
The Perfect Husband de Danielle Ramsay

de Danielle Ramsay - Género: English
libro gratis The Perfect Husband


Danielle Ramsay Publisher: Boldwood Books, Year: 2023 ISBN: 9781837510986,9781837510993,9781837510979,9781837511006,9781837511013,9781837510924,9781837510931,9781837510948

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I’m really struggling to find the words to review this one. The subject matter is very specific and I don’t have personal experience to be able to speak on it. I’d to say it was a bit ridiculous how quickly Sophie’s mother and sister abandon her, but maybe that’s typical? Maybe I didn’t grasp the whole dynamic? But there wasn’t much detail about life prior to the wedding of Sophie and Jay. So to me, their absence was sudden and abrupt. Some of the writing, as far as Jays descriptions especially, was just a tad on the cringey side… or a lot on the cringey side. I don’t feel we had closure for this story, and I’m not sure if that’s intentional or not. Overall I wouldn’t scream from the rooftops that you should read this one, but I wouldn’t discourage it either.

Thank you to the publishers for the gifted ARC. 15 s CoCo 🇬🇭188 21


If you love domestic thriller you should definitely read this.
This book is addictive, Gripping and full of Suspense... a page-turner. But bare in mind it's not for the faint of Heart.

Physical abuse
Mental abuse
Death of a pet

Sophie's new husband Jay suddenly turns evil immediately after they exchanged wedding vows.
The man she had fallen in love with wasn’t the man she married, And that was just the start of things to come. Quickly things escalated. He isolated her from family and friends, and with no one to turn to, he began to control every part of my life.

As we know the power of isolation plays a vital role in perpetuating an abuse.

This book is heartbreaking. It's based on a true story so I don't want to be Insensitive but I feel Sophie was quite stupid and pathetic in some ways (its easier to say whatever until you find yourself in such situations) though I empathize with her throughout the book.

Looking at where she came from... from a very loving family/home at least from the little we read about her parents, so why?
I became more and more exasperated with her inability to stand up for herself.

She should have left the same night of the wedding. But what does she do? She still stays, omg with him and spinelessly tolerates all the awful things, hmmm

Sophie’s thoughts were important to the story though it rather became annoying sometimes.

This gut wrenching book brought out all the feels in me, it was worse when I found out after reading that it's based on a true story. It's so sad.

This author did an amazing job writing about a sensitive topic as this.
The story will hold your interest, till the very end.
I love the ending, it was quite unexpected and it really satisfied me that Jay got what he deserved, though it took longer than it should have.

I highly recommend this.


Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, faith or class.
If you know someone going through this, always be there to lend a helping hand regardless.audiobook netgalley-arc read-2023 ...more10 s Krista (Mrs K Book Reviews)989 89

Book Review ??????

So this was an intense and drama filled book.If you enjoy a good psychological drama, this is certainly worth a read. There are some trigger points in this story, domestic violence and controlling behaviour. They are well portrayed and could upset some readers. Why 3 stars? The character annoyed me2023 thriller9 s Julie Simmonds11 1 follower

Easy read but the descriptions, scenarios, conversations and the main character, Sophie’s thoughts were so repetitive it became annoying to me. 9 s Jessie Rae ?436 37


I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I have read a lot of psychological/ domestic thrillers and this is by far one of the worst I have read.
arcs8 s Maria5

Not perfect

Thank goodness this was free reading. How do people get away with making money on books this!
A beautiful independent female marrys a short fat unemployed older man with a deformed small penis!
Are you kidding me?
Then he starts beating her the day of the wedding but she just doesn't know what to do.
She didn't know what to do during the whole book!
It was the death of a cat that finally gave her back her brain!
Ridiculous, made women look idiots.
No stars is what it should get.6 s1 comment Aaron M9 1 follower

Just don't

Summary: "successful" author falls for older man with no car, no job, no prospects, no money, a small penis, and who's bad in bed. For some reason she thinks he's marriage material and says "I do". Then he begins to isolate her from family and friends, steal her money, and physically abuse her.
I refuse to believe that ANYONE could be this much of a doormat!6 s Hannah380 3

Yall; this was so bad. I kept reading to see if there was a twist or something, but nope. Ridiculous. 6 s Erica Marshall4

This was so underwhelming and disrespectful to the main character. Sophie was made out to be this independent successful woman and then just becomes completely ignorant and a wet noodle to a controlling male? The conversations were pointless, elementary and repetitive. A complete eyeroll. 2023-shelf5 s Naomi Coupland32

A frustrating read at times and a bit predictable but has to get to the end of the book regardless. 5 s Bedelia Author 0 books101

TW: domestic violence and sexual assault

Infuriating (rightfully so … the author did a fantastic job of hitting that nerve!) and a solid 4 stars! 0-10-a 0-scribd-audio 0-scribd-book ...more4 s Tracy ann Robinson967 24

my 1st book from this author and so enjoyed very addictive. Sophie had a boyfriend Ben they were going to get married, and Ben calls it off. Sophie is a writer a good one well known. Then she meets Jay who sweeps her of her feet they have bought a house together and now they are getting married. her sister and mum think it's too quick. Then on the night of their wedding Sophie is in hospital. Jay broke her arm in temper but tells them at hospital Sophie was drunk. I won't. say no more but this is so good.3 s Fernanda Yukari15

TW for domestic violence and psychological abuse. While the overarching theme is important and should get attention, the way this story was written was just hard to enjoy. It’s cringe, Sophie’s thoughts are repetitive (literally felt I don’t have a memory and had to be reminded of everything all the time by copying/pasting entire sentences along the book) and I just kept going hoping for something to happen. Very predictable.

It’s the second free book I try from Amazon Reading that disappoints me. Well, I guess it’s not really worth the time. I’ll go back to buying. 3 s Bosssybabe89

My rating for this book was 2.5 but I rounded up.

A whirlwind romance quickly turns into the deadliest nightmare. Sophie marries a true Jekyll and Hyde. There is no limit to how cruel the monster she married can be. It ultimately comes down to this: him or her.

Guys.. This book... The author writes the same tiresome dialogue and scene over and over again. It's discussed, relived and dissected again and again throughout the book. "What did you mean to say at the wedding before you got cut off?" Somehow we go more than half way through the book and she still can't find a way to get these simple answers because magically and "realistically (not really)", barriers seem to grow out of nowhere. It's a bit annoying. Felt it was a book that could have been a short story and it was just dragged on and on. How many times could she have ended a chapter with, "Who on earth did I marry?" Me ending this review: "What book did I just read?!!

Follow me at www.bosssybabe.wordpress.com for more.3 s Christa Squyres13

This was a bit of a painful read. I finished cause I had to know, but it all was very cringe. I have no problems suspending reality if the plot is good. But so much of this was so unrealistic when it didn’t need to be. All of this happened in 3 weeks? Abusers don’t typically go hot to crazy so quickly. And your mom, sister and friends were okay writing you off that quickly when they all clearly already suspected something was amiss? That’s a stretch. All in all, I enjoyed the story perspective, but it could have been plotted out better. 3 s1 comment ROSE CUNNINGHAM2


I didn’t realize until I finished this book that is was inspired by a true story. I was very disturbed by this book and was so angry at the victim for most of the story. I could not believe that someone would allow another person to get away with this treatment. I found the story frustrating not only from the victims non actions but her friends and family’s non actions as well. I just didn’t feel good about this book at all. 3 s Leona1,221

The Perfect Husband is a chilling and at times heart stopping read. We know from the blurb this book deals with domestic violence both physically and mentally, so I’m not giving away any spoilers. This book chilled me to the core at times and I just kept wanting to shout ‘run and get out of there’ as I was reading. That however is easier said,than done for anyone who,has ever suffered the horror of domestic abuse. The antagonist really gave me the creeps and the further I progressed through the story the more I detested this despicable creature. We see how easy it is for someone to become trapped in a violent relationship and not being able to escape. Yes it’s easy to say just walk out but this book really brought home that it’s not always that easy. My heart goes out to anyone , female or male who have even been or are in this kind of situation. This is a hard hitting and at times uncomfortable read but also a brilliant one. 5??2 s Michelle143

Torture to Read!

Treading this book was pure torture. I read 40% before I skipped to the end of the book.! I was ready to kill her myself, she was so stupid. How anyone could stay with someone,after they break your wrist on your weeding night, is beyond me. If you can’t stand stupid people then this book is not for you!! Also, there was a ton of sentences that ended with question marks that were not questions. Poor editing and poor writing.2 s2 comments Linda Cadle2

among the worst

This story rambles on and on with unbelievable offenses to the wife...no one would have stayed, period! Dont waste your time reading, not addictive at all! I stopped reading it half way...not even a little bit believable...2 s Stina1,299 1 follower

How do you know if you've married the wrong person...?

This is my first read by Danielle Ramsay and what a read. It conjures up plenty of emotions and comes with a few trigger warnings, which does make it tough to read at times, but once you get past those triggers you won't want to put this one down!

TW: Domestic abuse, sexual assault, gaslighting, death of a pet

So many women find themselves in similar situations with a deft sleight of hand that they don't even know the trap they are falling into. Such is the case with Sophie. She was engaged to be married to Ben but when he suddenly broke it off she was left adrift. And then she met Jay who swept her off her feet and the two inevitably walked down the aisle. But her wedding night is not the veritable one of one's dreams. Sophie finds herself in hospital after Jay broke her arm in temper but instead discloses that Sophie was drunk.

Things only go from bad to worse and at times I felt I was banging my head against a brick wall, yelling at Sophie. As the reader we could see Jay's gaslighting her. And his ability to chip away at her sanity, her memories and everything she held dear. Honestly, I don't want to say much more - as some books are best if you just go in blind - but you need to read it. If you can get past those triggers, you will find this to be a compelling and addictive page turner.

I would to thank #DanielleRamsay, #Netgalley and #BoldwoodBooks for an ARC of #ThePerfectHusband in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at https://stinathebookaholic.blogspot.com/.2023 british british-thrillers ...more1 pawsreadrepeat566 26

I received an advance review book for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you Danielle Ramsay, Netgalley, and Rachel's Random Resources. I'm excited to be a part of this tour.

Based on a true story, this book is graphic at times and is not for all readers. The book includes the following TWs – gaslighting, spousal abuse, and the death of a pet. The book was hard for me to read at times, yet I understand the importance of the TWs to move the story forward. It’s a bit of a slow burn but once it starts, the pieces fall into place.

The plot is realistic, and I have known women in these types of relationships. Reading this book took me back to those times. Sophie’s thoughts were important to the story, and I found myself empathizing with her after her marriage to Jay. I was disappointed that her mom and sister seemed to abandon her. Though having lived through this with a friend I understand the power of isolation and the role it plays in perpetuating the abuse.

Jay’s ability to chip away at Sophie’s memories, sanity, and self-esteem achieved the results he wanted while costing Sophie everything. Overall, if you can get past the triggers the book is an engaging page turner you won’t want to put down. e-arc net-galley rachels-random-resources1 Melissa Suslowicz Bartz425 9

My Review:
Enjoyed!!!!! This is my first rodeo with this author and it certainly won’t be my last. That blurb drew me in a moth to a flame. I couldn’t help but pick this one up and non stop read it until it was done. The chapters flew by as I was so engrossed in the story line. Who wouldn’t be intrigued by a book where a man takes things too far and the woman finally fights back. It was great. I loved everything about this book. The characters were all written perfectly for the story. The plot kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Then there was that awesome ending. It totally rocked in my opinion. In fact, that ending is what made me love the book. It left me shocked and speechless which is so hard to do. I can’t wait to read more by this author.

In conclusion, the plot, the characters and all the twists in this book made this book an enjoyable read. I would definitely recommend it and happily give it 5 Hearts??????????1 Brenda1,377 21

The Perfect Husband is crammed with suspense and tension. Newlyweds Jay and Sophie spend their wedding night in A&E, not exactly romantic. Sophie quickly realizes their marriage is based on lies and distrust but questions herself and downplays her experiences. The rollercoaster story takes place over a span of just three weeks and is about deceit and abuse which at first is obvious to concerned family and friends but not to the abused spouse.

Though riveting, the premise is predictable. There are frequent question marks at the end of many of Sophie's statements. Still, the writing and characterization hooked me enough to care about how it ended.

Dark domestic suspense readers may really enjoy this. Do know there is quite a lot of adult language.

My sincere thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for providing me with an early digital copy of this engrossing novel.1 Dee (readaholic_dee)219 11

This is the third time I have written my review as I am in such a quandary with regards to this story. To know this is based on a true story is horrific and my heart goes out to anyone suffering from domestic abuse. To suffer isolation, abuse and coercive control must be so hard to write about. It really does show that anyone can be a victim.

It is certainly an eye opener of a book and sometimes frustrating, I really felt for Sophie, but it shocked me how quickly someone could become isolated. I think the hardest part of the story for me was the way Sophie’s Mother and Sister seemed to abandon her so quickly, very sad.

A very emotive book and be prepared to feel a range of emotions whilst reading
1 Jayne Burnett792 6

This was an addictive fast paced psychological domestic thriller.
A gripping read, the story includes physical abuse, mental abuse and rape.
Sophie’s new husband quickly isolates her from her family and friends and her torment begins just a few hours after she has married him.
The story is based on a true story, and yes as the reader we ask why did she not stand up for herself more, but non of us know what we would do if being bullied and abused.
This is a compelling read, revenge and betrayal. Well done to this author in tackling these difficult topics.
This is my first book by this author but I look forward to reading more. 1 Reading With My Cats136

I’ve seen a lot of grumbling about Sophie being stupid and how she should have “just left” her abusive, gaslighting, piece of shit husband but unless you’ve been in that situation, I think its tough to toss that out so carelessly. There was absolutely an element of naïveté in many situations but that is often the case in these relationships and I think that’s what the author (who suffered these abuses herself) was trying to portray. I have been abused both physically and emotionally in the past, and found many similarities in how Sophie handled things. Gaslighting makes you question everything. “Just getting out” isn’t that easy. Partners in super controlling relationships constantly think that they brought it upon themselves and hold a lot of not only fear, but also hope that “this time will be the last time” Unfortunately there were a lot of things that resonated with me.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would recommend to anyone not triggered by the subject matter. 1 Karen Andrew626 48

This book is so brilliantly written. It is gripping, keeps you guessing, fast paced and very heartbreaking.

There are triggers (physical abuse, mental abuse, torture) attached with this book which were very harrowing to read.

I flew through this book in just over a day, I couldn't put it down. I really excited to see what Danielle brings out next.
??????????1 Shannon Davis49 1 follower

I loved both the main characters and the psychological dominance Jay portrayed! However I was expecting more from the ending and how it ended. So many unanswered questions ; did her mum and sister ever forgive her? Did she get back with a Ben? What happened to Sebastian? Just felt all the effort was spent in 3/4 of the book for the last 1/4 to be rushed and rounded off…This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 enjoyingbooksagain721 42

My Thoughts:
Until one day he went too far, and I found my strength to fight back.
I no longer wanted to be a victim.
I wanted to live.
I wanted my life back.
But at what cost?

What words
This is based on a true story and has a few triggers so you may want to check them.
When Sophie meets Jay she thinks she’s the luckiest person to have met him.Sophie and Jay decide to get married after knowing each other for 8 months and what happens next to Sophie was heart breaking.
The fact that this is based on a true story made some of this hard to read it is a raw and an emotional story
the author did a great job telling this story It was very well written1 Beth Ashcroft103 2 Read

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