
El símbol perdut de Dan Brown

de Dan Brown - Género: Intriga
libro gratis El símbol perdut


Washington D.C.: Robert Langdon, professor de simbologia de la Universitat de Harvard, vola cap a la capital dels Estats Units per donar una classe magistral al Capitoli. Poc després de la seva arribada, apareix al centre de la Rotonda un objecte amb un missatge desconcertant -xifrat en cinc símbols-. En aquesta enigmàtica inscripció Langdon hi reconeix de seguida una invitació atàvica, una crida misteriosa que prové d’un món esotèric i llunyà. Aquest descobriment coincideix amb el segrest del seu amic i mentor, Peter Solomon, filantrop i membre de la maçoneria. Langdon comprèn que els dos fets estan relacionats i no li queda sinó acceptar el repte de resoldre aquest estrany misteri. És una qüestió de vida o mort. A partir d’aquí, Langdon és arrossegat a una aventura que el portarà cap als túnels, temples i cambres secretes de la ciutat més important dels Estats Units. En poquíssimes hores, tot allò familiar es converteix en un món clandestí i pertorbador els secrets del qual han quedat curosament amagats en un passat de secrets maçònics i revelacions mai vistes que semblen conduir a una veritat impossible i inquietant.

Una novel·la trepidant carregada d’intriga. Perquè no hi ha secret més extraordinari que aquell que ens descobreix allò que ja teníem a la vista.

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I don’t get all the haters of the Dan Brown books. Are you really going in with the expectation that these books are going to be award-winning, works of art? If so, do you critique every book you read with that same expectation? It would be a pity if you did.

movies, I don’t expect every one I watch to be an Academy Award winner. If I did, that would certainly narrow the number of films I’d see. No, I go to be entertained (whatever that may mean on any particular day). That’s the way I look at the books I read, particularly fiction, and I think Dan Brown’s books are very entertaining. They are a fictional escape.

We’ve all seen the stats that show how few books Americans are reading these days (present company excluded) and I think these types of books are an excellent way to get the masses to pick up, read, listen and get back involved in books. That’s what it is all about… starting children with books from an early age, once they’re in, who knows where it can lead them. I want more of my friends to read books and if this is the hook, then I’m happy to bait it and reel them in.

My personal opinion of the Lost Key Symbol was that I d it, but after reading all his other books I found this one more predictable. Still it was entertaining and I recommend it. I think many others will enjoy it as well.
audiobook fiction-series799 s Becky762 113

This book is both poorly written and impossible to put down.

I think that about sums it up.just-for-fun855 s1 comment Jayson2,264 3,632

(C-) 56% | Very Unsatisfactory
Notes: Its secret society has no intriguing back-story, the villain is inappropriate and asinine, and the end revelation is lame.500-599-pp author-american genre-mystery ...more597 s MeganAuthor 2 books62

I have such issues rating Dan Brown books... I want 1.5 stars, I think. Snark ahead.

Here's the deal: the man can't write. He's a name-brand & url spewing, Wikipedia- fountain of knowledge, who CAN'T HANDLE VERB TENSES. He also s really short sentences. That aren't sentences at all. Really. Expect iPhone, Twitter, and Google shout-outs, too. I'm almost surprised he didn't mention the inevitable hash #thelostsymbol and tell us to use it when we tweet about what we just learned.

On the flip side, who doesn't love a good romp around a famous city solving mysteries with art and science and religion? You know the drill, and the formula hasn't changed here in the slightest.

As a former DC resident of 7 years, I have to admit, I was expecting slightly more from the location, but Langdon and his companion du jour keep getting trapped in random places, so it's a bit disappointing on that front. He does get 10 points for a hilarious caper including the Blue Line out to the King Street station though and the Red Line to Tenleytown (yeah, Tenleytown shout-out, what up!)

This book's wacky science theme is Noetics, and the quasi-religious thing at hand is the Masons. Since the first thing that comes to mind re: Noetics is Fringe, I sort of expected a Pacey Witter guest appearance, but alas, it was not meant to be. I know absolutely zip about the Masons, but who wants to bet their membership applications go through the roof this month?

So my final verdict: did I hate it as much as Catcher in the Rye? No. (Will I ever hate any book as much as I hate Catcher in the Rye? Unly. BUT THERE'S TIME.) Is it the best Robert Langdon book? Not by a long shot. Angels & Demons still is the best of the trilogy. Is it still vaguely enjoyable in the way only a Dan Brown book can be? Yes. Does Dan Brown's copy editor need to be publicly humiliated? YES AND HIS NAME IS APPARENTLY JASON KAUFMAN (according to the Acknowledgements, so I'm not , stalking anyone here) AND GOOD LORD MAN, ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRES CAUSED BY PEOPLE BURNING THIS BOOK EDIT THIS INTO SOMETHING ENJOYABLE. EVERY TIME DAN BROWN DOESN'T KNOW HOW A VERB WORKS, KITTENS DIE.

Also, if I ever have to read the words "neutered sex organ" again, I will be forced to remove my eyeballs and then pour bleach directly onto my brain.

One more P.S., since I tweeted this and then forgot to include this here: Most unbelievable part of the plot? The Redskins are in the playoffs AND score on their opening possession. PLEASE TRY AGAIN, YOU FAIL AT HAVING SPORTS KNOWLEDGE.2009reads on-my-shelves427 s Nayra.Hassan1,259 5,960

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