
Omega Force: The Human Factor de Dalzelle, Joshua

de Dalzelle, Joshua - Género: English
libro gratis Omega Force: The Human Factor


Overview: Captain Jason Burke is a man apart, and not just because he's the only of his kind for thousands of lightyears in any direction. The changes to his body and to his genetic code have made him faster, stronger, more able to survive in his dangerous occupation ... but they've also ensured that he'll never truly fit in with others of his species. He always assumed he would live and die with his crew and never lay eyes on another human again, he was wrong.

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Another very good book in an overall great series. We’re back again with Captain Jason Burke, commanding the Phoenix gunship and the Omega Force. Well, he does command the Phoenix, but not so much the Omega Force. Yeah, they all do what he tells them, but they are a little disrespectful while doing it and do complain a lot. Jason, for his part, lets them get away with it, but I don’t really know what he can do about it. Especially that the team has just gotten back together. This book does show different parts of Jason Burke as a human, a very enhanced human and how he’s changed from what he once was. Some of that change is good, very good, but other times, his change seems be leading towards his ultimate doom. Luckily he’s got one huge best friend in Lucky, the huge battlebot.

It seems that Earth has been busy and not necessarily in a good way. They have managed to colonize another planet which happens to be the domain of another intelligent species who could on a whim wipe out the humans without much trouble. instead, they make a contract with the humans to help them along with their technology in exchange for the parts from the original downed starship that Jason destroyed in his first return to Earth. Unfortunately, the administrator of this new Earth colony, named Terranovus is a full fledged megalomaniac and has diverted this new tech into building her own personal starship armada. She plans to rule the Earth at some point, but first she has a vendetta against Jason Burke. She wants him dead.

A mercenary team of ex-military special forces types is hired and sent out into the void to find Jason and end him. Little do they realize how unprepared and incapable humans are against the vast unknown galaxy. Jason has to find these guys and try to educate them on how things really are in the rest of the galaxy and while doing so, attempt to make sure they don’t get hurt! Then there is also the problem with the aliens that have contracted with Terranovus hiring their own bounty hunter who is very, very capable of ending Jason Burke.

So, as you can read, there are going to be all sorts of fun and games in this book. It might not turn out so well for Earth since the aliens who are involved are highly intelligent if not the bravest of aliens and they want Earth for themselves. Jason has also been branded a bad guy since his last visit to Earth since everyone blames him for the aliens coming there in the first place and tearing the place up trying to chase him down. This is a very interesting book in that the author made an attempt to show Jason Burke through the point of view of other characters. Sometimes he comes off as slightly bizarre, definitely dangerous and extremely violent for little reason.

Jason has to find someone willing to help defend the Earth or he might not have a home to ever return to. And, that gets him to wondering if Earth is still his home or does he even have one? Now that the Omega Force is permanently based a S’Tora, does he really need to be involved in Earth’s affairs? What if he just leaves them to their own defense? That’s probably not going to turn out too well for humans at their current minimal level of technology.

There will be more books in the series and I look forward to that very much. This is a really good space quasi-military science fiction series. Just what I . The next book, “Omega Force: Revolution” should be out soon, I hope!
2 s Ian O'Neill1 review

A very welcome change of Storyline

A shakeup for the Phoenix crew.
Different pov's for a different views of Jason.
Easily the best of the new story arc., continuing on from book 7.1 Bill19

This is a good book with a great story, and I think it's setting up a better future for the series...but in book 8 of the series there are starting to be a lot of things not to and very confusing explanations for character tensions.

The first thing that took me out of the story was when an offhanded comment states that it's been 17 years since Jason left Earth...what?? This doesn't make any sense at all and I think JD just played loose with the story to fit a surprise at the end (So he could get going on the other series?) I would imagine most readers though it had been 5-7 years max, and this book starts almost right where the last left off. This crew does not in any way know each other well enough to have been cooped up on a small ship together for most of 17 years. Hell, in the last book Jason reveals he doesn't even know the species of two crew mates...17 years. Come on.

The other major flaw in the story is that I don't the main character. If I were a crew mate with him on this (his ship?? not sure how it ever became HIS ship, I guess he just claimed it?)...sorry, anyway, I'd not spend time with this guy. He's as shitty as it gets to the people that are essentially his family, especially if you consider they've supposedly been together for 17 years. He often just bullies the less physically capable members of the ship and is constantly giving orders to a crew that supposedly has an equal place. Jason's entire demeaner on the ship is shouting that he doesn't care what anyone wants, do what I say before I stomp your head in! I really think JD should come up with a reason he's an asshole with his genetic manipulation and have doc fix it and adjust Jason a bit to make the main character of the entire series a bit likable. He's really only likable in that he makes the same good moral choices (mostly) that most of us would make, and JD seems to make that his selling point on the guy.

Other things that just annoy me are the relationships between characters. When there is tension, it typically largely makes no sense and is obviously forced. Sometimes I wonder if JD has much human interactions to know how people react to each other. The whole Jason/Kaleah (I'm audio only, no idea ow to spell her name) thing is so forced that JD should really just remove her offscreen to get out of the tension hole he's dug with them. And again, these are not interactions of people who've known each other for 17 years...they interact it's been 3 years or so with the on/off and out of touch periods.

This series is good if you ignore a lot, but the character development and interactions are going way down hill. Noodle The Naughty Night Owl2,315 38

9/10: Fantastic, left me wanting more.

“You don’t know this man, Chancellor,” Kellea said. “It’s he’s distilled and concentrated chaos. If something can go wrong it will go wrong if he’s involved.”

This is getting so good now. I am completely invested in the story, the world, and the characters.

I love Crusher and Kage.

“Right is right,” Kage replied loftily. “The truth doesn’t care if we’re in the middle of a battle.” “I think I may kill you once this is over,” Crusher said to Kage conversationally.

I love Jason.

"God, we suck at this sometimes.”

But most of all I love Lucky.

It is disheartening to see two people who care about each other so much pretend that they do not.

Jason says Twingo is his best friend, but Lucky is his most loyal.

I know what the author has planned for the next book (having read book one of the spin-off series before starting this origin series) and I'm not looking forward to it. I've been dreading it since I got to know Lucky.

So, putting my big girl panties on, I'll dive on into book 9 immediately and see exactly what Dalzelle has in store for us.aliens artificial-inteligences futuristic ...more Craig Dean466 3

With the human factor, humanity is thrust on to the galactic stage. Dalzelle, his protagonist, has a very pessimistic view of our species - certainly in the collective - and that shines through. Nonetheless, their is redemption and individual examples of morality; none of which leaves you feeling we’re deserving of much more than a quick and painless extinction.

It was a good plot, but the darkness diminishes one of the few strengths of the series - it’s hard to rate this as a ‘pleasant distraction’. That is balanced by an ever improving confidence in the author’s grasp of story and tension. MichaelAuthor 126 books37

Before you start this book, please realize it is the eighth title in the series: you will need to read the previous books in the series in order to understand the back story and the characters.

Without having a spoiler, if you enjoyed the previous books in the series you should this one, also; this time the tale goes back to Earth and situations with humans. I read this in connection with my Kindle Unlimited subscription vs. the normal price of $3.99, and I believe I received more than $3.99 worth of entertainment value out of it: if you have enjoyed the other books of the series I am confident you will this one, also. David P. Duffy458 22

Yet Another In The Series - Simplistic and Just OK

“Omega Force: The Human Factor (OF8),” is another in the lightweight, simplistic series, that does entertain in a lowbrow way.

Don’t get this reader wrong, as the books, including this one, are entertaining. It is that the entertainment value is very middle of the road - no great highs, no great lows. There are a few chuckles, some action, and a pedestrian story line. Over and over again.

“Omega Force: The Human Factor (OF8),” is recommended and was fully read via Kindle Unlimited. Deanna50

Major changes

Love, love, love this series. I think this is the best volume yet, although it still needs those before it. This volume contained many changes and new elements and characters to help fill many more volumes for a very long time. I can see so many new directions for stories. I hope they will be written. As long as they are, I will keep buying them. Please, Joshua Dalzelle, space opera (I hope that term is suitable to you) author extraordinaire, keep them coming. Fred Dearman67 2

Jason can't save Earth - by himselfJosg

Josh Dalzelle has a great way of crafting a very complicated story about a seemingly unbeatable enemy in an impossible situation. His solutions are not a "deus ex machina" but carefully developed characters with skills and talents woven into a galaxy of worlds along with their own tech and politics scattered throughout the galaxy. Then he brings together all threads woven together in a beautiful tapestry to make us planet bound earthlings take a fantastic voyage!
Again Josh Thanks!!! Jim Kratzok1,070 2

Another good one.

Book 8 in the series and it's still a pleasure to read of Captain Jason Burke and the crew of the Phoenix. This book was a bit different in that Earth is back in the picture and is in trouble but no one on Earth knows it. Suffice it to say, Jason and crew manage to greatly improve the situation by the end of the book. There is also a cliffhanger that's a real doozie! I can't wait to see how that turns out.2018 action adventure ...more Mary Lynn Huie1 review


Pretty sure I’ve not left a review yet on Omega Force, but I have put Joshua’s series of yarns above any other author’s work. YES, lotsa holes in the yarns, especially when you get done with one and chew on it for a bit - , in this one, “Waitaminit, what happened to Russ?” Etc. That said, ya usually find out in the next yarn. Anyway, bravo, Josh. I sure hope you’re making a decent living off your tales - you’ve certainly earned it. James Thomas333

I use ratings to decide which books I am going to buy, and I recently decided I am partially responsible for inflating the ratings on books. Either they were 5 star or 1 star. I decided to use the star rating more objectively as follows:

????? Great book! Can’t wait to read it again (and I will).
????? Good book. I am glad I read this.
????? OK book. Nothing special but not bad.
????? Not good. Why did I waste my time?
????? Lousy. I didn’t finish.
Joe680 1 follower

Omega is back!

We finally get to find out more about who’s been trying to kill Jason and at the same time we get to see the Omega Force back in action in typical fashion. That of course means that the Phoenix isn’t close to being at 100%, massively outnumbered by enemies yet forging ahead anyway. Just for an extra zing Jason gets news that rocks him completely in the last few pages… quickly on to OF9! Jesse Armstrong74

Another heater! Reading these books is enjoying a well written sci-fi TV show. It falls distinctly into the "Guardians of the Galaxy" feel and I am enjoying every book so far. Will recommend this series to anyone look for a good sci-fi read that doesn't take itself so seriously. This series is well crafted for what it is, and I couldn't ask for anything more. Especially with as many entries as there are. juliette dempsey803 8

Always control l the high ground

It's always surprised me how that simple maxim applies to military sci-fi.
Great characters with realistic situations and lots of action. I love how flawed our heroes are in this series and that it makes the story more rounded.
I look forward to more from this series
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