
Nanny for the Athletes de Cole, Cassie

de Cole, Cassie - Género: English
libro gratis Nanny for the Athletes


Cole, Cassie Publisher: Juicy Gems Publishing, Year: 2023

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many issues I have

“Dumping Claire” is a common sentence in this book. Don’t say dumping her on me it makes it seem she is a burden.
Pushing for hugs with a 6 year old is weird, I get it the first time when she says “hugs are for family” but you don’t have to bring it up everytime they are together it’s weird.
The ending is rushed? Epilogues are not meant to be resolving the conflict of the entire story, they are meant to be flash forwards or something extra. It felt when you don’t know how to finish an essay for school so you just wing it.
3 s Romanticamente Fantasy7,059 207

Voto - 3.5
Nayeli - per RFS
i tratta di una lettura piacevole, che non è più complessa di ciò che ci si può aspettare, ma non superficiale. Se cercate grandi approfondimenti sentimentali o introspettivi, non è questo il libro giusto.
Innanzitutto, trattandosi di harem inverso, ricordo che tra gli uomini non c’è alcun legame amoroso. Si tratta di tre sportivi (due giocatori di football e uno di hockey) che amano condividere. Hanno già avuto una relazione poliamorosa insieme in passato e hanno desiderio di replicare, trovando una donna di ampie visioni e disponibile con cui condividere questa esperienza in modo serio e continuativo. Quando incontrano Beth iniziano a pensare che potrebbe essere la persona giusta per accettare una proposta così fuori dagli schemi.
All’inizio, per quanto sia chiaro a tutti i protagonisti che non si tratti di sesso occasionale finalizzato all’esplorazione del proprio erotismo, vi sono ben pochi richiami allo sviluppo di sentimenti affettivi. Ma anche in seguito l’impatto emotivo è presente ma non intenso e struggente. Dal punto di vista romantico, insomma, a mio avviso la trama fa un po’ acqua. Il rapporto tra gli uomini ha un che di goliardico e competitivo, mentre sono del tutto dediti al coccolare o corteggiare Beth, a turno o insieme.

Avevo incontrato Beth al canile, avevo provato qualcosa, e quella sensazione era cresciuta ogni volta che l’avevo rivista. Una sensazione di speranza. Una sensazione di possibilità. Mi chiedevo come sarebbe stata, realmente. Non sapevo se saremmo stati compatibili, né se avrei potuto mostrarmi vulnerabile con lei. Ma sapevo che c’era una possibilità, per la prima volta dopo un anno.

Indubbiamente ci sono scene erotiche forti, molto frequenti, piccanti e acrobatiche.
La trama è di discreto spessore, con problematiche individuali che vanno a creare qualche ostacolo, abbastanza per non lasciare una storia banale, ma non troppo complesse da far pensare a una forzatura per una risoluzione affrettata.
Beth deve fare i conti con un ex idiota e manipolatore, mentre a Logan viene inaspettatamente affidata una bambina con difficoltà di inserimento nella società. Per quanto riguarda Braden e Christian, anche se sono giocatori di football famosi e molto quotati che sembrano vivere una vita perfetta (per quanto a volte sottoposti a molta pressione), subiscono il fatto di essere “pedine” da acquistare e vendere tra società sportive.
Sembra tanta carne al fuoco, ma per fortuna non tutta viene cotta allo stesso tempo o con la stessa intensità: ci sono temi un po’ più permeanti e altri che vengono inseriti al momento giusto e che non vanno a creare una complessità eccessiva alla trama.
A questo si aggiungono alcuni problemi caratteriali, in particolare di Logan, tra i quattro il personaggio che ha una caratterizzazione più piena e di spessore. È un uomo intenso, scorbutico, chiuso, dal passato doloroso e tormentato, che viene messo in una situazione così scomoda per uno come lui da regalare a questo personaggio uno scettro piuttosto impegnativo tra i quattro.
Gli altri sono personaggi sì caratterizzati, ma in modo piuttosto bidimensionale. Braden è un ragazzo vivace, scanzonato e divertente come il suo golden retriever; Christian è affidabile e controllato, senza eccessi, come il suo pastore tedesco; infine Beth, empatica e di mente aperta, è sufficientemente flessibile e capace di gestire tutti loro, proprio come una dog sitter.

“È bello poterlo dire ad alta voce” sussurrò. “Non l’ho mai detto a nessuno.” “Neanche… a lei?” “No. Avevo paura di dirglielo.” “Paura di cosa?” chiesi. Nell’abbraccio, sentii che alzò le spalle. “Di essere troppo aperto. Di spaventarla. Di farle credere che fossi debole.”1 Readiculous 📚🖤👱🏼???1,220 17

I hadn’t read a Cassie Cole RH in a while, so when I saw this one just came out I decided to give it a go! I loved the setting of this one, we spend a lot of time with the h and her dog boarding business. I loved all the dogs and their crazy antics. It was funny how the dogs were similar to their owners…
So now that we talked about the most important part, the dogs, lets have a look at the men ;-). I d how they were all so different and distinguishable. We get the goofy jock, the serious steady one and the grumpy damaged one. I d them all equally and they all had great chemistry with the h.

What I didn’t was that these three guys had shared a girlfriend before the current h and couldn’t stop talking about how great the ex was and it keeps being referred to as a devastating break up. They didn’t want to break up with her and tried to make her move with them, but she didn’t want to. One of the H’s even says he felt his ex and him were two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together and he was madly in love with her with all of his heart…these kind of things were never said about the current h. She feels a consolation prize. The H’s couldn’t keep the ex, so they’ll settle for the current h. There was nothing making the current h more special than the ex (and she was mentioned a lot). There was also another ex for one of the H’s that he keeps saying she was his first love and he thought she was the one for him. The ex broke up with him and left. Why all this talking about all the great exes and how special and great they were? I don’t need that in my romance!

So, even though I really enjoyed the setting and the super steamy spice, the above really made me enjoy this less. I would’ve also d an epilogue about how their life was after a few years, how did they make the 4-some work? Did they get married? Have children? The bonus scene was only about the sisters’ marriage and a bit disappointing.

OW: see above about the ex.
OM: h is dating a co worker at the start of the story. They break up and he keeps coming back. The H’s scare him off, but he keeps returning.
No cheating (RH)
No separation / no third act break up1 Sarah4

Book seems rushed

I have very mixed feelings about this book. But overall it feels very rushed to me. There’s a lot of inconsistencies, and the editing seemed to focus on grammar and not the changing of things happening. In one chapter pickles and Heidi leave with Christian, then the next chapter they’re with Beth then the very next chapter they’re with Christian again: no one noticed the dogs magically changing locations during the same time frame. This isn’t the only one that occurred, the author would write one thing and then later write the complete opposite; this as a whole makes me feel she was rushed while writing and wasn’t paying attention to things she already established. Also I genuinely feel the MMC’s were just trying to find someone to replace their ex and that just happened to be the FMC. The author does a poor job of explaining why any of the men are actually interested in here especially at the beginning and it’s basically because “oh we just broke up with the girlfriend we all shared and need to replace her with someone here.” The FMC spent all of five seconds considering a polyamorous relationship before diving right in. There really wasn’t any difficulties until the last 15% of the book then all of a sudden there’s a bunch of different things going wrong at the same time. And my last point is that the author clearly doesn’t understand the concept of an epilogue. If your epilogue is wrapping up the all the loose thread and complications the characters are experiencing that’s the climax of the book and your last chapter… not an epilogue.
I d the characters and the plot was interesting to me, but I said it felt rushed and it’s hard to tell why any of the MMC’s wanted to be in a relationship with the FMC or in a poly relationship to begin with. I finished the book but it definitely was a struggle to get through. 1 Sheila FowlerAuthor 33 books483

I really enjoyed reading this story. It kept my attention throughout. And I love Cassie Cole's Reverse Harem books. She brings a fresh perspective to poly relationships that you don't see in other books in this genre.

We meet Beth and her terrible boyfriend at a hockey game. He's bragging about being in the front row and constantly telling Bet this fact. She starts talking to a lovely couple sitting beside her and Trip (awful boyfriend) gets offended. She's trying to drum up her business (a doggy day care), and Trip doesn't see the use in it. Thank God she dumps him. Not before he sends her a bill to pay for half her share of the tickets to the game.

The two women she was talking to were sisters to two athletes in St Louis. They gave Beth's card to the men and the rest is doggy paradise.

Logan - the brooding Hockey Player.
Christian (Uncle Chrissy) - the hunky star QB
Braden - the lovable wide receiver

Each man comes to Beth in spectacular ways. You will enjoy their interactions, the way they each fall in love with Beth, and the steamy sex scenes are off the charts.

1 justine?323 7

3.90celebrity-trope ereader fiction-or-and-romance ...more1 ella’s book diary170 9

to be honest i only really stayed for the dogs 1 Crystal Saylor13

So bad
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