
La isla de los perros de Cornwell, Patricia D

de Cornwell, Patricia D - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis La isla de los perros


Judy Hammer, jefe de polic?a de Richmond, y Andy Brazil, su mano derecha, se enfretan a los 'piratas de la carretera', una banda criminal que elige a sus v?ctimas al azar para robarles y asesinarlas con sadismo. Adem?s de esta investigaci?n, Brazil, ex periodista, trabaja regularmente y bajo pseud?nimo en una p?gina de internet, desde la que analiza con mordacidad los avatares pol?ticos del estado. El gobernador y su gabinete de prensa, v?ctimas principales de estos art?culos, hace tiempo que intentan averiguar qui?n es el autor. La cr?tica ha venido a sumarse al creciente descontento que la poblaci?n siente por sus autoridades, siendo los m?s insatisfechos los habitantes de la isla Tangier. Este apacible lugar, habitado mayormente por pescadores, ha iniciado una revuelta contra las nuevas normas que el gobernador quiere imponerles. Judy y Andy deber?n mediar entre pol?ticos e isle?os para evitar que el asunto tenga mayores consecuencias.

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I'm surprised that I even finished this book. It is one of the worst books I have ever read. I'm a big fan of Scarpetti books but don't read this. I not sure it even rates a star 28 s Laura Ramos4 6

Skip it -- she tried to write humor, but should have stuck with the Scarpetta formula that works.15 s Paula Adams251 107

If you are looking for road pirates, state government corruption, fraud, an appearance by Dr. Scarpetta and plenty of humor (mostly dry) then you will enjoy reading this book.feb-2023-book-a-thon va15 s Asghar AbbasAuthor 4 books197

Hilarious . Or was it ?

In any case , love Aug of 2005 . 10 s Linda3

This was quite possibly, not only the worst book I have ever read by Patricia Cornwell, but the worst book I have ever read hands down. What a disappointment. I've kept up with the Kay Scarpetta series (which has also been going downhill in the last few books), and thought I'd branch out and read the other series she has written. The Win Garrano series wasn't bad, and was short and sweet (which made it tolerable). However, the Andy Brazil series takes the cake. Hornets Nest (first in the series) was actually pretty entertaining. But her writing went into a downward spiral with Southern Cross and culminated in her worst novel yet with Isle of Dogs.

First of all, one of the main characters, who was present through the first two books, is not mentioned at all in Isle of Dogs. What happened to her? I kept reading, thinking, she'll address this at some point, but about halfway through the book, I realized it wasn't going to happen. Poor form.

Second, as a native Virginian (and much surprised, as Cornwell is too), I was appalled by how ignorant Cornwell made the majority of her characters sound. Thanks for making every Virginia resident sound a bunch of redneck, slack-jawed yokels that can't even tell right from left. I can't speak for Tangerians, as I have never been to the island, but I can't imagine they're as stupid and backwards as she has made them out to be, and believe me, I've heard stories.

You should be ashamed of yourself for writing such dreck Patricia Cornwell. How you were able to show your face in public after this disaster baffles me.9 s Sarah330 19

The only possible redeeming quality of this book is it could be used as fire kindling. This could quite possibly be the worst book ever.fiction mystery9 s Heidi1,259 181

Least favorite of her books... if you want a comic romp involving shady government officials... try Sick Puppy by Carl Hiassen... he does this kind of book so much better!

(Reviewed 12/6/08)mysteries7 s Belinda Vlasbaard3,321 75

3,75 sterren- Nederlandse hardcoverlibray-book-bibliotheek-boek spanning thriller6 s Sarah Jean1 review

I have not written a review on here before, but am doing so now as I was surprised at the lack of enthusiasm from readers of this book. I loved it for its quirky characters, comedy and the way it valued kindness. I found the animal scenes especially funny! It made me curious about the settings and some of the historical asides. I have not read any books by this author and from the I gather it is pretty different to her usual style so maybe that explains the dis. I have just bought a couple of the Scarpetta novels so I hope I those too!6 s Sheryl50 10

I give this book one star only because it is easy to read. I was taught to find something nice to say or don't say anything at all. This one makes that a challenge. Complete with talking blue crabs and trout, the story-line in Isle of Dogs is unbelievable and the characters shallow. I would not recommend this book.5 s Linda83

This was a huge waste of time. I kept thinking it would get better....it didn't! Too many characters - none able, plot (if you can call it that) too confusing.
If this had been the first Patricia Cornwell book I had read, I would never have picked up another. As it is, guess everyone is allowed a bad one once in awhile. 5 s Ralph McEwen883 23

The story is silly and some what funny and a little scary. The scary part is that I really believe that there are self indulgent politicians with self involved family members, crooked cops and enough stupid people to make this almost a true story. I listened to this as a audio book and am now wishing that there was a way to rated the narration separate from the book. I would rate the book as a 2, but the narrator should be given 4 stars. She did a wonderful job creating separate voices and dialects for the characters. So with mixed feeling I give this audio book a three star rating.4 s Nanosynergy746 3

This is an absolutely terrible book! Cornwell is author of the Kay Scarpetta series (which I highly recommend for readers of this genre - particularly the earlier books in the series). In fact, the Scarpetta books are considered an influence in the development of the fictional, forensic television series ( CSI).

However, Isle of Dogs is not part of the Scarpetta series. I couldn't even slog through to the end in audio format. Wincing in embarrassment for the author, I went online to check out the of others who had dared to read the entire book. The were overwhelmingly negative (1-star or less). Here are just a few quotes that express my sentiments: - "It's just stupid," "Waste of money," "a truly bad novel." If this was Cornwell's first novel, it would never have been published. If this is a reader's first encounter with Cornwell's writing, sadly it will most ly be their last.

The unabridged CD version is 14 hours long (12 CDs; narrator Michele Hall). I made it to the 5th CD, grumbled at my husband about how incredibly bad it was, packed it up and returned it to the library. At least I did not spend any money on this dog. bad-started-discarded fiction fiction-2000-2019 ...more3 s Tamela57 1 follower

I was a die-hard Cornwell fan and even stuck with her when the quality of her writing began to go downhill. Because her early books were so compelling, I kept believing in her long after her gold had turned to dross. However, "Isle of Dogs" was the straw that finally broke the camel's back. It's clear to me that Patricia Cornwell has lost respect for her fans and thinks they'll buy whatever she's selling, no matter how poorly written. Is this what happens when authors start believing their own PR? I wash my hands of you, Patricia Cornwell.3 s Kay1,243 19

How bad can you rate a book? I feel a liar for giving it one star- surely there is a minus star I can put. I've been reading Cornwell since she started writing and have enjoyed her books. This one is still not finished [and only the 2nd book in my life I haven't been able to finish!] I believe she was drunk the entire time she wrote an took bad advice from a bartender [no offense to bartenders!]. mystery3 s Mary Ann444

I was entertained. Her legion of fans seem to hate it, but that's typical when people depart from the expected. It was a bit ragged, but still I laughed and d the character of Andy Brazil. I hope she keeps trying this genre. The Trooper Truth essays were the weakest part to me, the bizarro characters the best part.3 s Michelle & Tony131 8

This is one of my favourite books!
Quite un Ms Cornwell's usual books (although I am a fan of her work). This is a very funny book. Great story with some brilliant characters.
Particularly enjoyable to all those collectors of trivets, especially if you have a seeing eye horse! Lol!
This is a must read!3 s Jjean977 19

This story was very different - quirky & strange characters, comedy with talking animals/fish - different way to investigate the murders - seemed to have a lot of "filler" pages - Not an author I usually read & may not again. 3 s Vinita78

I keep thinking that there were redeeming qualities about the book - but I can't think of any right now...perhaps the history angle? Not sure what to make of it...3 s woody509 7

Absolute drivel! Do not read Patricia Cornwell's Andy Brazil series. It is lousy.
Her Kay Scarpetta series is good though.3 s Dianne Everson90

This is not a Patricia Cornwall book of Kaye Scarpetta of forensic fame, which I enjoy.
It is a comedy of sorts, black but mainly silly, unbelievable and ultimately boring, except for absolutely gruesome crimes that are too violent for my taste. Yes, in the first fifty pages Cornwall intrigued me and made me laugh, but by page 200, half way through the story with talking crabs and fish added to the cast of stupid incompetent corrupt police and bad guys and a kidnapped dog; and nasty overweight daughters of an almost blind governor, the interesting history of the Virginia island and Trooper Truth were not enough to keep me reading.2 s Marcie Kreter43 Read

I only put this book on my list because it was by far the worst book I have ever read. If I could give it negative stars I would. I even wrote to the publisher demanding my money back. Story is horribly unbelievable bordering on plain stupid. It has talking crabs- enough said. I already think Patricia's writing style is questionable and this book only highlighted her weakness. 2 s Kathryn3

Though I appreciate the fact that she is apparently trying to spread her wings from the typical Scarpetta novels, this misses it for me. There are places that simply left me shaking my head, wondering how the book could have made it onto the bestsellers list. But I won't give up on her yet....2 s Lorna15 3

I love Patricia Cornwell, but this book is convoluted and all over places. I'm about 100 pages into the book, and the main plot has barely been touched. I hate giving up on books, but this one is being returned to the library without being finished.2 s William PotterAuthor 6 books32

This is the worst Cornwell book I have read. The other non-Scarpetta books were okay this one...I could not even finsh.2 s Connie14

This was an absolutely stupid book. The author's attempts at humor fall short of the mark. Read the Kay Scarpetta novels, but do not waste time on this one.2 s Mike2

Read part of this one years ago. I'm pretty sure I gave up when the fish started talking.2 s Jackie497 7

What fun— who knew Patricia Cornwall could be funny?
2 s Maura3,883 99

Well, this was not very satisfying. I rather enjoyed the first two books in this series. This one went WAY off course. No idea what the author was going for here, but it does not, in the least, match the style of the first two. It's it went into a different genre or something.

Andy Brazil and Judy Hammer are both in this one...now part of the Virginia state police. Deputy Virginia West, co-worker and on and off again girlfriend of Andy and something of a friend to Judy Hammer has disappeared completely in this story...there in book 2, gone in book 3. Where'd she go? She is alluded to by Andy once, but otherwise we get NO indication what happened to her, where she went or why no one seems to care that she's disappeared off the face of the planet. And sadly, SHE was the character I d in the series, not Andy. Andy is basically the truly, spectacularly, pretentious ass in this story. He annoyed the crap out of me. His "Trooper Truth" essays were just...stupid. His attitude that he knows everything and can solve any problem...also annoying. And the relationship between him and Hammer is just weird.

Then, add in the the strangeness of fish and crabs communicating and playing dead to escape being eaten...and so much absurdity in an attempt to be funny but it feels it's trying to hard. This was not really to my taste. It had some interesting parts, which is why the 2 stars, but on the whole, not great.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewgeneral-fiction humor nope ...more1 Freyja Vanadis688 6

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