
Infernal Heart & Spirit de Dahlia T. Drake

de Dahlia T. Drake - Género: English
libro gratis Infernal Heart & Spirit


Dahlia T. Drake Series: The Silver Wilde Chronicles 04 Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2023

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I absolutely loved this last book in this series and although I loved how it ended, I am sad the Silver Wilde Chronicles are over (for now anyway! Here's hoping that Silver and Kaz make an appearance in Winter's spin off series!).

It was full of action, passion, love, twists and turns, betrayals and secrets. There was so much going on behind the main plot that eventually all fed into it and while at first, didn't all make sense, did at the end. I love books this that constantly keep you on your toes, only drip feeding what you need to know in small pieces rather than revealing everything all in one go!

In this one, Silver still has to defeat Nikon and save Kaz, but how on earth is she going to do all this? There's seems to be only one option for her to take and although I didn't agree with Silver's decision at first, it ended up being a great decision to make! It definitely wasn't an easy battle and Nikon is a completely devious being! I won't spoil it for you here, but you definitely need to read this ending if you have read the rest of the books in this series. And if you haven't go back and read them all!

I received an ARC copy of this book, but this review is my own honest one! Can't wait for Winter's book now! 2024-100-book-challenge angels-demons arcs ...more1 Josephine20 2

I received an advance review copy for free, I am leaving this review voluntarily and it may contain spoilers!


Join Silver for a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions and emotions as we find out if all the twists, turns, highs and lows, will end in success or failure.

Silver Wilde is back and determined to do things her way – alone except for Ghost.

most of her plan’s things go a little sideways, mostly due to her penchant for attracting trouble, planning on the spot and in trying to protect her loved ones. 

I love Silver but, us all she has her idiosyncrasies and flaws, namely strolling straight into the lions den, with a half-assed plan, a brain filled with magical knowledge, no back-up and a lot of making it up as she goes along! 

But, for Silver it works, (missing Hekate knows how but maybe The Morrigan does) and along the way she meets and makes deals with a few other gods and goddesses, well it was part of her plan anyway so why not get something or someone from it especially when it just might help (almost) everyone in the magical world.

Will the sisters get their mother back? Will they stop Nikon? Will they find Hekate and return her magic to the radiants?

Get the concluding novel and find out the answers for yourself!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Nickole1,289 5

Rcvd an advanced reader copy from booksirens for giving my two cents. We met Silver in previous books as a kick butt ask questions kinda girl. She has decided to take matters into her own hands and that's going straight to Nukon pretending to join his side. The thing that hurts Silver thr most is Kaz's spirit can't be found. She makes a deal with thr devil...well Hades more specifically to bring Kaz back but she has to find Hecate and restore her power...no pressure. Nukon is livid when he learns of Silvers betrayal...nothing can stop him. Silver has to do what is meant to be....to stop Nukon. But will this be the end of Silver and her band of good guys? Good read.1 Sam40 1 follower

What a ride! This series has been full of shocks, twists and turns, betrayals and forgiveness. The dynamics between the characters has been brilliant throughout and they have all grown. I loved this series so mich and am a little sad it's come to an end, and what an end! Fabulous. This will be a series I'll have on my favourites bookshelf for sure.1 Dominique Zanni284 7

Once again another great read! I can’t wait to read more from this author!

*I received this as an ARC, and I am leaving an honest and voluntary review*1 O'Livia Clayton148 1 follower

In Infernal Heart & Spirit The Silver Wilde Chronicles: Book 4 by Dahlia T. Drake we find Silver right where we left her in book 3 in Nikon’s coven undercover trying to get to his Firestone and try to get her mom out of his clutches. But things take a turn for the worse when she gets caught snooping in Nikon’s personal room and is thrown in the basement with evil Cait. While locked in the basement with evil Cait Silver performs a ritual that takes her to Hades where she ends up making a deal to restore Hekate magic back in return for her boyfriend Kaz to be returned to his body immediately. Meanwhile Erik comes and frees Silver a day and a half after she is locked up with her hexed mother and he takes her back to her room where Nikon is waiting so he can hex her but it doesn’t work and he doesn’t know that it doesn’t work but Erik does because of the bond that he has with her because of the demon dragon. Once back in her room and after Erik and Nikon leave Silver falls asleep and tries to go and search for Kaz only to him wake her and find him lying on top of her. Erik comes to check on Silver and tells her that him and Nikon is going away on some business for a couple of days while they are gone Kaz helps her recuse her mother and her niece that she didn’t know about until she came there. You have to read Infernal Heart & Spirit to see if Silver actually completes her mission and restore Hekate magic, or will she lose everything in the process of trying? I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Deborah Mayne141 2

ARC from author * NO SPOILERS* Book 4 The Silver Wilde Chronicles, THE Conclusion.

Urban Fantasy, Witches, Magic, Fae, Seers, Incubus, Artifacts, Slow burn, Strong snarky FMC, Warlocks, Dragons

This picks up immediately from Book 3, Chaotic Heart & Fury and is the final book in Silvers journey.
Please do read all books in order to get the most from this adrenaline packed adventure Dahlia Drake takes us on with Silver.

So much I want to say but it results in spoilers however I will divulge I did not get the RH I hoped for but I was not disappointed in the least, everything worked out perfectly, with some surprising twists I did not see coming.
The pace on this adventure did not let up with Silver remaining true to herself and steaming full speed ahead trying to rescue everyone. We finally get our answers but it takes a while and not just Silver's job so we have our favourites back again too!

Plot, character growth, relationships, world building, all in balance and keep you riveted and turning those pages.
Camaraderie, loyalty, friendship, sisterhood are some of the dynamics, not just Love, that are something I feel strongly from reading these books. All characters are written with flair and I hope with some, a future spin off story of their own. Ghost in particular deserves his story told.

Loved this series from start to finish and cannot wait to read any spin off ones the Author may write.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Shannon302

An action packed finale for Silver and Co!

Silver has had a wild ride from the start of the series until now, from a missing mom, murderous cults, to this pesky thing called destiny calling at inopportune times. She's had so much character growth throughout the series, it was wonderful to see it all come to fruition and watch/read her work together with her sisters (albeit, on occasion going out on her own, but I'm blaming destiny for some of that!).

She and Kaz are absolutely adorable together! I loved their scenes and how Kaz treats her! He's an amazing boyfriend that I'm glad Silver lets in.

I really d the story with all the reveals and action, though sometimes the pacing seemed a little off. It didn't detract from the story, but just seemed weird, a hurry up and wait type situation. Overall, the flow of the story was good and I'd recommend it to anyone who needs a non-stop read!

The story MUST be read after book 3, which needs to be read after book 2, which needs to be read after book 1. Basically, read the story in order otherwise you'll be entirely lost (and missing out on an amazing story!). The story contains violence (quite a bit, because murderous cult!), swearing, occult themes (because witches), and steamy times.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Teresa 1,524 2

The end for sliver

In some ways this is the last book, the fight with evil from book one is defeated we followed sliver in this journey.sadly some questions never got answered or asked? Hey was her boss an angel? Was it possible their mum was really there mum and not just the goddess they prayed to?
But she do have two sisters who might get there own journey because they never really acted a Scooby gang. sliver would call crim and jax and of course kaz if she had to but tried to keep them afar.looks winter will have a book soon can she still save her boyfriend they looked bonded? The ending to this book is better sweet.
I did find it odd sliver and kaz matched off to have sex and hang while everyone else was standing guard over her mum etc (sorry don't want to give spoilers,not sure why you would read book four review of you haven't read the books)
Think there is a crim book it's hinted she has a journey and training Luna with her. Jessica748 19

It was so satisfying to read the conclusion of Silver’s story and I’m beyond glad the author teased the beginning of her sister, Winter’s book series that’s coming next because I’m not ready to leave this world yet. Drake blended such a cool cast of characters led by the lone wolf, sarcastic, sassy Silver, and I honestly need so much more from a bunch of the “side characters” that made up her new fierce and loving (real and) found family. This novel yet again brought up a lot of emotions and forced Silver to not only fight physically for herself and those around her, but also to face down the metaphorical demons in her life. This series has truly kept me enthralled through all four books and I’m so excited to read the author’s next series as soon as they come out! 2023-reads Cas W7

This was a satisfying conclusion to the Silver Wilde series.

The only reason for subtracting a star is the same reason as my thoughts on the previous books: there’s a lot of description of details that aren’t important to the plot — e.g. does it matter what various witches were wearing to the masquerade ball when those characters don’t play a role in the plot? This is purely my personal opinion as a reader, but I feel as though those details slow the pacing unnecessarily.

Other than that quibble, this was a fantastic read.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Paula Dawes59

The ending of book 3 (Chaotic Heart &Fury) left me with a lot of questions so I was excited when Infernal Heart & Spirit was released! Now I would have some answers, as would Silver and her sisters. (At least I hoped)

Silver has learned a lot about herself and her family and yet the surprises just keep coming. How will she handle them?

Dahlia does a great job of keeping you guessing right up to the end as to how this will play out!

I received an advance copy for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Mom2three1,841 12

The conclusion to Silver's story is just as fabulous as I expected it to be. It's also a jumping off point for a spinoff series that focuses on Winter, Silver's sister. This series must be read in order.

We catch back up with Silver right where we left off in book 3, and the wild ride continues until the very end. I've loved the progression of the story and all the character growth that Silver has gone through. I loved all the action and adventure, the humor, the heat, the magic, drama, and that all the questions were answered. It was a fabulous read. Lorna Hanrahan40

This is the last book of the Silver Wilde Chronicles and a lot of loose ends from the earlier books get tied up. Silver starts this book infiltrating Nikkon's coven. Her plans go wrong so she is forced to adapt on the fly witch she does a fair job of. I look forward to hopefully learning more about her sisters. Very good book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book and this is my voluntary and honest review. Books & Hooks49 3

I have enjoyed reading and have not so patiently waited for each book in the series and let me tell you, book 4 does not disappoint. There were twists, turns and some unexpected surprises while Silver and her sisters try to save their mom. The only bad part of the book is when it ends!! Luckily, Drake has more in store for us with other characters.
I received this book as an ARC copy and am freely sharing my review. Trina Jones644 10

Great book. Loved it. It was a page turner and the suspense was OMG again. I was on the verge of my seat and I couldn't even put it down. It was worth the wait. Silver story was mind blowing of action packed of power and drama. I highly recommend this book and is worth reading. The ending is going to shock you a fantastic series what else is this author going to have in stored for us next. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Trina Jones Debbie Eyre4,908 99

This series has had me hooked from book one and has been one hell of a ride. Silver our witch has gone from being sad and lonely to kick ass, strong and is a witch with a grudge! Her adventures have been exciting, entertaining and have had me on the edge of my seat biting my nails down to the quick or rolling with laughter. Fast paced, action packed and full of crazy times, love, laughter and heartbreak, we have experienced it all alongside Silver and I am thoroughly enjoying it all. Laura175 2

What a crazy, action-packed ending to Silver's story.

We had laughs, love, and heartbreak. I was crushed when a certain character [redacted] was incinerated, but I'm very much hoping his love interest get a HEA in the next books.

Kaz is still my favorite. His banter and love was something beautiful to behold. I do hope he makes an appearance, with Silver of course, in the next books.

*I received and eARC and I am leaving this review voluntarily* Yael117 3

This book delivers the same action packed, twist and turns, family, friends and love as the first three books. It also brings to and end Silver’s arc, in which the Wilde sisters are brought together, find out about their history, and forge new friends, and a place to belong.

Note, as in the previous book, this too has spice.

I received an ARC, this is my honest review. Mariaan Belinfante545 3

What a riveting series, but the final book was simply awesome. So many revelations, twists, resurrections. Definitely excellent writing. I thoroughly enjoyed binge reading today, ignoring all else. Well done Ms Drake you pulled out the stops on magic here
I received an advanced review copy and leave this review voluntary Thank you BookSirens Melva Shrum39

In “Infernal Heart and Spirit,” Silver and her sisters come into their own. As they learn their true reason for being, they also unlock the depth of their powers in an exciting showdown with evil incarnate. In addition to the excitement, the book had me laughing out loud in places! All in all, this was a very well rounded series ending that did not disappoint. I happily rate it a five star.
Karen3,848 17

This is the wonderful conclusion to the Silver Wilde Chronicles and what an enjoyable ride it was! The storyline has drama, danger, betrayal, forgiveness, adventure, twists and turns, chemistry, and love. The MCs are developed, likable, engaging, strong and determined. I loved this entertaining and engaging book. I voluntarily read an ARC and this is my honest review. Jennifer Laird-Lord357 4 Read

Dahlia Drake has written a terrific series, it captures your atttention from thefirst book to the last. Terrific ending to this series with so much action and chaos that Silver has to deal with. There are some unexpected things that happen which made it even better. I would recommend this book.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Paula Rule37 2

Silver has her final conflict with her nemesis Nikon along with Sassy, her lover incubus Kaz, the rest of her team, and her sisters.

Who will come out alive? Will her mother be rescued in this the final book of this series? Well, you will just have to read it to see….

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Katelyn D.104 1 follower

This series has only gotten better and better with each book. Silver has grown a lot since the first book, but she definitely has a long way to go still! She continues to jump into situations without fully planning them out and making up a lot as she goes along, which ultimately leads to quite a few sticky situations! I can’t wait to see if anything happens with Silver, Kaz, Erik, Ghost and the rest in the spinoff! Sissy Satterfield1,620 20

I loved the way in which Silver's story come to a finish, and Wow, what an ending this is. I was completely surprised and blown away with this book! This is a fantastic series that I highly recommend, and I Loved It!!! No Spoilers, must read for yourself! Christinaraven3,589 10

Silver is back and undercover in this one which I found to be a riot. Made me laugh and groan and wonder sometimes at what she will face next. Lots of drama and intrigue and surprises to keep things interesting and hopping. Will Silver survive and rescue everyone was the number one question. Hanna Belle1,442 67

I love this series so much as the story only keeps getting better and better! Such great characters!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.4-star-books arcs-online-review-books books-i-have ...more Dawn Milligan2,325 13

I have been devouring this series it is so well written and i really enjoy the story flow its amazing! i could not put this down. Tiffany Cole10

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