
20 Minutes On The Tube de Daniel Hurst

de Daniel Hurst - Género: English
libro gratis 20 Minutes On The Tube


20 Minutes. 20 People. 20 different reasons to be underground...

Louise didn't plan on stealing until she realised she could get away with it. Anke gave her husband a second chance but now she wants revenge. Valentin has an urge to kill and is using his commute to find his first victim.

Danielle doesn't know who the father is. Joe fears that his past will catch up with him. Aaliyah wants to finish her shift but someone just went under her train...

Secrets. Lies. Terror. Death. It's just another morning on the tube.

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Wow, I have to say I was very surprised by this story! I received Daniel Hurst's first book for free and enjoyed it so much. Lots of little stories about people travelling on the London Tube during the morning rush hour. Some people travelling on the train have the perfect life...others don't. Thanks to the author for my copy. Looking forward to the sequel. won-arc-from-authors-publishers12 s Elise a.k.a. PAPERNERD429 31

...aaaaaand I finished this little book and was hooked, that's why I had to start the next book in the 20 Minutes Series.

So first I did not know, where the story is going, but now I have a better idea.

So this book and the one before are made of many descriptions and stories of many different people - all connected through "the tube" - or the underground train system of London.

It is really a soap opera - just on the pages of short books/novellas and without the cheesy drama.

I would recommend to get this series, to read when you are in a book slump/book fatigue and haven't decided yet, which book from your TBR pile to read yet.

7 s readwithmichele145 43

BOOK: 20 Minutes on the Tube (Book 1 of 20)
AUTHOR: @danielhurstauthor
PUBLISHED: 2/14/20
RATING: 4.5 stars
GENRE: Suspense/Contemporary Fiction

*Make sure you read the short novella, 20 Minutes Earlier first!

There are 20 books in this page-turning series! This my review of Book #1, following the short novella.

AUTHOR RECOGNITIONS: Daniel Hurst is an Amazon #1 bestselling author of fast paced psychological thrillers. His most popular titles include Til Death Do Us Part, The Passenger and The Doctor's Wife, the latter title reaching #1 on the Amazon UK Kindle store in February 2023. A regular KDP Select All Star since he became a full-time author in 2021, Daniel prides himself on writing fast, releasing stories often and replying to every email he receives from his readers.
20 Minutes. 20 People. 20 different reasons to be underground... 20 intertwining stories!
SYNOPSIS: The short prequel novella (20 Minutes Earlier) starts out by introducing you to 4 individuals who each live in London. It sets the scene for the fast paced and edgy Book # 1 (20 Minutes on the Tube) by reacquainting you with those four and introducing 16 other characters. Each chapter is a different character and a different story. Although none of them are related or traveling together, you find that some of their lives intertwine, and the one commonality is that they are each morning commuters, catching tubes from different platforms within London on the same day, and many of their lives intersect! Lots of secrets, terror, lies, and death.
REVIEW: It’s official. I’m addicted to this series! Daniel Hurst captivates me once again. He’s managed to write more suspenseful stories that give me major FOMO if I put them down. This is an adrenaline-induced series that gave me goosebumps, and the author is notorious for leaving you with cliffhangers at the end of each chapter. The characters are memorable, and I didn’t find a need to take notes as each of their stories stayed with me. Highly recommend and ready to read the next in the series!
fiction intrigue mysterious5 s ?Ameerah?210 136

Book #11 for the O.W.L.s Readathon. ?

I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't this. A story that follows 20 people for 20 minutes as they commute on the London Underground during morning rush hour.

Once I started reading I couldn't stop. Most of the stories are linked to each other in ways you wouldn't expect and are all equally enthralling. The chapters are relatively short and snappy which I always love in a book and you just can't help but turn the pages to the very end.

I think it's best to go into this without knowing much beforehand so I'm trying not to say too much but it is wild.

You really never know who the person sitting next to you on the tube is or what they are going through...2020-owls-readathon contemporary e-books4 s Kay OliverAuthor 13 books165

This was quite a unique concept--twenty stories all in the setting of the London Tube of twenty different characters. At first, I was intrigued. Some of the stories connected with others. Some were standalones. Some were riveting and left me wanting more. Some were rather cliché or plane boring. All in all, it was a decent read but I won't be sticking with the series. 7 s Paula Phillips5,107 318

I had recently won an Amazon voucher and was scrolling through looking at books I might want to grab and I stumbled across the 20 minutes series by Daniel Hurst. Reading the blurbs, they sounded fascinating and so I thought, why not and I clicked the "buy now". This book was intriguing as it goes to show that a lot can happen in 20 minutes and how often our worlds can interweave and connect without even knowing it. This book is written in a way similar to an anthology where each chapter represents one of twenty people in twenty minutes. This first book represents those twenty minutes in the morning while everyone is getting ready for work. Every day millions of people catch the London Underground Tube and this book is a glimpse into the lives of twenty of them for just twenty minutes that Monday Morning. We have Jelena who is being trafficked and managed to escape if only for that morning, Anke who is leaving her husband, the boy on his way to meet his father for the first time, and then his father Craig at the same time ready to end his life, Louise who loves to steal to feel powerful and Carol whose received bad news to Valentin who loves to people watch and plot murders, April who is ready to go on a first date and many more. Each with their problems, their issues, and life happening, but with one thing in common - they are all catching the London Underground Tube at the same time this Monday Morning. I am looking forward to reading more as I did enjoy this book and once finished, you do get a freebie link to a short story called 20 minutes Earlier which features the same characters but well, you get the gist... 20 minutes earlier.4 s Jo1,334 78

Only bought a copy of this book after seeing a post on Facebook. Sounded quite interesting and for only 99p I thought it was worth a go. Glad I did as once I started reading I didn't want to put it down. It is a quick read which follows a series of different characters whilst they are on the tube in London. The twist is that in some way there is a connection between them. Enjoyed the writing style and the pace of the story and will definitely be reading the other titles in the series. A well spent 99p!4 s Arunimaa221 221

1.5 stars

A thriller, set within the time frame of 20 mins, about 20 people, travelling underground, their individual lives somehow intertwined with one another. Sounds exciting doesn't it? Well, it wasn't.

I loved how it started. I genuinely did, and never in a million years did I think I would end up rating this book so badly. But then it quickly started to become such a drag. There was so much unnecessary stuff mentioned in each story that I had absolutely zero interest in reading about. The mediocrity reflected in the writing, as well as the plot. Only the last story managed to lift my plummeting interest but I don't think I'll be picking up the next book.2023-reads aty-reading-challenge-2023 boring ...more2 s Christel51 5

3.5 stars. I d the concept of this book but then as I started reading it I got bored with it. 20 chapters, 20 different characters, 20 different stories. Some are interesting and hold your attention, some are just plain boring....I couldn't wait to finish it and I certainly won't be reading the next installment.2 s Asteropê652 10

I thought this was an interesting concept for a book series! I definitely think it'd work, perhaps better for a TV series, but I'm willing to see how things play out in the books. It sort of reminds me of 24 (TV show), but instead of a day, we get 20 mins at a time.

This book is basically a set the plot and introduce the characters book. There were parts that I wasn't as interested in with some characters, but all in all it was a pretty interesting. Not all the characters are good people, there's cheaters, liars, rapists, human traffickers, and others. There's also the other side of the coin as well, a young boy, a blind musician, the victim of trafficking desperate to escape, etc. I thought the characters were different enough and seemed pretty fleshed out. I am more curious about some of them than others, but I assume that's bound to happen. I do hope the criminals get what's coming to them though. I guess we'll see?cover_black-white-grey cover_red-pink fiction ...more2 s Elizabeth399 1 follower

WOW I really enjoyed 20 Minutes On The Tube a psychological thriller by Daniel Hurst. This is the first book in the series of Daniel's 20 minute series.

This thriller revolves round twenty commuters who commute via the tube crammed sardines to their destination.

Jelena Markovic who is by no choice of her own being people trafficked into the sex trade and due to transport issues having failed the trafficker takes her to meet with clients via the tube.

Harry Baxter who was almost thirteen years old and his family unit is of a one parent family and Harry has found out by accident the whereabouts of his Father from his Mother's mobile and is on a quest via the tube to connect with him.

Craig Miller loves dabbling in cocaine whilst being a high flier in his job at Barringdon Insurers but due to embezzlement of funds he has been called into a meeting at his office to help clear things up. Will his journey via the tube become an eventful journey or not that is the question?

Louise Robertson has a job as a Receptionist at a digital design company but one evening Joe Swan her ex-boyfriend turns up one late night and she reluctantly lets him into her apartment but she will regret this course of action. Louise is a female Robin Hood stealing from the rich to give to the poor as she enjoys pickpocketing on her tube journey.

Joe Swan works for Barringdon Insurers. He was not an early riser at the best of times and has put himself onto a dating app. His job involved meeting clients outside of work which would end up in heavy drinking sessions but he is not getting any younger and his body cannot take it anymore. He is to meet the girl of his dreams called April from his dating app.

April Adams had not travelled via the tube in quite a while but she is going to meet up with someone from a dating app. The thought of commuting every day would be so stressful for her as she could see how crowded the carriages were now that the population had grown. In order to grab a seat April would whip out a 'Baby on board' badge and pinned it onto her clothing. She was not pregnant and the badge belonged to a friend of hers who was on maternity leave. April was determined that nothing should go wrong on her date.

Will Robertson a busker at the tube stations wrote his own songs and played his guitar he travelled on the underground tube trains where he had gigs to go to but one fateful day a tragedy was to happen to him when he started to get headaches.

Camilla Collette travelled via the tube because she wanted to feel part of the real world. Her job was working in the film industry and the West End stage too. When she got off the train she heard a beauiful song being played on guitar and was so impressed she took out her phone and filmed him and captured his instragram handle from his guitar case.

Andrew Ayata was persuaded by his wife to make his journey to a work meeting via the tube as his own chauffeur driven car was off the road getting repaired. Andrew his chauffeur arranged for another car to be available but due to his car accident was unable to drive. Unfortunately due to a person on the tracks the line was suspended and Andrew had to make alternative arrangements. Whilst waiting in the queue for his taxi he scrolls through his phone and sees a video posted by his favourite actress Camilla Colette and saw a young busker and was excited. The next text message will send shivers up his spine regarding the Central Line.

Supriya Patel was trying to get to work via the tube but on her way she saw armed police on the streets in Shepherd's Bush. When she first moved to London she vowed to not use the tube due to the expense, pollution and crowded carriages but her real reason was that she worried in case there were terrorists on the trains. Then the winter weather arrived and the bus started to get erratic and she would be late for work so she ended up having to travel via the tube but one journey was not going to go to plan.

Hani Al-Najjar has to cope with a neighbour from hell who uses a blender at 5am in the morning and Hani was losing sleep because of it. The authorities did not want to get involved in this dispute and he fantasises about becoming a serial killer.

Anke Svensson's husband had cheated on her in the past and has only cheated on her again. Anke packs her bags and takes her two young sons Gunnar and Britt to the tube station. Anke was going to divorce her husband but Anke has a light bulb moment of how she can ruin him entirely but still come away financially better off. Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned

Danielle Partington an her husband Grant spent most of their time commuting via the tube to get to work daily in fact it accumlated to half a day. Danielle has a secret that she is keeping from Grant when she falls pregnant but is the baby Grant's or the one night stand that she had with someone at work. Danielle had felt Grant moving farther apart from her phsyically.

Grant Partington had a secret of his own which he had kept hidden from Danielle and that was why he was unable to be intimate with her until the time she initiated their time together which resulted in her becoming pregnant.

Valentin Morozov took an instant dis to a regular female commuter and had imagined that she was a female play boy personality. Valentin was a trader and was responsible for moving money all around the globe. He enjoyed a wealthy life style and slept with high class prostitutes. He was from a poor Russian village and aged 16 he left to make a better life for himself. One day he subscribes to a podcast that will lead him down a slippery path.

Aaliyah Omalu has been a train driver for just over a year and was a single Mum who with the help of her Uncle who had also been a train driver on the tube for over thirty years got her a job in admin. but as soon as a driver role was available she should apply for a trainee driver scheme. She had child care for her seven year old son Jay once she passed and enjoyed being a train driver. She felt lonely whilst driving as she was all alone at the front of the carriage. Her dream job will become a nightmare by the end of the platform.

Ray McCauley is now at the age when he has received a 'Freedom Pass' from the Government at the age of sixty-nine it had replaced his Oyster Card which he would much preferred as it was a symbol that he was not yet ready for the knacker's yard. There was still life in the old dog especially when a vivacious young lady offered his seat up for him in a crowded carriage on his train journey into work especially when she touch him round his waist but that moment was squashed when he saw her showing pity.

Ray could feel he was no longer a younger man in the way his body reacted to his ever increasing years. He still had his pride but pride would go before a fall when he did actually trip at work on the way down the stairs. He felt invisible on the tube journey as no one looked at him but he envied his other commuters for their youth and beauty.

Then one day he is offered a very generous retirement package but he only accepts it if he can work three days per week. So at the age of almost seventy Ray will commute via tube to his work place.

Lindsey Beattie was shocked at the hefty price she had to pay for her Oyster Card £150 also the daily commute for the next fifty years in a sardine can. She was starting her new job in recruitment which was a low paid job which she had no experience of. She had back packed all around the world before she spent three years at University and gained a degree in art which was of no use whatsoever in the real world. She felt depressed on her journey to work via the tube and would make up fantasy notes on her phone about her fellow commuters. Her luck was about to change when she offered an elderly gentleman her seat on the crowded carriage.

Carol Heath was feeling anxious on her tube journey and to calm herself down she imagined what the family holiday would be for them all at the end of July. Carol was a proud Mother and Grandmother. A tragedy happend when Carol an Steve;s son Ben passed away from cancer and the whole family were devastated. Now Carol was making a journey to hospital on her own to face her demons.

Bogdan Petroci was working unsocial hours as a cleaner and has only one day off per week. He travel via the tube there and back from his workplace. He had lived and worked in Serbia as a construction worker until he had an accident and had to give up this line of work. He decided to leave his country and ended up in a bedsit and two cleaning jobs to make a living and no one to share his life with.

Then as he was going up the escalator on his way to go home from the station he recognises someone from his school days whom he had a crush on. He remembered he name was Jelena and as he shouted her name Jelena was pulled away by a man who was beside her. Bogden was not going to give up on Jelena but can he catch up to them in time?1 Ariel Tuladhar307 3

My Review
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