
One More Time de Cooke, Deborah

de Cooke, Deborah - Género: English
libro gratis One More Time


Can you know what you want before you have it?

Or do you have to lose it to know for sure?

Mild-mannered Matt Coxwell has finally found something worth fighting for. In fact, it's only after he's left his marriage that he realizes he hasn't fought this hard for anything since he fell like a ton of bricks for his wife Leslie. How did their marriage shift from idyllic into idle? And is there any way back?

Leslie Coxwell, long rumored to be the most organized working mother alive, is suddenly having a tough time coping. Her job's in jeopardy, her teenage daughter has attitude to spare (well, that's not new), and her formidable mother-in-law has moved in unexpectedly...with two very large poodles.

She could juggle it all with the right motivation. Unfortunately her husband, Matt — the motivation for everything Leslie has ever done — turned into a sexy enigmatic stranger right before he walked out the door. Even better, he's gone...

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I just cannot get over what the husband did. Just cannot. He deserved to suffer and in particular to see the tables turned.3 s Jane Stewart2,462 906

Fulfilling, enjoyable and thought provoking.

This is not a romance novel. I would categorize it as contemporary women's fiction, which I usually don't read, but I was surprised and glad I did. This is a story of a married couple whose relationship has grown apart. I d and admired each one of them. I sympathized with each of them as they searched for their answers as well as the questions they needed to ask. I d seeing what her job was and the pressures and politics of working as a university tenured professor. I d how various problems were discovered and solved not only by the main couple, but for others as well. Although my preferred reading these days is romance novels and I love the men in them, I believe most men in the world are not anything the typical male protagonist of the romance novel. This book reflects what the real world is concerning love, relationships and the need to work to earn a living. I found this book provided some balance, comfort and a nice change.contempry-relationships-with-romanc2 s Lisa SurvillasAuthor 7 books158

I have to say, I was angry through most of this book. Pissed at Matt! So demanding that someone else make him happy and make their changes without taking the risk himself. I loved Leslie though she wasn't without faults. She has true strength. Matt was a coward and looked for happiness in another house without trying to fix anything. I d the ending though. Hope...

Looking forward to reading about Zach's story. 2 s Tammy3,186 15

Wow book 3 in this series around the married brother Matt and his wife Leslie and problems that occur. The story starts with Matt leaving town, leaving his wife, daughter, and job running away from it all in New Orleans. He is headed there for 2 reasons his younger brother Zach is in trouble and in jail. it is also the home of his former girlfriend Sharan. Matt and Leslie have been together 20 years but they have drifted apart and lost some of themselves. This is a great story of rediscovering yourself and your love for another. I just loved it. Couldn't wait for next book1 Jen5 1 follower

Very nicely written story. This probably won't be interesting to readers in their 20's, but a must read for those who have been married for a while. I wouldn't really consider it a romance - it's more of a story about a loving relationship between 2 people that grew apart and lost a little of themselves at the same time. Throughout the book you watch them re-discover their own dreams and aspirations and begin the process of building a stronger relationship as a result.
1 Mandi Morgan2,463 10

Didn’t really this book. It rambled at times and I found my self skimming through. For how much the story focused on the couples problems the resolution was disappointing. It was more a book on self discovery and improvement then a relationship book. The ending was good though. Meryl1,465 6

I really struggled with this book. I felt the husband was behaving a petulant child. It was enjoyable to see the female character find herself again. H558

Yuuuuuuuck Tania828 5

"One More Time" by Deborah Cooke. Book 3 in The Coxwell series.

So I've been reading this series one book after the other and I would give this book a 2.75 out of 5 stars (leaning more towards a 3 star review but not quite). This book focuses on Matt Coxwell and his wife Leslie. Very different from the other books in that the main couple is already married and this book is written in third person, (the other two books were written in first person) bouncing back and forth between Matt's POV and Leslie's POV.

The basic overall theme in this book is that Matt and Leslie have stopped communicating with each other. Both of them are not happy with their chosen jobs (careers), Matt being a lawyer and Leslie being a professor. So when Matt loses a case and Leslie isn't happy, Matt decides to leave her and goes back to his ex-girlfriend (the woman he dated before he met Leslie in college).

Little bit of a spoiler here, but this is not one of those books where Matt actually has an affair....he doesn't end up sleeping with his ex if that's what you think. I actually d the story line in this book because it really showed how two people can grow apart in a relationship when communication stops between them. There is also a subplot in this book involving Matt's mother and Matt and Leslie's daughter. The relationship between the daughter and her grandmother was interesting although a little rough at times. It did provide some humour throughout the story.

Two reasons I only gave this book 2.75 stars.

1 - The way to open sexual dialogue Leslie has with her daughter. The daughter is only 13 or 14 years old and they are discussing sex the daughter is in her 20s or something. Plot line spoiler --> I just couldn't get over the fact that Leslie would buy her 13 year old a vibrator! Or that Leslie's vibrator was so accessible to her daughter in the first place! I know some parents have a very open relationship with their children and discuss everything with them but it was still just a bit weird for me.
2 - After all the angst and discussions between Matt and Leslie throughout the book to get their marriage back on track, I was disappointed in the ending. Them getting back together was anticlimactic for me. I think this is the first romance I've ever read that didn't have a sex scene in it. There's a hint that Matt and Leslie do get together again at the end but it's not written.

Those two points are only my own issues. Other than that, the overall story was quite good. I d this book more than the previous two. And I am interested in finding out what happens to the fourth Coxwell sibling, Zach. (He makes an appearance in this book as well.) Zach's book is the last in this 4 book series, so I will be reading his book next.deborah-cooke Jillian131 2 Read

I have to tell you that this book is my favorite in the Coxwell's series. Not your usual romance but it is very thought provoking. Marriage is hard work sometimes. We tend to get so caught up in our own thoughts and lives that we forget the other person or take them for granted. Most importantly, we forget to communicate our feelings, our wants and our dreams to each other. Forgetting this not only effects us but the rest of our family. That is the story that is told in this book. Watching how they rediscover each other is emotional and a learning experience.

This story is not only about Matt and Leslie's relationship but about the relationship between a mother and daughter that is struggling and a grandmother and granddaughter that open up to each other for the first time. I love how Matt and Leslie find their way back to each other but I also love how Leslie and her daughter reopen communication and learn to laugh and talk with each other again. The relationship between the grandmother and granddaughter is humorous, sad, and gives you more teachable moments.

Great book! I received a free copy of this book from the author for my honest review. Best book of the series!own Marty Tool559 6

The book description covers the basics of the book, yet it doesn't cover the emotional toll taking place on Matt. I found myself wanting to smack Matt a couple of times, but had to remember what had just happened to him with his father. To say he was even remotely thinking clearly would be a stretch so, he basically runs away to 1, help his youngest brother and 2, connect with his ex-fiancee. Both turn out very differently than he expected, but he comes to major resolutions of his own life and expectations. I enjoyed the change and newly discovered relationship of the grandmother, daughter in law, and young daughter, all needed some shake up to wake up to each other. My only draw back was the daughter's age, I would have d her for 14 or 15 with the subjects between mom and daughter, 13 seemed a little young. This series definitely should be read in order to really understand the fathers impact on his children and wife, and why Matt feels at a loss with his own wife's not understanding of the court case that starts everything in this book. I received an ARC for an honest review. Jeri298 6

Matt and Leslie Coxwell have been married for 18 years and are going through a transitions in their relationship. Matt has witnessed the death of his father, which has made him question everything in his world. Leslie is struggling with her career and Matt's recent actions with his law practice. I found this novel to portray real life struggles many people go with through in relationships when both parties don't communicate. I loved the evolution the characters took to self discovery and the flashbacks to their early life added so much depth to understanding them fully. I loved the inclusion of secondary character plots with their daughter Annette and Matt's mother Beverly each at different stages in life yet growing in their own emotional journey. I would only venture to mention this because it took me out of the story was on occasion there was some unnecessary filler pages, which slowed the pace and some of the "tools" Annette was given as a 13 year old in her growth seemed out of place for a person her age. Overall, good, loving, emotional story. Elaine1,128 3

I loved the story of Matt and Leslie. They both thought the other knew how much they hated what they did, but they actually never spoke about it. So between the miscommunication and non-communication, Matt decided to leave. He wanted to find help with someone he thought could help him, Sharan, who he thought he loved before he met Leslie. This made Leslie see she needed to change. She changed her relationship with her daughter Annette and that along with other things was something she was lacking in her life. Then her drunk mother-in-law moves in with 2 poodles that are now her wards and the riches dogs in the Boston area, if not the country. And Leslie doesn't even say no. She wants too, but she just lets it go. It is a wonderful story of how the two meet and how the two come back together. Robin1,479 4

This was a well-written, enjoyable book. Leslie and Matt Coxwell met in college and have been together for 20 years. But slowly they have drifted apart and when Matt loses a big case he expects Leslie to understand and approve of the reasons. Instead she is upset that he is not helping to support the household. He leaves and they both have to decide who they are, and what they want. Then Leslie's mother-in-law inherits two poodles and shows up at Leslie's house with dogs and all her possessions, needing a place to stay. Plus Leslie has a teenage daughter and problems at work. This can be read as a standalone book, though is the third in a series with related characters. I loved this book and can't wait to read the next book in the series! Copy gifted by the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. Tracy323

Charming modern romance written by a masterful storyteller. This one was very girlie, flirty, fun, and yet suprisingly insightful. I wish all problems and misunderstandings could be solved with so much intuition and perception. Claire Cross/Deborah Cooke/ Claire Delacroix is officially one of my favorite authors. Engrossing novel. I couldn't put this one down and finished in less than 8 hours.

One of the aspects I most admire about this author is her ability to tell a story without explaining everything in detail. She very cleverly leaves things out and lets some descriptions fall to the imagination. Brilliant.romance Raye648 1 follower

Not the book I expected, but rewarding nonetheless. Leslie and her husband, Matt, have been married for 18 years and have slowly lost their way to each other, until, in crisis, Matt leaves. The book shifts perspectives, so we hear from both parties, and from their extended family as well. Leslie has carried the job security for the family, and her growing discomfort with her tenured professorship is contrasted against her certainty that the family obligations require her to stay put. A well-written study of a contemporary woman and her marriage, and one which had a lot of resonance for me. Nicely done.contemporary-fiction romance Jill1,491 12

this third in the series was great! I really enjoyed reading about a couple who grew apart and were finding their way back together. Cross has a real ability to let us see people as human beings--for all their great attributes as well as their flaws. And she can cleverly get you to see the good side of the "bad guy." I can't wait to see how she does it in the final book of the series with Zach, who has been painted as the youngest who always gets bailed out and never has to stand on his own two feet. realistic-fic romance Kathy76

It's a great writer that can make you feel the emotions of their characters. But I was so caught up in the feelings of Matt and Leslie that I got paranoid and asked my husband of 27 years if he was going to stay with me! The first part of the book was so sad that I almost wanted to stop reading so I wouldn't be depressed but it was so awesome to see the couple realize that their problems could be solved and could be happy again. The story opened my eyes to some truths that I needed to hear, also. I was given an ARC for an honest review Lori Motsavage46

Part of a Series but can be read as a standalone. Marital strife, a sullen teenager and a slew of other family dynamics in this funny and heartwarming book. The whole series is really good but there was just something more in this one. Read them you won’t be sorry you did. Pam1,969 28 Want to read

01/12/08 rec via bookmoochromance Vickie73 3

underwear does not save a marriage (well thats what I think after 38 years) Chris Coulson189 1 follower

Awesome book. Your will really enjoy reading all the books about the Coxwells Rae26

Great Sharyn305

3.5 Karen87 1 follower

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