
Curvy Girl Summer de Danielle Allen

de Danielle Allen - Género: English
libro gratis Curvy Girl Summer


Danielle Allen Publisher: Tor Publishing Group, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781250331045,9781250331052

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4.5 stars rounded up

Damn! I was not expecting this as a release from Bramble! Curvy Girl Summer is a very sexy contemporary romance with a plus size heroine that does an incredible job of tackling supposedly well-intentioned fatphobic comments from family members. And it is very clear Aaliyah is not hurting for interested men, just trying to find the right one. (also, this literally opens with an explicit sex scene, so you know what you're in for right away) I loved the slow-burn relationship in this book, and how well it balances humor with more serious themes.

Aaliyah is about to turn 30 and all she wants for her birthday is a serious boyfriend. When a blind date stands her up, she strikes up a conversation with the bartender Ahmad and he convinces her to try dating apps, with him keeping an eye out to make sure she's okay. So begins a string of dates that range from mediocre to terrible, all the while their friendship blossoms into something more. Here's the thing I'll say, and this is kind of a spoiler but I would have wanted to know going in. Ahmad wears a ring and tells customers he's happily married. Late in the book it comes out that he isn't, but Aaliyah thinks he is. Which makes for a couple of deeply uncomfortable scenes that feel the start of cheating. I don't love how that was kept for so long, and that's the only thing that makes this less than a 5 star read. Because otherwise, I really loved their relationship, and the depth of the rest of the plot. I definitely recommend it, but you should go in knowing this is a plot device that is used. I need to read more from Danielle Allen! And the audio narration is excellent. The two voice actors are perfect for these characters.

I received an audio review copy of this book for review via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.black-authors good-fat-rep27 s Wobilba661 93

I loved these two so much. They were so cute together. Their bantering was top notch, chemistry was sizzling but the slow burn damn nearly killed me. I was screaming at every page for them to get together. So frustrating!! But the pay off was worth it in the end.

Overall, this was a really enjoyable read. It was sweet, spicy and hilarious. Highly recommended!!

Thanks to Danielle Allen, Bramble and Netgalley for the ARC!
4-stars black-love contemporary ...more22 s Toya (thereadingchemist)1,321 138

Y’all, I freaking LOVED this book.

It had banter, chemistry, a slow burn romance, steam??just all the things that make me swoon.

Aaliyah and Ahmad were incredible main characters. Their banter constantly had me laughing. I also loved that Ahmad provided Aaliyah a safe space to meet up with online dates, which she desperately needed with some of the mess she faced. I also loved that Ahmad kept Aaliyah grounded and challenged her views on what she was accepting in a dating partners versus what she deserved.

The one part of the book that really irritated me was Aaliyah’s fat phobic uncle who says some truly vile things. However, Aaliyah doesn’t put up with his nonsense embraces every part of her self.

If you’re looking for an unputdownable sexy romance, definitely pick this one up!

Thank you to Bramble Romance and Macmillan Audio for providing a review copy. 20 s amarachireads502 51

This was such a good romance, I had such a good time reading it. It had the perfect amount of romance, plot, steam, and fun moments in it. I read both the physical book and the audio and I enjoyed listening to the audiobook so so much. This book is in pov of the fmc Aaliyah whose 30th birthday is approaching and is trying to find a date after promising her nagging uncle that she would have one in time for her 30th birthday party. She meets Ahmad a bartender after her blind date doesn't show up and he suggests a dating app for her to use. She goes through so many dates with the men on the app and Ahmad who had quickly become her friend is the protective bartender ready to intervene when a date goes bad. This leads to the fun and crazy world of online dating weird men and attraction to Ahmad who has become a constant for her in all this craziness.

I loved Ahmad and Aaliyah so much, they had great banter and it was great to see their friendship build throughout the book. I really appreciate the plus-size rep and seeing what the fmc went through in society because of her body size. There was also the exploration of grief that both main characters went through that was touching and heartwarming. The romance was done really well and they have really steamy scenes as well. This is a perfect romance that was super cute and fun. Thank you Bramble for this arc for an honest review.

Read For:
- Black romance
- Plus size rep
- Online dating shenanigans
- Steamy scenes
- Good banterarcs21 s4 comments Casey R Kelley63 44

I received a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review

TLDR: It was four stars and then the book made me cry. That’s an automatic five stars for me. When authors are able to connect me to characters so completely that I can feel their emotions enough that I am crying with them….it is five stars. Period.

There’s so much I want to say about why I loved this book so much but I think a lot are spoilers. First things first. Danielle Allen had zero time for a slow burn. The first line and backs are getting blown out. I was so here for all of it. I loved reading a plus size woman that is extremely confident despite others around her with fatphobia. Aaliyah was for the most part a likable character. I wanted to shake her at the end because she was so far in her head. I wanted her to lay all her cards on the table so badly but I understood where the insecurity came from (SN: It wouldn’t have worked in the story if she just went for it). But y’all it’s official. Ahmad is my new story sneaky link. His vulnerability, intensity and heart felt so pure and so raw. I could go on and on about this book but it is just reaffirming what I learned last year while reading ten Danielle Allen books…. She is truly that girl and her pen is fire. She is going to be a force in the traditionally published romance space.

Now lemme go reread that scene in that room at the bar cuz baybeeeee…..Ahmad. That’s all I’m gonna say.17 s Me, My Shelf, & I957 116

This was a fun, summer romance read (though not as romcom as my personal tastes run). And admittedly, the love interest did make me smile a few times with his corny sense of humor.

While there wasn't any real downtime, there were a lot of conversations and scenes that were nothing but phone-calls. Granted, it's not Fantasy so there aren't necessarily as many opportunities for action scenes, but it was still a little over my threshold. I need just a bit more action to happen that isn't just talking. (Imagine 20 & 30 year olds actually using their phones to make calls, though??? Maybe this was a Fantasy after all
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