
Be With You de Cole, Alison

de Cole, Alison - Género: English
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Be With You: Book Three Loneliness Series:

Chapter 1


ow the trials and sentencing have been finished for both Cara Wells and Melanie Stabb, we all meet at Heathrow Airport in London so we can fly off for our first European city on our tour. This tour will last a month, more or less. While it's shorter than our U.S. tour of last year, I am now a mum to a child just over one year of age, and I am going to miss her horribly! Still, mum, dad, Marcus and I have decided that a regular schedule and consistency are the best for Lizzie, so they will take care of her while we are gone. Marcus is going on tour with us, partly to help with watching out for any more stalking issues and partly so he can help out with moving heavy equipment and such. We still feel very spooked and unsettled - my guess is that this feeling will slowly go away over time. I try to wrap my mind around the thought that Cara and Melanie no longer pose any danger to us, but I'm having trouble really believing it.

Chapter 2


inally, the gray, cold wet of winter is over! It's May and the temperatures are now warming nicely. We go to my inlaw's home on one Saturday evening. Lizzie runs around playing while we discuss Millie's return to England. Robert Smythe, Millie's husband, is a social worker, apparently. He was able to work in the U.S., so he should be able to find a posting without too much trouble once they come home.

Chapter 3


till, this means that we have to go round the elder Hadley's home several times a month. I dress as conservatively as I can and mind my P's and Q's at my inlaw's home. I monitor Lizzie very closely so she is not forced to spend any more time than necessary in her aunt's company. This is not difficult at all - after hearing her aunt and daddy in the middle of a screaming row, she refuses to have anything to do with either Millie or Robert! Because of this, I spend much of my time conversing with Ruby and Andrew.

Chapter 4


e finish watering outside, then, after we roll up the hosepipe, we stash it in the shed and go inside. I am quiet, wondering how two such wonderful people as Ruby and Andrew could have produced two such different children! Marcus is very loving, accepting and supportive of all those around him. Even when he disagrees with another person's point of view, he's accepting of the person. In stark contrast, Millie is very narrow-minded and places attributes upon someone based upon their occupation. In my case, to her, "singer" means that I am a loose, promiscuous slut. No matter the evidence to the contrary. No matter that I am, and have always, been faithful to Marcus. No matter that he's the only man I've ever slept with. And, no matter that I'm raising our daughter to be a loving and giving person.

Chapter 5


he topic wears heavily on my mind for the next several days. Marcus and I decide to ask my mum and dad to take care of Lizzie so we can visit Ruby and Andrew - on a night when we are positive that Millie and Robert will not be there. Marcus learns that Millie will be busy with membership activities at her church.

Chapter 6


wo weeks later at the end of a long day of practice, I announce my pregnancy to the band. Everyone is excited, and they congratulate Marcus and me. Lizzie claps, not understanding the importance of the moment, so Marcus swoops her up into his arms and tells her she is going to be a big sister.

Chapter 7


he weeks speed by as we prepare for our benefit concert for the homeless of Saint Albans. We select the play list - this will be different from our usual concerts. The mayor's office has been wonderful - helping us with publicity and, overall, helping us to reinforce our good image with the citizens of the city.

Chapter 8


am getting excited and nervous at the same time. I love performing in front of a live audience, but at the same time, I am worried about what Millie and her group have in store for us! We arrive at the city green and Marcus drives to the area that has been reserved for the band and the city employees who have set up the stage, lighting and sound system. We walk to the stage and I hear some disturbing noises. Looking around, I spot Millie's group, holding signs and shouting pre-determined phrases. My stomach does a small flip-flop. The signs say, "Stop artist groups from benefiting! Artist groups and musicians are evil!" Individual members shout things such as, "Fight back against drug use! Protect your children!"