
Dragon Secret de Cree Storm

de Cree Storm - Género: English
libro gratis Dragon Secret


Cree Storm Year: 2022

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The story is lost in the Grand Canyon plot holes.

In general, Ms. Storm’s books are almost always a light hearted read centered around a rather intense and important story she is trying to tell. It is a nice balance. But, the one thing you can always guarantee is that at least twice in the book, and sometimes as much as ten times, she will put the wrong character name in a scene. It’s quite literally a character flaw.

Please be aware, some people may consider the following to be book spoilers, though given this is a summary of plot holes, all I’m actually spoiling is… well a spoiled book.

Let’s see, at the beginning of the book Wiz has kept his dragon’s secret for centuries, but at the end he’s just as shocked as everyone else. Um, that’s actually a big one.

Nolan has been pining over Wiz being his mate for 6 months in one chapter, and then just a few chapters later he is suddenly shocked that he just found out Wiz is his mate. And while on the subject of Nolan, he is a raccoon shifter, but in one chapter, he suddenly has a inner cat. Love that nonsense.

Wiz’s dragon is walking on a conference table talking to everyone in one chapter. And in the next chapter Wiz’s dragon is talking to Wiz’s two mates and Wiz’s internal monologue is that he doesn’t even think that the rest of DOA is aware that his dragon can speak. Well I certainly hope they can, otherwise, their memory is just as poor as Ms. Cree Storm’s at that point.

Then there’s the bad guys at the end of the story. Literally, in one paragraph one bad guy died, and just two paragraphs later it was the other bad guy who died. The one who died in the first paragraph is the one who is going to come back for revenge. Of course, because of that, we don’t know if it is the bird shifter or the wolf shifter that is coming back for revenge. I think it was the wolf shifter, may have been a cat shifter. After reading through everything I hope it is obvious why I’m not sure.

Then there is the head of DOA actually thinking that he has the right to verify the men who were chosen as DOA agents for the new location. I mean, it’s not God picks them or anything that. Oh, no, that’s right. God is the one who picks them. Well, I guess it does take some next level arrogance to be head of DOA.

Plus, the fact that everyone is all bummed about the fact that God is adding more DOA agents in the first place questioning if they are doing a bad job… after an entire book of them talking about how they need more help as there are not enough of them to go around.

Which of course leads too… it became obvious at this point that Ms. Storm is leading up to another spin off series because that is what she does. She doesn’t wrap up, she just continues on and on and on. At this point, it looks she is only planning a slap-dash haphazard attempt to get the last three DOA books published so she can move on to whatever has next captured her focus.

It’s too bad too. Dragon Secret had a really important story to tell, and she couldn’t be bothered to do it the justice it deserved.

I???ve been following her for years. I’ve read her entire Eternal Flames, Eternal Flames Maddox, Fantasy, and so on… and at this point, if this is how she is going to treat her readers, I do not know why I should pay her the respect of reading her books. And make no mistake. It is a two way street. Authors need fans as much as fans need authors. And this author has disrespected this fan enough.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review SiKReviews1,284 5

Wiz always knew his dragon was special and had secrets. When a serial bully keeps telling boys to kill themselves and they do, Wiz feels it isall his fault. With the help of the newest members of DOA, they try and find out who the bully is. During the investigation, Wiz finds out that the detectives are his mates. Together with his mates and his secretive dragon, they try to find the bully and save future boys from death and find out their dragon’s big secret. I understand being bully. I was the fat girl for years and was made fun of it until I was in tears. Suicide is not the answer to bullying even though it might seem to be. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please call or text 988 for help.
April392 2

Another fantastic addition to a great series!

So glad to finally get the happiness for Wiz that he deserves! Pepper was such a cool surprise. I have waited impatiently for Wiz's story and it was definitely worth the wait. Candy Long104 3

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