
The Siren's Song de Crista Crown

de Crista Crown - Género: English
libro gratis The Siren's Song


Crista Crown Series: Havenwood 01 Year: 2023

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I came for the siren smut, not gonna lie.
Nothing to write home about. The rest of the plot isn’t even worth mentioning.
Decided not to rate it because I don’t think skipping almost everything qualifies as reading a book.12 s4 comments Lola1,691 267

I received a free copy of this book through GRR and voluntarily reviewed it.

This book caught my eye when I saw it, I haven't read a lot of books with sirens and I thought that part sounded pretty interesting. The set-up was interesting, the romance is sweet and steamy, the setting was nice and there were some interesting paranormal creatures. Despite feeling this book had all the elements I wanted in a good book, it just ended up being okay for me. It never fully pulled me in or got me invested in the story. It wasn't bad enough that I wanted to stop reading it, but I also never was really excited to continue reading. I am not sure what about this book caused me to feel this way, whether it was the writing style or just something that would elevate it to the next level. Or maybe my mood also played a role, I don't know.

The Sire's Song is told from dual point of views of both Len, a siren, and Max, a human. They meet once Max moves to Havenwood, a safe haven for all types of supernaturals. The two have some instant attraction and it doesn't take long before things heat up, but Max wants more, while Len only wants the steam. I d how they actually talk things through without this becoming the drama point later in the book. I did however think it felt a bit off how Len kept tempting Max and flirting with him after that. I d how they become friends before their relationship really deepens again. I d how they communicate and talk things through. They felt a good match. There were some interesting themes of Max finding a place to belong and how Len had to get over the damage his ex did with him thinking people only wanted him because he's a siren.

There are some side characters around as well, most had a few unique bits, but I felt only Kieran and Balor really came alive. The others didn't have as strong of a personality. Besides the romance there's a bit of a plot line with a vampire who doesn't humans in Havenwood, but to be honest I felt this plot point wasn't really a big part of the story and felt a bit awkwardly added in. I also wasn't really interested in this plot point. I thought my ARC copy missed a part about the cultural significance of the masquerade ball that got hinted at, but I assume that will be fixed in the final version. I felt the masquerade ball felt a bit a let down after it got hyped up the whole book.

On the GRR website there was a note about there being a steamy scene with siren shifted form and I have to admit I was kinda curious how that would play out. But was a bit disappointed how it actually took place as it felt mostly the same as the other steamy scenes, just with a siren tail involved for Len.

I d the setting of Havenwood and I would've d to see more of the town and the creatures that lived there. I d the addition of some paranormal creatures I don't usually see in paranormal romance books sirens and a Minotaur. I hope the minotaur gets his own romance book, I think that one might be next.

To summarize: This book had all the elements that normally would make for a great book for me, but something about this one was just okay. Len and Max meet when Max moves to Havenwood, the two have some instant chemistry that ends up building into more. I d how these two communicated and they felt a good match. There are some interesting paranormal creatures in this series. Although I had hoped to see more of the siren thing and the shifted steamy scene felt similar to the other steamy scenes instead of really unique. The side characters don't really come alive besides Kieran and Balor. There's a bit of a plot line with a vampire who isn't happy Max moved to Havenwood, but I felt it was a bit awkwardly added in and wasn't very interesting. I had just hoped to enjoy this one more as it has some interesting elements. S a n d r a1,246 187

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Rating: ????

I loved the beginning of this new series.

Max moves into Havenwood to start a new business with his collage minotaur buddy, Balor. But Havenwood is not your average small town: it's a paranormal haven full of supernatural beings.

There he meets Len, the beautiful siren that enraptures him at first glance. The siren is beautiful, but also easygoing and welcoming to him. Len, who has had his heart broken by humans who only crave his siren powers, is reluctant to have something serious, but he can't resist the way Max makes him feel.

Their relationship flows naturally from the start. It's obvious they are both attracted to each other, but they try to resist until they can't no more. And when it happens and they are both seeking something different, their relationship keeps going even if kinda awkwardly (and how not?).

It was precious seeing them falling in love. Their story is not overly complicated, it flows nicely and it has just the nice amount of steam, friendship and love.

However, it felt a bit short sometimes, too. Everything is too easy, the villain, who doesn't do much and is easily silenced (but probably not forever). Also, the end was a bit abrupt for my liking. I'm guessing the second book will start just as this one leaves us (after the masquerade).

But don't get me wrong: I will impatiently wait for the second book to be available (fingers crossed for it to be Balor's and Kiernan's story)!!lgbt magic merfolk Karen270 1 follower

3.5 stars

I asked for this ARC because I wanted to read about a different kind of paranormal character, AND I wanted to read an interracial romance. I got both, hence the 3 stars. However, although the story is fine, and the romance between the two characters builds sweetly, I still came away feeling it wasn't enough. I love that the siren is a Black man--it made me think of great voices Luther Vandross and Nat King Cole. I each MC and I love the magical qualities of the town. I the way Len's family and friends, and Balor and his family, stand behind Max and Len, giving Max the sense of family that he's been craving. I just wish there was more for Len and Max to overcome, and maybe if Aria, the vampiress with the bad attitude--given her name, maybe she was just jealous of Len's superior powers of musical seduction?-- had gotten more decisively dealt with, that would have helped, as well. Elizabeth D504 2

I thought this was a great revision and expansion from the original short story. The thing that bothered me the most about the original (Len’s “no human” policy for dating after a bad human boyfriend) was eliminated (and prejudice was discussed in a more nuanced way). I enjoyed the way Len and Max sometimes got carried away by feelings but actually discussed things adults, got to know one another as friends, spent time with one another (and friends), and eventually took things further. I enjoyed the triumphant friends, the ridiculous pining and obliviousness with a certain pairing, and the emphasis on Max finding a place to belong as well as Len finding a person who explicitly cared about him.

This was an enjoying series starter, and I’d enjoy seeing more in this world.

I received an ARC from GRR. This is my honest review. C.B.3,764 14

Sometimes plans change. Len, is a siren who reached a point in his life when he no longer wants to indulge in meaningless relationships with people who don't see him the man, but on ly Len the siren. Max, a human needs sex to be meaningful and involve his heart. Max and Len, share an unforgettable night. Max is all in. Len thinks he will follow his usual one and done routine. The men are in the same friends group and can't avoid each other. Len, is challenged by his intent to avoid Max, but he still wants him. Lots of folk introduced whom I look forward to reading. Fun story abotu re-evaluating life plans and reforming friendships. Nicely done. Nice cover art. I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving a review. Elektra | My Trending Books662 4

This is my first time reading this author and the book didn't disappoint. I love the trope oh no I have been hurt before I don't want a relationship but secretly I am the biggest romantic ever.

Yup! The whole book was adorable. I was rooting for the MCS to get together from the start of the book. It was a treat reading them explore and come to terms with their feelings. The few smexy scenes were super hawt. I loved the whole introduction to this universe and its characters. I am looking forward to reading more about the other characters too. All in all, I thought it was a well-rounded book. arcs Ida Umphers4,397 35

I loved the way the author took the idea that I usually see in stories about millionaires/billionaires where a characters just wants to be loved for themselves and applied that to Len, our siren of the story. His vow to just stay friends with Max even after they have an incredible night together is thwarted at every turn. Max clearly wants more, they are in a small town where they can't avoid running into each other, and then, there's a vampire stirring up feelings in others that could put Max in serious trouble. What's Len to do but help Max. Great world building, great characters and a stunning cover. CMLH1,286 7

This story has such a sweetness to it along with adults looking back and seeing that actions made were not always made for the reasons thought of. Running Eagle surprises Jude with showing up for the holidays after his invitation. These two have a relationship that has so much unsaid that is finally said. Cope is dealing with many emotional reunions as well as balancing the holidays for their children along with Jude.

This is the perfect holiday book and I adore how the conversations turned into new possibilities. 1 comment Matt34

As a fan of monster romance I was so excited to read this and it did not disappoint! It has a magical blend of fluff, spicy scenes and found family, Crista Crown explored Len's inner conflict so well that I felt it right along with him and Max's own journey finding his family gave me butterflies. This book is definitely going to be added to my Halloween monster romance rotation alongside any further installations, I'm excited to see what more the Havenwood series has for us readersfantasy mm monster-romance Deborah Kelly608 3

I thoroughly enjoyed this series starter and felt from the beginning the author's descriptive word building really introduced us into the town of Havenwood and the characters. The main characters Len and Max have an instant connection and so sweet together. An enjoyable, sweet and interesting storyline with some steamy bits as they both find where they belong. Great paranormal side characters too.
I received a copy of this book from Gay Romance Reviews, and this is my honest review. Shana W284 5

I found this book very entertaining. It was well written with great world building and even greater characters. I loved Len and Max's relationship, and how they overcame their pasts to be together. Havenwood is a wonderful town with all kinds of interesting supernatural creatures. Sirens and minotaurs, oh my!  Balor's family is marvelous.  I'm looking forward to reading more by Crista Crown.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Denise907 6

This is the first book I’ve read by this author and I enjoyed it, I d Len and Max together and when Len actually got out of his own way this was a good sweater than I was expecting story, I’ll be looking out for book two in this series. Ashley459 3

A LOVELY AND SWEET READ! This is a new author for me, and I really d the book. Len and Max are just so adorable and sweet together. The story is nice, and the characters are interesting. I definitely will be reading more from this author! Deanna144

This was a fun, light read with fairly low angst. At its heart, this is a story about belonging - Max wants to belong to a family and a place, and Len wants to belong to someone for who he is not what he is. Both of them get that in the end, and the story of that was enjoyable. Readingbks934 4

Great start to what looks an amazing new series by the wonderful Crista Crown! This is Len and Max's story with so many wonderful secondary (found family) characters too! Great story! I read an advanced copy of this book and this is my unbiased review! Tanya13.8k 68

He is a siren who all men find they want to sleep with him but they do not stick around until he meets them. He knows things are going to change for him but how? What will happen? How will it all go? See just what happens next for him Steven A.49

Lured Me Right In

Sweetness, troubled hearts, magic, and humor make this a supernaturally great read. Oh, I forgot the heat...lots of sexy characters in a magical small town. I look forward to more of Havenwood. BookedUpBard424 3

That was as disappointing as the grossly made cover.
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