
¡Menudo reparto! de Coe, Jonathan

de Coe, Jonathan - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis ¡Menudo reparto!


Verano de 1990, Inglaterra está al borde de una guerra contra Sadam Husein y Michael Owen, un joven escritor sin blanca, recibe el encargo de la anciana Tabitha Winshaw de escribir la biografía de su rica familia y llegar al fondo del posible asesinato de su hermano Godfrey, fallecido según ella a manos de uno de sus parientes. Es así como Owen conoce a la familia Winshaw: Thomas, magnate del cine y voyeur; Dorothy, fabricante de comi­da basura; Mark, traficante de armas y amigo de Sadam Husein; Hilary, una columnista absolutamente ignoran­te, o Henry, visionario del libre mercado. ¡Menudo reparto! es un retrato cruel y despiadado de aquellos que mandan en la Inglaterra de hoy: banqueros, industriales, políticos, traficantes de armas y barones de los medios de comunicación, engendrados en la orgía de saqueo económico que fue la década de los ochenta. Una novela de detectives, un libro de denuncia, un relato gótico y una mirada ácida sobre los hijos de la época thatcheriana.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

I do love making an ass of the Imperialist class, and Johnathan Coe’s The Winshaw Legacy: What a Carve Up is chock full of reminders how the richest folks in the world have their grubby hands in everything with no care to the misery they might bring. Inspired by a 1961 English film, What a Carve Up!, this was a bookclub choice from a member who calls this his favorite book and I was glad to read something I wouldn’t normally pick. Not that I don’t enjoy a good mystery, I just rarely pick them and I think we all benefit from having our usual reads shaken up a bit. Though it is not a traditional mystery and Coe refers to it in the introduction as ‘a farce’ and it reads more as a satire on the genre as well as the wealthy, ruling class. It is a fun and funny read although I found it a touch too long to sustain the joke, though the moments of dry humor really connect at times. This is a complex, convoluted yet comical story of terrible people doing terrible things, but never fear, we see them meet terrible ends.

The Winshaw Legacy deals with Thatcher era conservatives and draws in a lot of real world political drama, putting the characters behind the scenes of each and using global misery to line their pockets. It was hard to even the better characters, but half the fun is hating them and watching them be absolute turds to each other. The jokes are more amusement at the long set up rather than actual laugh moment, which can be trying but I did get some good giggles. It gets a tad absurd near the end, following closely to the comedy film from which it was inspired, and while I don’t see myself reading more there are several others in the series. While I found this just okay, I do think about it all the time as the political issues in the book are still relevant today. I mean, it’s been almost a year so that’s gotta count for something.

3.5/5mystery satire81 s Chris_P383 313

One of the true joys in life, in my opinion, is the right to differ. Few things can be compared to the feeling you get when you read a book (or see a movie) which everyone has been raving about and realize that it's utter crap. I really wanted that to be the case with What A Carve Up, although, having read Coe in the past, I knew there wasn't much chance for that.

It's one of those books that I feel there's not much point talking about. No matter what I say about it, you cannot grasp the true brilliance of Coe's masterpiece until you've read it. No words can do it justice. Political comedy, an accusing point with the finger to the powers that be or a mystery novel? Coe proves that sometimes there's absolutely no point in categorizing what's beyond categorization.

P. S.: The chapter about Dorothy is one of the most traumatic, brilliant and, simply put, perfect chapters in the history of literature, while the symbolism of the ending had me just blankly staring at the page for what seemed a very long time.1990s 5-star-diamonds european77 s Solistas147 114

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???? ????, ??????? ???? ?????? ?? ????!favorite-books funny58 s Makis Dionis506 142

Anarchy in uk...
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Barking mad and brilliant!
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