
You Know Her de D. E. White

de D. E. White - Género: English
libro gratis You Know Her


Five years ago, during a sweltering summer heatwave, perfect wife and mother Joy Maddison set off for her usual evening run – and vanished without a trace.
The final video of Joy, posted online by her devastated husband, has been viewed over a hundred million times. In the last frame she smiles for the camera, waves and says, ‘See you later, my darlings. Love you all!’, before turning to open the gate to the woods.
And then she was gone...
Now, on the fifth anniversary of Joy’s disappearance, in the midst of another oppressive heatwave, a chance sighting – a brief glimpse of blue-green eyes, that direct gaze, the curve of her mouth – changes everything.
Could Joy still be alive? And if so, why hasn’t she come home?..M.F

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3.5 stars

You Know Her by D.E. White is a psychological thriller about a missing woman.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Storm Publishing for sending me a widget, and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My Synopsis:    (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)
Joy Maddison, a popular influencer disappeared five years ago, leaving behind her husband Emile, and her three children.   She had set out for her run, despite the heatwave, and was never seen again.

Joy's sister DI Lucy Merry has never fully grieved.  Until she sees the body of her sister, she cannot.  Joy's father Frank believes his daughter s still alive.

Mattie Woods, an addict, has recently been working as an informant for the police.  They are trying to bring down Ned, who has his fingers in everything from drugs to the trafficking of girls.  Mattie and her missing boyfriend Jono were big fans of Joy.  Mattie knows everything about her.

Lucy and Mattie are more connected than they know, and memories will have to re-surface before everything is solved.

My Opinions:
This was very slow moving.  The overall plot was good, if somewhat predictable, but it was slow.

The book centered around a woman's journey through a horrific experience of torture, brain-washing and amnesia.  It looked at strength of character, and love of family.

Character-wise, I felt sorry for Lucy, loved Bobby, and rooted for Mattie, but had a hard time getting behind Joy, Emile, and Frank.  There was something "off" about all of them (some more than others). Jono and Ned were just nightmares.

So, overall, although the plot was good, and the characters intriguing, it just moved too slowly for me.

For a more complete review of this book and others (including the reason I chose to read/review this book, as well as author information), please visit my blog: http://katlovesbooksblog.wordpress.com/netg-edel-author-publisher reviewed-in-202410 s Alan Cotterell543 188

I will start off by saying how much I love this authors previous books.

But this one…. I came very close to DNF, it was only my previous experience with her work that pushed me to plough through.

I found it very slow to start with and difficult to connect with the characters, or care what happened to them. Probably didn’t help that I am not a fan of influencers. The book was over long and quite repetitive especially the dialogue.

I am sure others will love it, but not for me. I give it a generous 3 stars, based on previous experience,arc-netgalley netgalley-challenge-2023 read-20236 s Milena Bookish??245 107

3.5?Although the plot is interesting, the excessive amount of repetitive internal dialogue made it difficult to continue reading, especially in the beginning. Despite this issue, I was still hooked by the story and couldn't stop turning the pages to find out what happened to Darling Joy. The writing was well crafted, the characters were intriguing, and the constant uncertainty of who to trust kept me guessing until the end. The revelation of who kidnapped Joy five years ago was shocking as it was the least expected person, which made it even more gripping.

Thank you, NetGalley and Storm Publishing for providing me with an eARC.mystery-suspense thriller5 s Kate248 15

Thanks to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for access to this arc in exchange for my honest review.

Well, I was a bit torn about how to rate this book. I loved the plot, the twist, the characters and all that happened in there. I really loved the ending, too. However, it felt really slow moving, dragging even at times, specially the first part.netgalley4 s ? ?104 19

Mattie, ex drug addict and alcoholic, is trying to get out of the deadbeat lifestyle she’s found herself in. Becoming a police informant, earning money in exchange for information about her boss, she meets DI Lucy Merry. But how does Mattie tie in with the detective’s missing sister, Joy Maddison? Their lives are a million miles apart…

I LOVED this book! I was rooting for Mattie the whole time. I could feel her anxieties, my heart raced along with hers throughout the whole book! I didn’t trust anyone, but couldn’t work out who the bad guy was at all. That got me good!
This story kept me on my toes and guessing the whole way along, full of suspense and drama. Fantastic and a well deserved 5 stars from me.

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for my advanced copy. 3 s Lee756 108

Five years ago, during a sweltering summer heatwave, perfect wife and mother Joy Maddison set off for her usual evening run – and vanished without a trace.

This started out quite slow for the first 40% but then a twist came that I thought I saw coming, I was right and the story did pick up after this and I enjoyed the rest of the book. It definitely was a bit repetitious at times and some of this dialogue could have been cut which would have improved the book for the reader. The characters were quite well developed and the plot kept me reading, I really wanted to find out who was behind it all. I had not read this author before and will look up other books by them. 3.5 stars from me.

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy, all opinions are my own.3 s1 comment Nicola Hancock443 5

This was read as part of an instabooktours readalong last year. Joy Maddison disappears, we find this out pretty soon in the prologue. It was really interesting hearing the bad thoughts people had on social media, about the disappearing you tuber influencer. The author gives the reader insights into the mass amounts of money, the fame alongside being a family person.

Mattie, although an informant who was going through her own drug/alcohol addiction had a missing boyfriend Jono. It was fab reading about this side of things and snitching on your employer. I loved how the author intertwined the two stories alongside each other to meet in the middle. I don’t usually get sucked into characters but I was hooked with this. Especially Kitten Nuala.

Five years ago on the day it happened? What happened? This question sits with you most of the way throughout. There are some really brutal moments that are hard to read males punching females in the abdomen, cover up suicides. So beware. What was unusual was the answer to who killed Joy comes out early on, but was this intentional? Honestly a fantastic read by one of my favourite authors from last year. 2 s Joyce Stewart Reviews560 41

I loved the book and how well it was put together.
The suspense and action was written and expressed extremely well and timed perfectly, and is definitely worth the read! I was so immersed in the book and finished it in less than a day.2 s June Walters468 11

Vlogger Joy Maddison is loved and hated in equal measure. With millions of viewers, she is followed by fans who want to see her every move and copy her, and trolls who are waiting for the inevitable slip up.

Five years ago, Joy goes off for a run in the local woods and disappears. Has she been kidnapped, murdered or has she just had enough and eloped with a mystery lover?

This book had so much potential and the story line, though not original, was interesting. Unfortunately there was so much waffle and repetition it was hard to get into the story. Slow, meandering and with lots of contradictions made it a laborious read.

With a really good tidy up and a thorough edit it could be a winner.


Thank you NetGalley and Storm.2 s Lisa Gilbert266 17

I decided to read just one more chapter before going to sleep, but instead I finished the book because it was too hard to put down.

The plot is intriguing, the characters are relatable, but the pace is a bit slow. It is definitely a story that will play mind tricks on you - my favorite kind of book.

The book centers around a popular influencer, Joy, who disappeared five years ago without a trace. When a possible sighting of her surfaces, new questions arise.

If you suspense, twists and an abundance of drama, I would definitely recommend this book. My rating is 4 stars and I’d to thank NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the advanced copy.

1 Kelly PrambergerAuthor 6 books42

Very much a typical thriller to me but this one just didn’t leave me wanting more. It wrapped up nicely and the content was okay however it didn’t capture my attention most books in this genre do. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.1 Kerri C50

WOW! What a twist on a book about an influencer! I thought I figured it out and then I would realize I was missing something and my entire prediction would change. Joy... I loved her and hated her - I was never sure if she was truthful or not... the whole story is crazy but to the point that it is so crazy that it is believable. I loved the characters and the different ways they interacted. It kept me on my toes - it was the perfect book to be my first thriller read of 2024!1 Tammy O631 32

This started out depressing and disturbing. Then it took a turn and I couldn’t put it down. There were so many questions throughout the book—unfortunately the ending answers didn’t do them justice. Some made sense but others came from left field and were difficult to believe. Still, it was a good read!
Advanced reader copy courtesy of the publishers at NetGalley for review.netgalley1 Richard Angrave212 1 follower

A very modern day book with the themes well researched from the enthusiastic author. Keeps you guessing to the last page. Thanks to Storm and NetGalley for the chance to ARC this book.1 Desiree477 4

In You Know Her we meet Mattie Woods, an alcoholic and drug addict who works for a rogue fishmonger. Mattie is just recovering from a serious illness that lasted at least 6 weeks. During this period she is assisted by Bobbie, a colleague and friend from the fish market. Bobbie helps Mattie because her friend has disappeared.
Mattie slowly begins to recover from her illness and tries to get her addiction and alcoholism under control now that her partner Jono, who always supplied her with drugs, has disappeared. Jono had enormous influence over Mattie because together they allegedly kidnapped and killed a well-known influencer, Joy Maddison. In her drug and alcohol-addled brain, Mattie has difficulty remembering things and distinguishing between fictions and truths. With the help of Bobbie, who also comes from an abusive relationship, Mattie slowly tries to gain control.
That is difficult because she regularly comes into contact with drugs at work because Ned, her criminal employer, is a drug smuggler. Moreover, Mattie is forced to take over his role as police informant after Jono disappears. The crippled Mattie is easy prey for Ned's aggressive accomplices, she regularly relapses into her old addictions, practices self-harm and lives in appalling conditions. Only Bobby, the stray cat Nuala, whom she rescues from the clutches of a few juvenile delinquents, and the kittens that Nuala gives birth to one day keep her going, as do the drawings she makes on the walls of the squat.

Joy Maddison is een moeder, huisvrouw en sprankelende influencer die vijf jaar geleden verdween toen zij ging joggen in het bos. Joy woonde in een prachtig huis, had drie leuke kinderen en een aantrekkelijke man die ook nog eens een beroemde chef en eigenaar van enkele restaurants was. Toen ze verdween had Joy net een aantal lucratieve contracten in de wacht gesleept als influencer. Bovendien was Joy het grote idool van van Mattie en Jono, althans dat is het verhaal dat Jono vertelt. Tot het moment dat zij Joy die fatale ochtend hebben ontvoerd en vermoord bezochten ze vrijwel elke presentatie en optreden van Joy. Mattie kan zich hier door alle drugs en drank nauwelijks iets van herinneren maar het moet wel waar zijn, want zij heeft allerlei foto's op haar telefoon staan en een filmpje van hoe zij Joy begraven.

Joy Maddison is a mother, housewife and sparkling influencer who disappeared five years ago while jogging in the woods. Joy lived in a beautiful house, had three nice children and an attractive husband who was also a famous chef and owner of several restaurants. When she disappeared, Joy had just gained a number of lucrative contracts as an influencer. Moreover, Joy was the great idol of Mattie and Jono, at least that is the story that Jono tells. Until they kidnapped and murdered Joy that fateful morning, they attended almost every presentation and performance of Joy. Mattie can hardly remember anything about this due to all the drugs and alcohol, but it must be true, because she has all kinds of photos on her phone and a video of how they buried Joy.

I found the enormous contrast between these two women fascinating because their worlds could hardly be further apart. I particularly loved the first half of the book because the two worlds are always so clearly opposed to each other: the difficult, raw life of Mattie, dominated by drugs and alcohol, and the princess life of Joy, quite superficial and with, as it turns out later, friends who aren't really friends at all. Halfway through the book there is an interesting twist that, in my opinion, should have come a little later because it takes away some of the tension. Nevertheless, the book remains exciting and oppressive until the end, but I didn't the second part as much as the first. Therefore 1 star less. Even though I found the ending quite unexpected,

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC I received in exchange for my honest review. Janalyn Prude3,315 93

A podcaster named Joy has been missing for five years and on the fifth anniversary they’re showing a documentary which is being watched by drug addicted Maggie or at least she was a drug addict until she recently got the flu and decided it was her chance to get clean and so far so good. If not for Maggie‘s best friend Bobby taking care of her through her feverish flu Maggie doesn’t know what she would’ve done. Six weeks ago her boyfriend who was physically and mentally abusive Jono went missing Maggie and Jono were influencer Joy‘s biggest fans and despite Jono gone missing Maggie still cannot get enough of watching enjoys YouTube post and documentaries but now sober or not she still has to go to work for Jono‘s cousin Ned “ a want to be” drug king pin it seems since Jono‘s disappearance she’ll have to take his place at the fishmarket we’re Ned does business but he isn’t the only one wanting Maggie to take Jono‘s place she is also become an informant for a policeman name Add and just by coincidence his boss is Joy’s sister Lucy. Eventually Lucy and Maggie‘s path will cross and it will change everything. Lucy is a detective inspector who will not let her sister case go cold but she isn’t the only one who marks the anniversary eight blogger named Natterring On, also marks the anniversary of her disappearance but this year he changes it up. He makes claims to knowing more than someone uninvolved would know and Lucy wants to find out who this is but I will take a few bad nights and a sketchbook to get to the bottom of the case. What I have written in this review isn’t even the first 20% of the book this book has so much happening and it is so twisty you may need a seatbelt. I had first didn’t the abrupt change one minute she’s wrapping up a dead body in the next she is at her friends comedy night But you get used to it and it is so worth it this really was a really great book it took me two days to read it but OMG so worth it! It makes me look forward to the next book by this author I can get my hands on a truly twisty five star read! I want to think the author, storm publishing and net Galley for this great free art please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review. Emily Hanson50

You Know Her was a recommendation on Hoopla based off of my recent reading habits. A famous woman who shares her life online vlogging goes missing for five years, and the last thing anyone expects after so many years is for her to return. Meanwhile, a woman who was raised and forged in the fires of unfortunate circumstances becomes a point of interest in the case of our missing socialite. What no one expects, however, is that this woman who struggles with addiction and alcoholism to be the missing woman. As she returns to her once-normal life, she has to wade through false memories and trauma to try and uncover the mysteries of her missing years and a prior family trauma.

I was really hoping I'd love this one, but it fell short of my expectations. The book's progression was very slow. I debated walking away from it multiple times. After the first hundred fifty pages, it finally started to pick up. Even after picking up the pacing, the way the story progressed felt off. I have no better way to say it. Parts of this story were so convoluted that it felt they were just added to make the book look more impressive. A recurring issue I had was our main character struggling to remember, which is a huge plot point to this book, but the internal struggle that she wades through over and over gets so repetitive that I kept having to turn off my tablet and take a break from her narrative. Maybe I missed something big, but overall, the reading experience for this one leaned towards unpleasant.

The final twist didn't blindside me, but I definitely feel the build-up to it could have been better. I had an inkling of how the story would turn out, but there were many red herrings that, although they did enhance parts of the story, I personally felt they detracted from the big reveal.

If you're willing to deal with some convoluted plot building, heavy themes of addiction, trauma, and loss, and love a psychological thriller, then consider checking this one out. At its core, the story has good bones, however, I personally think the author poured a bit too much into this book. It was a two star read for me. Karin H.256 12

"You Know Her" is a mystery novel that promises intrigue and suspense but falls somewhat short of its potential. The story revolves around the disappearance of Joy Maddison during a summer heatwave five years ago and the viral video posted by her husband, which has captured the attention of millions online. On the fifth anniversary of her disappearance, a chance sighting near her home sparks new hope and questions about her fate.

The characters are adequately developed, and their emotions and struggles are relatable. Joy's husband's determination to find his wife and the impact of her disappearance on her family and community are explored to some extent. However, the character development could have been deeper to create a stronger connection with the reader.

The plot is filled with suspense and unexpected turns, which maintain a level of engagement throughout the story. The oppressive heatwave serves as an atmospheric backdrop, emphasizing the tension and uncertainty surrounding Joy's disappearance. The pacing is reasonable, with clues and revelations gradually unfolding, leading to a somewhat predictable but still satisfying conclusion.

The comparison to books "Gone Girl," "The Silent Patient," and "The Girl on the Train" may raise expectations that "You Know Her" doesn't quite meet. While it shares some elements with these psychological thrillers, it lacks the same level of complexity, depth, and jaw-dropping twists that define those novels.

One of the drawbacks of the book is that some of the characters' actions and decisions may come across as implausible or melodramatic, which can hinder immersion in the story.

In summary, "You Know Her" is a decent mystery novel with elements of suspense and intrigue. While it may not reach the heights of the most acclaimed psychological thrillers, it still offers an engaging and readable experience. If you're looking for a moderately suspenseful story with a familiar premise, this book might be worth a read. Joanna LambertAuthor 6 books42

Maddie Woods works in the local fish market in Brighton. A recovering drug addict and alcoholic, she remembers little of her past. Her partner Jono has disappeared, leaving her alone in the derelict house they shared. Maddie is also a police informer. She is gathering information about her boss Ned, one of the two owners of the market. She is aware of his drug supplying and trafficking activities and puts herself in danger as she gathers information to subsidise her meagre income from the market. With her scarred face and damaged leg, she is usually overlooked by Ned and his thugs, although being such a nondescript figure, she does come in handy to occasionally assist in their nefarious activities. When she works out a plan to gain the kind of information that will put Ned away for a long time and give her enough money to leave Brighton, she has no idea that her meeting with DI Lucy Merry will change her life completely and that quite by accident, DNA will reveal who she really is.
Wow! I was completely hooked on this book. The first part, detailing Maddie’s life in Brighton made me feel uneasy. She was dealing with some dangerous people, and things could have gone so badly wrong. When she returns to her old life she finds herself having to deal with a new set of challenges. With professional help, her dreams and flashbacks begin to shape her lost past. However, the more she begins to remember, the more danger is finds herself in. The owner of the mystery voice, who pops up occasionally, confesses they are responsible for what happened to her, and it’s clear they aren’t finished with her. But who are they? And why are they doing this?

A well-constructed twisty tale that I found difficult to put down. Very addictive.

I would to thank Storm Publishing, the author and Netgalley for an ARC of You Know Her in exchange for an honest review. Carolyn2,402 672

Joy Maddison: Darling Joy, popular vlogger, influencer, perfect wife and mother. Her millions of fans think they know her, every perfectly videoed image of her and her lifestyle, but do they really? When she sets off for a run and disappears everyone has their own theory about what happened to her – she’s been abducted, she’s dead, her husband cheated on her and she’s run away – but five years on no one, least of all her sister DI Lucy Merry, is any the wiser about where she is.

Mattie Woods: drug and alcohol addict, squatter in a derelict building, living on the margins, working casual night shifts at a fish market for a dealer who buys and sells fish and his brother, Ned who buys and sells drugs. Also a super fan of Joy Maddison, along with her boyfriend Jojo who also works for Ned. Mattie doesn’t remember much of her past but has terrifying nightmares about a shadowy man shouting at her. Mattie and Jojo also have a secret about Joy that Mattie is terrified to let the rest of the world know.

The novel starts off slowly, delving into Mattie’s world and her gradual journey towards wanting to leave her addictions and drifting life behind. It’s somewhat repetitive and could have been tighter, but makes you anxious for Mattie and how she is going to escape what her life has become. Halfway through, the book takes a sharp turn into Joy’s life and the mystery of her disappearance and who might know something about it. Again the pace is a little slow and never very suspenseful, more of a slow burning psychological thriller, but intriguing enough to keep reading to find out what becomes of Joy and Mattie.

Thanks to Storm Publishing via Netgalley for a copy to read2023 mystery netgalley ...more27 s Kori Potenzone891 83

Holy, moly, my head might have just spun right on off my shoulders!

D.E White has done it again!

Lies, Secrets, Deceit.. Well, now you're just speaking my love language!!

Talk about a scandal, this book delivers!

After reading previous publications, Glass Dolls, The Ice Daughters and Remember Me, D.E White, became an auto-buy author. Their writing speaks straight to my little black soul and I just can't get enough!

You Know Her, will stay with you long after concluding and will be impossible to stop thinking about.

White’s talent shines through with the character development and fluid chapters. I was never once bored but in fact, the complete opposite, I was completely consumed within the pages. I could not get to the next chapter fast enough.

Talk about some strong characters!

D.E White, is a literary genius and I am so here for it!

Check out this teaser :

In the last ever video clip of Joy Maddison – a perfect wife and mother – she smiles for the camera, then turns to the woods and sets off on her evening run.

And then she is gone.

I lean forward and touch her face on the TV screen. The evening sunlight catches her long blonde hair, turning the strands to threads of true gold. Her laughter always makes me smile, as though we share a private joke.

Which in a way is true, isn’t it, darling?

I’m watching a documentary, made for the five-year anniversary of her disappearance. She would have loved this, being centre stage on a Saturday night.

She was adored by all of us, but, in the end, I was the only one who loved her enough to make sure she got what she really deserved.

I just didn’t expect her to come back. Books 'n' All Promotions830 40

I do love books by D. E. White they are usually different, full of twists and the unexpected. This one certainly was. I was gripped from the very first page. About half way through I thought I had worked it out, but I was wrong, very, very wrong.

Joy disappeared while out on a run. She was an influencer with a big following. A lot of fans but also a lot of haters. Her family never stopped hoping. Lucy, her sister is a detective and even she couldn't find any clues.

5 years later a chance sighting of someone who looked very Joy. Could she still be alive? Not only alive but living in the same area? If so how come there had been no sight of her for 5 years?

Lots of questions and intrigue as the story unfolds and we are given teasers into what happened. The actual truth though when revealed is truly shocking and unexpected.

The characters are well defined and their personalities fit very well to their part in the story. I how the sisters are different but close and the family dynamics not perfect. They are all flawed in a way that makes them very human.

The story is written in a way that makes you suspect character after character with the turn of the page seeming to present a new scenario. Absolutely, adrenaline pumpingly brilliant.

I absolutely loved it and can't wait for more from this talented author.

5 stars from me.

Thank you to the author, Storm Publishing and Netgalley for the advance digital copy of this book. This is my unbiased review. BooksandBacon314 40

Joy Maddison, the perfect wife and mother, disappeared without a trace during a sweltering summer heatwave five years ago while on her evening run. Over a hundred million people have watched the final video of Joy, which was posted online by her devastated husband. In the final shot, she smiles at the camera, waves, and bids farewell with "See you later, my darlin'" before heading towards the gate to the woods. And suddenly, she was nowhere to be found...

'You Know Her' is a contemporary thriller divided into two parts. The story has three key characters, Joy the missing influencer, Maddie a recovering alcoholic and substance misuse living rough in an abandoned warehouse, and Jono Maddie’s abs’s absent boyfriend. Maggie is becoming increasingly trapped in a dangerous situation as she works for local gangster Ned. Ned is unaware that Maddie has a secret. Memories of an unrecognizable life resurface as Maddie leaves behind her drug addiction. Maddie's life takes an unexpected turn after a random meeting with Lucy Joy's sister, a police officer.

The author's writing style is impressive, and they skillfully weaved the story throughout the book, even with a few repetitions. The abducted woman's experience was unbelievable, but she managed to get through it.

What a major twist at the end. I didn’t see that coming!!

Many thanks to @Netgalley @Stormbooks_co & @DEWhiteAuthor for a copy for review.
review1 yourmysterygirl5

With love comes hate and jealously and with these emotions comes obsession and you never know who is eerily obsessed!
5 years later: It starts out with Mattie a recovering addict and delved into her world of being a police informant. What I d the most about this book was the portraying of the mental struggles that Mattie was going through. It may seem repetitive but, in my opinion, it was important to understand the mental struggles that she was going through to connect with her.
The first twist is the one that most of the avid mystery readers can anticipate and it does happen that way.
Part II of the book was where I was on the edge. I made my theories and as the story goes on unfolding the book hints at a person whom we all must have expected and suddenly there are parts which bridge the gaps and it is a hell of a rollercoaster.
I really d the character of DI Lucy Merry. She is a very smart and supportive character! She never disregards Mattie’s views and emotions even though they may seem unconventional to her.
The writing of the book is engaging and it is a good psychological thriller!
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of the book in exchange of a honest review! Farah G1,086 24

This book tells us about the disappearance of Joy Maddison - beautiful woman, beloved mother and wife, and social influencer adored and reviled by her and her trolls respectively. So why did this woman - who apparently had a perfect life - suddenly disappear? Her sister Lucy, a police officer - along with the rest of Joy's family - is desperate to find out.

I had high expectations for this story, because it was an intriguing premise. And to be fair, the story delivered by author White is not the usual version of this trope. But I did figure out one key element very early on, and the final reveal was somewhat farfetched.

This story is mainly told from the perspective of Mattie, an ex-junkie who is battling substance abuse and living the dangerous life of a police informant. She also knows why more than she should about the death of Joy Maddison, because her (now missing) boyfriend Jono was an obsessive fan of Joy's...

My favourite character was actually Mattie's friend Bobby who brought a much-needed touch of sweetness to the story. This story will work best for folks who gritty urban crime thrillers and don't mind if the storytelling involves a bit of a reach.

I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Sara 17 3

This was my first book by D. E, White. The premise is interesting enough, but it was a very slow moving plot and a bit overly long in my opinion. It felt it took forever to get to the action, but I was invested enough to see how things turned out The premise of the book is simple enough - a semi-famous influencer goes missing and the central character believes she was somehow involved in the disappearance of this influencer. There are a few twists and turns, but ultimately I was able to guess at the main twist prior to the big reveal.

The book was not badly written, but the slow pace made me somewhat reluctant to continue. I usually look for thrillers that keep me on the edge of my seat, wanting to devour the book quickly in order to find out what really happened. I did not get these urges with this book. I put it down for days at a time and did not find myself longing to get back to it. That said, I still thought it was a decent book and. despite the slow pace, it was not enough to put me off potentially trying another offering from this author in the future.

You Know Her is due out on January 4, 2024.
Thank you @NetGalley for the advanced copy. Eadie Burke1,904 16

Five years ago, during a sweltering summer heatwave, perfect wife and mother Joy Maddison set off for her usual evening run – and vanished without a trace.
The final video of Joy, posted online by her devastated husband, has been viewed over a hundred million times. In the last frame she smiles for the camera, waves and says, ‘See you later, my darlings. Love you all!’, before turning to open the gate to the woods.
And then she was gone...
Now, on the fifth anniversary of Joy’s disappearance, in the midst of another oppressive heatwave, a chance sighting – a brief glimpse of blue-green eyes, that direct gaze, the curve of her mouth – changes everything.
Could Joy still be alive? And if so, why hasn’t she come home?
This book was mainly about Maddie searching for Joy. I was very surprised at about 40% into the book something happened and the whole book changed. It was then that a slow book turned into a very different book. It became an intense read and I was suddenly surprised to be intensely involved. I can’t tell you what happened as it will ruin the book. You will have to read it for yourself. If you a story about a missing person then you will enjoy this book..read-2023 Kathleen903 25

You Know Her, a psychological thriller, is really two books in one. The first is Mattie’s story. She is addicted to drugs and alcohol and has recently been abandoned by Jono, a manipulative, abusive man who feeds her addiction. Mattie survives on the cash she makes working at the fish market run by Ned. Ned and his crew are the subjects of a covert police investigation and Mattie is paid for the information she provides her police handler. Of course, this is very risky job.

From the prologue, we know that Joy Maddison, a very popular social media influencer, went out for a run five years earlier. She never returned and her body has never been found. She left her husband, three young children, her father and her sister Lucy behind. Lucy is now a police officer. She has never stopped searching for Joy.

These women are obviously connected. I don’t spoilers so I won’t say more. You Know Her has surprises until the last page and is impossible to put down. Enjoy! 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Storm Publishing and D.E. White for this ARC. Carol-ann Gibson152 3

Holy s***! That was a total mind f***!
This book was a rollercoaster. The start felt a little slow at the time but reflecting on it made a lot more sense. I couldn't understand how a recently ex drug and alcohol addict and a missing influencer could be connected it seemed two different stories!
Then D.E White managed to make it make sense and I was both shocked and impressed!

I was kept guessing alot in this book. I don't want to give any spoilers at all. However I will say the main 'guess' of what happened to Joy I guessed a few chapters in. However the 'guess' of who abducted her and why was something I didn't guess at all. The twist at the end was crazy and I couldn't put the book down for the last few chapters!

I loved Mattie and her story of over coming addiction and trying to do better with her life and her car Nuala
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