
Grieving Gold de Daniel McDaniel

de Daniel McDaniel - Género: English
libro gratis Grieving Gold


This brand new epic fantasy, full of strange worlds and dark twists, is perfect for fans of Brandon Sanderson, Fonda Lee, Patrick Rothfuss and George R. R. Martin.

Find your strength in the light, or lose your chains in the darkness.

Three sun gods bathe the city of legends, Luminocity, in their blessed light. The city stands on the decaying ruins of an ancient civilization. Skeletal skyscrapers guard their solemn secrets of forgotten technology and past tragedies.

But under the surface the light dies and shadows began. It is a dark god's domain, even caged. And he holds his grudges through the eons.

Five fates intertwine, thrown onto the currents of destiny, played like puppets. Will they be able to tear free from their strings?

Laxerion Tama, disowned noble son and heist group mastermind, finds his leisurely life turned upside down. Both...

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Hold on to your hats- this was terrific! This is and feels the beginning of an epic new fantasy and I am already so impatient for the rest. There really is an enormous cast and each character is fascinating- I spent most of the book wondering how they would all fit together. The world is complex and detailed- how the author managed to avoid information dumps- and he did- is incredible. The world has a South American flavour to it. There wasn’t a boring character among them. The magic system has elements of Sanderson but is unique and compelling. This was a real treat! Many thanks to Netgalley for an arc of this book.crime fantasy found-family ...more10 s Grace60

Thank you to NetGalley and Daniel McDaniel/Makk for providing a free ARC in exchange for a review!

Really enjoyed this book! Reminded me of a mix of Hailey Turner's Infernal War Saga and of Brandon Sanderson's Warbreaker novel. The author said he was heavily influenced by Sanderson, and I definitely see it in the unique magic system and multiple POVs.

This story takes place in a post (double post?) apocalyptic world. There is war brewing between the main city, Luminocity, and Texocan, a neighboring country. There are revolving POVs that show us different aspects of the city. Generally, Luminocity seems to be the sort of setting that is only good for certain characters. There's an obvious wealth gap between many of the citizens, as well as an imbalance of resources. I wouldn't say that this is grimdark by any means, but it's tonally not quite YA either. More new adult or adult.

Laxerion is a disgraced noble's son who has turned to a life of crime. Through him, we get to see more of the criminal underground. Val is a general of Luminocity's army. Ilumi is an up-and-coming scientist. Aiana is an underground (literally) huntress who is struggling to find her way. Finally, Dawb is a street urchin bent on revenge.

I think the characters were all very distinct from each other. With multiple POVs, it can be very easy for the different voices to start blending together. I often have trouble with multiple POV because of this- I'll be reading a chapter thinking it's a certain character, and then suddenly realize it's a whole other character. I did not run into this issue a single time!

The lore and magic system explanation is not all dumped onto the reader at once. There's a trickle of information throughout the story- and again, the character POVs are kept true to the respective characters. We never are given info from a character that is something they shouldn't reasonably know.

** Possible improvements **

It seems that some other reviewers have issues with the changing POVs, initially getting into the book, and keeping up with the plot / terminology. The beginning does have a "double prologue." Based on the rest of the book, I think one of these prologues could either be deleted or moved to a different point in the book as an interlude. Two prologues meant to add context to the events of the rest of the story have their uses, but is rather intimidating to have back-to-back at the beginning of a high fantasy book.

This is quite a lengthy book as well, which I don't mind at all. Usually with books of this length and genre, I see some authors break the book up into parts. This is just a stylistic suggestion, though. Another possible change is to add the sun cycle at the beginning of each chapter. There are three suns in this world- a red sun, a blue sun, and a yellow sun. They're often referenced throughout the story. Obviously light and dark also play a huge role in the story as well. So, it may help the reader to keep track of where the characters are at in time, especially their different POVs in relation to each other.

I'm torn between adding either the sun cycle at the chapter's beginning, or the main chapter character's name. Either would be good! I'm just not sure which would be best.

My final suggestion is admittedly nitpicky- occasionally the dialogue can come across as stilted and out-of-place. After highlighting many examples and considering why this may be, I noticed that it is due to lack of contractions in some of the dialogue. Again, this is VERY occasional. It's more often during Ilumi's chapters.

Overall, I was incredibly impressed with this novel. I always am interested in self-published and indie authors' books. I can tell that a ton of work and effort went into this. Didn't catch any spelling errors either. This is one of the best fantasy books I think I have read! Very excited to see where the rest of this series goes.5 s Jaz35 2

Thank you NetGalley for providing an advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review!
This was such an entertaining read and I can’t wait for the other books to come out I will be getting them immediately. Daniel Mcdainel did such an amazing job for this being his epic fantasy debut book and first book in English!
I don’t want to leave any spoilers I feel this book is best to go in blind but this story started off a little confusing with the first two chapters relating to different things and I felt it never really got explained but I’m hoping the second books goes off of it a little more. There was multiple povs and each character had their own story and situation, some of them did end up connecting which was so fun and exciting. I’ve grown attached to most the characters storylines and always got excited when it switched, there were some random people thrown in at the end that confused me but I hope it has more meaning in the next book. The setting of this book was immersive and unique I the concept of the light gods and it felt a new and refreshing world, the world building was impressive and nothing I’ve read before. The magic system was also the most unique I’ve ever read with the light/blood magic and being able to find there abilities in it. I will say it was a little slower pace of a book but it was a fun adventure regardless and I am so sad it ended on a cliffhanger I can not wait for the rest of this series. There were some horror elements which I devoured, my two favorite genres in one book. There was also great sci-fi aspects of it as well this book really had it all and was written so well I’ll be stalking his website for the next book.5 s Thus Kvothe The Raven140 5

Wow! I really don’t know where to begin with this review. Author Makk Daniel, writing as Daniel McDaniel, has unleashed a smashing debut with “Grieving Gold.” The first in a series, this book introduces the reader to a sci-fi fantasy smash-up that is novel in its approach.

It is always a treat when a new magic system makes the scene. I won’t spoil it for you, but here Daniel has created a new system that will get your attention. The laws governing this system are internally consistent and not so much explained as experienced. The same goes for the science part of the fiction. Daniel’s imagination takes us along for a ride worth the fare.

No story worth telling lacks compelling characters and “Grieving Gold” has them. Each is unique and interesting with interwoven story lines that don’t all cross. The plot covers political intrigue, nefarious characters with an unclear agenda, elements of mystery, and plenty of adventure.

Five stars for Daniel’s debut. I can’t wait to get my hands on book two, “Crippling Crimson.” My sincere thanks to the author and publisher Endless Equinox via NetGalley for this ARC. All opinions are mine alone and offered freely.

#LuminocityGrievingGold #MakkDaniel #fivestars #kindlesallthewaydown #Netgalley #debutnoveladvance-copies fantasy netgalley ...more4 s Andrea67

This is a thrilling and captivating novel that takes readers on a journey through the city of Luminocity, a place where the light of three sun gods shines down upon the decaying ruins of an ancient civilization. But beneath the surface, there is darkness and danger lurking, as a dark god seeks revenge and holds a grudge against the city and its inhabitants.

The story follows the intertwined fates of five characters as they navigate through the treacherous world of Luminocity. Laxerion Tama, a disowned noble son and leader of a heist group, suddenly finds his life turned upside down when his family and a past enemy come back into the picture. His brother, Val-Gustus Tama, a general and favored son, must take on the responsibility of protecting the city as war looms on the horizon. A young scientist, Ilumi, is faced with moral dilemmas as she discovers new and controversial technologies. Aiana, a huntress, struggles with her past and inner demons. And Dawb, a young boy overcome with grief, searches for monsters in the city's darkest corners.

The author has created a rich and vivid world in Luminocity, with detailed descriptions of the decaying city and its inhabitants. The characters are complex and well-developed, each with their own unique struggles and motivations. The plot is fast-paced and full of twists and turns, keeping readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

One of the most intriguing aspects of this book is the exploration of morality and the consequences of advanced technology. The characters are faced with difficult choices and must grapple with the consequences of their actions. This adds depth to the story and makes it more than just a typical fantasy novel.

Overall, this is a must read for fans of fantasy and science fiction. The story is engaging and captivating from start to finish!5 s Sam42

Thank you to Netgalley and Endless Equinox for the arc

Overall I enjoyed Grieving Gold. The book features interesting and distinctive POVs that at some points in the story intertwine. However, I do wish there were just a bit more interconnected elements within the book. One of the strongest points of the novel was the world-building, the author flawlessly crafted a vivid image of Luminocity within the readers mind. I must admit that sometimes the story does get a bit info-dumpy but this is to be expected considering it is the first book in a series. One of the weakest points in this book is the magic system, after 450 pages I still could not sit here and tell you the ends and outs of it, this is because the book fails to at least in my opinion appropriately elaborate on stuff the origin of magic, or why people have such a wide variety of powers. Besides this I still had a good time with the book, and I think that with further additions to series most of my questions will be answered. I recommend this book to you if you are a fan of horror or fantasy, because in this book the genres mix beautifully.

4-star arcs5 s Kat21 27

This book just jettisoned to the top of my favorite books list. I’m obsessed! Thank you NetGalley for providing an advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Grieving Gold follows the lives of five separate yet interconnected characters living in a world ruled by three suns. Some have the ability to find special abilities in the light, while others can lose less desirable attributes in the dark. These findings and losings help our characters navigate a world rife with political mind games, nefarious street gangs, and things in the depths that have far too many legs. As each character strives for their own personal goals, a greater mystery unravels. What lurks deep below the city? And what does it want?

For those wondering if this is the book for them, it is reminiscent of Game of Thrones, The Lies of Locke Lamora, Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and The Road to Eldorado. All while still maintaining a fresh and unique identity.

Each character comes alive with depth and complexity.
The story shifts between the viewpoints of five characters much in the same style as Game of Thrones. This method of writing keeps the story moving at an exciting pace as readers discover how the lives of the characters are connected.

With influences drawn from South American culture, this dark fantasy does not read the traditional medieval European story that most people have come to expect in fantasy. There are no knights in shining armor, no wizards in purple cloaks, no fairies with weird love triangles. Instead there are golden ziggurats, tropical verdant jungles, llamas and jaguars, and descriptions of delicious meals that center around corn.

This series is going to be big. It breaks out of the stale tropes that have infiltrated the genre in recent years, giving readers an unparalleled experience. For those looking for a fast-paced, fresh fantasy story, Grieving Gold leaves little room for competition. With vivid characters and a propulsive plot, readers will be dying to read the next book in the series.

5/5 stars. Read it!

Reader’s Advisory Notes:

This book is light on romance which makes it a comfortable read for Ace (Asexual) individuals.

There are some scary scenes, but nothing too distressing.

This book contains a lot of spiders. Arachnophobia individuals beware!

Adult fiction, but also suitable for Young Adult readers who love horror and fantasy.3 s Michaela29 1 follower

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the arc of this book!

I really, really wanted to this book and I’m so sorry to have to give it such a rating. I ended up having to DNF at about 45%. I kept coming up with reasons to not read it and it was time to let go. So keep in mind, that my review is swayed based on the fact that I technically did not finish the book.

There were far too many POVs to pay attention to. Too many new characters with stories that took too long to align. The concept has so much potential! A futuristic sci fi story about South American culture sounds fantastic. But I found it too hard to connect to any of the characters, and too difficult to understand the magic system. Regular words were italicized but there was next to no explanation about how that fit into the magic system. That ended up bringing me out of the story too regularly, because I kept thinking I missed something.

As I mentioned above, I do think this is a story worth telling! I just think it needs some more work on formatting and flow. There was good humour and interesting aspects, but too many disconnections to make it as good as it could be. I never want to discourage anyone’s artistic endeavours, so I do apologize to anyone who reads this and d the book. There is potential, but it just wasn’t for me sadly.
arcs dnf3 s Emilija1,210 23

Thank you to the publishers for providing an ARC of this book through NetGalley.

2024 52 Book Challenge - 31) Includes A Personal Phobia

DNF at 20%.

This is going to be a fantastic read for some people, and I am incredibly jealous of them. Unfortunately for me, the book was very hard to get into. There were so many people and so much going on that it feels a jumbled mess, and I was struggling to maintain an understanding of anything.2024-reading-challenge dnf free-for- ...more3 s Vee47 12

This one is going to be hard to review. I enjoyed reading this book so much, so I would definitely recommend it for fantasy and horror fans, but at the same time there was something missing.

Grieving Gold started very confusing with a lot of different characters and POVs that seemed completely disconnected. However, this was not a problem at all since the individual stories kept me glued to the pages and made me care for the characters, and their inspirations and struggles, individually. Most of the characters and their plot lines are very well developed, and we get introduced to new characters all through the book, all of them somehow relevant for the plot.

The different characters paths eventually intertwine in an amazing way, and somehow it all makes sense. Well, except some lose ends, but I assume that these will be relevant for rest of the series.

There are a lot of information dumps through the book, which makes sense since this is the first book of a series, but somehow, I felt some important information was just not there. While the author paints a very vivid image of Luminosity, the magic system felt overly complex. There was no origin or explanation why there is such a wide variety of powers. It was hard to keep up and know what to expect as it is never properly explained.

Overall, I really enjoyed this reading experience, even though the magic system felt flat for me.

Thank you very much Endless Equinox and NetGallery for providing me this ARC.2 s Adperfectamconsilium - Gavin238 3

Grieving Gold is the author's debut novel and the first in the planned epic fantasy series of Luminocity.

There is a lot going on here with the complexity of the world building, unique magic system, introduction of so many interesting characters and five main points of view.

With so many POVs and having to learn about the world as well as be introduced to the plot it inevitably means a slow start but stay with it because you will be rewarded with one of the most intriguing and interesting fantasy novels that you're ly to come across.

The city of Lumo No Se is built on the ruins of an old civilization with forgotten technology.
Three suns give their light over the city and are thought to be gods.

For certain individuals, sacrificing a little blood to the light can trigger powers. Abilities can be found or lost to the darkness.
Cut yourself and find strength or speed, order or lies, chance or doubt, weight or any number of other attributes. It really gives the novel an incredibly different feel to other fantasies.

The main characters are all so different and as the stories progress and we find out more about them the pace picks up. I was very invested in what was happening with them and it was harsh for each storyline to end on cliffhangers waiting for the second book in the series.

The two brothers of House Tama are at the centre of events. Laxerion, the wayward son, pulling heists and being in debt to a very scary individual. Finding his lies in the light while his brother Val, a general tasked with preparing for war with nearby Texocan, needs strength and order.
There's Dawb, a street urchin who encounters great darkness and terror, Ilumi who travels to the city for scientific research which has a tinge of steampunk about it & she also has secrets and then from the tribes in the darkness is the huntress Aiana.

Monsters dwell in the dark, both in the city shadows and underground. The body stealing being is truly scary as are the spiders! And the voided eyes!

Thank you to Netgalley for the chance to read the ebook. This series is off to a great start.2 s Kayla ???195 3

DNF at about 25%

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, as well as the author, for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I wanted to this one. I really did. The premise was so interesting and it sounded exactly a book I would devour. Unfortunately, it was not.

Normally I enjoy multiple POVs, but for some reason with this one I just couldn't get into it. In the 25% I read there were 5 of them. Seemed to be a new character each chapter when I don't think there was really a need for it. It didn't give me time to connect and it took me out of the story since you had to start a brand new one ever chapter. Just felt I got no where in the story.

The world itself is very unique and interesting. Maybe the way it is written is for some (maybe most) people, but for me I just couldn't get into it.2024-releases arcs fantasy ...more2 s Kerri86 53


I haven't read something this unique in such a long time and I'm so excited to continue this series!

Normally with as many POV's as this book has it can be so hit or miss for me. The author has done such an amazing job of making each character distinct so there was never a point when it felt they were all morphing together. it's rare that I enjoy every POV when there is this many but I wasn't bored by a single storyline.

The plot and the world this is set in was so intriguing and unique that I just loved seeing the story unfold. There was a few points when I was slightly confused by the abilities and the focus on light, but in all, there was no major info dumping which was nice. There's nothing that takes me out of a story more than masses of info dumping!

I will 100% be continuing with this series and can't wait to see where the story goes!

Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for providing me with an E-ARC of this booknetgalley2 s Rhuaraidh37

I found this book difficult to get into as multiple characters with diverse stories switch from very early on. The double prologue was also more confusing than helpful. The various alien concepts, strings, multiple suns, etc., are something you gain understanding of as you read through.

The above paragraph is not negative, just reflective. I found the book very clever indeed. Clever story line, clever character development. It'd be interesting to know where the author got his inspiration from (e.g. Rowling in Edinburgh, Tolkein in Namibia/RSA). I found myself reading it quickly as it was very immersive and a bit of a page turner!

Thanks to NetGalley for the advance copy. Thoroughly good read.2 s toke.47 23

Thank you to NetGalley and Endless Equinox for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The author has created a deep and rich fantasy world with fully thought out characters who are all interesting in their own unique ways. It is a mixture of fantasy and horror, done very well in my opinion.

To be honest, I was kind of on the fence about whether I would it or not but with how fast I read it, it's very fair to say I enjoyed it a lot. It was a major disappointment when I finished it.

The writing was good, it often flowed together nicely however there were some information dumps that had my eyes sliding shut a little bit. But I can overlook them as this is the first book in the series, the author truly did set the stage for the world he has created and I found his descriptions painted a vivid image in my head of his world.

Out of the many characters I was mostly drawn to Aiana and her story, I found it fascinating. Dawb stole my heart, I’ve enjoyed all of his chapters. Ilumi caught me by surprise, there's a little twist to her story I wasn't expecting so it only made me more excited for her story. The Duke is just dripping in mystery, I absolutely loved reading and learning more about him. Lax and Val, both great characters with good stories yet I probably enjoyed the other perspectives more than theirs. The side characters are great too, some honourable mentions, Ponlu, Lamara, Igi, Dr. Blaze, and Vatra.

While the magic system is intriguing, don't ask me to explain it because I don't fully understand how it works. It seems very unique though, I it.

I will most definitely be reading the next book in this series to see where the story takes these characters.arcs2 s Sarah Thomas10 2

Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to read this. I enjoyed the heavy world building, which I found extremely creative and wonderful. It took me a few chapters to really get into this. I do agree with other that the origin of magic/powers could have been explained in more detail. However, the multiple points of view and individual characters ended up getting me hooked. I was interested to find out how all the characters connected. I especially Lax and Ponlu. I enjoyed this very much and am looking forward to the second book.2 s Yvonne1,523 127

This is the first book in The Luminocity Seed series and what a brilliant start to the series this book is. The story is set in an ancient civilisation and it is run on the power of light. There are five main characters and how they are connected is gradually emerging.

I all five main characters and at this point, I can't say if I will have a favourite as they are all unique and have different characteristics. There is a set of brothers, Lax and Val but they have different agendas and have only been brought back together due to their father's ailing health.

Ilumi is a young woman from one of the outer tribes who has been invited to the city to work with a professor of light creating new inventions. While in the city she meets Dawb, an urchin who lives by his wits and works with a gang (similar to an Oliver Twist-style person). Then there is Aiana, she is another one from outside the city and she is training to be a huntress, she is probably the most different to the others due to where she lives.

All five have different abilities and not all can channel the power of the light. Light is something that some have used to not just illuminate and power the city but can it to give them an extra edge. With the light, there is also the opposite - darkness. This is something that is starting to creep in and it gives a creepy, tense and edgy nervousness to the story. It also adds suspicion and a thriller feel to the story as this darkness is something dangerous and fatal.

Each of the main five has their own agenda as such, or task if you will. One will be trying to get a position in a political circle, another looking for a lost family fortune, trying to become a huntress, looking for answers to how light can be used and looking for the shadows and the monsters. There is a lot more than this, but I am not going to go into much detail about what happens.

The author has created the start of a series with a fabulous intro to the characters, some of the ways of his world and the city that this is focused around. There are politics and some history and things that are reminiscent of the ancient world. But also there is a lot of action and adventure which adds to the fast-paced feel of the overall story. Knowing that this is the first in a planned series is great, but it also means that I knew this first book would leave me waiting and desperate for more.

This is a book that gives the basis of what I think is going to be a very good series. The author has laid out a good base to build from and I am excited to see where he will go with this.

If you are a fan of fantasy genres then this one may well appeal. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am eager to read the next book. Brilliant start and one that I would definitely recommend.

action-adventure fantasy fiction ...more1 Nathaniel172 1 follower

Although I was intrigued by the blurb, I was a little put-off by it being described as horror but I decided to give it a go anyway. I'm really glad I did because I enjoyed it so much more than I expected and there wasn't any real horror in it at all.

From the start, it reminded me really strongly of the Gentleman Bastard series. The setting of a world built on the ruins of an ancient and lost civilisation is similar to that series and the character of Lax is very much Locke as well. The world building was very in depth and interesting. I really d the idea of the suns being worshipped as gods. The suns giving different colours of light at different times of day was very unusual, as was the way this was replicated in the different colours of hair and how that was indicative of status. Both mangoes and llamas were very important to this culture - llamas were mentioned several times in common phrases and sayings but they were only actually featured once which made me wonder how prevalent they were in this land.

In the main, the characters weren't too bad, although there were a lot of them. Possibly too many to keep track of or for the author to fully flesh out. Some were more interesting than others, particularly Lax, Val, Ilumi, and Vatra. I really wanted to know about the back-story for Ilumi, Vatra, and the Duke but none was given and I was left frustrated. It became obvious at about 70% that a lot of the questions I had weren't going to be answered. There was just too much story for the amount of book. So much of the book left me with questions and not a single one was answered at the end which was incredibly frustrating and disappointing. After wading through almost 600 pages, it would have been really nice to have had some answers but there weren't any forthcoming. I would have given it 5 stars but I can only give it 4 because of that.

I had some issues with the language that was used. There were a lot of Americanisms, such as 'guys' and 'wanna' which didn't seem to fit the setting. There was a huge amount of grammatical mistakes as well, such as shined instead of shone. I know the author's first language isn't English but I would have thought the editor would have picked up on them.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy to review.books-2024 ebook fantasy ...more1 Kerry | KerryGetsLiterary128 49

What a unique fantasy!

In a city ruled by three gods of light -- three suns -- some people have special powers or abilities by using light to their advantage, while others find they can let go of unwanted things in darkness. Five characters, Lax, Val, Ilumi, Aiana, and Dawb, are all facing their own challenges and journeys in Luminocity. They all have separate and individual stories, yet they connect in unexpected ways. All five are motivated by personal missions, but something sinister lurks in the deepest shadows of the city.

From the very first page of Grieving Gold, readers will be engaged and have no choice but to continue reading. McDaniel has weaved a perfect web of five main character stories, and with all possessing unique voices and arcs, they are easily distinguishable. Simultaneously, the author creates a delightfully anomalous world of three sun gods and a standout magic system I hadn't seen before. While we don't get a full explanation of the magic in this book, I didn't mind because it's so interesting and I suspect there will be more to come in the rest of the series. The descriptions are vivid and the prose is excellent, allowing readers to imagine the city, the market, the caves, the lab, the palace, and the entire setting and surroundings. A movie jumped out of the book and played in my brain while reading the details of the beautiful, ancient city now in ruins.

Switching the POVs to a different character each chapter was a smart choice that kept me engaged and turning the pages. Because while there is a lot going on, it was executed well, and I became invested in each of the their stories. It was hard not to root for them all, and I can't decide who was my favorite! Each character had layers and depth, and I'm excited to see their arcs continue in the rest of the series. The side characters also play a pivotal role in each of the MC's lives.

McDaniel explores themes of classism, social structure, and power, while including influences from South American culture, along with advances in technology and how it can shape and influence both individuals and society as a whole.

This is the start of a fresh, epic fantasy series that fans of Brandon Sanderson and George R. R. Martin will love. I am definitely looking forward to the rest of the series.

And how cool is the cover?!

CWs: violence, blood, animal deaths, death of parent, child death, tons of spiders. TONS. big boys, itty bitty boys, all of 'em.

Thank you to Reedsy Discovery for my gifted copy. All opinions are my own.1 Ristretto85 3

This one was so hard to review, there is a lot that I really enjoyed. In particular I thought the characters were great and I wanted and still want to follow them and their stories. Many times when there are multiple povs a reader might feel a bit of disappointment when switching to another character but I never felt that with these characters. They each had their complexities and their backgrounds and storylines were so different. It was also interesting to see them intercross with each other during the course of the story. The world with its Mezoamerican influence and magic system incorporating light was not something I had seen before. It’s a really ambitious story and I do want to read the next book to see how it and these characters will progress.

Sounds great right? The problem is the scope might be a big too big. We start with so many questions that are never truly answered and in the end are left on a cliffhanger with no resolution. I understand that it’s the first book in a series but at least some resolution would feel give the reader some closure; it almost feels the middle book in a trilogy. The other big issue for me was the pacing. We leave off at times in moments where something exciting or shocking happens and switch povs for it to pick up chapters and chapters later. Sometimes it picks off right where we left off and other times we see some time has passed. It could be incredibly frustrating at times. Then there was the introduction of completely new characters as late as a quarter into the novel. I actually feel this would make a great serialized show, graphic novel or animated series with the way it’s written.

That being said, overall I was intrigued and while it could be frustrating at times I did get attached to the characters and want to continue their story. I would recommend this to readers who are looking for something with intriguing characters and unique world building and have a bit of patience.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher. I received an advance review copy, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.1 Therearenobadbooks951 21

This is a refreshing fantasy book with South American influences, focused on the lost civilization myths and gods. I have no problem with the too many characters and their points of view, the author's writing flows well and it's easy to understand who they are, where they come from, and how they live in this world.

Together they help to create a complex world and lore. Many characters are full of themselves but in a good way. My favorites so far are the Duke, the kids (I love a good fantasy that includes thieves, urchins, and kids in poverty fencing for themselves), the girl who enters the trials with her amazing knowledge of lenses and I'm curious to see where that banished son is going to end up. I read half of the book in one sitting, but I don't want to rush it because I am enjoying it a lot and it's one of those I don't want to end without having a second on my shopping cart. I'll be patient, but I am a fan. (also, the detail of them drinking our Portuguese cachaca is a great touch)

Love to think of Aztec and Maya cultures with this super advanced tech mixed still with the eeriness of sacrifices, light, darkness, gods, gangs, and different social statuses.

When I am away, I keep missing the characters and I'm always curious about what novelty we'll face next. I will need to have that cover as a physical book. Please keep up with the cover art so we can collect an amazing series. I will need to have that physical cover.

I will update this review if there is something in the 80%s of the end that needs to be added.

Thank you publisher and netgalley for this e-arc.1 Louise Page255 23

Luminocity, a city that stands on the decaying ruins of an ancient civilization, stood in the skeletal ruins of long empty dangerous skyscrapers full of the remnants of a misunderstood past. In the city, rich men can be poor in their relatives and street urchins can feel kings when they have the right "found" family by their sides. And no matter what happens, the three suns and three gods above them watch it all, shedding their light, powering everything that sustains them. But there is a fourth sun, a fourth god that everyone takes for granted.

The story follows several characters, from several backgrounds as they try and live with the choices they have made and the hand of fate that they have been given. From the heights of the rich to the dark caverns under the earth, one thing is certain: war is brewing though it may not be the border skirmish that most people know about. Monsters are stalking the city, and they seem to have their tentacles in all manner of pies.

This book grabbed me from the prologue and held in in thrall until the past page. It was amazing; the world-building involved, the characters that the story followed and the anticipation I am now feeling towards the next book. (Plus the frustration I do not have it in my hands right now.) The writing is smooth, and clever without being arrogant in the expectation you live in a world of six-syllable words. If you a dystopian sci-fi book that has the potential to be an epic series then I think this is the book for you.1 Amy Wolford112 2

This is a great start to a series. Grieving Gold tells the story of the city of Luminocity, a city standing on the remnants of an ancient civilization full of forgotten technology. We are introduced to five characters whose stories intertwine as the book unfolds.

Grieving Gold is such a rich new world to explore. Each character that is introduced is a fully realized character that is different from the last one. I was drawn most to Lax and Ilumi. Ilumi had a surprising twist that I found interesting and Lax is a charming thief who was once a part of the nobility. I can also see why some people may get confused over all the characters but each character is unique that it is easy to see their motivations and how they live this world.

The author has created a lush and interesting world. The world in the novel is so immersive that though there are dangers I wouldn't mind visiting it if it were real. I love the mix of Aztec and Mayan cultures with the advanced technologies of this world. There is a lot of world building which includes info dumping that can be a little daunting at first but it provides so much insight into this new world.

My only complaint is I wish there is was a little more explanation of the magic system that the world uses. It seems really interesting and I want to know more about it. Hopefully with the next book it will give more insight into how the magic works.

This is definitely a must read for anyone who loves great world building, fully realized characters, and an immersive story then this is for you. I cannot wait for the next in the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of Greiving Gold.1 Helena Perez211 1 follower

??: 4.75 / 5

Publication Date: February 1, 2024

I want to thank Endless Equinox and Net Galley for allowing me to get an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

The prologue leaves you with a sense of mystery surrounding the time and setting of the story giving it both a fantasy and science fiction feel to the narrative.

Some of the coolest aspects of this story, were the South American influences sprinkled in! I loved the placement of lush jungles filled with predators along with the tortillas and delicious meals described in the book. The intrigue easily is what kept me so engaged in the book that I kept needing to know what would come next. I loved the FMCs, I found their storylines to be fascinating and well developed all around. And without giving too much away once the storylines started interconnecting I found that really helped make sense of all the POVs. I found the ending to be absolutely brilliant and I look forward to finding out where these characters go next.

As for my reservations, there’s a few too many POVs. Just when you feel you’ve gotten the characters figured out a new POV will be added in. Towards the end I was also getting just a little lost in the timeline of what was happening but that might just be me.

Overall I absolutely recommend this book to read. If you love fantasy with more science fiction feel to it with horror elements I absolutely recommend reading this book! For a debut author this was an absolute knock out.

Would recommend for those who are fans of
- South American inspired setting
- Multiple POV
- Intrigue
- Badass FMCs
- Interesting magic system
- Spiders

?? violence, so many spiders arc1 Jande369 16

I recently finished reading Daniel McDaniel's Grieving Gold, and I have to say, I was blown away by the depth and complexity of the story. Set in the city of legends, Luminocity, the book weaves together the stories of five characters whose fates are intertwined by the currents of destiny.

From Laxerion Tama, a disowned noble son turned heist group mastermind, to Val-Gustus Tama, a golden son forced to take responsibility for threats to the city, each character is well-developed and fully realized. I was especially drawn to the character of Ilumi, a young scientist grappling with the moral implications of outlandish new technologies.

But what really sets this book apart is the vivid and immersive world-building. The city of Luminocity is both beautiful and haunting, and the decaying ruins of the ancient civilization that lies beneath it add a layer of mystery and intrigue that kept me engaged from start to finish. And as eldritch things stir in the dark, the tension and suspense only continue to build.

Overall, I would highly recommend Grieving Gold to anyone who enjoys immersive and thought-provoking fantasy novels. Daniel McDaniel has crafted a truly unique and compelling story that is sure to leave a lasting impression.1 My Humble Thoughts110 25

This newly unveiled epic fantasy transports readers into a world of strange realms and unforeseen turns, making it a must-read for enthusiasts of Brandon Sanderson, Fonda Lee, Patrick Rothfuss, and George R. R. Martin.

In the radiant city of legends, Luminocity, illuminated by three sun gods, secrets of an ancient civilization lie beneath the skeletal skyscrapers. Yet, in the shadows lurks a dark god's realm, holding grudges through the ages. The destinies of five individuals become entwined, woven into the fabric of destiny, as they navigate the currents of fate and struggle to break free from their puppet strings. From Laxerion Tama's disrupted life as a disowned noble son to Val-Gustus Tama's responsibility as a general facing imminent war, and the moral dilemmas faced by the young scientist Ilumi, this tale explores the intersections of intrigue, betrayal, and emerging technologies that test the boundaries of morality. Amidst inner demons and the search for monsters, the narrative delves into the depths where eldritch things stir in the dark, promising an enthralling journey through a world of light and shadows.1 Rudrashree MakwanaAuthor 1 book56

There is a thing about fantasy that you must dive into it completely. It immerse you and doesn’t let you go until the dark secrets and twists reveal themselves . The characters have a complex relationships. There are multiples perspectives ( 5 POVs) . The world building is heavy and jaw dropping. The characters are mysterious and multifaceted. The description is epic. This is a great beginning to an epic fantasy series. The book has a blend of genres horror, science fiction and fantasy.

Luminocity is an ancient city and it stands on the decaying ruins of the ancient civilisation. Ruled by three sun gods and one mysterious god and mysterious people. The book has a scary beginning. There was some experiment being carried on by a the scientists on a woman called Liz yet as a reader I was oblivion to her identity. Then the author takes us deep inside the epic world of light and shadow and introduced me with the characters. The revelation at the end shook me. The author has kept the mystery till the end. The twists and turns were so unpredictable.

Thanks to the Author and Netgalley 1 Rina6

What a journey. I was absolutely drawn into this book immediately from the beginning to end.

I loved the world building in this book. The author did a really great job describing everything in detail, but in no way did it feel forced so you get a clear imagery of world as the story continues. Multiple POV was done well in my opinion but others may disagree. I love books with multiple perspectives, but some authors do not write it well once it is above 2-3 POVs and I followed through 5 perspectives without any problem. It gives you a unique added perspective to the book that makes you feel you're watching a movie in your mind. The only thing I did struggle a little with grasping was the magic system, perhaps more information was needed as other reviewers have mentioned.

I cannot wait until book #2 is out to see how it continues. Thanks to Netgalley that I was able to read and discover this book that I otherwise may not have stumbled across. Enjoyed the read, thank you for the ARC!1 Jessiereadsfantasy 59 2

Thank you NetGalley, Endless Equinox, and the author for an eARC in return for my honest review.

It has been a long time since I've read a book with such detailed and epic world-building. As I was reading, I could see the world watching a movie. However, there were times when I wanted more action and less world-building. It's because the action scenes are so well written, and, again, you can envision the scenes in your mind's eye a movie. Also, there were times when I found specific details weren't necessary to the story, and those details interrupted the flow of the story.

I thoroughly enjoyed all of the characters. There are a ton of characters, main and side, but they are all well-developed, so you'll love reading about each of them. The chapters are written in different main characters' POVs so you get to know all of them very well. I did find myself audibly going "oooh" when the author revealed how the main characters are interconnected.

I am very excited for the next book!

4/5 stars; 0/5 spice1 And The Plot Thickens728 17

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