
Obelisk - System Integration: A LitRPG Adventure de Conor Malachi

de Conor Malachi - Género: English
libro gratis Obelisk - System Integration: A LitRPG Adventure


Conor Malachi Publisher: Keep Evolving Studios, Year: 2024

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Obelisk - System Integration is one of the LitRPG books I so much. That is, the ones where earth itself is integrated into the system, and the trials and tribulations of people forced to deal with the system. This one is (somewhat) unique in that not everyone on earth is chosen, as it turns out, only the old, sick, or infirm are chosen, so the odds are stacked against humanity from the start. Only, one guy isn't accepting that, and the system manipulators who caused that aren't happy with him, so this is going to be an awesome ride. Really d this book, and fully intend to read more in this series.amazon kindle-unlimited litrpg Johnny1,861 65

Book one

I almost, almost gave this book three stars purely because I hated the movie name dropping and other bits of pop culture. I think it's just a good way to give your story a limited shelf life.
Two generations from now all of those references might not mean anything to someone trying to read this.

I did find a few mistakes and will list them on Goodreads. I didn't find this one over on Royalroad. But good news! Looks a second book has been published.

7/10 gordon musgrave529 11

Not good

Allways a female assassin,allways mysterious.Then of course the healer who new to much.What got me was the mc worked on at the time very advanced games but he was not smart? So a idiot can fix stuff with no brain power? Nope he cannot so why make him that . Robert399 6

Excellent series start

Excellent start to a series. A few new twists and some definite turns. It's a Gamelit book done right. I'm enjoying the characters and world building, overall a great book to help ignore the world for awhile. Jena563 26

I am not normally a fan of prickly heroes, but I really Warren. This is a fun start to what I think will be an interesting series, and I am interested to see if Warren's dog plays a bigger part in future books.4-stars fantasy litrpg Alfred Henderson13

A fun story to read.

What a fun story to read. The characters are simple at the beginning of the story, but as it progresses you learn more about the characters; characters who actually have history and grow as individuals.
Darren493 10

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