
High Stakes de Danielle Steel

de Danielle Steel - Género: English
libro gratis High Stakes


Danielle Steel Publisher: Pan Macmillan, Year: 2022 ISBN: 9781529022056,9781529022100

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Happy publishing day!!

Danielle Steel has never left me down and High Stakes was no different. This book is based around the sexual harassment, Me too, movement. It follows several women working together in the same work place. This book is eye-opening and thought provoking. IÂ’m the beginning of the book, there were several characters introduced at once and I was worried I was going to have a hard time following them all. I quickly figured them all out clearly and from them on, it was hard to put the book down. This book may be triggering for some as it deals with sexual assault and rape. Fantastic read, overall.

Thank you Net Galley, and Random House- Ballantine, for an ARC of this book in return for my honest review.105 s Suz1,299 688

A generous rating, this story was an easy companion during an unexpected road trip. I had a serious book waitng for me, but knew this was not the right choice for a long drive.

DS is synonymous for ease of reading, as she is many other things, but I don't need to go into all these things now.

I don't love the narrator for her books most times, it's a male voice that I am not a fan of. The easy generic tone is fine thoough, and of interest was this story is pretty much a token of Harvey Weinstein and his dreadful acts and attitude, and all that goes alonng with the #MeToo movement.

In this instance it is a literary and talent agency where we hear from four different successful women. Surprisingly not all of these women are wealhty, and this is refereshing as this auhtor usually choses to write about the rich and elite.

It takes a new employee to act straight away, noticing on her first day what kind of man that is runing this agency. She will not tolerate this behaviour, as many women before did and continued to do.

The partnering owner is also a male, and he voices the desire for the women to withdraw charges at one stage, so not all is going swimmingly in the agency.

This really is an extremely leniant 3?, as relationships were abandoned, formed and tied up all too neatly and tidily.

All in all, though, this easy read suited my purpose, and in the two minutes I had to choose an audiobook for a trip, my public library (which one?!) came in handy again. So with the commbined effort of Ms DS and Libby, I was entertained, at 2.75 speed!2022 audio-libby library-penrith40 s Tim2,282 244

Sum this as better late than never, but better sooner than later. 7 of 10 stars36 s Tina Loves To Read2,759 1 follower

This is a Women's Fiction that took place during the Me Too Movement. This book covers hard to read topic, but I think the writing in this book does it well. This book follows five women, and my biggest problem in this book is that we follow to many characters. I wanted to get a closer look at just a couple of the characters instead of following so many characters. I do think that this book shows the Me Too Movement very well. This book made me think a lot about things. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Delacorte Press) or author (Danielle Steel) via NetGalley, so I can give an honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.arc-copy hard-hitting-topics kindle-books ...more33 s Bonnie DeMoss894 150

This is the story of five women in a literary agency and how they cope with double standards, sexual harassment, marital problems, and abuse. It is set during the height of the "me too" movement and shows how each woman deals with these issues.

The newest employee, Jane, comes from a life of privilege, is not worried about losing her job, and is not about to take sexual harassment and abuse. When she stands up against a boss who won't take no for an answer, she knocks over the first domino, and an avalanche follows.

What was made most evident when the abusive actions of one of the bosses at the firm are brought to light is that other people in power knew or suspected and did nothing. I think that is a true representation of what goes on in these situations in real life. In my opinion, the abuser's business partner who turned a blind eye to it all is just as guilty and should have been prosecuted too. Although this is a strong story with a good message of women banding together and fighting back, I feel Ms. Steel wasn't hard enough on the business partner in this novel.

Overall I would recommend this to anyone interested in women's fiction and the "Me too," movement.

I received a free copy of this book from Random House via Netgalley. My review is voluntary and my opinions are my own.ewngchallenge women-s-fiction16 s Sherri Thacker1,437 313

This is my 42nd book by Danielle Steel and itÂ’s got a lot of the Me Too movement going on. Lots of characters to keep track of and I was having a hard time remembering who was with who and who did what. With all that being said, it held my interest and I read it in 2 days! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review. netgalley-books9 s Victoria McVicker608 9

This was the most ridiculously trite book I have ever read. I'm embarrassed that I even admit to reading such sophomoric bs. It wasn't even well written. Ugh.8 s Amanda - Mrs B's Book Reviews2,050 299


2.5 stars

High Stakes is a 2022 contemporary womenÂ’s fiction release from powerhouse author Danielle Steel. A story that charts the personal and professional lives of a group of career women, High Stakes is a topical modern fiction tale.

Based around the lives of a small group of women who all work at the same New York talent agency, High Stakes reminds us of the sacrifices that are made to achieve success in the professional world. We meet Jane, a young woman who has high aspirations in her new role at the talent agency Fletcher and Benson. JaneÂ’s boss is Hailey, a woman devoted to her clients and staff, but her personal life has taken a few knocks as result of this high commitment. Another member of this employment circle is struggling to balance her life as a single mother and divorcee. Francine is now experiencing great difficultly in managing her finances. Allie Moore seems to have no problems in the work or home environment, but she soon puts her lucrative role at the agency in jeopardy when a relationship with a key client goes pear shaped. The final member of this talent agency set is Merriwether Jones, the essential CFO of the business. But problems in MerriweatherÂ’s marriage have reached crisis point, can this career woman achieve success and a sense of fulfilment? High Stakes closely follows a group of five high flying women as they try to rise above the challenges of work versus home life.

High Stakes was published in March 2022 by Pan Macmillan. I missed getting to this one when it was first released, but IÂ’ve been making an effort to catch up on some easy reads that are well overdue for review now school holidays have commenced. High Stakes is a standard model Danielle Steel novel. It is about success, fortune, power, privilege and love.

There are a lot of characters in High Stakes and I have to confess that I struggled to distinguish who was who throughout. I think I needed a guide at the front of the book as I found that I was turning to the back cover synopsis to help me stay on track. Each of the five focus women in the tale have different roles in the talent agency featured in the novel. Each key cast member has their own personal struggles outside the workplace. This allows Steel to zone in on issues of parenting, motherhood, separation, divorce, finances, power, privilege, authority, ambition, passion and more. I actually think Steel covers too much ground here as these themes are huge in their own right, but they are simply brushed over with one base coat. Steel definitely needed a few more decent coats in regards to the coverage level of her keynote themes in High Stakes.

Steel incorporates a #MeToo movement thread in High Stakes, which is illuminated by a New York talent agency setting. I am thankful for the #MeToo inclusion in the novel as I think we need to continue to put these stories out there in the public eye. With SteelÂ’s star power and weight in the print industry, IÂ’m sure readers will take note of what this prolific writer has to say about this topical cause. However, I feel the mode of storytelling here lacks depth and a thorough investigation into the issues at hand. SteelÂ’s approach is more about entertainment value and High Stakes came across to me as a quick fix style read.

A look at the ins and outs of a talent agency workforce with a specific focus on womenÂ’s issues, High Stakes is a hot topic read from bestselling author Danielle Steel.

*Thanks extended to Pan Macmillan for providing a free copy of this book for review purposes.2022-books first-reads review-book7 s Gloria (Ms. G's Bookshelf)719 164

??4 Stars??
I grew up reading a lot of Danielle Steel novels and I found High Stakes just as intriguing as I can remember the authorsÂ’ books to be back then. It was an easy flowing and fast read!

The plot revolves around five interesting career women at a prestigious agency, managing ambition, juggling childcare, relationships and dealing with a sexual predator at work!

The women work for a successful literacy and entertainment agency in New York owned by partners Bob Benson and Dan Fletcher. Jane Addison is a smart young woman who has just been employed by the agency and itÂ’s not long before she becomes prey to Dan Fletcher. We watch how Jane faces the challenge of fighting for her rights and the ramifications that follow.

It was interesting to read about the goings on ‘behind the scenes’ in the industry and I enjoyed each characters personal story.

I found the story realistic, engaging and throughly enjoyable and I admired that it was based around the #MeToo movement. I will definitely be reading more of Danielle SteelÂ’s work.

Publication date 08 March 2022
Publisher Pan Macmillan Australia

Thank you so much Pan Macmillan Australia for sending me a copy of the book.7 s Wendy W.518 161

Four and a Half Stars ?????
High Stakes by Danielle Steel is one of my favorite of her books that IÂ’ve read recently. I d that she took on the #MeToo movement with a vengeance. These characters were realistic and I was drawn into this book from the very beginning.

Jane Addison arrives in New York City ready to start her new job at Fletcher and Benson, a literary and talent agency. Jane is assigned to Hailey West, one of the best literary agents at the agency. Hailey is a widowed mother to three children and still struggles to balance her home life and the busy life of a literary agent. Also in the office is Francine Rivers, a divorced single mother to two children and head of the literary department. Her stern appearance hides some deep emotional hurt that she canÂ’t let anybody uncover. Allie Moore is one of the drama agents and she loves her job mixing with top actors and actresses and wining and dining with her clients. Merriwether Jones is the CFO of the company, sheÂ’s married to an aspiring writer who also stays home and cares for their daughter.

The new woman, Jane, soon finds out the agency has some secrets and sheÂ’s not about to let the status quo continue. As the newest woman on the team, she has the least to lose, and sheÂ’s not afraid to shake things up.

IÂ’ll admit at first there are a lot of characters, and itÂ’s a bit difficult at first to remember who is who and who is married to whom. But, eventually, these characters become very clear and the journey each of these women takes makes for a very engaging story that kept me turning those pages as I read this book in only one sitting. What I loved was the way these women supported each other and took back their power. I thought the book was inspiring to all young women out in the workplace.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves womenÂ’s fiction. I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.6 s Jonann loves book talk????870 158

Get ready folks! High Stakes is a juicy new book you are going to love. Danielle Steel is admired by millions as a fantastic storyteller. This one did not disappoint!

Five women (Jane, Allie, Merriwether, Francine, and Hailey) all work at a successful talent agency in New York. Each is determined to climb the corporate ladder, but how much are they willing to sacrifice? As is life, each woman faces the usual individual issues outside of work (financial, relationship, marriage, children and more), but will not let problems interfere with her career goals. However, (now we get to the good part) each one also has jaw dropping secrets that make for the most delicious plot twists. "Oohlala readers!" You're going to love this! (Wink!)

High Stakes is beautifully written with lots of noteable office drama that fans love! Danielle Steel is one of the reigning queens of romance and suspense. She has still got it going on in the world of great books and shows no signs of slowing down.

Thank you NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, for the honor of reviewing this fantastic e-book. Also, I want to personally say thank you to Danielle Steel, for all the wonderful hours of reading entertainment you have given me.2022-books-reviewed-for-netgalley6 s Jennie973 10

I enjoyed reading this book about 5 women who all work at the same company. The beginning of the book you get to know each person and all of their problems that theyÂ’re having with life. Jane is a newcomer to the company and she is one of the youngest employees. There is a man, Dan, who thinks he is GodÂ’s gift to women and does not mind touching them inappropriately or badgering them for sex. Jane is not having it and she goes immediately to a lawyer. Things start to happen to Dan , and he lands in jail. The other women all come together and tell their stories. Some of their marriages break up others and others get together but in the end everyone is better off than at the beginning of the book.5 s Francesca329 130

I really enjoyed this book, how the courage of a young woman sorts the problems of her colleagues as well. I d the way Danielle Steel talks about the current affairs.5 s Amy899 18

I grew up reading Danielle Steel novels,. It was a mother-daughter bonding activity and I enjoyed the author's books.. While some readers feel that that her books are formulaic, I disagree as Steel's historical fiction and current event stories are my favorite.

When the author ventures outside her trademark romances, she pens well-researched stories and powerful protagonists.. Steel's take on the #metoo movement provided a different angle that what's traditional told.

As a recent college graduate, Jane eagerly awaited her new job working for a leading literary agency. That excitement quickly turns to anguish as there's a predator lurking.. Through Jane's eyes, readers receive an insider's perspective of the agency as well as what happens behind glass doors.

From the outside, the powerful women embody what she desires. Jane models herself after them to find her footing. Her colleagues are strong and successful women but are each hiding secrets. Will Jane find the courage to stand up for what's right or are the stakes too high to tell the truth?

Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher for the early edition of #HighStakes in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed the story and the author's spin on the Me Too movement.

Merged review:

I grew up reading Danielle Steel novels,. It was a mother-daughter bonding activity and I enjoyed the author's books.. While some readers feel that that her books are formulaic, I disagree as Steel's historical fiction and current event stories are my favorite.

When the author ventures outside her trademark romances, she pens well-researched stories and powerful protagonists.. Steel's take on the #metoo movement provided a different angle that what's traditional told.

As a recent college graduate, Jane eagerly awaited her new job working for a leading literary agency. That excitement quickly turns to anguish as there's a predator lurking.. Through Jane's eyes, readers receive an insider's perspective of the agency as well as what happens behind glass doors.

From the outside, the powerful women embody what she desires. Jane models herself after them to find her footing. Her colleagues are strong and successful women but are each hiding secrets. Will Jane find the courage to stand up for what's right or are the stakes too high to tell the truth?

Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher for the early edition of #HighStakes in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed the story and the author's spin on the Me Too movement.5 s Books523 43

High Stakes is the story of five women that work for a prestigious talent agency. Francine and Hailey run the author agent side while Allie works on the drama talent agency side. Merriweather is the company CFO.. The name of the agency is Fletcher and Benson. Woman #5 is Julie who is just starting as an assistant on the author agency side. Each woman is very different from the other but in other ways very much the same.. All five women are highly driven and their job comes before all else.

This story has several different running storylines running throughout the entire book. The story for the most part was interesting but extremely predictable. There are some triggers within the book such as sexual harassment and rape so be aware of those triggers.

Danielle Steel writes her stories in such a way that even though the outcomes may be predictable her writing style keeps you reading all the way to the end.

Thank you #netgalley, #randomhousepublishing-ballatine and #daniellesteel for providing the ARC to me. All opinions expressed above are my own.

Merged review:

High Stakes is the story of five women that work for a prestigious talent agency. Francine and Hailey run the author agent side while Allie works on the drama talent agency side. Merriweather is the company CFO.. The name of the agency is Fletcher and Benson. Woman #5 is Julie who is just starting as an assistant on the author agency side. Each woman is very different from the other but in other ways very much the same.. All five women are highly driven and their job comes before all else.

This story has several different running storylines running throughout the entire book. The story for the most part was interesting but extremely predictable. There are some triggers within the book such as sexual harassment and rape so be aware of those triggers.

Danielle Steel writes her stories in such a way that even though the outcomes may be predictable her writing style keeps you reading all the way to the end.

Thank you #netgalley, #randomhousepublishing-ballatine and #daniellesteel for providing the ARC to me. All opinions expressed above are my own.4 s Pamela857 7

In this book, Steel examines a group of five women who work for a literary/entertainment agency in New York City. Each woman has a story of how difficult the struggle to have both a successful work life and a successful personal life can be for each of them.

While this story has been told before many times, SteelÂ’s characters had such potential. However, she squandered that potential because she constantly told her readers how much each woman loves her job and wants to make her way up the corporate ladder and remain a part of her family.

Steel also failed to develop her characters deeply and so they were hard to tell apart. The reader may be taken out of SteelÂ’s story long enough to try to determine which character is in the spotlight. There is a plethora of characters, including children, husbands, boyfriends, etc., all of whom complicate the story and SteelÂ’s readersÂ’ inability to tell her main characters apart.

If youÂ’re a Steel fan, you may enjoy this book. However, if you are thinking about testing the Steel waters with this outing, you probably will be better served to read any one of her other books.

My thanks to Delacorte and NetGalley for an eARC.5 s Kristina3,670 68

High Stakes by Danielle Steel follows five women who work at a boutique literary and talent agency. The story takes place during the Me Too Movement. I started reading and was quickly engrossed in the story. It contains Danielle SteeÂ’s trademark writing style. It is a little hard to keep the five women straight throughout the book. It switches between the women without notice. I wish the story had followed one or two women instead of five. I thought Danielle Steel did a wonderful job at handling the Me Too Movement. One man fails to realize that you cannot grope women or demand certain favors. He goes too far with a new hire at the agency and gets a reality check. There is too much foul language for my liking in this story and there are intimate situations (forced and consensual). There is also a great deal of repetition. The same details repeated in different scenes as we go from character to character. I how Jane handled gropey McGee and that she stood up for herself. She was not going to take his disgusting behavior any longer. It just takes one person to stand up and say no. The ending is predictable, and the relationships are questionable. It sends a mixed message (client with agent, boss with underling, etc.). Of course, when you work all the time, the only place to meet potential dates is at work. I that we get to see the woman evolve as the story progresses. High Stakes has an ending that will have readers smiling. 2022 2022-netgalley-books 2022-netgalley-challenge ...more4 s Deacon Tom F2,187 178

Very enjoyable overall. However, the sexual harassment portion was very painful.

Given all of this, it was incredibly well written.

2 s Lisa Kent9

Great book. Quick read.2 s Jeanne898 4

Not bad, not great -- predictable Danielle Steel. 5 out of 10.2 s Barb Lie1,933 4

High Stakes by Danielle Steel is another one of her wonderful stand-alone novels. Jane Addison has just graduated and dreams of one day owning her own publishing company; she takes an entry level job at Fletcher and Benson, a well-known literary and entertainment agency. She is assigned to be an assistant to Hailey West, one of the best agents in the Literary department. To JaneÂ’s dismay, she immediately encounters, Dan Fletcher, one of the co-founders of the agency, as he makes lewd remarks about her; she recognizes that he is a predator. Jane will avoid him as much as possible, even though he continues to make sexual attempts on her, and she threatens to report him. Jane discovers that most of the women try to stay clear of Fletcher, and despite their disgrace, no one reports him, as they fear for their jobs.

We also meet the other wonderful women of the company. Hailey is at the top of her career, being a successful literary agent. She is widowed, and has three children, and constantly struggles to keep up with her job, as well as take care of her children.

Francine Rivers is in charge of the literary department, and she is divorced with two children. Even though she has a good paying job, Francine also struggles with both work and home. We learn quickly that Fletcher over a number of years, has forced Francine to have sex with him twice a week, stressing if she doesnÂ’t, he will have her fired.

Allie Moore, is in charge of the entertainment department, dealing with actors and actresses; she loves her job, always dining out with many of them. When she falls in love with one of the younger actors, she is warned it could hurt her reputation, as she is older than him. Allie refuses to stop seeing Eric, but becomes concerned that her reputation could be tarnished.

Merriweather Jones, is the CFO of the company, and is very well d by everyone. Her marriage is on the rocks, as her husband stays home and takes care of their daughter. She loves her job, and dreads going home, as her husband is always belligerent.

When Fletcher accosts Jane again, pushing her against the wall, she goes to a lawyer to claim sexual harassment. Fletcher is charged, and tries to buy her off, which she refuses. In a short time, a few others in the company will also add their voices to the sexual harassment fight.

What follows is a wonderful story of five very talented woman who supported each other, especially in this ‘me too movement’. For most of the women, they all have their own issues, not necessarily the sexual harassment, but struggling with family and financially, marriages falling apart, love, respect, and threats against them.

High Stakes was a fabulous story focusing on not only social issues in life, as well as in the job. I have been very impressed with Danielle SteelÂ’s more recent books which are not only interesting, but willing to cover various issues. High Stakes was very well written by Danielle Steel, as she gives us a glimpse of hidden things women may face in the workplace. Very well done.

The Reading Cafe2 s Whitney Arnett248 4

While I love Danielle Steel, this wasnÂ’t a stand out read for me. It was enjoyable but I have read so many of hers that I have d better. It did keep my attention but felt the end was a little rushed. 2 s Karen Axnick339 9

3.5 Stars

In recent years, the author has tackled some relevant social issues and “High Stakes” reflects her willingness to confront a contemporary problem in the workplace. It was not an easy book to read – the first half was a bit depressing and the overall tone is somber.

Jane Addison has big dreams of owning her own publishing company, but as a new graduate, she takes an entry level job at Fletcher and Benson, a literary and entertainment agency. On her very first day she encounters Dan Fletcher as he begins a systematic approach of sexual harassment. Dan, one of the co-founders and partners in the agency, is well known for this behavior and to the disgrace of his partner and his “victims,” everyone turns a blind eye. Not so Jane.

The story focuses on five talented, competent women working at the agency. Each maintains a professional façade at work while struggling with a myriad of challenges including a deteriorating marriage, single parenthood, loneliness, love and degrading blackmail. The catalyst for change occurs when Jane stands up for herself and is willing to risk her job for taking action.

The book is a quick, thought-provoking read. I am definitely not an attorney, but my one criticism is the “evidence” against the sexual predator seemed weak. There are a lot of mixed messages about “appropriate” relationships in the context of the work environment – bosses with employees, employees with clients – and the resolution of many of the issues seemed a bit too pat.

My thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the privilege of reviewing this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.netgalley2 s Natalie840 40

This is a very timely book about women joining together to end the sexual thuggery that exists in many organizations. When Jane gets a job at a talent agency she is confronted by one of the partners who quickly begins to touch and threaten her as he demands sexual favors in return for her job.

The author takes us behind closed doors and shows us the hidden horrors women face in the workplace. The story revolves around several women, not just those who have been sexually abused, but who struggle with other issues. Single parenting and financial struggles dog these women as well.

This novel drew inspiration from earlier novels, such as THE BEST OF EVERYTHING, written about women in publishing in the 1950Â’s. Here the author takes us into ME TOO, when, finally, this awful behavior is confronted and forced to change. The main characters are likable and a sense of closure and justice are brought to their lives.

This is not typical Steel, itÂ’s a bit heavier, but certainly a really interesting read. It will give book club members a good opportunity to discuss their own issues in dating and office. Of course, daily celebrity disclosures and tge understanding of why disclosure is too often postponed.should be discussed.

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC in return for an honest review.2 s Mary Mellgren196 13

Jane Addison comes from a successful family and dreams one day of owning her own magazine. She goes to work for a friend of her fathers at Fletcher & Benson, a prestigious talent agency in New York. She will be as an assistant to Hailey West a literary agency. She is in awe of the women working there, especially Hailey, Francine and Allie! They seem to have it all but each has struggles in their lives outside the office. Jane runs into Dan who thinks he has the right to take liberties with all the females. This is acceptable in the office. When he approaches Jane she fights him off but no one seems to think it is a big deal. Jane must decide to go along with this or fight to right the wrong that is going on. Her decision would affect the entire office!

Thanks to Danielle Steel and Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine for the book!2 s Cozy Reviews1,875 5

Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the ARC. This was a story of 5 empowered women fighting sexual harassment in the workplace. It was a good representation of the 5 women until the author changed direction and made them dependent on men as she does all her books. I would have to see them continue to stand on their own two feet. Of course its Steel formula reading where excessive wealth was the theme and is tiresome. Not one charcter has any semblance of a normal life . I would to see her expand her writing beyond dripping with wealthy excess and material items and focus more on the charcter building and plot. It was a dull story and a disappointment .
Don't forget!2 s Slavi Stoyanova119 2

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