
Sovereign Mage de Compelled, Inadvisably

de Compelled, Inadvisably - Género: English
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Compelled, Inadvisably Year: 2023

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This was a satisfying conclusion to the series and I'm really glad it ended. That might sound strange to some people, but I am always happy to see a story accomplish what it came to do and then make a polite exit without overstaying its welcome.

All too often, I see a series hang around long past the point of accomplishing anything new. It reminds me of a sad and broken-down fighter who should have retired 5 fights ago but won't, since they're addicted to the sound of the crowd. I also read a lot of gamelit, a genre that often has a mentality of quantity over quality, not just in word count but also in the number of volumes. But for me, I think 3-5 volumes is usually an ideal length for a series and this story did a great job of sticking the landing at a natural-feeling stopping point.

I enjoyed how grounded and consistent the magic was, and how wild and free-form the fae magic was by comparison. It's refreshing when I can tell an author spent a lot of time with the nuts and bolts of their magic system and made the world operate in a way that made sense.

I'm excited to see where the author goes with their next series and I might even be curious enough to check out their debut series. I usually find it interesting to follow an author's progression and what lessons they seem to have learned from each of their works.fantasy mages5 s Tony Hinde1,639 39

As an end to the series, this book did a great job. Despite the extreme fantasy elements it managed to remain believable. Callum seemed even more relatable as he figuratively embraced family and friends.

I think the author managed to create something truly original here. I was particularly taken with the Fae and their route to power via the stories they decided to live. It was almost some of Seanan McGuire's writing but more clearly spelled out. Marvelous!2 s Dave Stone1,173 58

Kind of a fizzle. a happy but dull ending
I used to absolutely LOVE those old sci-fi stories that had big ideas in them. They would have paper thin characters, klunky plots, and cringe inducing dialog. But that's not what the story was about. The story was just a delivery vehicle for a BIG IDEA. usually a new idea. Something so stupefying that you could think about it for years, and you would hardly notice that the story had major plot holes, was logically inconsistent, and actually didn't even have a real ending. It was about that new idea.
-This series doesn't have anything that profound, but there are several really tantalizing concepts in here that elevate what would be a mediocre series.
Number one is Faerie magic. Wow! I haven't real an idea so original outside of a Tim Powers book. There were a few other interesting things, some of them I think the author achieved by accident.
But other than that I feel this series just ran out of gas and Inadvisably Compelled had the very good sense to wrap it up.
So nice to have a definitive conclusion in a world of incomplete series where the author tried to leave it open for the next book that never got finished.1 David Rodriguez80 1 follower

A bit of a soft landing of an ending, not much of a splash, just tying up most loose ends. The thrill of magic discovery and watching Callum progress was the main interesting aspects of this story to me. After the first two or three books his learning waned and his ability to think up new and clever uses for magic happened less. So tying up the story without any big battles/life or death fights for Callum worked story wise but also didn't create the same connection and draw the first two books did.

Overall a good series to read or listen to but it won't be as memorable or recommended as others.1 M244 11

I really want this story to continue. Especially about the kids.read-fantasy1 The Legend108 4

So I did this series yes. It was good and fun.


I think the Author sort of probably without intention made the opposite story in which they were trying to tell. This was the MC story of standing up to the corrupt overlord government and setting people free to make it safer for mundanes. All that other jazz too.

Nice, but....The author by the end of this book sort of made it so GAR and Duvall had a point. Sure the vampires had to go and there was corruption. However [again], Some of what they did was needed. Yes the MC was a good guy and so was Gale. So we don't think about it but, what if they weren't. What if the MC had been a serial killer or anarchist or Gale. Imagine what someone with Goo could do in a city, kill the whole thing just with walking through it? How about the MC portal box planet cracker.

With more portals to earth and more mages being born, without GAR to register each mage affinity and train them, any random criminal or bad guy can learn those powers and others. With them having a portal world to run to now, whats to stop them from destroying earth as a whole? I can see why Duvall said what he was doing was forbidden because it only takes one space mage to destroy worlds and portal realms. Hell just to open a portal to a horror world and leave it open. I can see why she is scared. The MC is good but that is with 6 portals and mage houses and GAR controlling them. What happens when a mortal in the Middle East and part of ISIS or something gets space or healing or something else power and sets it against the world to be reborn for his sacrifice?

Space mages were rare compared to how many mages but with more mortals imagine how rare they'd be with say even 1 billion mages. Out of 1 billion mages with no GAR to register and train them and see the problem makers, have forbidden magics. Well someone is going to turn out bad and spoil it.

So sadly, as much as I d the series and story. By the end for the safety of the world and portal worlds, honestly it would been better if the MC hadn't learned what he did, he'd gotten trained and mages were still all registered and monitored. The servitude of GAR was bad but a draft to have him trained in how to use his magic and made sure he wasn't a danger or any mage was reasonable. It's the only way to keep a rogue mage from destroying the world. Which at the start seemed silly but by the end of the series, seeing what a mage could do. That was far less silly.

It's just healing and Space mages, so rare you say? Okay what happens when a water mage learns to split water molecules? Sure due to blast size most ly that will be the end of that mage but still only takes one experiment then boom hydrogen bomb. Earth Mage sets off Yellow stone. Ect Ect..2 s Jordan596 11

Overall a fantastic series, I'd argue the only weak book being the last one and even then it was still pretty good. A the end of the book, the author actually talks about some of the weaker points in the series and why they occured, which match a few of my own and I personally thought it showed a lot of interspection and is a good sign that this already great writer is only going to improve in any future series.

The conlusion to the series I though was suitably epic for a finale with some lovely flashes at the future, which I always to see in a series as readers come to care about these characters and to see their lives continue and flourish after the latest fiasco.

If there was any truely disapointing thing to the series, it was that we never got to see any direct interaction with our MC and Duval, shame we didnt get to see it but honestly not a big deal in the grand scheme.

I think I'm content to leave these characters to their conclusion, but I wouldnt mind seeing further tales in this universe perhaps in another time and place. I will also certainly attempt to keep an eye out for future series written by this author. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Bob Wester65 2

Great Ending

I am sad to see the end to the adventures of The Ghost, but I am happy where it finished. From a mundane stumbling into a magical world to a bogeyman curtailing the excesses of magical power, he managed to stay true to his ideals.
Also, I appreciate the epilogue exploring both the slice-of-life aspects of his family as well as an exciting intervention into an assassination attempt. I look forward to the next series and hope others pick up this one in the future. Tony Hisgett2,771 32

The story seemed disconnected at times, with things happening that seemed quite illogical and the author moving into the realms of pure Comic book. I suppose the author was trying to build up to a big ’Hollywood’ climax.
Having said that, I have enjoyed these books and although I didn’t think this was one of the better ones, at least at the end the author tries to tie up many of the lose ends.
fantasy review Volpot1,507 12

3 stars. For the most part, I d this series. But after a while, things seem a bit repetitious and there really wasn't much true drama/suspense or much emotional connection to the characters. In retrospect, I think the author could just as easily have told the overall story in 3 books and added more emotional content involving the primary characters.

Bottom line: I d the series and am glad I read it, but it could have been better. Mike Goodman1,286 8

Excellent Completed Series

This story of a guy who finds out he’s a mage at thirty and is supposed to serve the magical society for decades says hell no and runs away was fantastic. He learns on his own and rightfully takes out the monsters preying on regular humans while running from the magic police. Great Read Kevin1,441 24

I'm still enjoying the series, but it has gone far past what I thought would happen. Never expected "the ghost" to put himself out that.

Wow. It seems it's the end of the series. Really didn't expect it to go this way.

I hope the author has more enjoyable stories to tell us.

3/5 Stars Forrest203 3

A good ending for a series that will be missed.

Most of the loose ends were tied up by the end. There is some small room for another story or a spin-off story that takes place in the same universe.

The only thing that upset me about this being the end is that we never learned who Callum’s father is/was and why he has the abnormalities that he does. William Howe1,548 66

solving paranoia

You don’t have to worry about people being out to get you when you scare *everybody*.

A bit slow as it seeks to wrap up all the threads. Satisfying, though.

I wonder what Mr Compelled Will write next? Worth pre-ordering. Bob27

a remarkable series

Story telling at its best. I can absolutely see this series made into a movie. The hero is relatable and the magic rules are well laid out. There is both action and dialogue and I highly recommend the series to anyone who enjoys the genre. Scott10

Favorite book in the series

I loved this book most of all out of the series. A very satisfying conclusion. Loved the epilog. If you made it this far, you're going to enjoy it for sure. Ron156 1 follower

It got to the point I couldn't even skim-read it. There was nothing but pointless politicking about empire. There is no human relationship angle, just wooden characters walking through the story playing their assigned parts. dnf Kate26

Great end to a great Series! It Wrapped up nicely. Nice epilogue too! And the author notes that if they use this world again it'll be placed far in the future to not be tripping up on this books contents. What a welcome thing to hear! I had great joy reading this series. Many thanks to the author. Zerdath67


Just... just the best final book it could possibly be. Absolutely wraps up the story and does it so well. Less action than other books of the series but that's to be expected with a conclusion. I eagerly await the author's next creation. Abby GoldsmithAuthor 21 books127

The happy ending was satisfying. What a fun series! The audiobook narrator does a stellar job, too.

One unanswered question that I wanted to see an answer to: Who the heck was Wells's mage parents? If you know, please tell me. dragons indie-authors pov-non-human ...more Tom Maxey50 1 follower

Well written series with a magical system that the MC learns. I do not give stars easily. I can be a tough critic. I would give it 4 1/2 stars there are some areas that I would change but overall its a nice read. Paps505 2

A good ending, if I have something to complain is that after the time skip I expected to be shown some of Callum advancement as a mage and if he is finally operating at the level of a true Archmage.dragons fantasy sci-fi ...more DaMaar483 7

A great conclusion

Rating: 5/5
Cover: 3/5
Narration: 4/5 (weird woman voice)
Favorite line: NA. Larry Chu8

Great Read

the entire series. Recommend it. the cliff hanger. Will re-read in the future to. X X X X. Michael Green7

very satisfying

Well done and greatly enjoyed. Wasn’t sure how the reveal would be resolved Found it interesting and enjoyable Great work Ray Ritchey880 6


Final book - incredibly well done and satisfying end for the saga of Ghost. Fun read, with lots of action. Robert L.472 5

Very good book

This is a fine urban fantasy adventure novel. It is well written and edited. I especially the dragons. I anxiously await the sequel. Fassina218

Decent ending, I'd say I'm reasonably satisfied with it. Will ly read more works from the author in the future. WetdryvacAuthor 469 books4

A solid read, and much fun. Gil Tzadikevitchn11 1 follower

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