
The Last Farm House: A Small Town Post Apocalypse EMP Thriller de Colton Lively

de Colton Lively - Género: English
libro gratis The Last Farm House: A Small Town Post Apocalypse EMP Thriller


Colton Lively Year: 2024

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Needs An Editor!

I would have given the story five stars but there are so many typos and continuity errors that I just can't. At the back of the book the author says to email him with any problems or complaints, and then doesn't provide an email. This is the kind of sloppiness that a good editor could fix.

At one point a character has a minor stab wound in her calf and a couple of paragraphs later it is a possibly deadly stab wound in her thigh. That's only one example of serious continuity errors in this book.

There are also !any typos. These are not misspelled words, but misused words. I'm guessing the author ran a spellchecker and thought that was sufficient. Big nope! At one spot in the book the characters are wondering if the disaster is worldwide or just in their 'religion.' That should have been 'region.' This is a mistake that spellchecker programs will miss. An editor would find and fix things that.

A good editor could vastly improve this book. The story is an interesting concept. I think it could have been so much better!1 Becky Wells50

Two and a Half Stars

This is frustrating because the story itself is a great idea: a brother and sister living in New York City when the apocalyptic EMP strikes must make their way back to the family farm in Kentucky. New York is a war zone and the route to the farm is an unknown. Survival. Loss of technology. Breakdown of civilization. Values. Family and loved ones. It's all in there. It's just not a well told story. The characters are inconsistent and poorly defined. The story is unrealistically timed. The flow of the story and of the character development are choppy and incongruent. It feels writer, Colton Lively had a checklist of things required for a post apocalyptic EMP novel and he was just rushing to check them all off. I d the story that Lively told in The Last Farmhouse enough that I read the whole thing. That's something. But the flow of the story and the character development are cringy enough that I skipped major portions. Kathy 298

Growing up on her parents farm, Kimberly learned how to survive by prepping for the worse. Living in NYC a disaster happens that left everyone in the dark when the power went out. Looting, and chaos was happening. Kimberly knew she had to get her brother and her roommate, Becca and her brother to safety. Kimberley decided that the small group would walk 600 miles to her parents homestead in KY. Their trek wasn’t easy but they did make it to the family homestead. How will they protect themselves and the rss they have from those that wish them harm, during these uncertain times.all-about-spring-2024rc kindle reviewed-books ...more Sophie Beth Pettigrew19

The Last Farm House: A Small Town Post Apocalypse EMP Thriller

The book is repetitive, fairy tale in that the heroes all survive, that EMP doesnt prevent planes from flying again quickly, somewhat disjointed. The farm house on the book's cover appears to be much larger than the farm house described in the book. Did I say repetitive?
I hope Colton Lively's other books are better. Patty123 19

I thought the timeline was off walking from NYC to rural Kentucky, 500 to 600 miles in a hot minute didn't ring true. This EMP and the aftermath of getting home to KY just seemed so simple for these sibling pairs, who didn't even have guns...wait, what?? The setting and timeline of a book are important to me and it just rang false, and very unrealistic in my opinion. Jo30 2

The story was good. However there was a lot of repetition in the book. Joyce Ringer22

Enjoyed this read

I really enjoyed the plot and the storyline. However there are inconsistent time lines and a few typos. Still a fun read Karlene Gould97

The last farm house

Very interesting and enjoyable book. Quickly and easy read and somewhat of a thriller. Give it try and state your opinion. Angel Duke4 Read

Great read

I enjoyed this book. It's not that hard to believe it could actually come true with all the chaos in the world. Reader1 reviewRead

This book is horribly written. It goes on and on for one thought. Very little story. I can not recommend. Patricia Borders7 2

Great book

Well written showing good does win out. FAMILY STICKING TOGETHER, for the benefit of all, good wins over all everytime Erin60

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