
Like Flames in the Night de Connilyn Cossette

de Connilyn Cossette - Género: English
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Connilyn Cossette ISBN: 9781493422623

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Once again I was easily transported back into biblical times with Connilyn Cossette's fourth and final book in the Cities of Refuge series. I am sorry to see the closing of the series as I turned the last page in this book but have the delightful memories of reading the series and seeing the characters come to life, some of them grow up and have a stronger faith conviction. I highly recommend reading this series in order for the full complete story.
The book contains spying,uncertainty,suspense,defeat and overcoming,perseverance, forgiveness,unconditional love .
The author has mastered the biblical fiction genre and you will definitely want to read more by her.
This is a powerful and strong conclusion to the series and I couldn't put it down once it was in my hands, reading it in less than 24 hours.

Expected publication: March 3rd 2020 by Bethany House Publishers
I was given a complimentary copy of this book. Thank you.
All opinions expressed are my own.

2020-read-for-author 2020-street-team books-i-own ...more27 s Staci1,963 594

Beautiful conclusion to the Cities of Refuge Series. It was wonderful to get up to date on many characters from prior novels.

The beginning of the novel immediately pulled me in. Both to Tirzah and Liyam. Each have tragically lost their spouses and have no living children. This leaves them driven to accomplish their personal goals. Their paths intersect in spectacular fashion.

Having a heroine that is a female spy was plausible and fascinating. I could feel the tension at times as she put herself at risk purposely.

My favorite scene was the shooting match between Tirzah and Liyam...shooting as in rocks with a sling.

Lovely novel and series. My gratitude to publisher Bethany House for a complimentary copy of the novel. I was not required to post a review and all opinions expressed are my own.read-in-202019 s Beth786 341

Flames in the Night is an engrossing read. It pulled me in with an immediate ease, and the excitement doesn't let up until the end. The plot is just so fun and exciting, full of adventure and tension at many points in the story. Cossette makes the idea of a female spy a plausible one, due to Tirzah's life circumstances, as well as her position as the sister to Hebrew spies and soldiers. I appreciate that both of these characters, Tirzah and Liyam, are more mature characters. They have already experienced tragedy and been impacted by war, and it makes their interactions as well as outlooks on life different from someone younger and with less life experience. There are some lovely spiritual truths found here; the theme of forgiveness is especially powerful. The story works well as a romance, too, with a lovely chemistry between the two of the lead characters.

Cossette does a unique thing as well with how this book brings the series full circle by having the characters joyfully return to the place that once seemed to be a prison to the family matriarch, Moriyah, who was the main character in the first book. It is such a fitting conclusion. This family has been a joy to follow throughout each book, and the tie in to the Out from Egypt series is such a special Easter egg to discover in this story.

I highly recommend this entire series, and do yourself a favor by starting with book one. It makes it all that much more poignant to see how everything takes place. I highly recommend this novel, and the Cities of Refuge series.

I received a complimentary copy of this novel from the publisher. A positive review was not required; this review is my honest opinion.2020 biblical-fiction christian-fiction ...more18 s MesuAuthor 39 books1,424

Connilyn Cossette has accomplished something few authors can—she’s maintained the quality of the story and held my attention through an entire series. I was sad when I turned the last page of Flames in the Night because I knew it was goodbye to these marvelous characters. The two showcased in this story—Tirzah and Liyam—were worthy of the final starring roles.
Tirzah, the sassy little sister of the brothers we’ve fallen in love with, shows both courage and her softer side. Liyam, a new character but the son of a beloved character from book #1, was at first a little abrasive but slowly—and very effectively, I might add—wound his way into my heart. (Cossette always writes such hottie heroes!)
This story lost a little momentum in the middle, and I even skipped over a few pages because I was in a hurry to write this review. But here lies another testament to Cossette’s skill. Even though I needed to skip some of the middle, I could pick up with the story and still understand everything about the ending.
Every plot thread was neatly tied. Every i dotted. Every t crossed. The characters’ emotional journeys were believable and challenged my own heart—which is the reason I read biblical fiction. Because this book is so well written, it could be read as a stand-alone even though it’s the fourth book in the series (though you’d be crazy to miss out on the first three!). Excellent, excellent read!15 s Sydney456 122

My heart.? A wonderful conclusion to this amazing series!!wishlist12 s Elizabeth138

Connilyn Cossette has really knocked it out of the park with her entire Cities of Refuge series. Each story was a treat to read and, although I’m sad it has to end, I can easily see myself revisiting this series very soon. Flames in the Night deals with big issues loss and heartache, self-worth, vengeance and forgiveness. There is more than enough intrigue and danger to keep the pages turning and the spy craft will have your heart racing.

I would recommend reading the series in order as there are some continuing threads you won’t want to miss out on. If you’ve never read Cossette before don’t hesitate, she writes some truly stunning biblical fiction!

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. All opinions are my own.favorites hard-copy kindle10 s Brittany997 152

4 Stars ?

1st book of 2022! What a wonderful ending to a beautiful series. This series taught me so much and I love when books can teach me something it’s a huge bonus to my love for reading. 4-star-reads biblical-fiction christian-fiction ...more9 s Erin Laramore706 66

What a stunning conclusion to this series! Book 4 in the Cities of Refuge series is about Tirzah, the youngest of Moriyah and Darek's children. Fans of the series and the "Out of Egypt" series will be glad to see some familiar faces (my favorite character was back!!!!), but there is enough history in this book that if you haven't read the others, you won't be lost. I would still recommend reading these in order and reading this series after the "Out of Egypt" series in order to BEST enjoy this one though. That will give you the depth of character history that adds to this story.

Tirzah is young, strong willed and fleet-footed. She feels restless in her lot in life as a woman, until she realizes that as a woman, she can become a spy in ways that her brothers cannot - in the kitchen. As she convinces her brother to allow her to spy behind enemy lines, she finds herself in a predicament and ends up under the protection of Liyam, who is seeking out his daughter's murderer in order to obtain justice. Because with his appearance, he can pretend to be a mercenary. The 2 of them work well together as they unravel some of the enemy's stronghold and must go back under cover to Kadesh to aid the armies of Israel once again. This book takes place after the death of Joshua, when the Israelites have been oppressed by the Arameans for 8 years and God raises up the first Judge in Israel. I've often wondered how the Israelites could so quickly forget (within a generation) of how God faithfully brought His people to the Promised Land that they would lose it so quickly, but in reading Ms. Cossette's novels, I've been pulled back into those times and seen "with my own eyes" how it happened. This is what I love most about Biblical Historical fiction - that it helps me to better understand the stories within the Scriptures.

One of the things that really stood out to me throughout this book were the uses of the names of God. Tirzah refers to Him very personally based on her circumstances - the One who Sees and the One who Hears, as well as Yahweh and Adonai. Her inspirational speeches to the Levites were convicting to me as well - about becoming dormant in our faith. The picture of flames as a symbol of our faith came up time and time again, making the title a very poignant reminder that we should be flames in the night to those around us. This was also a book about forgiveness and mercy. I loved all of the side stories that happened. And I found a treasure of unconditional love in these pages as well. So much I gleaned spiritually from this book, all while being entertained. I beleive of the series, this one is my favorite and competes with "Wings of the Wind" as my favorite Connilyn Cossette book! This wrapped up this series nicely and though I'd love to see more of these characters (hint, hint to the author!), I am also excited to see what ventures she takes us to next. I would recommend this book to any fans of Biblical Historical novels, and historical romance in general as well, as the love story was beautifully done. Many romance novels in the same trope as this one will have the characters living in tension for a third of the story as they won't reveal their feelings for each other because they're afraid the other person doesn't feel the same way and it will ruin everything, this one was a breath of fresh air as Liyam and Tirzah are communicative and avoid that tension altogether.

Special thanks to Ms. Cossette and Bethany House Publishers for an advance copy of this book. I was under no obligation to write a review and the thoughts contained herein are my own. 10 s Gina200 1 follower

I absolutely LOVED this! WOW. So good. It was equal parts suspense AND equal parts romance all mixed into one fantastic story!
Through the entirety of the book I was totally unaware of what was going to happen next and the story just kept unraveling and peeling back yet another layer that led down a new path that kept me on the edge of my seat.

The main characters, Tirzah and Liyam, were both very relatable and so easy to get attached to; so sincere and raw with their emotions...I was reading with bated breath, anxiously waiting on them to realize they were perfect for each other!!
Tirzah was such a fun character. I admired both her mental and physical strength, the way she conducted herself made the story so entertaining. While strong, she is also willing to be vulnerable and honest about her thoughts and feelings, this added a layer of depth and emotion to the story. The same is true for Liyam. He is a good man and so admirable in his efforts to protect and defend at any cost, all while struggling to sort through his inner turmoil due to sorrows in his life.

I don’t want to give anything away but I cannot praise this story enough. This is definitely going down as a favorite book of mine, and truly, I adored this entire series.

You have to read this series in order, you will absolutely fall in love with every unique journey these books take you on. I’m already worrying about the moment when I won’t have anymore Connilyn Cossette books to read, I’m plowing through them so quickly!!
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