
Trasgressioni a Nottingham de Colette Gale

de Colette Gale - Género: Italian
libro gratis Trasgressioni a Nottingham


La storia di una donna leggendaria intrappolata in una rete fatta di desiderio e lussuria.
Lady Marian arriva al palazzo del Principe Giovanni non per prendere parte alla dissoluta vita di corte, ma per spiarlo per conto della Regina Eleonora. Quello che la giovane donna ignora è che la sua missione la sta spingendo dritta in una tempesta di intricate macchinazioni e di tentazioni carnali.
A corte, Marian è infatti divisa tra la fedeltà alla sovrana e il desiderio che prova per due uomini: il misterioso e affascinante Robin Hood e l'ombroso e distaccato Sir William de Wendeval, sceriffo di Nottingham. Mentre il Principe Giovanni tiranneggia il popolo e organizza orge tra le mura del castello, Lady Marian cede alla passione, ma c'è un solo uomo per cui è disposta a rischiare la vita e perdere il cuore e non si chiama Robin.

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"Tawdry fanfic" is the essential distillation of Bound by Honor, but I don't use that description to criticize.

Having read other books by Gleason, I expected a certain level of quality (or at least readability) via her erotica pseudo -- and yes, this was much more coherent than other romantica I've tried. It had something of a believable story arc from beginning to end, & I could even buy most of the sex scenes -- they felt somewhat organic & necessary, as opposed to pausing the story for yet another bout of nekkid. (Fact: if someone John commanded you to attend his Pleasure Party, you would attend. Aside from a blessed few, obedience is how normal people survived monarchs Nero or John.)

The sex itself was entertaining, if occasionally veering OTT. Not too repetitive in the language. Creative scenes that were all a bit different. I was amused. *shrug* That said, I would've appreciated more stuff for Robin to do; there wasn't much detail about his activities or his past aside from generic references to highway robbery. wise, I'd have d more about The Sheriff's governing & what drove him to such rigid loyalty aside from angst over his duties & buying his position.

...But hey. These are things I'd have d, not things I demanded for entertainment purposes.

Gleason's rendition of The Sheriff was much Max in her Gardella books. Robin, on the other hand, was a flamboyant James Bond type, the sort that s women because they're women, & damned be anyone who says otherwise! (In truth, Robin's romance with Alys was pretty cute. I'd have appreciated more about them.) Marian herself wasn't bad -- though her amazingly gorgeous hair was a bit Sue-ish -- but Alys was an interesting girl who needed more pagetime. Her switch between wuv for the Sheriff & Robin was a little abrupt, but otherwise I d her.

Anyway...an enjoyable read, something a more graphic Harlequin novel. (Now I'm intrigued by Gleason/Gale's Monte Cristo retelling. That story is more new-to-me than Robin & his pals, so my ignorance might smooth out the plot gaps.)almost-4-stars cover-me-blue dark-romance ...more8 s Jenn (The Book Refuge)2,091 3,184

So, this wasn't awful! The plot was a bit confusing but it did end pretty strong.

Robin was a bit strange in this... couldn't quite figure him out.

But all in all... this was worth my time, it just wasn't the best thing ever.

Will definitely check out the other books by this author. Already ordered them

3 Star
4 on the spice scalehistorical-romance read-20225 s Gemma444 4

Woah, what can I say about this book?

This was one of the most enjoyable reads I've had, in more ways than one.

I've always had a soft spot for the Robin Hood story and I've always lusted after Richard Armitige (The Sherriff in The BBC version of Robin Hood), so the fact that the author states that he is her insperation made me want to read it more.

And boy did I love it. Without spoiling it, this was Robin Hood "The Tudors style" Yes there are a few inacuracies with regards to a few minor things, but who cares. This was a smoking hot read with a really intresting and unique twist on the tale.

It poses some very good questions and one scene in particular had me questioning the Sherriffs actions. Another reviewer (I can't remember where it was posted) had commented how the Sherriffs character seemed to change and carry out a one eighty. I could see the whys and how there is a build up to this shift.

There are two scenes in this book that are really out of my usual comfort zone, but I couldn't help but reach for a fan afterwards. Both involved Marian and another woman. I am not really into this, but there was something about the way the author wrote them that didn't make them scene over gratoutious or there for shock value. I never felt uncomforable and admit to skipping back to reread one again. (That to me means its well written)

I am now torturing myself over ordering Master, which appears to have higher marks than this one. We will see!!!!!5-star-reads erotica4 s Belen (f.k.a. La Mala ?)846 569

AGREGADO : Soy una papanatas, acabo de leer que esta es Colleen Gleason. ¡Con razón estaba buena esta novela! Me encanta esa autora.

Novela para adultos. Para adultos. En serio. Para mayores de 21 años.

Bueno, al menos...para quienes no le hacen asco a nada. [Hola! En esta categoría me incluyo ;)]

Para ser un retelling erótico, no está nada mal. Es más, si no se tratara de Robin Hood (a.k.a. el amor de mi vida), me hubiera gustado muchísisimo más. Es una novela, diría yo, demasiado entretenida e imposible de abandonar una vez que la empezaste.

Sin embargo, a pesar de estar muy bien escrito y ambientado, me costó tragar *guiño, guiño* a este Robin Hood y, por encima de todos, a este Sheriff. Jamás lo hubiera imaginado del modo en que está reimaginado en esta novela.

"Bound by Honor" tiene un poco de la perversión de la Bella Durmiente de Anne Rice, pero, a diferencia de aquella, nada que sea demasiado horripilante y, por ende, mucho más "soportable" que ese retelling.

NO ES PARA CUALQUIERA. Lo recomendaría sólo a quienes no son muy fans de Robin Hood o, porqué no, todo lo contrario, a quienes sí lo son peeeero tienen la mente muy abierta y curiosidad/ganas de leerlo en una nueva aventura (y digo no sólo erótica, pues, lo crean o no, este libro tiene una trama interesante!... con mucha encamada de por medio. Y Maid Marian desnuda, con el Sheriff de Nottingham. Los dos juntos. Y desnudos.)eros retelling romance-de-epoca ...more3 s Blair Hodgkinson702 20

If this passes for erotica, that genre is in a deplorable state indeed. While some of the author's ideas could have been used to create an interesting historical novel challenging the usual assumptions about the legend of Robin Hood, the actual results are pretty muddled. This ends up neither very satisfying historically or as erotica. historical-fiction-robin-hood3 s Misfit1,638 308

Not for me I'm afraid. Full review here, http://misfitandmom.wordpress.com/201...get-it-from-the-library one-time-read-only sex-pot-book2 s Shannon The Show Stopper 620

I didn't this one as much as her first two books but it's still and excellent read. If you're a fan of Robin Hood then you should most definitely read this! 3 s Jess MichaelsAuthor 110 books1,525

I always love Colette Gale's uber sexy re-tellings of the classics!read-in-20153 s Robin376 144

You know.....this book surprised me. There was more of a story here than I expected. The problem for me started and ended with "An erotic novel" because it wasn't. I didn't find anything in this book erotic. I was far more fascinated with the political machinations, the threeway friendship between Robin, Marian and Will and the romance between Alys and Will. I think it was SUPPOSED to be erotic, but if that's what you were looking for.....well, maybe other people got that out of this book. I did not. So, in that sense, I found it disappointing.

And, while the historical fiction part of this book was good, there are many, MANY that are better. I just think it missed the mark here. Don't know if that is typical because this is the first book I've read by Gale. Not sure I'll try another one.2 s Mary-Sidney173 8

Attempted this book for bookclub.
Sorry, just not a fan of r*pe. Regardless of how it's portrayed.

1 Megan1,317 49

3 ½ stars. I did this re-telling of the Marian & Robin Hood. However, it was not excellent. I wanted to love this book, but I think I had expectations going into it as what it was going to be about. This book was very different then the way I thought it was going to be . Robin is conceited and a womanizer; the Sheriff of Nottingham is fierce, dark, brooding, and often detached; and Marian is feisty, stubborn, and loyal (the traits of the main characters did not surprise or disappoint me). So, why did I not love this book? That is actually a hard question for me to answer. I think I expected the sheriff (Will) to let loose and show his true emotions sooner than he did (i.e. other than at the end of the book). Also, the plot was very weak, at least Marian’s reason for being at Prince John’s Court was, I guess that can happen in an erotica novel. The other (side) plots were actually very interesting. In the end Robin, Will, and Marian are happy, which makes for a nice clean ending to the story, and you realize at the end of the book that all three, in different ways were all Bound by Honor. Of the three books Ms. Gale has written my favorite is still Unmasqued.enemies-to-lovers historical-romance hot-spicy-and-or-kink ...more1 Cindy1,847 14

who could resist the erotic tale of Maid Marion? Not I!!

Ok, this book is a retelling of Robin Hood, and with a surprise ending - but it is hardly that erotic - sort of titillating in places, but overall, nothing to get very excited about, and the characters, with the exception of Marion, Will and Robin himself, are shallowly drawn and excessively one dimensional.erotica OG209 8

IÂ’m not sure where to begin with this review. I read a couple of other and canÂ’t agree with everything that has been said; however this cannot be said to be Collette Gales best book and i usually love her writing.
Trying to decide how many stars to give it was really hard but I went with four because it had promise and the plot was OK.
Erotic I did not find it- sorry and surprised as CG usually is spot on. Mayhap it needed to be just writtern from Marians point of veiw.


I Adore the idea of the sheriff Nottingham being an antihero, not even that he really IS the hero. Personally I felt he was a little over sweet for my taste, I do my black hats to keep their hats even if they loose their hearts and apart from a lot of brooding and scowling and one scene towards the beginning he was just... nice. Tortured but nice.
The fact is CG letÂ’s the cat out of the bag too soon in regards to Will, from the moment he pretends to rape her, so Prince John will think heÂ’s doing as he was asked, the mystery of his wickedness is undone.

IÂ’m not saying I wanted that to be a rape scene but maybe the author could have delayed on that for a bit longer.

The court of pleasure was... I donÂ’t know, not great. I get it but itÂ’s a bit sticking in a scene from a nexus erotic novel here and there and then not really following up on the promise. And when Will finally gives in (the living statues final) IÂ’d have d to have seen a detailed erotic dubcon scene rather than a bit of slip and slide and ooooh nice followed by guilt.

The same when Will is finally seduced by Marion- I know CG can write better than this, she really can.

The Robin story was okay but it took too long for Marion to decide she didnÂ’t want him. I actually had almost given up on this novel at that point but it improved a lot after sheÂ’d made her mind to go after Will. I thought the oc and robin match is well written and would to see more of them.

But back to the meat, Marion and William. Such a great idea with some good story and good parts but frustrating as hell because it has so many issues.

IÂ’d love to see a rewrite of this but with more of Will and Marion, less of John (but the looming threat remaining) and Robins story breaking off far sooner.

Four stars as it did keep my attention but IÂ’m going to unmasqued now to remind me of just how good CG can be.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Ariadne .84 1 follower

I didn't realize this part of a trilogy (I had already the first on the retelling of The Phantom of the Opera), I have to be honest about this, but I wasn't disappointed.

I love the tale of Robin Hood and Lady Marian, and I really enjoyed how she made it about Marian owing herself and her own sexuality instead of the men as the leads. I d the twists, and the prose is definitely beautiful to follow. (Even when I hated Prince John with all my might).
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Kimberly Vasconez88

Interesting Twist on the Love Triangle.

Marian in between Robin and the Sheriff of Nottingham...Eleanor spying against Prince John for Richard. All meld into an intriguing presentation of good and evil, where there isnÂ’t a definite division. Oh, and the steamy parts are creative too. Vanessa655

This was very much more erotica and had so much more potential in terms of story and plot and than it achieved. It kind of just lined up - how many degrading sexual experiences can I get the evil guy to try to subject the heroine to. anachronistic medieval-less-than-4-stars writing-3 Sasha Ruggiero281 7

Short entertaining erotica Andrea Johnston205 9

I would have d to see Marian stronger in this work but it is still a good retelling of Robin Hood. Kat387 17

Really good erotic retelling. Loved the twist on the Sheriff and Robins motivations and dynamic...makes more sense than the original story. couldn-t-put-down historical mash-ups-or-re-tellings ...more Robin240

I actually enjoyed this book much. Lauren112 20

Hated it, gave up halfway. It's a little rapey and degrading, not my thing.2021 books-i-own hated-it ...more Julita102

3 stars2022 RobynAuthor 22 books297

Really this is more a 3.5, but I'm rounding up because I enjoyed it and thought it was a fun read. It was also a quick read, because I had a hard time putting it down.

First, I knew I'd enjoy this book when I read the dedication, which is, "For all the women who prefer Alan Rickman and Richard Armitage." Because Alan Rickman as the Sheriff in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" was probably the source of my inappropriate love for villains. I love me a good, tortured, dark-and-dangerous romance novel hero, and for that this book delivered Domino's! Will is so very swoon-worthy.

Okay, so here's the thing:

1. The language. I appreciate the difficulty of trying to use period-appropriate language, but I'm sorry, some of the terminology just gives me the church giggles and it's a mood breaker. Props for working in "by the Rood!" and ""Sblood!". But there were saluting cocks. Every time a cock lifted in salute, I giggled. I can't help it. And then, there were the quims. Now, granted, this book is from 2009 and is pre-Avengers, but every single time I read that word I thought of that scene in the movie with Loki and Black Widow where he's all snarling and calls her a mewling quim. As much as I have inappropriate thoughts about Tom Hiddleston as Loki, not so much with that particular line. (Also, for some reason all the genitalia in the book are described as red, or red and purple, and I kept thinking that if your naughty bits are bright red, you may want to see a doctor about that.)
2. Wandering plot has the attention span of SQUIRREL! It's e-rom, so Marian's on an erotic journey, and that's to be expected. Except she's also technically on a mission from the queen, and that gets forgotten in favor of awkward time spent in Prince John's Ye Olde Sexy Fun Times Club. It's kinky and BDSM-ish, which I can appreciate considering what I've been reading lately. But there are no safewords in Prince John's Boom-boom Room. Because he's the prince, and pretty much ain't nobody can tell him no. And that was icky for me. What saved that was Will, the Sheriff, plotting ways to keep Marian away from John. Will has serious, time-spent-on-his-knees-in-the-chapel angst about balancing "saving" Marian versus what he has to do to accomplish that. I could have done with more of his angst and less of Prince John's festivities.
3. Robin Hood. Eh. More boring moments than interesting ones for me. I even skipped his entire last scene in a "Dammit, get back to Nottingham!" moment.

I enjoyed it. Now it's up on the Read shelf next to Colette Gale's erotic Phantom of the Opera. And next on my list is her erotic Count of Monte Cristo, so clearly I am hooked on this series.erotic-romance historical-romance Kara-karina1,681 268

First of all, for the kind of novel it is, Bound by Honor is ridiculously overpriced. £8/$12.99 for an ebook published in 2009? You are kidding me, right. So when my interest was piqued I managed to buy a second hand paperback for £3.80 through BetterWorldBooks. Yes, my copy did fall apart when I was reading it, but I didn't feel bad about it...

I would not call this book erotica, mostly it reads a slightly racy historical romance. Certainly, an author Bertrice Small will give it a run for the money.

I was led to believe by the synopsis that there will be sizzling sexual attraction between Marian, Robin and Sheriff of Nottingham, - the latter is the reason I wanted to read the novel. I love Nottingham! He is a great historical villain.

Instead there are lukewarm interactions between Robin and Marian, doom and gloom on behalf of the sheriff who tries to save Marian from the leering eye of Prince John and feels self-loathing all the time, and John's pathetic sexually deviant court which of course required Marian to participate. Yawn. All in all it's rather tame.

Marian contracted by the Queen to spy on Prince John doesn't do a very good job of it and mostly plays the role of the victim. Sheriff and Robin over think everything, and the ending is awfully convenient. I think my problem is that there was really no conflict, no tension, no spark, and spoiled as I am by very good erotica I don't to settle for less and read about glorified sex without emotional depth.

Slightly entertaining, even enjoyable, but I'm hesitant to recommend it.

Sue Lukenbaugh18

I am loving Colette Gale. She's twisted a wicked tale of love and lust. Marion, no longer a maid comes back into the lives of Robin and the Sheriff, and everything is still not as it seems. The scenes are hot, and some are a little twisted in the best of way. This reimagining is my favorite yet, not one to be missed if you root for the dark horse, if you can see past the charming flutters in your stomach, if you a challenge. Stacey138 10

This book is for those of us who love the Sheriff of Nottingham on the BBC's series Robin Hood. Dark, brooding, heart of gold, shaft of steel - you get the idea. It had a very enjoyable storyline too. I absolutely love the Gardella vampire series Colette Gale wrote under pseudonym Colleen Gleason which is why I picked this one up to read. I was happily surprised to find that I d this book just as much as those. e-romance robin-hood LeAnn31

The writing is okay. The premise is okay. However, there is really no story here. It's just chapter after chapter of impromptu and indiscriminate sexual encounters that don't make a whole lot of sense. There's really no story to hold my interest and no reason to root for any of the characters other than what we already know from other Robin Hood stories. At times I can see a story about to form and then it just gets wierd and pointless. Alisa706 74

I was not thrilled with this book but it was ok. I am not a big Robin Hood Maid Marian fan but this book was set aside for me by my peeps at BAMso I bought it and read it. It wasnt erotic I erotic but it was pretty good. I am sure that if I was into these people I would have loved it.. so dont take my rating as a Do Not Read.. READ IT!! You never know.. you may love it!!2011 romance Rakisha480 22

Imagine if Maid Marian was locked in a love triangle with Robin Hood of Locksley and Will--the cold Sheriff of Nottingham? Throw in a dash of courtly intrigue and steamy encounters and you have this novel. It's entertaining to see the old folktale imagined this way, but it isn't the most stunning tale. Deborah Larrauri17 19 Read

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