
One for the Wicked: A Dark Mission Novel de Cooper, Karina

de Cooper, Karina - Género: English
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Overview: After writing happily ever afters for all of her friends in school, Karina Cooper eventually grew up (sort of), went to work in the real world (kind of), where she decided that making stuff up was way more fun (true!). She is the author of dark and sexy paranormal romance, steampunk urban fantasy, and writes across multiple genres with mad glee.

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5 Amazing Stars!!!

One for the Wicked is the fifth book in Karina Cooper’s incredible Dark Mission series. It's the perfect balance of paranormal, urban fantasy, and suspense with a hard fought, well earned, happily ever after.From the Cover:

In this thrilling finale to Karina Cooper's Dark Mission series, New Seattle's witches will rise again…or fall forever.

Dr. Kayleigh Lauderdale possesses the only cure for what's killing the city's witches. Desperate to acquire it, the resistance sends their best agent, but Shawn Lowe has his own agenda, and it doesn't include saving anyone—least of all, the daughter of his sworn enemy. He has to ignore the blistering attraction he feels the instant they meet, because he can't give in until he gets what he wants. He just never counted on wanting her…

Kayleigh can't believe how out of control Shawn makes her feel. He lies to her with one breath and excites her beyond reason the next. A reckless encounter could steal her heart, while the danger hovering over the city may prove too much for either of them to handle. When the world turns upside down, it will take everything Kayleigh and Shawn have to hold on…to life, to hope, to each other.I was given books 4 and 5 to review and I wish I had taken the time to go back and read from the beginning. The plot is quite complex and this is one of those series that, to be truly understood and appreciated for the masterpiece it is, needs to be read in order. But that said, One for the Wicked is an engaging story filled with twists and turns and characters who, no matter their role, are compelling people who drive this story, start to finish. It’s edgy, exciting, intriguing, complex, romantic, passionate… it’s a truly brilliant finale to the series.

My thanks to Avon Books and Edelweiss for providing me with a copy of this story in exchange for an honest review.2013-reads 5-stars avon-addict-reads ...more7 s Beth3,133 281

Shawn Lowe is about to take on the assignment of his life. Capture Dr. Kayleigh Lauderdale, daughter of the man that killed his parents, and bring her and the cure back for the resistance. Conflicting emotions is an understatement when it comes to Kayleigh, Shawn wants to hate her but he is drawn to Kayleigh no other woman before her.

Kayleigh is sucked into Shawns a moth to flames, little does she know the danger she is really in. Pulled deeper into the underworld, Kayleigh slowly discovers the madness behind the man she loves and calls father.

When the world is rocked by devastating earthquakes, Kayleigh and Shawn will have to face their darkest secrets to find the happiness they both desire. This is a world where witches and magic live. The church is the oppressing power, blaming the catastrophes on magic users.

Kayleigh and Shawn had a very interesting relationship dynamic. Although when Kayleigh was betrayed and used by Shawn, she still kept a positive attitude, strong strength of character and general good heartedness.

This is my first experience with the Dark Mission series. I did have some “catch up” to completely understand what was going on, but I have to say I absolutely enjoyed reading this book. I will be going back and reading the first four books in this series.

One for the Wicked was an excellent read! The relationship is tenuous at best, a rollercoaster of trust and accusations…but boy was it a great ride to be on. Karina Cooper created a fabulous dystopian world that will keep you glued to the pages.

This ARC copy of One for the Wicked was given to me by Avon Publishing in exchange for an honest review. Publish Date April 30, 2013.

dystopia dystopian edelweiss ...more3 s Vanessa theJeepDiva1,258 120

A perfect finale to an awesome series. I just picked up Karina Cooper’s Dark Mission series a few short months ago. So this has been a swift adventure through an apocalyptic change that has left the world fearing and hating witches. This change has left many people below a crumpled city, living in the dregs of what is left. From the very beginning of the series readers find out there is more and more layers to this conspiratorial fight against the witches. The revelations have gotten bigger and amazingly more shocking with each book. Karina kept with that momentum for the final book in the series.

WOW! I knew things were coming to something big. I just didn’t expect one piece of it. I love being blindsided by a book. Kayleigh has had several people tell her that her father is involved in more than she knows about. Her naiveté to some of it was plausible, it’s the blind love a daughter has for her father. I loved the fact that she stayed in the belief of her father. Had she caved to what she had been told about him it would have made her appear flaky. She had to acquire the proof herself. I d her strength in all that she went through.

Shawn has spent the past sixteen years of his life impatiently waiting for an opportunity to get vengeance on the person behind the biggest heartbreak of his life. When he is given orders to participate in a mission the resistance has set into motion to get to Kayleigh Lauderdale he sees this as the perfect chance to set his wrongs to right. There is just one problem, Kayleigh. Once Shawn has her nothing goes the way he needs it to so that he can get his deserved revenge.

I am a naturally fast reader. I devour books. I could not put this one down. I had to find out exactly how some things fell into place. I anxiously turned each page. The last half of the book flew by. The climax, oh my, the things that one will do in the name of power or a god complex. There is an amazing ending within these pages. A definite must read.

Readers are given a very nice update on all the past heroes and heroines of the series. They had small roles that were a nice addition to One for the Wicked. Their small roles also tied up the few loose ends from the previous book. I do not recommend reading this series out of order. I would start with the prequel Before the Witches. Some names pop up in the beginning, but towards the middle of the series you’ll get some even bigger “ah ha’s” out of it.
2013 ebook edelweiss ...more2 s Feminista837 1 follower

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

One for the Wicked by Karina Cooper

Shawn Lowe has an agenda against the Lauderdales. Having witnessed his parents’ death at the hands of Dr. Kayleigh’s father, he kidnaps her, planning to make him pay.

However, things don’t go according to plan, leaving Shawn confused and angry with the attraction he feels for Kayleigh. As secrets and lies unravel for Kayleigh, she finds herself bound by Shawn (literally), and unable to seek the answers to vital questions. Along comes a rollercoaster ride as the relationship between the two vacillates between trust and suspicion.

ARC courtesy of Edelweiss and HarperCollins.arc paranormal-romance romantic-suspense2 s Jen DavisAuthor 7 books711

Karina Cooper wraps up her Dark Mission series in grand fashion with this final installment. It’s a romance, yes, but it’s more than that. Cooper brings back all the characters and couples of previous stories to wrap up the overall arc involving the mission, the church, the witches, and the genetic puzzle that’s been causing so many to die.

But let’s start with the love story. Our hero is Shawn, a member of the resistance. His life’s mission is to destroy the man who killed his parents: Laurence Lauderdale, head of the Order. Now he has his chance to get even. The resistance is planning to kidnap Lauderdale’s daughter Kayleigh, hoping the brilliant doctor can help them with the cure to what’s causing the witches/ missionaries to degenerate. Instead, Shawn uses the opportunity to snatch her for his own gains.

Before the kidnapping, though, Shawn masquerades as Kayleigh’s bodyguard. And despite the hatred he bears for her family, there is a sizzling connection between them. There are even a few, er, physical interludes. But when the chips fall, Shawn goes forward with his plan.

Kayleigh feels understandably betrayed when her sexy bodyguard goes from kissing her to taking her prisoner. The two of them go round and round, from passion to fury and back again. The sexual tension is always right there, simmering at the surface. Sometimes, I questioned how Kayleigh could keep wanting him, the way he runs hot and cold with her. But no matter how often he pushes her away, she keep giving in when he pulls her back.

The bigger arc explodes when Kayleigh’s dad sets his master plan in motion. Not only must Kayleigh and Shawn end up working together to save New Seattle, but they are also joined by Silas and Jessie, Naomi and Phin, Caleb and Juliet, Parker and Simon, & Danny and Jonas. Each has a part to play in averting another apocalypse. It’s kind of epic, and I am glad that Cooper didn’t rush the climax. It was, however, difficult at times to remember all of the people and threads from the previous books. Even one, admittedly, left me scratching my head when the book was over. (If you catch the subtle nod to May’s parentage, I bow down to your excellent memory and attention to detail.)

All that being said, you may want to even consider a series re-read before you start this one. (Don’t forget Before the Witches either.) Part of me wishes I had done that. By the same token, if you are a new reader, you could probably still catch on to the romance, but the rest will leave you majorly confused. I suggest you start the series at the beginning for maximum enjoyment.

Overall, it wasn’t my favorite romance in the series, but it was definitely a worthy end to the Dark Mission saga.

Rating: B

*ARC Provided by Avon1 AmyAuthor 22 books23

Great ending to a fabulous series.

Karina Cooper finished the Dark Mission with perfection. ONE FOR THE WICKED, book 5 in the Dark Mission series by Karina Cooper is everything I hoped it would be. I’ve been addicted to this series since I first read the novella, BEFORE THE WITCHES, and book one of the series, BLOOD OF THE WICKED, hooked me good.

I was pleased to see some of the characters we came to love in the series have small roles in the finale which lent to pulling everything together. But, it’s Kayleigh and Shawn that rock this book. As we travel with them through their tension-filled relationship and the dangers that threaten to pull them apart, revelations come roiling to the top and everything seems to come together in a huge “Ah HA!” way.

I highly recommend ONE FOR THE WICKED by Karina Cooper to everyone who has read this series from the beginning. If you have you need to read this final book because you just need to know what happens. For those who haven’t experienced the incredible world that Karina Cooper has created – start at the beginning of the Dark Mission series and then when you’re ready, be prepared to be blown out of the water with ONE FOR THE WICKED.

***eARC provided by publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest and unscripted review.

1 Angela3,199 385 Shelved as 'tbr-series-sequels-x'

17 October 2014: $1.99 on Kindlekindle paranormal romance1 vyoletkyss803

Finally complete! The only saving grace was the world building. The story is meh, a dull fan fiction.2018-books Paranormal Romance1,226 46

Since the death of his parents the hero has focused his entire being on getting revenge on the man responsible. His hatred for the entire family is a festering thing and to achieve his goal, he’s willing to turn a blind eye on logic and mercy. When he’s chosen by the rebels to infiltrate the labs to kidnap the heroine, he does so with his own agenda in mind. It’s perhaps a bit alarming how easy it is for him to gain access to the secure labs of the church as a bodyguard (which is ironic considering). But when he finally comes face to face with his target, the hero is disturbed by the conflicting emotions brewing inside. He hates this woman, she is the enemy. But she is beautiful and charmingly geeky and a bold with her intentions. She comes with his willingly as he escorts from the labs. He never imagined he would feel conflicted about using this woman to get to her father but he does. He never imagined he would be bringing her to orgasm the first night, the first few hours, that they met. And despite his supposed hatred for her, it doesn’t stop him from saving her life when the abandoned building they visited collapsed. But then, he does what needs to be done and knocks her out to bring her deep into the old city for ransom.

The heroine is running on empty both emotionally and psychically. The pressure she’s under by her father to come up for a cure for the dying Salem experiment subjects. She’s pressured by herself to prove she is capable, to be useful. But her headaches, her ulcer, are taking their toll. Now, she’s confused by her intense attraction to her supposed bodyguard who turns out to be her captor. Betrayed but embarrassed by how easy she made his kidnapping; how easy she came to trust a stranger. Now, she’s tied to a chair in the dark and dangerous abandoned world of Old Seattle. Furious with this man who is so ignorant about her father, about herself. There’s no way all the evil things she’s accused of doing are possible but he seems so sure. The pain and the anger in his heart rings honest and she fears for the first time that perhaps things are not what they seem. Two people, so torn between a sudden and strong connection while at the same time enemies in this war between the witches and the church. Despite their anger and everything that’s occurred between them, it doesn’t stop the heroine from saving the heroes life when she could have very well escaped. It didn’t stop the hero from risking his life to bring her safely back to the surface. Now, with their world in utter chaos, the church falling apart and the people of the city looking for leadership, enemies become friends. The heroine realizes that everything she knew, her whole life, has been a lie. But maybe she is strong enough to right the wrongs done in ignorance. Maybe the heroes supposed enemy is himself and if he’s not strong enough to admit his wrongs, he’ll lose the best chance of redemption he’s ever going to get.

Well, we’ve reached the finally. Sad to see this series go but I can say that it has been a pleasure. Each book was a standalone but they always progressed nicely as one novel flowed into the next creating a cohesive story arch. I will say that while I loved other books more than this, I really d this one. The hero was not a bad man, he was just blind. He allowed his rage and his grief to lead him down an unhealthy path where he becomes swallowed up in revenge. However, he was not overly cruel to her despite this ‘hatred’ for her. In fact, other than kidnapping her, he was a rather conflicted man. He said he hated her but he desired her. He respected her inner strength and he apparent innocence. She trusted him when she shouldn’t have really, and repeatedly helped him she was well within her rights not to. The heroine was a kind soul but ignorant to things right in front of her. She didn’t really want to question things and though she had a hint of her father’s secrets and ruthlessness, she turned a blind eye. The truth came too late to help a lot of people as the bombs detonated over the city but she became determined to learn from her mistakes. They had a very complicated relationship. One built on mistrust and betrayal but one seemingly destined to be. I d this book. I thought it was a good finally to a great series. I wished there was more as I could have gone on reading tales of this world forever but I’m happy with the what there was.
4-star-rating author-cooper-karina genre-dystopia-romance ...more Stephanie G1,122 305

2.5 stars

Dr. Kayleigh Lauderdale is scientist working on a cure for degradation in lab made witches. Shawn Lowe, who is a part of the resistance, is sent to acquire Kayleigh in hopes she will have information that they need. Shawn only wants revenge for his parents’ murder. Shawn hold Kayleigh’s father responsible. He poses as her security, and gets far more than he bargained for when he kidnaps her.

One for the Wicked is the last book in the Dark Mission series. It switches between Kayleigh and Shawn’s POV mainly, but at the end diverts to previous couples in the series.

The story really starts with Kayleigh and Shawn in a car together. Kayleigh is doing a little awkward flirting. The sexual tension starts out strong between them. Shawn is a little too demanding from my taste, but looking back on the Dark Mission books most of the heroes were. While I don’t instant love, I don’t mind some instant lust. Shawn does his seductive thing before her kidnaps her, but in the midst of Kayleigh’s abduction there is an earthquake. Instead of leaving (the nut case) Shawn on the floor to die, she helps him. Because of course this proves she’s not an evil (bad) person?

Safe to say that was where this couple started to go downhill for me. Kayleigh seemed so clear headed up until this point. Then of course we have the classic back and forth between loving, but not knowing they love each other, which never felt right between these characters. I mean he tried to kidnap her, jerked her around, and was just plain mean. Then he ends up trapped under a rock and she doesn’t walk away from him!?! This might’ve been because they both needed their sanity check. While Kayleigh might seriously have a screw loose, Shawn is trying way too hard to seem cool and bad at the same time. At times I d him, at other times I thought they were both crazy.

The romance between them didn’t hold up for me. It has always been the background that made this series special in my eyes. In this post-apocalyptic world the church has condemned witches, real witches. The resistance, in which I was hoping would in the end kick major ass, really doesn’t. Instead Kayleigh’s father, who pulls the strings behind the curtain, goes crazy. We’ve always got glimpses of his history, and him for that matter, but what he does in this novel didn’t fully make sense to me. After everything that has happened, it didn’t hold up for me. Earthquakes keep happening. They push the characters forward and into fixing the issues. All this time I was waiting for the resistance to go on the offensive, but it never really happens.

As always the action is well detailed, as is the world around the characters. Kayleigh and Shawn didn’t do it for me, and neither did their storyline. They fell for one another too fast, but more than that Kayleigh liking Shawn made me feel as if she were dense. Even though Shawn’s ‘too cool for school’ annoys me, I did believe his feelings for Kayleigh. I just didn’t much him as a hero.

Since this is the last in the Dark Mission series, I will say something about it overall. The books that stood out for me in the series were Blood of the Wicked (book 1) and Sacrifice the Wicked (book 4.) It isn’t a series that has to be read in order. In One for the Wicked the focus leaves Kayleigh and Shawn to check on the previous couples, which was nice, but readers who haven’t read the whole series won’t really know these characters. The biggest bummer was that one of the best (my personal favorite) characters, Jonas, was only given a novella length story. It was also lacking in story compared to the others.

The main theme that runs through all the novels is redemption. Most (I think there are a couple women) of the male protagonists have a dark past and are super alpha male. There are variations, but most of the couples hit nearly the same plot points. Cooper does a good job of varying types of characters, although one or two felt rehashes. On the other side of that coin she has many characters over all, and I did enjoy the family feel in the resistance that grew over time. All-in-all I thought it was an okay paranormal series. I enjoyed the take on the world, but the romance didn’t do it for me.
- Bethreviewed-read-by-beth Michelle Leah Olson921 116

Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Michelle L. Olson:
*eARC provided by Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review

Oh Karina, way to go out with a bang! So intense, so HOT, so...absolutely amazing!! While I am super sad to see the series end, I am beyond honored to have been able to enjoy the ride, and thank you for leaving us all with this epic piece of your imagination. :)

So, how to sum up for those reading this review who have yet to take the DARK MISSION plunge? The series is set in a delightfully dark & somewhat dystopian world where it's church against 'other' and prejudice and bias have left the witches fighting for their lives. However, it's so much more than just the church bigots and the witches, and each and every book of the series revealed more and more complexity, mystery, and mayhem - all thrown together with some seriously emotional moments and incredible romance.

Our hero has been hell bent on revenge against our heroine's father - the man solely responsible for turning his life upside down sixteen years previously, so when he's presented with the opportunity to use his enemy's daughter as leverage, he jumps at the chance.

Unfortunately, it's not as easy as all that... Kaleigh and Shawn have an instant attraction, and no matter how much either of them fight against it, knowing that giving in goes against everything they've respectively been taught throughout their lives, nature takes its course and shakes things up (in more ways than one).

So how does it all end? Oh come on, I can't tell you that! You're just going to have to read it for yourself. I CAN tell you that Karina wraps things up beautifully with a strong couple who fights hard for their HEA while fighting just as hard to stay true to themselves, she brings back previous characters, which allows the reader necessary closure and ties up some lose ends from earlier installments, and she delivers it all in an action packed, intriguing, romantic, emotional, and utterly entertaining read that she should be very, very proud of.

LITERAL ADDICTION gives One for the Wicked an easy 5 Skulls and would highly recommend it. And while the books can be read as stand-alones, I do strongly suggest that you read the series from the beginning - in order - starting with the prequel novella, Before the Witches. Trust me, it makes things even better! :)

Oh, and random side note...I will never look at my studded leather cuff bracelets the same way ever again! ;-) [Now if that didn't make you want to read it just to see what the heck I'm talking about, I don't know what will!] Take the DARK MISSION plunge, you won't be disappointed.
literal-addiction-books reviewed ChelseaAuthor 8 books315

This review was originally posted at Vampire Book Club.

Throughout the Dark Mission series Karina Cooper has thrown together enemies and made them into lovers. It’s part of what always appeals to me about these books. Each novel has a constant push and pull: lies versus truth, love versus hate, pain versus ecstasy. The final book One for the Wicked gathers all these elements and exhales them in a miasma of hidden truths, long-desired revenge and unbidden attraction.

Basically, One for the Wicked is an explosion of emotional sexytimes and characters fighting for their lives. Both things I love.

We’ve heard plenty about Dr. Kayleigh Lauderdale in previous novels. We’ve heard about her role in the Salem Project. We know she’s been working to find a way to stop the degeneration of its subjects ( super delicious Simon). What we don’t know is what’s really going on inside Kayleigh’s head. In One for the Wicked we discover Kayleigh’s motivations and realize she takes the lies of her father at face value.

Shawn doesn’t buy Kayleigh’s innocent routine. The other Lauderdale killed his parents and if he has to use Kayleigh to exact his revenge, he will. He just didn’t plan on finding her so damn attractive or her stirring real, non-violent feelings within.

Both Kayleigh and Shawn betray one another repeatedly. You’ll be shocked at the way he pulls the rug out from under her. Then even more blindsided when she ignores her feelings and turns on him. And again. And again. This book is about how hard it is to accept the truth. Both Kayleigh and Shawn have to learn to trust each other, believe the new truths they’re faced with and find a way to live with the results. Not an easy task.

This isn’t Simon and Parker’s story in Sacrifice the Wicked where they hated each other but knew one another beforehand. Kayleigh and Shawn haven’t met before the start of this book, and there is no foundation for trust. The answers they find not only bring them together, but give readers many of the answers we’ve longed for throughout the series. You’ll know more about the earthquakes. You’ll know more about Kayleigh’s mom and the Eve Sequence. You’ll understand what links the Salem Project team and you’ll better understand the senior Lauderdale’s motivations much better.

As this is the final Dark Mission novel, Cooper made sure you get to revisit every couple from previous books. Silas even gives relationship advice. (I know, right?) The ending is a nice reward for readers who have stuck with the series.

Sexual content: Sexmagic uf-pnr Jody2,068 55

Karina Cooper's Dark Mission series comes to an end with One for the Wicked, a fast-paced and emotionally conflicted paranormal story. The world is still on the edge of oblivion as the Church is still waging war against witches and Mother Nature is about ready to shake things up even further. It's up to the underground resistance to make things right and they need the intelligent Dr. Kayleigh Lauderdale to fix what's gone wrong. She doesn't come willingly though as she's been taught that the resistance is the villain by her father. any good daughter she trusts in her father even as it becomes clear that he's a major player in the conspiracy. It takes a lot of proof before she sees the light, which is both admirable yet exhausting. Once she finally realized the truth she climbed on board wholeheartedly and was an important asset in saving the witches and the world.

Shawn has been focused solely on revenge against Kayleigh's father for years, but since he can't get to him he'll use Kayleigh...at least that's his plan. Once he actually meets her though he knows he can't go through with it. The sparks between them are too strong too ignore and it leads to conflicted feelings as he hates who she represents as much as he's attracted to her. Their relationship doesn't go smoothly though as trust issues run rampant and the fate of the world rests in their hands. The push and pull of their relationship makes their journey to a HEA one that is hard-fought but well worth it.

The worldbuilding in this story/series is well presented. It's a dark and gritty world and it's only these relationships that allow a bit of happiness to surface. Characters from the previous books show up to tie up loose ends and it's a nice reward to those who have followed the series from the start to see how these characters fare today.

The intricate emotional ups and downs make for an entertaining story, as does the storytelling where the villains are not always clear. Each story in this series builds on the other so to get the full enjoyment of this book/series it's best to read them in order. I've only read a few of the books and felt a bit lost at times. Ms. Cooper has created a fast-paced, action-packed story that flows along nicely courtesy of two strong protagonists. It's sad when a series comes to an end but I look forward to what Ms. Cooper has planned next. Marian74 7

What did I think???? Well, I think I need to read the first 4 books in this series now! I didn't know this was a series when I read this book, but it didn't take away from my enjoyment at all. It was written in a fashion that I was easily able to grasp what was happening and follow the story. But I think I would have enjoyed it even more had I read the others first, given the opportunity to get to know some of the other characters and the world they live in.


In this thrilling finale to Karina Cooper's Dark Mission series, New Seattle's witches will rise again…or fall forever.

Dr. Kayleigh Lauderdale possesses the only cure for what's killing the city's witches. Desperate to acquire it, the resistance sends their best agent, but Shawn Lowe has his own agenda, and it doesn't include saving anyone—least of all, the daughter of his sworn enemy. He has to ignore the blistering attraction he feels the instant they meet, because he can't give in until he gets what he wants. He just never counted on wanting her…

Kayleigh can't believe how out of control Shawn makes her feel. He lies to her with one breath and excites her beyond reason the next. A reckless encounter could steal her heart, while the danger hovering over the city may prove too much for either of them to handle. When the world turns upside down, it will take everything Kayleigh and Shawn have to hold on…to life, to hope, to each other.

There was not a dull moment in this whole book. Non stop action that kept me wondering what was going to happen next.

Shawn Lowe. Oh my. Swoon worthy for sure. He is convinced that Kayleigh knows about the evil and corruption of her father, and has been aiding his cause. There is zero trust here, and he will use her as his means to an end of his 16 year vendetta. Even if it means destroying her to do it.

Kayleigh Lauderdale. Strong heroine. She literally gave as good as she got. I loved that! For every evil thing that Shawn did, she found a way to give it right back. These two really put each other through it.

And this lady can write sexy nobody's business. Wow.

Definitely recommend for anyone who s fast paced, non stop action, with drama, romance, intrigue, and suspense.karina-cooper Britt Marczak497 35

I suppose I should start my review with, "Shawn Lowe is an asshole". But fuck, do I love assholes. (My favorite character in this series is, and always will be, Naomi.)

To be more specific, though, Shawn is the kind of guy who wants to be an asshole, but he can never quite be one. He tries to be a badass (and mostly succeeds), but he's also a bit of a vulnerable man. Kayleigh was the right woman for him, and vice versa.

I warmed up to Kayleigh sooner than I expected to, and really empathized with her. She got hit hard with massive things, over and over, within days. I really appreciated that though her upbringing was topside and she "should" be, by all accounts, a prim and proper, weakened woman -- she wasn't. She was strong throughout the book, and it felt right. Mentally strong and intelligent, she held her own.

Plot wise, this book was a race. I always applaud an author who, despite the reader's knowledge that there will be some sort of HEA at the conclusion of the book, manages to make me worry and fear for everyone's futures. It wasn't forced, and the chaos was brilliantly written.

I especially loved how May is actually May, Nigel's daughter, from the prequel novella, Before the Witches. I clapped and squealed in delight. That hadn't dawned on me before, but I was so damn happy to see the stories go full circle that!

All in all, thank you, yet again, Karina. Fabulous series. This final novel wrapped everything up nicely, but still gave me a sense that time went on. It wasn't butterflies and rainbows. The fight goes on, but this saga is complete. Fucking perfect ending to this series.dystopian paranormal-romance My Book Addiction and More MBA1,958 65

ONE FOR THE WICKED by Karina Cooper is an interesting Paranormal Romance/Science Fiction/Fantasy. #5 in the "Dark Mission" series and the finale.While, "One For the Wicked" may be read as a stand alone, I feel you need to read all four to better understand the characters, and the plot. See "Blood of the Wicked","Lure of the Wicked","No Rest for the Witches(A Novella)","Sacrifice the Wicked",and "Wicked Lies". Follow,Dr. Kayleigh Lauderdale and Shawn Lowe on a journey of love with a bit of betrayal along the way. Filled with witches,enemies,the resistance,revenge,passion,desire,prejudice,secrets,betrayal and of course love. What happens when a witch meets a sexy bodyguard,"One For the Wicked",of course. A wonderful and powerful conclusion to the "Dark Mission" series,and one if you have followed along you will hate to see gone. Ms. Cooper is a wonderful storyteller,who using engaging characters and a great storyline. With a few twist and turns added in for extra measure. If you enjoy paranormal,romance, science fiction,fantasy and love than you will not regret picking up "One For The Wicked". Received for an honest review from the publisher.



REVIEWED BY: AprilR, (Review courtesy of My Book Addiction and More)paranormal-romance Reading In Pajamas 1,053 103

One for the Wicked: A Dark Mission Novel by Karina Cooper
Release date: April 30, 2013
Reading In Pajamas - Cori
Rated: 4.5 Stars

Karina Cooper's Dark Mission series comes to a finale in One for the Wicked. This series is fast-paced, full of drama, action and romance. I picked up this book for review not knowing it was part of a series. I had to go back and read the first 4 books to understand the book. It was worth it. I loved this series and this book was a great finale! The worldbuilding in this story is incredible! I could not put these books down and devoured them. Shawn and Kayleigh are on opposites sides in this fight, but when they come together their chemistry is explosive and undeniable. When Kayleigh realizes she is on the wrong side and her father is really the villain she jumps in to help. This book was an incredible ending and I can't wait to see what Karina Cooper has in store for her readers next. I highly recommend this series!

*Review copy was provided by Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

http://www.goodreads.com/readinginpaj... Stephanie73 3

I didnt think this tied up the series. It was an okay story; not the best in this series. I felt it was a bit all over the place. There were some parts I had to read more than once just to understand it. HeatherAuthor 3 books14

I d the fast paced action and the relationship that developed between Kayleigh and Shawn. But I found there were too many characters for me to keep track of during the main battle. All in all it was a fun read.action-romance Vicki539 14

I love this series. Karina wrapped up the story lines beautifully. Heather LireAuthor 10 books50

Perfect ending to this series. 2013-reads own-in-print paranormal Adelais174

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