
20 Minutes Until It's Over de Daniel Hurst

de Daniel Hurst - Género: English
libro gratis 20 Minutes Until It's Over


The threat to Earth has never been more real, and as the fate of humanity hangs in the balance, there is nowhere on the planet that is safe.

London, like every other major city, has fallen into a state of disorder, and its inhabitants are having to spend almost as much time worrying about the dangers on the ground as they are about the dangers in the sky.

As the clock ticks down until the moment of reckoning, itÂ’s every man or woman for themselves, and several characters decide to take shelter in the only place they can.

They head underground...

They go back to where it all beganÂ…

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5 stars

I am so pleased I found this author! The way Daniel Hurst writes/tells a story is amazing. This book is about an asteroid that is big enough to wipe out everything on earth. The chapters are about how different people handled the devastating news and how they planned to spend the last minutes of their lives. I loved every aspect of this book! 3 s Cindy1 review

And finally - the ending!!!

I have thoroughly enjoyed the 20 minute series and am very happy to have found it. I binged the first 19 books and then had to wait 2 months for the final one! The characters are easy to relate to and I wanted to keep reading to see what happened to them. Not sure yet how I feel about the ending of the last book, it certainly wasnÂ’t what I was expecting - one thing I am happy about is that it wasnÂ’t the happy ending you could have made it be - I think that would have ruined it! Thanks for a great read, all the way across the world in New Zealand.1 bookworm04!158

Brilliant I have all the books for this worth every penny

Amazing going to miss all the character s in this series .nice short and great luck me ups. Will definitely re-read them :)ebooks-owned-done1 Erica KendrickAuthor 1 book

OK, I have read the entire 20 Minutes series, starting in May 2022, finishing in June 2023. Just over a whole year, invested in these characters. I've given most of the earlier books 4 stars (I think I gave one 5 stars), but the later ones got 3 stars because the actual writing quality dipped (I don't know if I was just caught up in the early ones, but the errors didn't seem as apparent).

There were plain old mistakes that a proof-reader and editor should have caught. Many times I had to re-read a sentence because it just plain didn't make sense, or words were repeated where they didn't belong. Daniel also can't keep his tenses straight.
There was mixing up genders, not because of characters being geneder neutral, but because the author must have changed his mind of what gender a character was going to be and then didn't go back through his original draft to change this (happened twice). And there was even a time where he was talking about 2 different characters and got their names mixed up. This is sloppy and why these later books are 3 star and not the 5 stars they had potential to be. The plot has been what saved these books.
There's also been what I mentioned in a previous review (in Behind Bars). The constant use of "try and". How can a professional author keep getting this wrong? I really hope that one day he will use the correct "try to" in his writing, but since it was littered through this series, there is little hope, and it's fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

Now the spoilers. Seriously, don't read this if you haven't read book 20 and don't want to know how it ends.
Yeah, it's the ending. I'm sorry Daniel, but I hated it. As above, this has taken me a year to get to this stage (it would have been longer but I was on holiday and needed to know where the plot was going. I don't usually get to dedicate this much time to reading. I was also reading other books in between as they were being published), but others would have been waiting for each book to be published if they started when it actually began, eagarly anticipating this climax.
So to get the rug pulled from under us with a meta ending, I just don't get it. So much better to do what was done at the end of Las Vegas and have one final brief chapter stating whether anyone survived or not (highly unly from what had been built up). Maybe even take us on years of journey through life on Earth. Why take all this as just having been somebody else's work of fiction? This is no better than an "it was all a dream" ending. We get it was fiction, just stay in that world. It really just makes all that time invested for nothing.

I have loved the characters (except Valentin, he can rot) and I have been taken by surprise many times. Keep writing this kind of stuff, it's great, just get it checked first! Marj Hall-Venmore139

Wow wow wow

I came across the 20 minute series after having read a couple of Daniel Hurst novels. At first I was not sure I a truly wanted to read a series of books as I just the crime thrilled and I have my favourite authors ...Also psychological thrillers .Then one night I thought read the first book then if I didn't it I would not bother reading more. At first I wasn't sure as I was reading 20 minutes on the tube. That was until jaleen and Bogdon came into the book, with what jaleeen.was going through because of the sex traffickers I wanted her to be saved by someone. My heart went out to her. Especially as we all know it's really happening to this day. Then when Bogdon. Recognised on the tube. Then Jayleen decided to try and escape again.Bogdon. Helping her. Although he did not know what from. I was totally hooked. I had to read the next one to find out what happens to them. I can not remember which characters caught my attention as well as Jayleen and Bogdon in book 2 but I know someone did.I went on a massive reading Bing because there where 18 book out by the time I started to read them. I was captivated by so many people. Will. Harry .Valentine.. I have now read every book in the series. Jayleen and Bogdon were my favourite characters. Throughout. Valentine I was so glad he got what he deserved wish it had of come sooner then Tom could have lived. But it's how the story goes. What a absolutely fantastic ending. I did not expect that at all wow just brilliant amazing really I was Glad Agather asked her grandad about what she had found also what she should do with jt.......
By the way I do not agree Kate Winslet should play jayleen. Keeely Hawes. Would be better at playing Jayleen ...Spencer' Maclum. Valentine. Mathew MacFarlane as Bogdon what a fantastic series.definitely definitely brilliant amazing. Should read Elizabeth399 1 follower

WOW 20 Minutes Until It's Over book 20 by Daniel Hurst and the last of interconnected short stories. Events take place three months after 20 Minutes In The Air.

So sad that this is the final book of Daniel's 20 Minute Series which I have enjoyed from Book 1 to book 20.

Everyone is waiting in their own way for the imminent arrival of an asteroid which is hurtling through space, and time is of the essence for mankind to enjoy their last moments on earth.

Our characters old and new are either above ground or below with hope in their hearts but for how long only the minutes counting down will determine their fate to the final countdown.

Abdul will bring humour in the final minutes leading up to the end of the world as we know it. Also Will and Lucy will sing their hearts out too.

These short interconnected stories were absolutely edge of the seat reading. I fell in love with the regular characters who all felt so real as Daniel brought them to life in this series

Just hope that this amazing 20 Minute Series will be made into a television series how great would that be?

20 books at 50,000 words each in the above 20 Minutes series totalling one million words. Regular characters had twenty chapters over the whole series how amazing was this feat.

Daniel got the idea for the series whilst travelling to and from work via the tube when he started people watching and made up these stories from his imigination. Chelsey Pryce33 1 follower

The way the main storyline was heading in this series I had become really bored, yes it is a work of fiction, but it just didn't feel fair on the character's to be faced with such an ending. However I am pleased to see that there was in fact a twist to the tale! I do wish we had less of the asteroid as part of book 20, and instead, got to learn more about the character's that appeared in the final chapter. Perhaps we will have a spin off book detailing it? Overall a better ending than expecting, but much prefer the earlier books in the series. Dee 173 10

An absolutely amazing end to the 20 Minute series. Firstly, IÂ’m so going to miss these characters, IÂ’ve really got to enjoy reading about them all and feel quite sad that it is all over! IÂ’ve got to say I was so interested and worried about the ending but WOW you did not let me down, bravo.
Daniel Hurst is a brilliant writer, I have thoroughly enjoyed all his bookÂ’s, not just the 20 Minute series. I would seriously recommend (and I do frequently) you try DanielÂ’s books, they are always well written with a great storyline, you will not be disappointed. Natalie Auld75 3

Slight spoilers***

IÂ’ll admit I was worried about a favourite series ending (you only have to watch Dexter to see how badly it can go) but it was executed brilliantly.

I loved the symmetry of ending the book on the tube. I loved that we saw some of the characters get what they deserved. And the twist at the end was unexpected and took me a minute to get my head around but when I did, I realised how clever it was!

IÂ’ll be sad to see the end of the 20 minute series but i feel satisfied with the ending so IÂ’ll deal with it :)This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Glenda Greenhalgh40

What a fabulous series this has been. The 20 Minutes series by Daniel Hurst is one I highly recommend you read. It will take you on a journey with different characters some of them you will love and others you'll wish would disappear purely because of what they do and how awful they are. If you haven't read any of the series you should give it a go starting with 20 On The Tube, you'll be gripped from the beginning and certainly won't be disappointed. Debbie260


This series has really been the best series I have ever read. The way Mr Hurst wrapped it all up touched me no other book ever has. I read every day, so I feel I can speak with some authority about the written word. Run, do not walk, to get these books (you wonÂ’t have to wait for the next one to come out!). I have never given a book 5 stars before. This one truly deserves it. Carey Mundy717 4

I started this series two weeks ago and have read all 20 in a row and what a ride itÂ’s been. I love Hurst books but had held off on this series thinking the books were short stories (which I donÂ’t love). Every book built on the previous one and the stories of these Londoners were amazingly diverse and riveting. My only sorrow is there are no more books in the series - read them! You wonÂ’t be disappointed miss claire oliver27

We need 20 minutes more!

One of the best series I have ever read, loved all the characters especially Jalena and Bogdan. Each book kept me guessing and I could not wait until the next one. Can't believe there has been 20 already, I'm sad they have come to an end. Thanks Daniel for the joy these have brought me but please just 20 minutes more !! Lisa8

Wonderful Series!

I discovered and started reading the 20 minute series books a little over 2 weeks ago, and have been so caught up that I just finished the last one. They are uniquely addicting! The characters were all terrific (good and bad) and following them through the books was fascinating! I thoroughly enjoyed the series. I am sorry that it is over! Sara Eames1,423 12

What a fabulous ending to a brilliant series. Have thoroughly enjoyed these books and, although sorry to have reached the end, am delighted with how it all pans out. The whole series is highly recommended. Mr52 2

they think itÂ’s all overÂ… it is now!

Great conclusion to the whole mini series. A fun concept to focus on a collection of people and follow small snapshots of their lives to build into a bigger story.
Thoroughly enjoyable and a well planned and controlled end to the story.
Plus Size Bibliophile830 43

This is it.... The End
Book 20 of 20, We did it!

Do not read this review if you have not started this series.

I have a lot to say about this. First let me share the playlist I created for the final book- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2tI...

I instantly became obsessed with this series. To heighten the experience, I created character cards to help keep track of all the moving parts and to see everyone's connection. If you are someone who gets annoyed by the minor characters and only want to focus on the main characters, I would encourage you to download all 20 books and read only who you in book order. I know that's unconventional, but I am confirm that skipping minor characters won't hurt or disrupt the major character stories. With that said, I read EVERY SINGLE chapter in all 20 books, just not always in order as my excitement and curiosity for Jelena, Bogden, Valentin, Tom, Diego, Will, Ronnie, Louise, and Harry overtook my ability be patient and forced me to act out of character. So full disclosure, I read the last 3 books simultaneously. I read all the veteran/returning characters first. Then went back and read all the minor characters. This was all done in book order, and I save the LAST chapter so that I wouldn't rob myself of a true ending.

Let's talk about this last book. I can't tell you how many times I cried. My family had to check on me a few times. Hours after finishing this book I was still crying while trying to recap to my family how certain character's stories ended. Then I was left in a reflective state, contemplating what choices I would make if ever in their shoes.

Will, Chantelle, and Louise- Soo beautiful, I cried.
April- I loved this final chapter and smiled so hard
Lindsay- Mixed feelings but I appreciated the final thought
Harry- I cried. The recap of what he and his mother have dealt with since the asteroid announcement, their love for one another, his innocence, and final interactions. I truly adored him this entire series.
Paula- A mother's love. I related to her so much and am glad she was able to smile
Nina- I smiled, she stayed true to herself until the end
Abdul- Not all heroes wear capes
Ronnie- I didn't cry but I felt some kind of way
Valentin- Karma mutherfker
Emily- I respect her soo much
Lizzy- Left me feeling incomplete

Agatha- OMFG. I was big mad. If I wasn't reading on my phone, I would have chucked this book across the room so fast.

All in all, this is a phenomenal series. As I mentioned you can read it traditionally or have a bit of fun with it. I highly recommend this to anyone that's looking for a variety of thrilling topics and enjoys multiple POVS. I also recommend Daniel Hurst's standalone The Couple At Table 6. That was the first book I read by him which prompted me to look into this series. I very much enjoy his writing style and his ability to paint a vivid picture without too many descriptive sentences because who really need an entire paragraph explaining a character's emotional state while picking green curtains. Not me.

Cheers to you all!

Find me on Bookstagram: https://www.instagram.com/plus.size.b... novella part-of-a-series suspense1 Lori Jones6

Loved all 20 Books!

So fun getting to know characters.
Keeping their life experiences so different was brilliant .
Couldn't rest until I finished every one.
Thank you for sharing.
Lori J Pamela Villalvazo10


So glad I didn't start this series until they were all written, don't think I could have handled the suspense if I had to wait for new books to come out! Love every book he's written that I have read but this series is exceptional. Terrie Butler21

Mesmerizing Series

I couldn't wait to read each of the 20 books. I looked forward to the ending, then was sorry to see it arrive. Such an amazing concept an unforgettable characters. The end was a complete surprise although a welcome one. Thank you. andrea sinclair8


I loved this series of books. A brilliant idea and a really good read. Thank you Daniel Hurst. Love your work. Teri349 23

I've been reading this series since 2020. I had no idea what was going to happen with all these characters, but I thought the ending was brilliant. Well done, Mr. Hurst!kindle series-finished Anne Olaes Romo2

Started reading book one of the series last month until I finished the last book of this 20-book series today. Loved them! Couldn't stop reading about these different characters. Alison Johnson8

What an incredible 20 book series! I enjoyed the many, many character and so loved the ending! I am so happy that I took the time to read the entire series. Chris Taylor6 1 follower

Really going to miss the series Sam Vaughan-Williams1 review


Fantastic end to a superb series and what a twist - didnÂ’t see that coming. Sad to have finished all 20 Richard Angrave203 1 follower

All over sad to say

So the final book in the series took us back to the underground. How would we react if the world was about to end. Read this and find out. Donnalynn2

Loved it

It kept my attention throughout. If I wasn't reading it , I was thinking about it. Great great series. I have recommended it to my friends. I'm sad its over. JJ459 1 follower

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