
Redemption Song de Craig Schaefer

de Craig Schaefer - Género: English
libro gratis Redemption Song


Craig Schaefer Publisher: Demimonde Books, Year: 2014

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I was lucky to be told from the beginning that this is the worse from the series, otherwise I would have abandoned it somewhere in the beginning. I almost vomited in my mouth a couple of times because of all the teeth-killing sweetness of the love story between Daniel and Caitlin. I said from the 1st volume that their relationship was the only reason that th book did not receive 5*, I really hate insta-love. In this novel it gets even worse. The nauseating experience of having to listen to Faust calling Caitlin the love of his life (and other saccharine infused bullshit) was very hard to bear. I do not mind love, do not get me wrong, but this one feels sooo artificial. Apparently there is an explanation for it and it would be a spoiler to be told about it in advance. Iwas also told something about book 8. Damn, I was hoping Cait would die in flames a lot sooner but it seems not.

Anyway, let's go back to the plot. I am bit reluctant to go there because I have a few complains about that aspect as well. The dark atmosphere from the 1st instalment was gone, poof, everything was mellowed down by love. Things went back on track somewhere in the middle when Faust kills a young cambion, slashing his throat. I know...I felt very weird cheering for a murder but too much love does some ugly things to my brain. For a detailed description of what happens you can read the blurb, it is pretty good. Do not worry if you read the 1st volume a long time ago, the author does a good job summarising what happened without being too repetitive (I am looking at you Karen Marie Moning).

The ending was interesting enough, it felt it was Now You See Me part III. I am still waiting to see more magic and less trickery from Faust but it seems I might have to wait for a while. The magician bits are pretty cool but we are told Faust is a powerful sorcerer and I did not get that impression at all until now. I will continue with the series because Carol. and Milda encouraged me to do so. Girls, I will be blaming you if the series will not get better from here. urban-fantasy-pr81 s ?? Sarah ?? (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans)2,433 7,756

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