
Game Trail: A Jessica Anderson K-9 Mystery (The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries Book 7) de D. L. Keur

de D. L. Keur - Género: English
libro gratis Game Trail: A Jessica Anderson K-9 Mystery (The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries Book 7)


D. L. Keur Publisher: D. L. Keur, Year: 2023

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Sheriff Reed is under attack. He’s in the sight of gamers. Jessie and her dogs are trying to keep him safe and find out who’s behind this game. 2 s Rebecca H. Holman2

First, I want to say that I’m a huge fan of Dawn Keur. She has an enormous talent and Jessica #7 is her most complex and subtle novel so far. Plus, I believe - but don’t know for sure - that there’s a cliff hanger at the end of the book that will keep me more eager than before for the next book in the series.

Within the usual “means, motive, and opportunity” triad from many whodunnits, it is “motive” that is at the center of the series of crimes that plague the Bitterroot’s. The “means” are obvious - high-powered paintball guns - the “opportunities” are plentiful - stalking game trails yields potential victims whose specific identities are largely irrelevant to the perpetrators. But motive? The obvious may be not quite what it seems.

And then there is a question of victims. The obvious victims are those who are injured, maimed, or killed. But are there others who are being played by someone (or even, perhaps) a group of others for reasons that are not at all obvious?

Throw in a group of fanatics who have been captivated by a video game (that has morphed into a television series) and at least one woman who denies her biological gender and you get law-enforcement professionals, largely men, who, understandably have a hard time wrapping their heads around something that is usually not problematical: who ARE these people who shoot others with high-powered paintball guns? Or does it really matter?

One of Ms Keur’s many talents is setting up situations that make me think. As we Baby Boomers get older we are encouraged to challenge our minds with new situations and ideas. Usually reading books and ordinary newspapers doesn't “count”. But Ms Keur’s books count. Fun and challenging - can’t beat it!

1 MarvaAuthor 27 books70

Each book in this series is a stand-alone story, but taken together the books read chapters in the ongoing saga of Jessica Anderson and her working dogs.

A single crime or incident that gets resolved by the end of the story makes up the major plot element of each book. D.L. Keur is wickedly inventive in coming up with unique crimes and situations that showcase the abilities of the working search and rescue dogs who form the framework around which the story evolves. I don't know if the theory of pack learning, where the dogs operating both as a pack unit and in smaller sub-units teach each other with minimal input from their trainer is actual fact, but the scenes of the dogs in action are depicted with a descriptive flair and attention to detail that makes them both fascinating and utterly believable.

The subplots concerning both main and supporting characters are well done and progress from book to book in the series, particularly the evolving relationship between Jessica and Sheriff Landon Reid. No cardboard cut-outs here, these are complex characters presented with skill and understanding, it's easy to become involved and invested in their lives.

If you're a dog lover, Game Trail, the other books in the series, is pure chicken soup for the soul. If you're not (I'm a cat person myself) it's still a great, well-written story and an excellent read.
* Review text provided by Jack Dasef with approval of Marva Dasef - Goodreads memberindiesrising Connie P.245

Couldn't stop reading.

I've read the whole series, and I will continue reading this series. I won't review what happens in the book, as there will be enough of those. I will say what I d about this book, as someone who has read them all. Both Jessica and Landon have been through trauma, and neither one opens up about their feelings, especially Landon. Jessica is open with only close family, especially her dad. Both of these characters are finally opening up to each other, and to people they work with, maybe finally realizing that unless they are honest and open, they will never be able to trust each other completely in their personal lives and on the job. They are both people who need that trust to move forward. In the beginning, nobody trusted Jessica and her dogs - not Landon or his deputies, not the other SAR teams nor the individuals on the teams. Now, most of them have seen what Jessica and her dogs are capable of and what her form of training can do for the county. I really the character development as this series progresses. The characters are becoming good friends; many of them are becoming family. There has been so much growth in the characters, and it looks that will only continue. That makes me look forward to the next book. Angela2,820 31

A definite must read book and series

This was a story of horrific tragedies that no one can seem to understand why they're happening. When the attacks keep escalating, this unique group of law enforcement and the wonder dogs come together again to protect their own. It's certainly not a story or series that you'll want to miss!
I hope that there will be many more stories in the near future! Love this series!
I would definitely recommend this book, series, and outstanding author.

It's situations those in this story that remind me why I refuse to watch the so-called "reality TV" series, despise the games that encourage people to make fantasy into reality, etc... I know that most everyone thinks that all of the technology that's available is a wonderful thing, but (to me at least) there is such a thing as TOO MUCH! It's getting beyond ridiculous how much everyone depends technology to do everything for them, as well as how lazy people are now because of technology doing everything so they don't have to. Yes, technology can be amazing for Healthcare, Law Enforcement, etc., but I think it's sad that everyone's become so reliant on for everything in their lives. Sorry! Just my personal opinion! Elizabeth R Hill Daughtry9

Intriguing, Captivating, and Well Worth Staying Awake For...

The book is a winner, the story so real, so believable it's hard to accept it as fiction. Jessie and her "Wonder Dogs" have once again dug another notch in my heart as one of the most accurate, enduring series of Search and Rescue animals written today. DL Keur has written an insightful story of loyal intelligent dogs who protect and serve as much as law enforcement do. She brings to life the trials, the dangers, and the love these animals go through for their human Jessie Anderson in drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The book was impossible to put down. I read it cover to cover in one sitting. DL Keur has not only written inspirationally for Search and Rescue, but has successfully schooled us on the many aspects involved with the training, care, and dedication to and of these special animals and their bonds with their "humans". Truly a book worth reading! And a story easy to relate to in today's society. Once again, a fantastic job!! Linda Thomas612 6

Jessica is very busy training hercown dog, her Dads dogs and being a deputy sheriff.

Jessica has her hands full. Helping Sheriff Landon get better and getting herself well after the last time she worked as a deputy. She is helping her dad with his dogs and working her dogs and putting in her time as a deputy doing search and rescue. She gets so upset at Landon and his ways but he is her dad’s best friend and most of the time hers. She and her dad are trying to help Landon recover from the last time they were injured. He was almost killed now they have new crisis on their hands. She just hopes they get through it without more injuries. The rest of the deputies are trying to help keep him from getting killed before he is well. Of course he feels he is being manipulated and smothered. Thank god he now has his own dog to keep him on track. Carolyn2,199

I absolutely love this series. The characters are all interesting and unique, all with their own little flaws, who still manage to mesh together and work so well. The mysteries themselves are complex and always keep me intrigued turning those pages. But, it is ultimately the Search and Rescue/Cadaver, scent trained dogs that really make the stories so wonderful. All different breeds, all different personalities, all trained to work together as one unit is just fascinating reading. If you are a dog lover, you will enjoy these stories. Mysteries your thing? Or, police procedural? Ditto. They are great stories full of drama, real-life scenarios, great characters and amazing dogs. Once again, I can't wait for the next one.

P.S. Come on Landon. Go for it!keur-d-l Brenda158 1 follower

The best yet

Although I give out few 5?? I would give this a 4 1/2 ??. Thank you for continuing to write about Jesse and Landon, and of course the dogs. This novel was action packed and fast paced. It held my interest from page one to the end. With a surprise realization happening about half way through. I am really enjoying that storyline and hope you continue with it. The dogs are amazing and I enjoy reading about them. But Jesse and Landon working together to track down these paint ball assailants was the best. I how protective of each other they have been. And the other people involved in each book is outstanding. I recommend this book and series to everyone and look forward to book 8. Thank you for sharing your books with us. Patricia146 1 follower


I truly cannot get enough of this author,especially the Jessica Anderson K9 novels. I absolutely adore the characters,their truths,flaws,imperfections and camaraderie combine to make awesome persons. The dogs involved are the best!! I have read all previous novels and can' t choose which I prefer! This author endows all her characters with awe inspiring traits and I love them all. Kudos all so for giving the No Kill shelters some publicity which is a great thing to do. Please read this series and you will not put them down until you are truly enamored just as I am.

Lisa McMeekin25

Wonderful, interesting mystery & hidden love story

I love every one of these characters: broken Jessie only allowing herself to love her Dad & her dog skin that order, the equivalent ally broken mind & body of Sheriff Landon who secretly comes to realize his love for Jessie & the dog who chose to be his, Oliver Anderson, a big bear of a man who loves his family more than life ' but hides it well, and every single one of the dogs: Jessie's, Landon's , and each of Oli's highly trained, lethal, alert & deeply in love with their owners.
The action will grab you, but the people & dogs will win your heart & keep you coming back for more.
MORE Please!! Sirene6 2


Culminating with a Thanksgiving holiday, this action-packed thriller was intensely entertaining. The near-death experience of Landon was formidable and well-executed. Then there was the long-anticipated revelation of Jessie and Landon loving each other. I how you show in this series how they help each other to grow and heal. But enough about the two-leggers. Let's hear it for the wonder dogs! I really wish I could find an Anderson Working Dog that could help me balance when my Lupus symptoms strike. I used to have a white GSD mixed with some wolf.
Shari L. Klasna47 1 follower

Incredible, emotional...REAL PEOPLE.

Absolutely one of the best series I've ever read. I have come to care deeply for the characters... the main ones, the ones who aren't front and center...but are always acknowledged as crucial to the storyline. The dogs... I love the dogs, can almost feel their fur, their intensity when working, their loyalty. Please keep the stories coming. It's hard to wait. Beverly Doss180 1 follower

Thrilling. Perplexing. Comical. Clean.

Jessie, her family, Sheriff Reid and Forensic Criminalogist, Sol in addition to the working dogs tell compelling stories about crime and K-9 behavior. The books are best when Keur describes the pack work of the dogs in catching criminals and in finding the missing. I'm hopeful that the main two characters will begin a romantic relationship, but will keep reading the series even if they don't. Jan Fore760 22

Jessica Anderson K-9 Mystery #9

D.L Kent's series is such a favorite if mine. Jessica Anderson and Landon really gave readers a wild tale. I look forward to # 10. With each new adventure I am into it from page 1. If you have read one, the reader needs to move on to the next. Perhaps Jessie and Landon will become mire than a working team. We know they are soul mates. Enjoy #9!! Patricia Miller1 review1 follower

Amazing Dog Series

I love this series. There’s always plenty of story centered on the dogs. Too many dog series end up leaving out the dogs, but Ms. Keur is an expert at keeping them included and weaving a wonderful story around them. I love the direction the plot is going. I can’t wait to see where it goes. Thanks for an amazing storyline, cast, and the best pack of wonder dogs! Diana K Martin58 2

Love at first read!!

I've read every single book in this series that D.L. Keur has written and you can't read them slow enough, you have to finish. Sadly then you have to wait for the next one. Jesse is an extraordinary character and I love the interaction she has with her dogs. The sheriff is a mess of confusion, but he and Jesse are falling in love, although they don't want to admit it. They are clean, suspenseful books that you can't put down. Pam Bales2,229 14

Really enjoy this series. Jessica has a great take on training service dogs for all types of service and making sure that the trainers are as well versed in how to train dogs as the dogs are in being trained. Complicated, interesting characters, great settings, and more and more intriguing plots make this a great read. Lots of tension, dangerous situations deaths, brave dogs and brave trainers leave me ready for more. Susan Vincent1 review

love this series!

I am a dog lover, especially GSDs. I have had the privilege to love & be loved by 4 of these wonderful dogs. I have really enjoyed getting to know Jessie, all her wonderful dogs, her family, Landon & all the other cast characters. Jessie’s interaction with her dogs is especially appealing. I really enjoy the story lines as they promote her method of training & SAR. Carrie150

Great read!

This is one of my favorite books in the series! The whole paint ball story line was fun to follow. Some geek speak that got me frustrated but survivable! I admire how you keep Landon’s character true yet mystical. I love how Officer Tom Hudson’s character is warming up and I love his interactions with Jessica. The two complement each other. Jesse is hard to predict because she as complicated as Landon. Love this series. More please! PepperP0t 4,678 82

This outing has a lot of little pieces but as usual with this series some of the things that seem insignificant or tiny are part of a bigger puzzle. Truce has been declared in the Jessie, Landon, Britta triangle; Landon and Oli are concerned about Jessie’s dating life, Landon doesn’t know what his friends are up to but he’s certain it’s something while Jessie has no idea. But one thing that equally puzzling to them all is why hunters are being huntered by paintballers!
Rating: 4.25stars
2024-reads adult adventure ...more Valarie Smith27 1 follower


Storyline grabs you from the beginning and doesn't let you go. Development of characters and their idiosyncrasies are presented flawlessly, add in real life presentation of the no win situation law enforcement is placed in daily with a good dose of canine and you have the perfect read. Bryan Biery60

This series had heart

The knowledge that goes into these stories are reason enough for these books the procedurals and the thinking behind them? Essential!
But the stars are the heroes, human & canine in distinct settings that together warm our hearts.
No villains are permitted to take away the glow of this wonderful saga
Honor & love rule here! Deb258


I love these books, I have a hard time waiting for the next in the series. This one was different then the others ( as far as bad guys) but I think it made it better as it gave us different expectation than what we usually read. Loved the change up. Looking forward to book 8. Enjoy. Karen Waller9

Great Series

I've read every book in this series and haven't once been disappointed! I can see the characters and each one of the dgs.
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