
Claro de Tierra de Clarke, Arthur C

de Clarke, Arthur C - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis Claro de Tierra


Al borde de una guerra de consecuencias imprevisibles entre la Tierra y la Federación por el control del titanio y uranio, Bertram Saddler recibe el encargo de averiguar quién está proporcionando información secreta acerca de los últimos avances en tecnología militar de la Tierra a la coalición encabezada por Marte y Venus.

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Earthlight?, Arthur C. Clarke

Earthlight is a science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke, first published in 1955.

Earthlight is a adventure story set on the Moon, where a government agent is looking for a suspected spy at a major observatory on the Moon. The context is strong tension between Earth (which controls the Moon) and independent settlers elsewhere in the solar system. The year is not given, but it is some time in the 22nd century. There have been no wars for the last 200 years.

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The story tells us that even if we live on Moon or Mars, we are the same people as before.
The author believes that history will be repeated
The coolest thing about this book for me was describing the separation of the moon and the earth to the Separation of Britain and America.
science-fiction47 s DenisAuthor 1 book27

This is a really fine science fiction spy novel set on the Moon. Though not a masterpiece of mid 50's scifi, it is what is to be expected by early Clarke: Intelligent, clever, inventive, efficiently executed, and as always, optimistic. I enjoyed this more than expected. Full of wild speculations of what the Moon might be , once reached.

The novel, in parts, reminded me of Heinlein's, "The Moon is a Hard Mistress", yet it isn't anything close to that calibre, however, one can almost make a case that Heinlein might have read this and thought... Not bad, my good friend. But this story line... Hmm... Yet, with a little more 'mustard' stirred into the plot ...10 s Pat the Book Goblin 424 139

This was a fun book. I saw many similarities between Earthlight and the Expanse series. The galaxy was mostly colonized and Mars and the Moon were at odds with Earth. Tensions rise and Earth threatens to withdraw its valuable resources and war begins. This was a very easy read from Clarke. I love how he can take hard science and turn it into something understandable. Great book!classics sci-fi9 s Jared37 3

As per usual, Clarke has interesting ideas and a book as exciting as bending cardboard.8 s Jaa40 15

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”But Man was not content with the hazards that nature could provide. He was busily building his own funeral pyre.”

certainly not my favorite novel of his; at times it was difficult to read and get invested in the story. I appreciated the uniqueness of the idea coupled with the same old story of war.worst-case-scenarios5 s Bill Burris69 40

I haven't got around to reading much Arthur C. Clarke yet, which is surprising, since he has been on my to read list for decades. The only works of his I remember reading are 2001 and a couple of the sequels. Possibly I read some short stories and novels of his when I was reading all the SF I could find in the school library in the early 70s. I didn't have a reading journal or goodreads to keep track of my reading back then.

This would have been a great read in my early teens, but is a little boring compared to the more modern SF that I have been reading.
4 s Teresa242 2

By modern standards this is a very slim novel, only 158 pages in total. First published in 1955 in many ways the ideas are dated. They reflect the times in which they were written. Set two hundred years into the future a computer needs to be fed punched tape in order to work and scientists have to wait for the developing fluid to dry before they can see the photographic images taken by their telescopes. Those scientists are all male, the few women working with them are glorified clerks.

In many other ways the ideas are fresh and at times almost revolutionary. At the beginning of the story there is a colony on the moon and humans are in the process of colonising the planets of the solar system. There is tension between Earth and the colonies over the allocation of resources and this leads to the possibility of war.

The main character in this story, Bertram Sadler, has been sent to the Moon as a spy in order to find out if there is a traitor in the colony. The examination of people's character, the reasons why some would side with the mother planet and some with the colonies is what stands the test of time. Even when a wry smile is raised simply because the way science has developed since the writing of the book means the ideas are outdated the central conceit of the story still holds true.20124 s Lisa (Harmonybites)1,834 359

In this early novel by Clarke, Bertram Sadler, a CIA operative, is sent to the Moon to investigate a suspected spy and prevent an interplanetary war. It's a short novel at 158 pages and straightforward plot, with imaginative descriptions of life on the moon, some of which still seem visionary, and some ludicrously dated. Punch card computers! Photographic film! Typewriters! It was published in 1955, well before the first unmanned probes explored the moon, let alone manned landings. Still enjoyable on the whole, and Clarke's optimism for the human future shines. Not what I'd recommend as an introduction for him. I'd recommend A Fall of Moondust, Childhood's End, The City and the Stars, 2001: A Space Odyssey (film or novel) or a collection of his short stories over this one.fiction novels science-fiction4 s Laura752 96

I loved Arthur C. Clarke's children's novel Islands in the Sky about life on a space station when I was a child, and still love it as an adult; I must have read it about twenty times. I've always wanted to explore Clarke's adult work, but hit a few dead ends; Childhood's End was just too weird for me, though I wrote an academic article where it features! At last, I've hit gold; Earthlight is basically Islands in the Sky for grown-ups. Clarke imagines a future where humanity has colonised a number of planets in the solar system, but is now running short of crucial resources, which leads to tensions between Earth and 'the Federation' of other home-worlds. This short novel, set on the Moon, follows an agent sent to find a spy who's passing crucial scientific information to the Federation. As with Islands in the Sky, Earthlight is short on character growth but long on imaginative incident. Clarke's clarity is still unmatched for me, creating a fully convincing lunar world without ever getting bogged down in detail. I also love how practical his characters are in the face of danger: whether they're trying to drive a crawler out of a dustbowl or hyperventilating oxygen so they can escape an ailing spaceship without suits, they could never be accused of getting emotional about it. Finally, it's fascinating to witness this mix of accurate prediction and period detail play out: Clarke basically imagined geostationary communications satellites into being, but on his futuristic Moon, people still use computers with punch-cards, send telefaxes, and there's of course no internet. A novel that just does what it says on the tin, and I enjoyed it immensely.3 s Bill411 102

Earthlight is a classic golden age SciFi story of the kind I grew up with in the 50s and 60s. It ends so optimistically which was the general world-view back them. I took to the novel the proverbial duck to water and felt I was back in time.

Clarke is an excellent wordsmith and the prose flows off one's tongue. There is sufficient characterization to make for interesting characters. The novel does qualify as hard Sci-Fi for the period when written. I suspect many today would laugh at some of the science explained. What I found most interesting was his description of the moon's milieu. I could see it and feel it.

My edition has a preface by Clarke written in Nov. 1971. He explains some updates to the novel's science due to advancement made since 1941 (when the novel was started). Atomic and hydrogen bombs as well as lasers had to be considered, eg. Some things he did not change, the direction of sunrise. He also tells of Jim Irwin and Dave Scott's naming a crater 'Earthlight' during the Apollo 15 mission to Clarke's delight.

8 of 10 starsscience-fiction3 s Marius62 2

A bland spy story in space. A borefest from start to finish. Interesting idea but a very forgettable book. 2.5*3 s Martin Doychinov501 31

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Leída en 2003.
7/10. Media de los 20 libros leídos del autor : 7/10

Este Clarke era la ostia. Leer la sinopsis del libro y veréis lo que escribió en el 41 mientras veía Londres masacrado por las bombas.

Original a rabiar, siempre, siempre, siempre se puede sacar algo de la gran mayoría de sus novelas.

Lo dicho, la mejor review para hacer pensar es la propia sinopsis de eque aparece en esta edicion de edhasa Nebulae3 s Derek DavisAuthor 4 books29

Monumentally boring in a short space.3 s Rudi306 6 Read

A book from the 50s about mankind on the moon. Earth has expanded to bases on the moon and several planets in the solar system, and for the first time since the 1940s the world is at the brink of war.

I loved this book. You follow an accountant sent to the moon to check the books of the observatory there - but it ends up being a spy thriller. The setting is vintage and scifi, and it works really well. Clarke's predictions are way off, but they're never dumb.

I see no reason for why this has not been adapted to film or TV yet. I hope when it's done, they decide to go with visuals fitting to what Clarke must have imagined - meaning a future with radios and few screens. 2 s ?????? ??????233 125 Read

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Old, scientifically dated, boring, and appallingly sexist.

(The only women mentioned, besides a wife back on Earth, are the six "girls" from computing who have fragile reputations, and an expensive mistress. Only the wife has a name, and none have voices.)

Normally I don't need interesting characters so much in SF, as I'm more interested in the What If ideas... but this doesn't even have a sense of wonder. 2 s NathanielAuthor 24 books172

This is essentially a political thriller in space. I'm not a huge fan of political thrillers but I am a huge fan of space. I think that sums up my feelings toward this book.science-fiction2 s Mahdiye HajiHosseini438 34

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The age of this book, do much vintage SF, is revealed by its somewhat naive attitude to technology (the characters are using extrapolations of fifties tech, rather than the sort of stuff we actually are using in the future - an unavoidable issue which never the less gives the narrative a rather quaint feel) and by the social attitudes on display. These things don't matter and are quickly tuned out.

The narrative takes place on the Moon, in a not terribly far future where humanity has spread to the moon and throughout the solar system. Tensions are rising between Earth and her colonies, and an unwilling secret agent is tasked to search fro a spy in the observatory on the far side of the moon.

It's a tight little thriller masquerading as a hard SF novel and it's quite brilliant. Notable for what is probably the most realistically describes space battle ever written, and the most unly rescue ever written, it's an excellent and highly rewarding read.sf2 s Dusty WallaceAuthor 26 books6

Clarke's books are always worth reading, even if it's his lesser work. Which is what I would consider this book.

I enjoyed the science, even if it's outdated. In fact, the outdatedness is kind of cool. Clarke writes about plants on the moon and the breathable environment on Mars. It's a beautifully optimistic view of our solar system that has been ruined by that darn pesky scientific research.

The real negative for me is that this book basically gives up on it's original premise. It starts off as an espionage story in space. But it seems Clarke couldn't find a good way to continue down that thread so the main protagonist gives up his hunt for a spy and the latter half of this short novel turns out to be a war story.

Still, it's a very good read and it won't take up much of your time.2 s Simón148

With mankind spreading around the Solar System, scarcity of certain resources leads to tensions between the governments of Earth (covering Earth and Moon) and Federation (covering other planets and satellites). As the conflict for resources develops, an agent from an Intelligence Agency of Earth travels to the Moon, trying to uncover a spy passing information to the Federation.

Earthlight is a short book, and tells a simple but interesting story. Its descriptions of a Moon society, although dated by the technology described there, are detailed and satisfying, and a certain amount of optimism and hope can be perceived all throughout the book. However, the ending is a bit anticlimactic -and the fact that the author himself repeats the word anticlimax a couple of times doesn't help much.science-fiction1 Tom Colvin56 2

Rather boring. The spy aspect of the story takes up most of the pages and itÂ’s rather bland. It all goes something this:

“Is scientist #1 guilty? No he’s too honest. What about scientist #2? No he only cares about science, not politics. How about scientist #3, 4, and 5? No because...”

The idea of politics between interplanetary colonies has been handled far more adeptly by other books (eg Red Mars Trilogy).

If you set aside that the story is set on a lunar colony, I’d say there’s only about 10 pages of “science fiction” in the whole book. Most of the rest of it is just shallowly developed characters engaging in plot filler. Pass on this one.2 s Bryan320 7

4.5 stars. Despite being written in 1955, and despite the fact that not everything in this book is exactly as we know things to be now, this is still a really amazing hard science fiction book about the moon.

I really enjoyed this book - it's a fast read, and the science is very realistic. Clarke did a fine job with the characters, and wrapped up the story neatly at the end.

One of Clarke's best works from the early years. Recommended!sf2 s Alimpic Srdjan42 15

Iako roman pati od zastarelosti, krasi ga realistican scenario u kome se planeta Zemlja sukobljava sa svojim kolonijama oko resursa. Kao i obicno, Klark je veoma detaljan oko naucno-tehnickih aspekata price i daje realistican prikaz fizike svemira. Moderan citalac i dalje moze da nauci dosta toga iz ovog romana stoga mu sa lakocom dodeljujem 4 zvezdice.science-fiction1 Stuart Smith131

Some interesting concepts within an obviously dated story about a colonial spat 200 years hence.
Women have no part to play, and they are still developing photos using print rooms and solution.
The story is insubstantial, and this is not Arthur C Clarke at his best. However, the smatterings of hard sci-fi and the addition of an improbable mid space rescue make this slight novella worthwhile if inessential.1 Ellie94

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