
The Professional 3 de Cole, Kresley

de Cole, Kresley - Género: English
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From #1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole comes The Professionalthe third scorching installment in her Game Maker series, an erotica collection that has readers asking: How hot is too hot?

He makes the rules . . .
Mafiya enforcer Aleksandr "The Siberian" Sevastyans loyalty to his boss is unwavering, until he meets the bosss long-lost daughter, a curvy, tantalizing redhead who haunts his mind and heats his blood like no other. Ordered to protect her, Sevastyan will do anything to possess her as wellon his own wicked terms.

Rules are made to be broken . . .
PhD student Natalie Porter had barely recovered from her first sight of the breathtakingly gorgeous Sevastyan before the professional hit man whisks her away to Russia, thrusting her into a world of extreme wealth and wanton pleasures. With every day she spends under his protection, she falls deeper under his masterful spell.

Are you ready to play?
Yet all is not as it seems. To remove Natalie from an enemys reach, Sevastyan spirits her into hiding. From an opulent palace in Russia to the decadent playgrounds of the mega-wealthy in Paris, the two lovers will discover that even their darkestand most forbiddenfantasies can come true

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The final book of this installment series deals with Natalie and Sevastyan seeing if they can make their relationship work or not.


• I finding out more about Sevastyan.

• I thought it was great that Natalie didn't give up on him.

• I wanted to know more about Maksim.

• The bath times! ;)

• There was a lot less cheesy sex scenes...thank goodness!


• I didn't really care for the "scene" at the club. It didn't really seem it would be something Sevastyan would allow and there were other ways to satisfy the kink that Natalie needs.

• Sevastyan not opening up until he was forced to.

• The epilogue was okay but it would have been nice to get more of their life in Russian when they got back.


I enjoyed how this installment brought everything together. I d the story of Sevastyan and Natalie and probably would have it better with more focus on them. Still not a fan of installment series but it's hard to resist from one of my favorite authors.

Favorite quotes:

? "Your colors call to me."

? “On the ride home, you curled your little fingers into my hair and shivered against me. You sighed you loved me.” His gaze bored into mine. “I will do anything for that reaction.”

? “Ya lyublyu tebya.”read-in-201427 s cr??????•??????????•785 226

“I’d never felt so cherished. So protected.
He was my guardian angel, my friend, my dream lover.
Aleksandr Sevastyan was everything. Everything.”

* * *
“Tonight I realized that I can torment you and treasure you. For you, it can be one and the same.”
- Sevastyan

* * *
“I’ll consider myself lucky, my elusive girl, once you consider yourself taken. Every man has a weakness; you are mine. I’ve accepted that. Now you must accept me.”
- Sevastyan2017-books erotic-romance15 s Kelli C 1,045 355

Full Review to post on NetGalley and www.thewindowseat13.com

Wowzas! I think about the first little blurb I read on this that was from the very beginning of part 1 when it was asked..."how hot is too hot?" AHEM, well, Kresley Cole I take back my first thoughts that the heat was amiss. Clearly it was building into a burning crescendo of OMG!

Keeping it simple, I will say that although Sevastyan has staked his claim on Natalie and has brought her into his world of violence and domination....it seems that little Natalie has turned the tables quite nicely. The Siberian has met his match and his equal in every aspect. HE may be the dominant in this relationship, but it SHE that ultimately dominates Sevastyan emotionally, thus owning his heart!

I would have loved to have read this in its entirety instead of in parts, as it seemed to move too quickly. There was a lot of character development...a lot of emotional connection, and a whole lot of scorching erotica!

I would love to see more from this series...so many opportunities for further progression of the relationship, the family legacy, the mafiya connections and dynasty...it seemed to wrap up too soon and too neatly! I hope Natalie and Sevastyan turn up again in future reads!arc bad-bikers dark-romance ...more14 s *TANYA*1,002 373

Yup, I enjoyed this story, the HEA was done nicely. All in all, a good series. 13 s BookAddict ? La Crimson Femme6,796 1,368

Now this is a delightful BDSM fantasy. Natalie pushed Sevastyan hard and now he lets out his sexual deviant self. This story once again doesn't move the plot much. I enjoyed it though because I do love a bit of Glitterkink when I can find a good one.

This is classified as Glitterkink because not only is Sevastyan rich, he has a membership of sorts to a decadent underground sex club in Paris. If this club truly existed, I would never be granted entry in. It is way too rich for my blood. It's still a delightful fantasy. The masks, the orgy of bodies writhing in pain and pleasure, all very "Eyes Wide Open", non?

Let's be clear here. The BDSM in this story is a pure fantasy. It's what kinky readers get off on. Are some of these scenes possible? Yes. Is this a BDSM realistic? Yes and no. Here's the reason why. The physical actions of the BDSM are captured quite well. Are there vacuum beds to restrain people? Yes. Are there chains used to hold a person in place? Yes. Are there threesome where a woman is riding a guy's face while he's being fucked hard by a guy from behind? Hell yes! From a sex scene perspective, Ms. Cole definitely upped the ante and it is panty wetting goodness! Good lord have mercy on my soul. I'm aroused just recalling these tantalizing tidbits. As a voyeur, both Natalie and I are in heaven, drinking in every little detail and wanting more.

From a D/s perspective, this is not what those in the lifestyle consider healthy. This is speculation on my part so bear with me. It appears Ms. Cole did her research into BDSM. The actions and combinations are all technically correct. The aftercare scenes are also technically correct if a bit fantastical. The exchange of erotic power for a D/s relationship to work is missing. It is clear Ms. Cole tried to get it working through the constant harping of trust from Natalie. Either Ms. Cole is struggling with putting it on paper right or she's still missing the point a bit. I give her an A for effort though. If I had read this book prior to my BDSM experiences and subbing for a dominant, I wouldn't have caught the nuances. Sevastyan is no dominant I would cede power to in a submission. Would I bottom for him? Hell yes. I would never trust him and his behaviour with Natalie is hitting all my red alert warning as an unstable and untrustworthy dominant. Still, from a fantasy perspective, this book is hot. And this is why I gave it a 3.5 star even if the storyline is so weak and the D/s dynamic is all sorts of messed up.

I'm not sure what the point of this three part series is, other than a sexual awakening for Natalie. If the search for her biological parents, becoming a mafia princess are all just window dressing for her to get decadently debauched, then this story totally hit its mark. This last installment is recommended for kinky readers who love their GlitterKink with smoking hawt sex.

*provided by NetGalleybdsm glitterkink netgalley- ...more12 s ?? Dorsey aka Wrath Lover Reviews ??995 311

This picks up exactly where Part II left off at exclusive private BDSM club and holy heck…!!! It starts out with serious kink (my own opinion) but it becomes more emotional and deeper the more you read.

Natalie isn't happy because even though they shared a completely intense sexual encounter after which she feels completely connected to him. Sevastyan is still keeping part of himself closed off from her, he constantly shuts down when she tries to get him to open up about his early life not to mention his daily "meetings" and she's had enough. She admits she’s in love and either he shares and confides in her or she will leave him….or will attempt to.

This book delves deeper into the psyche of Sevastyan. We learn of his past, how he ended up on the streets and we understand that his past changed him into the man he is today. I have a better understanding of Savastyan and loved that he & Natalie were finally able to really, really connect in this one.

This was a great end to an amazing story and I’m sad to see it end. I would LOVE to get a book with Nat’s BFF Jess and Savastyn’s brother Maksim..…that would be awesome ! I can totally imagine the fireworks those two would create butting heads!!! (less)

13 s Pam1,093 1,043

5 stars
“Ty sozdana dlya menya .” You were made for me.”

Sevastyan and Natalya's story just keeps on getting better and better. This picks up right where the second left off, and Sevastyan just up'd his game, big time! Giving in to her wishes, he has only a few demands, trust in him to give her everything she needs, understand that she will be pushed past her comfort zone, and willingly submit to the endless amount of pleasure he has in store for her. What was supposed to be a test turned into so much more, realizing her desires are a far better match to his than he ever imagined.
“Tonight I realized that I can torment you and treasure you. For you, it can be one and the same”

Although they may have overcome one of their hurdles, there is still the emotional distance that is tearing them apart. Natalya feels a kept pet, when all she wants is to be his partner, in bed and in business. Sevastyan has his past locked away with no way to get out, and the secrets he keeps is enough to push her away. Both are unwilling to give in to each other's wishes until the other one caves,
“You are gutting me, love. You want to leave— you have reason to—but I can’t let you go any more than I can quit breathing.”

How can you fall in love with a stranger, outside of the man he is today, his touch and his kiss, he is a big mystery and her patience is running out. She wants him to be as vulnerable as she is, to share his pain, his past and his burden, to help him carry the load he has been holding on to alone.
“I’ll consider myself lucky, my elusive girl, once you consider yourself taken. Every man has a weakness; you are mine. I’ve accepted that. Now you must accept me.”
The Professional: Part III was a perfect ending to their world wind romance, nothing traditional about their story, but there was something real and raw about it that completely sucked me in. Both totally out of their element, wanting each other with so passion, they are at a loss as to how to deal with it all. It was an erotically intense ride that kept me on my toes. I wish it was longer, I really wasn’t ready to say goodbye to them at all. This is the first series I read from the author and as soon as I finished, I went to check what else she has in her arsenal and so far I am not disappointed.

Good news, if you want to wait for all three parts will be put into one full length novel that comes out around May 2014.5 alpha doms-n-kink ...more11 s Erin114

Not impressed with the final book in this series. Just too much ridiculousness for me and I am disappointed. Quite a few things bothered me about this book. Mainly just sex, very little story or character development, the author could have put this "story" in part 3 down to 20 pages without all of the boring sex scenes and that is what they were ,boring. Just seems another author on the over-hyped 50SoG bandwagon. Series is an overall 3 stars.

There was too much sex in it (yeah, I know too much sex) but I find it boring after a bit. She could have told this part of the story in 20 pages or less lol. I really d the first part, d the second part a little less and really disd the final part. I am so sick of the whole 50SoG vibe from books and yes this one had it as well. I found the BDSM in this book revolting too and find it hard to believe our virgin h who basically majored in women's sexual studies in college was pretty much open to all this stuff from the get go. Really don't see it, but now I am nit picking because I'm annoyed. This serial had such potential and I really loved part 1. I am so disappointed with it.

Disturbing scene for me
The part where the H is talking about when he realized he was a Dom, he saw a prostitute he knew with a customer who was getting really rough (he mentioned that he was in the process of going over to take care of the rough customer) when he realized that the prostitute really d the rough behavior.

I am sorry but this disturbs me so much. A similar situation in Car Pool Doll book ticked me off so much. I find writing about this in a romance reprehensible. Just my opinion but it all goes back to women as objects etc. It gets my internal feminist really irritated and angry. 10 s Anto M.1,011 89

Tutta la serie si attesta su un 3 scarso. Non c'è approfondimento caratteriale che giustifichi dati atteggiamenti, non c'è tensione emotiva né aspettativa.
Se questo genere pseudo-dark, non è ben gestito rischia di virare sul banale e, purtroppo, è quello che accade in questa breve trilogia.9 s Chryssa104 161

ANOTHER failed book attempt to be 50 Shades, ANOTHER BDSM book (when is this "trend" going to end? neeeeexxxt!), ANOTHER put-the-blame-on-daddy/abused hero, ANOTHER sexually emancipated (but still virgin!) heroine....

YES, I am biased towards Ms Cole because I ADORE HER IAD Series, YES I did rate Part 1 and Part 2 of this series with 3 stars (biased here! remember?), YES I read Part 3 because I just cannot leave series unfinished! AND YES WITH ALL DUE RESPECT TO MS COLE, I believe she got caught up in the BDSM fever/wanna-be-50-Shades book writing...

NO I cannot keep giving rating stars so freely after this (bias has its limits after all!), NO I cannot get over how unoriginal (see above!) this was and NO, I do not believe this was written before the BDSM era book trend of lately!

No arguments against Ms Cole's masterly writing (it is Kresley Cole after all! - biaaaaased! shoot me!) but IMHO, so not worthy of her authorship! Why? Well...This book is written as erotica. Hmmm....
Erotica? Smut? ....too soft words for such a book, when all the focus of the plot is every possible BDSM play/role/action/whatever and no true development of the plot with the excellent twists Ms Cole has taught us to expect.

And YES I my books spicy when I choose to read erotica but there is a difference between erotica and...HINT: What Chandler and Joey enjoying watching for free!. And YES I totally respect others extolling this book as sexy, smexy etc but I just want more from a book than only

Too harsh? Nope...too true, even when it comes to one your most favourite authors!2014-read 6-pack-to-die-for a-lover--no-other ...more8 s Candace1,178 4,535

Part 3 of Book 1 begins with a bang! Sebastian's attempt to call Natalie's bluff and scare her away from her darker desires doesn't work out as planned. Instead, Sebastian is forced to acknowledge that she knows what she wants. As a result, he is forced to come to terms with his own feelings about his sexual appetites.

While the two have seemingly sorted out the physical aspects of their relationship, Natalie still feels frozen out of Sebastian's life. Faced with the reality of losing her forever, Sebastian finally shares the ghosts from his past. Fearful that she'd leave if she knew his truths, the only thing compelling enough to make him open up to Natalie was the realization that his silence was causing him to lose her already.

Overall, this was a good conclusion to this book. I will continue this series, but the three parts of book 1 could easily be read as a stand alone. I feel satisfied. Who doesn't love a HEA???dangerous-hero-themed-books-read dark-themes dom-sub-bdsm ...more8 s Paula BlackAuthor 7 books136

Part three wades heavy and hard-core into the BDSM lifestyle, while the Mafiya plot gets shoe-horned into a few revelations about Sevastyan's past.
That's great if BDSM is your thing. I just don't think it was clear either in the blurb or in the first book that this was the direction this serial would take.
My expectations were for an erotic suspense thriller, but that isn't what this book is about, at all.
The sex is hot and well-written, but the shock-value scenarios managed to eclipse the romance for me most of the time.
Natalie perseveres as the needy chick, Sevastyan as the scarily obsessive dominant.
His actions after Natalie finally decides to put some space between them left my jaw hanging. And that she went along with it because it was 'the price she would have to pay'? Talk about a scarily unhealthy relationship.
Fantasy and suspension of disbelief aside, I really hope no woman would ever aspire to a man this in real life. See the red flags for what they are.
Just knowing about his tortured past doesn't excuse or cure his behavioural issues.
Sevastyan is just too damaged for my tastes.

***spoiler ahead***

First time back-door sex performed in anger, as a punishment, using a ball-gag restraints and no safe-word equivalent. No no no. Sorry, just no.

What will be next? Given how things ended, I wonder if Cole plans to write the brothers' stories, and if Natalie's friend Jess will play a role.
Not sure I'll continue the series if it's more of the BDSM theme. If it's a development of the Mafiya story, I might be tempted.7 s Suzanne (Under the Covers Book blog)1,735 551

This is the third and final installment of the The Professional
After reading The Professional: Part 3 I need a tall glass of ice cold water to cool off, or even better for Sevastyan to climb out of my kindle and ravish me until I am too limp to think or move. I don’t think I am alone in that thought Sevastyan’s dark intensity and savage good looks seem to have captivated everyone, his charisma bursts from the pages and has enthralled us all. This also means that Natalie’s lighter personality really shines, her humour and almost mischievous nature contrasts really well and I loved reading this book from her POV.

in the previous parts of The Professional
The only issue I had with this book was that it was all resolved really quickly at the end, everything has has had a great build up of tension, but the resolution seems to have been hurried and it made it seem very artificial. I think this could have benefited from another installment as the quick fix they did at the end didn’t feel right.

But, as a whole The Professional was fantastic. It had a truly memorable main couple with off the charts chemistry, this is definitely become one of my favourite books by Kresley Cole and I can’t wait to read all the installments together! Bring on The Game Maker #2!

* ARC provided by netGalley
author-kresley-cole backdoor-lovin bdsm ...more6 s -ya518 64

The third part of the Professional is a disappointment. I have nothing interesting to say about the enforcer Sevastyan. Natalie is this whiny woman that gives me headache.

A big miss on the character development.
No creativity on the plot lines.
No banter.

6 s Annie 2,463 946

"Cole hits on the gas and doesn't let up until the very end."

Read the review in its entirety at Fresh Fictionarc author-kresley-cole covers-to-covet ...more6 s Lynsey A1,826

sighs I love Kresley Cole. She is one of my favorite authors. This series was her first foray into contemporary minus PNR. With this foray she made it an erotic read but not only erotic but with BDSM and I mean major BDSM. It was completely unexpected. BDSM isn't really my cuppa and I don't go out of my way to find books about it to read. I have read a few but never really loved them. It just isn't something I find romantic, so for me, Natalie and Sevastyan's love play just wasn't sweet and loving, or romantic to me. In fact I was quite shocked about the scene at the sex club. Was not expecting our heroine to be quite the exhibitionist. I just didn't care for that.

I got frustrated easily with Sevastyan's behavioral changes always the mornings after. I understood his explanations as to why but it just bothered me.

WARNING!!! For those Kresley Cole lovers of IAD etc., know that there is some back door action in this book so if you don't reading about that, stay away from this book.

For me, the romance wasn't as deep or as heartfelt as I've come to expect from her IAD books. (Hello, Lothaire.) Maybe it was because I didn't care for the BDSM but I didn't get my "I can't live without you vibes" usually found in her IAD series.

I'm not saying I wouldn't read another book in this series. I think she will probably write about Sevastyan's brothers. I kind of hope they are minus the BDSM. I won't mind if they are erotic. The first one in this series didn't really have much, if any, BDSM in it and it was smokin' hot.

Nor did I really care for the slutastic best friend Jess. She was just too free with her favors so here's hoping she doesn't end up the heroine of a brother in a later book. Sorry but I just don't my heroines so sexually experienced.

Overall, an enjoyable series but the BDSM was a little too much for me.

ETA: I gave this an extra star because it is Kresley Cole but otherwise it would be a 2 star read for me. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2014-reads bdsm dark-tortured-hero ...more5 s AJ3,007 1,003

The final part of Natalie and Sevastyan’s story.

As expected, it’s dirty, it’s kinky, and smuttier than all hell. When they’re not doing it, they’re either talking or thinking about it. And all bets are off as Sevastyan finally unleashes his full kink onto his Natalya.

But it’s also got some depth there with Natalie fighting to get to know Sevastyan, begging him to reveal his secrets, and he keeps closing down on her. The man runs hot and cold as he struggles to understand what he’s feeling and keep Natalie from getting away. It’s all a bit dramatic, but it does make for a satisfying confrontation when he finally opens up to her.

“You are gutting me, love. You want to leave, you have reason to. But I can’t let you go any more than I can quit breathing.”
I didn’t enjoy this instalment as much as I did the others – I think the sex and drama was a little excessive, and I would have d a bit more of the mafia story which was pretty much non existent in this one. I did Sevastyan’s backstory, and watching him soften to Natalie, and I’m very happy with how it all ended. And I really getting to meet Maksim – Sevastyan’s arrogantly smug brother, and hero of the next book.

This is a promising start to the series, and I’m looking forward to more.

3.5 stars.
romantic series steamy5 s Kay (? ? ? ?) BooksandMe470 7

And then Natalie and Sevastyan’s relationship unravels in this last part of the story. The push and pull was kind of tiring but it hurt more and more. Of Sevastyan’s show of vulnerability at times and the coldness, and the retreat. I’m a sadistic myself and the more the story hurt me and made me cry, the more I love it.

Ah, and my love for Sevastyan only continues, his twisted mind and dark self, and when he’s in awe, I’m lost.

“Don’t ever look at another man with lust, unless you want him dead”. all-consuming-love alpha-male bdsm ...more4 s LizLovesBooks 515

3.5 "Sexy Siberian" ? ? ?

I d it. Hot and steamy read. Will read more from this author.

*Teaser made with purchased pic by me.4 s Sarah3,342 1,237

The Professional is a serialised novel currently available in 3 separate ebooks. The whole story will be released as a full length novel in May 2014 both as an ebook and in print. This is a combined review for the entire story written after I read all three instalments. As a fan of Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark paranormal series I was excited when I heard that she was going to be writing a more edgy, dark erotic romance and I couldn't wait to get my hands on The Professional. A friend who read the first instalment before me had warned me about the killer cliffhangers though so I decided to wait until all three parts were available before I started reading and I'm glad I did because I devoured them all one after the other!

Natalie is an American student who has her whole life turned upside down when she manages to track down her birth parents. She knew she was adopted and that she was born in Russia but the last thing she expected was to discover that her father is a powerful and incredibly wealthy Russian mobster. When her parentage becomes public knowledge Natalie will be a natural target for her father's enemies so he sends his most trusted enforcer, Sevastyan, to bring her home to Russia so they can keep her safe. As much as Natalie has been longing to meet her father she isn't sure what to make of the new world that she suddenly finds herself in, a world of wealth and privilege where she can have everything she's ever dreamed of but one where she has completely lost her freedom. As if adjusting to her new surroundings and getting to know her father wasn't enough to cope with she is also trying to fight her growing attraction to Sevastyan, someone she knows has dark secrets that he's keeping from her. She's desperate to explore her deepest darkest desires with Sevastyan but scared that it may cause trouble between him and her father.

It's always interesting to see an author try out a new genre, I knew Kresley Cole had a knack for writing great sex scenes but hot damn does she take that up a level in The Professional. The chemistry between Natalie and Sevastyan is off the charts and veers into "melt your kindle while you read" territory, I don't think a cold shower was enough after reading this book - I was more in need of an ice bath LOL. The scenes at the club were some of the hottest I've ever read! I never thought I'd find a domineering, arrogant, hit man quite so sexy but there is something irresistible about Sevastyan. I'm going to be honest and admit that there were a couple of times I wanted to slap the man but overall I just wanted to eat him up. This story includes some incredibly well written and super sexy BDSM scenes so if that's something you're not into then this might not be the book for you but if you pushing your boundaries then I can't recommend it highly enough.

Natalie and Sevastyan's story isn't all happiness and rainbows, it's intense, dark and disturbing but that just makes it even more compelling to read. Both characters make mistakes, they react badly to certain events and push each other away when they get scared of how strong their feelings are. In fact they both have a lot of growing up to do if they're going to figure out a way to make their relationship work but in spite of the difficulties it is obvious they're meant to be together. In a lot of ways they are complete opposites but their personalities compliment each other and if they can just learn to actually talk things through and make compromises then they'll have something really special.

I loved The Professional so much that I've already pre-ordered a copy of the full length novel so I can have it sitting on my bookshelves. I'm really hoping that this will be the first book in a new series because I'm dying to learn more about Maksim and I have a feeling that he might have even more secrets than Sevastyan does. Kresley Cole has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that she knows how to write erotic romance and I really hope she's going to give us more of her deliciously dark, hot Russian mobsters!books-i-own-kindle favorites read-in-20144 s Keri2,064 107

The writing was really good, but the BDSM aspect was really dialed up in this last installment and therefore I didn't enjoy it as much. Also there was voyeurism in it and I am not really into that. I am glad that Natalie and Sevastyan were able to get their issues worked out. We have met the person of our next book, but if it comes in a serial format I will have to wait. If we bring in a ménage feature in the next book, I will be out entirely. KC really pushed my comfort envelope with this entre series. I need my IAD. 2010s-read romance-erotic4 s Nikki1,595 4

I loved the first book but this one I DNF and I didn't really enjoy the second part either. All sex and hardly any story, Didn't think Natalie had any independence of spirit by the end of bk 2 and even less at the end of this one.4 s Tobia James196 56

THIS-IS-THE-TITS!!!!! Said Natalie upon seeing what's behind the curtain at Le Libertin.

I sooooo didn't expect that!

OK.....so, of course The Professional: Part 3 picked up from where it left us off at wondering what was behind the curtain. And boy, what a smorgasbord of a surprise that was!

I am happy with the route that Kresley Cole took this in this one. As much as I missed the action and the thrill ride..........

I enjoyed, more so, getting to know Sevastyan. He was laid bare in this book and I saw another side of him....the tortured hero that he is.

Of course his dominant side is what got me off. I love when Sevastyan goes all intense, brooding and alpha male.

It made for some steamy, kinky sex that gives this books such an edge!

Natalie's persona in this novel further reinforced what I thought about her....she is a strong young woman. She knew what she needed & didn't stand for bullshit. I'm glad when she made the decision to leave Sevastyan. A bold move that yielded positive results. Good for you, Natalie!

I loved reading this book, but there were a few things I missed. As I said before, I missed the action. I also missed the comedy. There were a few moments with Jess, but, the same comdedic edge Natalie had in the previous books were certainly missing. Another thing I missed was the travelling. They didn't do much in this one, it was mostly set in France. But I guess that is due to the lack of gun fights, close calls and murder.

However, what I enjoyed were the little bits of wisdom interspersed throughout the novel:
"Sometimes self-preservation means preservation of self"
"Anticipation can be as hard as enduring"
"“ABC, baby.” Always be crazier."

Ok, that last one wasn't really wisdom....more Jess-dom. Jess says some wise stuff (as evidenced from the 1st quote I'd used), but she can also be loopy with her wisdom too....which makes for some good laughs. Loved her!

My major disappointment with this book was the ending. I mean, come on! Miss Cole, we've been through so much!....3 books' worth of much! And you leave us high & dry that?!

I was looking for a richer, fuller Happily Ever After for Sevastyan and Natalie. This was very superficial. I mean, do they get married? Do they have little redheaded vor babies? I get that it was a major step for Sevastyan to open up he did (and he still didn't open up fully), and for him to say: "Ya lyublyu tebya" , but seriously??? You could've given us more Miss Cole.

I hope that the complete novel has a proper ending, because if not......I'm gonna set things OFF!

Naa, I won't. I'd love any scrap you give me in this series Miss Cole. :-D

Anyway, for those contemplating to read......just do it already! You'll be glad you did! There are a few minor shockers in it that's worth your time.

Happy reading everyone! P.s. I need more Sevastyan!
abuse all-time-fave-reads bdsm-reads ...more3 s Terri ? (aka Mrs. Christian Grey)1,462 472

Quick review:

Cover: Interesting
Rating: NC-17
Steaminess: Super HOT
Thumbs Up: 5
Overall: Yes, this book is well worth price paid
Characters: Well Written
Plot: Everything’s on a razor edge, what will make you snap
Page Turner: Yes
Series Cont.? Yes
Recommend: Yes
Book Boyfriend: Sevastyan

SUMMARY (60 words or less)
In this final part, we get answers to questions we didn’t know we had. My emotions were a roit of feelings up and down. I couldn’t decided if I’d love or hate Alex. In the end, this story was a breath of fresh air from all the stories that needed more work before they were released.

For a full review and yummy pic, see my blog post at:


Audio Review
Kimberly Alexis is the master. I love her in the Anita Blake series and she knocks it out of the park here.
audio3 s Janey1,297

Well that was all I could wish for.

This was a great story of passion, fury and loyalty, between a sensible yet flighty h, who had more gut than she ever gave herself credit for, and a broody, closeted, compelling H, who had a heart full of pain as much as pleasure.

I loved the sentiments spurted in Russian, I felt Sevastyan’s turmoil, and I bathed in their epilogue.

I’m glad I read this in 3 parts, as I felt it just got better each time.
3 s Simone795 33

Ya Lyublyu tebya, Kresley Cole, but I had a few issues with this. whiplash and the need to slap Natalie:
I love him. But I'm leaving him.
No I'll stay
No I'm leaving
No he's so hot I can't leave
No I'm leaving.
No I'm I'm I'm i just can't
No that's it. I've had enough. I'm leaving.
Messed UP3 s Elisbet106 8

Necesito saber más! 3 s Jacqueline's Reads2,926 1,506

5 Stars

A sweet conclusion to a very intense love story

I love this book, as much as I hated that it was broken into three parts, I couldn’t get enough of Natalie and Sevatyan.

Natalie and Sevastyan have to go into hiding. As Sevastyan goes to meetings during the day time, Natalie is left a little lonely. Their nights are filled with passion, but the romance is lacking. Natalie is pushing Sevastyan to open up more, but domineering Sevastyan isn’t ready to talk about his past.

The star of the book is Sevastyan, he’s my epic alpha hero. I love the can’t-breathe-can’t-sleep without each other kind of love he has for Natalie. It’s the kind of love where you are so selfish you will never let that person go. To me, that’s romantic and incredibly sexy. Sevastyan is top notch.

Don’t ever look at another man with lust, unless you want him dead

There’s no leaving, sweet. You’re as addicted to me as I am to you

You feel Natalie’s frustrations. Sevastyan is distant in the day time, but steamy at night. She’s confused and wants to move the relationship in a more positive direction. When you get the steamy scenes at night, oh man… HELLO! There was that crazy cliffy from part 2 and part 3 picks up right where part 2 left off and it did not disappoint.

No, part 3 doesn’t have that bam of action you are use to, but more of the soft, romantic sense. You get to know a little more about Sevastyan and his past and it’s a nice little way to round out the conclusion to the story. Natalie did annoy me at times, but I understand where she’s coming from, also I find it hilarious when she pushes Sevastyan’s buttons and they start to bicker.

Give this book a shot, it’s worth it.

The full story will be released in one book in May 2014

Series Order

For more - > http://jacquelinesreads.blogspot.com5-stars-favorites bdsm2 s Beth3,133 281

Have the fire extinguishers ready when you read The Professional: Part 3.

The opening scene immediately smolders into the BDSM Paris underworld and barely cools off from there. Natalie and Sevastyan explore their hidden passions and fantasies, but will it be enough to connect them? If Natalie can't break down Sevastyan's barriers, nothing but heart ache will be in their future. She pulls out all the stops but it doesn't seem to be enough to even dent Sevastyan's armor.

Cole gives us a short glimpse into some new characters, characters that have marvelous possibilities for more stories into the Russian underworld.

Cole comes on hot and heavy but follows it through with an in depth and heart aching story that is surprisingly riveting in this short length novella. As a part of The Game Maker, I highly recommend reading the previous books. If you enjoy a dark erotic romance, The Proffessional: Part 3 is the perfect read.

I received this ARC copy of The Professional: Part 3 from Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books - Pocket Star in exchange for a honest review. This book is set for publication January 20, 2014.

Written by: Kresley Cole
Series: The Game Maker
Sequence in Series: 3
Print Length: 108 pages
Publisher: Pocket Star
Publication Date: January 20, 2014
Sold by: Simon and Schuster Digital Sales Inc
Rating: 5 Smoldering Stars
Genre: Dark Erotic Romance
Find this book on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

dark erotic kindle ...more2 s Dianne6,786 582

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