her new role as duchess, and Spencer notices it, and so does every single other male in the room. I loved how Spencer later made her watch herself in the mirror to show her what face others see when they look at her, but how the faces she makes in passion are only for him. In fact that was in general just a great scene.

This story is well done, and the writing is easy to follow without being simplistic. I loved it, and definitely want to read the next book in the series.

book trailer (and soo worth the 3 minutes! hysterical!)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4DzoN...26 s Warda1,254 21.5k

I adored this, of course. I never really know how to review Tessa Dare’s books. Only to say that they make me damn happy. And swoon, good lord.
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