
Serenity Hunted de Craig A. Hart

de Craig A. Hart - Género: English
libro gratis Serenity Hunted


Shelby Alexander is at a crossroads. Is he ready to hang it up and retire for real...or does he have another season left?
The decision may not be completely up to him.
When a horrifying tragedy strikes Serenity, Shelby feels the old call to action stirring deep inside. His loved ones worry he's too far past his prime, but he is more and more convinced that his job is actually far from done.
Will this new evil feel the power of Shelby's seasoned fists and the lethal sting of his dead-eyed aim?
Only time will tell. One thing is for time is not on his side./....M.F

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Consummate story with thrill, drama, and action

I have read one more book from this author and his style is pretty consistent. There is good measure of drama around Shelby's retirement and his family's sentiments around it. His partner Mack is also not very happy but is all in to support his buddy.

As Shelby begins to explore what life would be when retired, a well-timed crime takes place. A local girl, Hannah goes missing, demanding urgent investigation given the sensitivity around kidnapping cases. Shelby and his partner Mack are back on ground, solving the heinous crime before it's too late.

The author has depicted a mature cast with physical and mental draining that is part of growing old. Shelby's grit is what allows him to handle the matter-of-course decline and complete the task at hand. Scenes are not overly dramatic but impactful. The author's effective writing style leaves a footprint of seriousness carrying needed momentum in this fast-paced narrative.

Refined exploration of emotions from Shelby's perspective was charming to read. His relationship with his daughter, granddaughter, and live-in partner are appropriately rounded out. It connected me with his family at a deeper and human level. Supporting cast also resonated on the same wavelength, making them equally relatable.

And sure, what is a thriller if not for a twist. The killer's identity is the one that will throw the reader off. I would recommend this one to anyone looking for a good, clean, and engaging read.

Closing credit - I hate Shiloh!1 Aurora 2,001 26

After a career as a professional boxer and many years as a professional "fixer", Shelby Alexander is slowing down and, at the urging of his daughter and live in sweetheart, he's beginning to consider the possibility of retirement ... and then, a little girl disappears and suddenly, retiring is the last thing from Shel's mind.
Serenity Hunted is a thrill ride of a story that finds our hero and his ex-cop sidekick Mack tracking down an obsessed serial killer before he kills again. The action is fast paced and relentless, the villain is twisted, driven - almost a force of nature when he falls under the spell of the demon that drives him and Shelby and Mack are tested to the very limits of their abilities in order to stop him before the little town of Serenity loses any more of it's children.
I loved this latest Serenity story.

police-drama Kathy Wideman2,460 39

This is the ninth book in the series. They can be read as standalone books but they are better read in order. Shelby is contemplating retirement. The woman he loves and his daughter would love nothing more. Shelby knows he isn’t as fast as he used to be. But, retirement means something different to him than it does to the ladies in his life. Then a girl goes missing. She is only 9. It quickly becomes clear that she didn’t just wonder off. Shelby is working with the sheriff to figure out what happened to her. Even if they don’t find the girl Shelby will do everything in his power to find the person responsible. This was another great Shelby book. I love Shelby and the other characters in the series. Shelby knows that he will never really give up what he does. This book has action, suspense, and more. I would love to read more about Mac and his police career. Great job Craig. I hope there will be more Shelby adventures. business danger emotional ...more Rosemary3,319 55

Serenity Hunted - a review by Rosemary Kenny.

Craig A. Hart's wonderful Shelby Alexander Thriller Series, reaches book 9 with Serenity Hunted. Shelby Alexander, who's reluctantly starting to consider retirement, encouraged by his girlfriend Katharine and daughter Leslie.
But the disappearance of a 9 year-old girl soon causes him to reconsider.
A noir storyline ensues, in which Shelby and his retired cop pal Mack have to face danger, guilt, desperation and race against the clock more than once, following every lead no matter how tenuous.
A number of red herrings and misjudgements will keep you on the edge of your seat and grip you firmly by the imagination throughout.
To see if you guessed the killer before Shelby, and find out how the horror ends in a fight for life grab a copy today - and tell all your friends! Audrey887 7

Shelby is at a crossroad. The women in his life want him to retire. When his daughter friends asks for his help locating her 9 yr old who was kidnapped.
Shelby realizes he’s not in as good a shape as he use to be. He’s thinking about retiring until this new case gets his blood pumping. His friend Mac thinks Shelby is bad.
This book Shelby faces pure evil. He’s thinking about what will happen if he retires! This book has a lot of drama and action. It was also heartbreaking! But in the end we got our HEA. I love these Serenity books. I highly recommend this book and this author! Maria169 2

It is great to have Shelby Alexander back! An older, more mature Shelby, yet still his old self: sharp, big-hearted, and a little boyish.
All the series’ cast of characters is back, giving life to vivid and entertaining dialogues.
Serenity Hunted is a fast-paced thriller with a rich plot interspersed with the irresistible banter between Shelby and his friend Mack.
It is an enjoyable and entertaining book. Although the novel is a stand-alone, there is a hint of further adventures, which I look forward to reading soon.
1 Thomas1,545 33

Shelby Alexander is asked to assist when a young girl goes missing, and his own daughter is freaking out because she grew up with the mother of the young girl.

This book is full of suspense, and a bit of humor.
There're developed characters and lots of surprises in store.
Some of the things that happened make me wonder about the sanity of the author. Colin Spencer89

This latest book in the series doesn't disappoint. Shelby's age is catching up on him but should he retire which is what his family want or does he continue righting wrongs. This story makes you think about your life, getting older, slowing down but wanting to continue what you do best. The plot has several twists and turns. I enjoyed reading it and hope that there will be more in the series. Mel113 1 follower


As Shelby ages, his abilities are questioned. This story is full of intrigue and action. The life of a young girl is threatened by a monster. As always with this author's work, the story grips you, and you can't wait to get to find out what happens next. I recommend this book! Karla Thompson316 1 follower

I missed these guys!

Shelby and Mack never let me down! The banter between them is always worth a giggle. The story of the super crazy sicko killer was wild. I never knew what was coming. I always cringe when kids are the victims! Great story! Great reading! Highly recommend the whole series. Egar SugimoAuthor 8 books11

Great keep me biting my nails

That was either a fast read because it was just over 200 pages or I just raced through it being it was pretty intense. The dialogue was good throughout the story and it definitely had me since I didn’t know what was going to happen. Will be recommending to my friends that mystery thrillers! Jackie11.4k 168

Another exciting story with lots of action and twists and turns. Shelby is looking into a missing child case. Will the child be found on time. How will this all turn out. I can’t wait for the next book in this epic series. Julian White1,482 5

epub ARC from author: 159 pages on kobo

Once again Serenity fails to live up to its name... As his daughter and his current lover try to encourage him to slow down a kidnapping occurs and Shelby, along with Mack, are called in to help the investigation...

Grudgingly Shelby knows he's slowing down - but also that he isn't the retiring type.

A fine story - and there's a masterful misdirection over the identity of the kidnapper!
Terry225 6

An excellent read. I thoroughly enjoy Craig's writing and the way his stories unfold. Serenity Hunted was no exception. Well recommended. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Ann209 4

Another great Serenity story!  Shelby is contemplating retirement until he is asked for help finding a child.   Lots of twists and turns will keep you turning the pages long into the night.  I love this series.  Phthon1,864 4

I think Shelby has a few hard decisions to make in the near future. I wonder how that will work out. I am so glad that not only did Shelby and Mack get the waste of human flesh Shiloh but the outcome was fitting. I have always enjoyed this series…still do! Brett Comeau229

Even though this is a series, I wasn’t lost

I love these types of series where you start in any book and get a feel for the characters! This was a tense story from start to finish. If you are looking a exciting book, this is a great start. Susan1,058 3

When you are used to the action, drama, and adrenalin rush of the type of life Shelby has led, ‘retirement’ can be a disappointment. In Shelby’s case, trouble always seems to seek him out.
Mary E. Bagnasco1 review

Another great Shelby Alexander episode! Roxie19 1 follower

Excellent. You never cease to amaze. my-library Phil Jacobsen21

Shelby at his best. Craig Hart, has once again, entertained us with his storytelling. Shelby and Mackm are a hoot, and Katherine fits right in. Ed Flores2

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