
Noche de paz de Clark, Mary Higgins

de Clark, Mary Higgins - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis Noche de paz


Catherine Dornan y sus dos hijos se preparan para pasar unas Navidades muy amargas en Nueva York, ya que su esposo y padre debe afrontar una delicada intervenci?n quir?rgica. Pero lo que no imaginan es que la Nochebuena se convertir? en una pesadilla desde el momento en que, inocentemente, se detienen en una esquina a escuchar villancicos.

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I loved the novel. It was absolutely prefect. Although this is a short read, but packs in action and suspense onto each and every page. It keeps you on the edge of your seat through the whole book. Mary Higgins Clark just has a way of keeping you into the novel until you finish her suspense filled books.

In the novel Silent Night, the main character, Catherine Dornan lost her wallet and her son. Her wallet fall out of her handbag, and her son ran after it. A lady named Cally Hunter stole her wallet and ran with it. However, when Cally got home her brother who is an escape killer (Jimmy), was there waiting for her. Brian, Catherine's son followed Cally home and consequently, Jimmy, kidnapped him. The only thing Brian Dornan was worried about was getting back to his mother before Christmas and for him to get back the St. Christopher medal to his father, so he can get well. He has risked his own life and safety. What a kid! ..

You'll have to read the book to find out how the story ends. In my opinion, all of the characters in the novel are plausible because their actions and reactions are very believable, by how Mary Higgins Clark wrote it. I hope you will enjoy the book as much as I did :)fiction mystery23 s8 comments MarioAuthor 1 book205


My first read book in 2016. And not a very good one, if I may add.

Silent Night is a story about a family whose son gets kidnapped on Christmas eve, written by one and only Mary Higgins Clark aka 'Queen of Suspense'. First thing I want to say is that I have no idea how she got the name 'Queen of Suspense'. When reading her books, suspense is not really the first word that comes to mind.

Secondly, this really wasn't a good book. The plot was predictable, characters were dumb and dialogue was cheesy. Why the 2.5 stars then? Well, for some reason I did end up enjoying this book a bit. It was a quick read and because it is set during Christmas time, it was fun reading it while it snowed outside. So if you don't have anything to do on a snowy day, give this book a shoot and hopefully you'll enjoy it more than I did.own own-read21 s Henry722 36

A terrific Christmas mystery story by a master. This book is just what I needed this year as a very different Christmas approaches. It's also very interesting reading a book written in the 1990's that takes place in New York City with policemen as main characters. It makes one yearn for the good old days of only 20 years ago before 9/11 and before all the hate, violence and discord that we are witnessing today. Let's just remember the words: "Peace on Earth, Good Will to all" and try to live by them.14 s Carmo681 512

Corderozinha demais para meu gosto.
Os bons são bonzinhos, lindos, ricos e com vidas perfeitas. Cai-lhes em cima uma tragédia de fazer chorar as pedras da calçada e, para rematar, o mau, que é mau a valer, pobre e também deve ser feio, estava mesmo ali a jeito para tornar a coisa ainda mais trágica. Depois há os policias bons, os policias duros de roer, os jornalistas intrometidos,uma medalhinha de São Cristóvão que até parece que fazia milagres,uma perseguição alucinante, e está composto o ramalhete para uma história que começa mal, continua mal e, quando parece que vai acabar ainda pior, dá-se a inevitável reviravolta, e claro, acaba bem, como convém a todas as histórias de Natal.
Levezinho e cheio de espirito natalício.bib-p natal usa13 s Anthems212 95

Lo empecé por empezarlo y al final lo he leído por leerlo; terminándolo por su brevedad.

Libro con poco cuerpo, anodino en todo. Al día siguiente ya no te acuerdas ni de su existencia. No me ha aportado nada. Intrascendente.

No obstante probaré con otro libro de la autora, quizás con alguna de sus obras más famosas.

La nota son 2 estrellas peladas. 10 s Dee299 112

A great suspenseful christmas story. Characters are fab. Every chapter alternates between each as they all have their own role. I flew through this as i needed to find out what was going on!

A cracking little thriller.10 s2 comments Brendon Lowe229 67

I've had this sitting on the shelf for a while having picked it up at a thrift store hoping it will be a good read around the festive season. Mary Higgins Clark is a household name for mystery and suspense but this is the first of her work I have read.

We follow Catherine and her two young sons Brian and Michael as the listen to Carol singers in downtown Manhattan. Catherine drops her wallet to the ground which is picked up by Cally who returns home with it. Brian sees this and leaves his mother and follows Cally intent on getting the wallet back. Little does he know Callys brother has just escaped from prison and is on the run and he grabs Brian as he goes to Callys house.

What follows is the manhunt for Brian, a mothers desperate pleas for his safe return and the spirit of Christmas shining through in its conclusion.

It's a simple and straightforward story. No real twists or turns or build up of a tension. Its enjoyable and short but probably not a good entry point to show of the 'Queen of Suspense' talents as it was kinda bland and average.2023 crime-mystery-thrillers9 s Li'l Owl398 271

Merry Christmas!
What a story! This going on my "favorite book" and "holiday" shelves. I highly recommend it. It's short, 177 pages, so it could be read on Christmas Eve. I think it's good enough to read every year, maybe read aloud to visiting friends or family.
At the end of this edition is a "Mary Higgins Clark Talks About Her Life And Work" section. It's very enlightening and explains how she became "The Queen Of Suspense".
My favorite line from her is:
Question: "Do you enjoy terrifying people?"
Clark's answer: "Absolutely. I consider it a compliment when I'm told that someone stopped reading my book because he or she was alone in the house."
I LOVE IT! =o) holiday mystery-crime-suspense-thriller owl-s-books-own ...more9 s Gabriela138 126

This was reading a Criminal Minds episode on its Christmas edition. It was really enjoyable, although I did find it quite repetitive in some parts. A quick and light read for December and it actually put me in a very "christmassy mood" :)

adult-fiction mystery own6 s Pam1,969 28

AUTHOR Clark, Mary Higgins
TITLE S ilent Night
DATE READ 12/13/20
FIRST SENTENCE It was Christmas Eve in New York City.
GENRE/ PUB DATE/FORMAT/LENGTH Fiction/1995/library/154 pgs
CHALLENGE Good Reads 2020 Reading Goal/188/120
CHARACTERS Catherine Dorman and her sons Michael & Brian
COMMENTS Delightful Holiday read -- may have read this oldie goldie when it first came out, but too long ago for my memory. Catherine is married to a physician who has just undergone cancer surgery. On Christmas eve, while her husband is recovering in the hospital she takes her children to Rockefeller Center to enjoy the tree and Christmas carols. Brian sees a woman pick-up his mother's wallet that she dropped and follows her. The wallet contains a family St. Christopher medal, which Brian wants to give his father to insure his recovery.
2020-books-read fiction new-york4 s Sara Ellis408 11

I listened to this short suspense on a road trip. I thought it was a fun short read. 4 s Anita2,275 178

Get your Kleenex ready, you're going to need them with this wonderful Christmas book. There is a lot of suspense and some much-needed Christmas love. This isn't a sweet romance; this is a suspense as only the Queen of Suspense can write one. This book actually has some essence of what the season is about as opposed to most of the books I've read that could have been set at any time of the year and the author just happens to pick Christmas. The interview with Mary Higgins Clark at the end of the book is wonderful, giving insight to this authors life and how her career came about.

It's Christmas Eve and Catherine Dornan doesn't have a lot to celebrate. She is in New York City, far from home; her two boys are cranky, and her husband, Tom, is in the hospital just having had surgery. Definitely not much to be merry about. To life their spirits and hers too, Catherine takes to boys to Rockefeller Center to see the Sak's display and the tree. Her seven-year-old son, Brian notices that his mom's wallet has fallen from her bag and been picked up by a woman. He follows the woman because a very special St. Christopher metal meant to protect his dad as it protected his grandfather is in the wallet too. With danger all around him, Brian clings to that metal praying that it will protect him too.christmas suspense4 s DAISY READS HORROR1,020 146

**WARNING: Some spoilers**

Mary Higgins Clark sure had me on my toes with this one!! She is a talented storyteller. There was a lot of action in this short novel that it's hard to believe all of that action was less that 160 pages!

This novel had the perfect amount of suspense and Christmas atmosphere to be one of my favorite novels. It was a heart filled story about the Magic of Christmas and love.

I did sympathize with Cally. I think she did the right thing by not covering up for her brother Jimmy this time and it pleased me that the cops gave her a pass on her actions for the good deed she had done in calling in with information on Brian. My heart really went out to Catherine for all she had to endure with not only a sick husband but a missing child.

I recommend this book if you want to have your heart strings pulled mixed in with suspense. A great read for Christmastime!
christmas my-favorites4 s Emanuela685 34

Cominciamo con i film e i libri a tema natalizio anche se da un po’ non sono più mia abitudine.
Questo della Higgins Clark comincia già da una copertina pienamente a tema, rossa e con la pallina dell’albero.
Si perché la storia si svolge tutta tra la vigilia di Natale e la mattina del 25, tra le strade e i maestosi famosissimi festeggiamenti della metropoli, tra cantori e vetrine e pacchi regalo, si incrociano per pura casualità le vite di Cally e del piccolo Brian, per un portafoglio che case dalle mani della mamma. Ed è per la medaglia di San Cristoforo che contiene, il motivo per cui lui la segue fino a casa, incontrando il fratello Jimmy evaso dal carcere e in fuga disperata dalla polizia per raggiungere il Canada.

Devo dire che questo secondo me non è uno dei migliori di questa autrice ma rientra in quella categoria di thriller che io definisco “da film”, nel senso che non sono granché a livello di trama che è davvero scarna e semplice, molto brevi e veloci, ma che proprio per la velocità delle azioni riescono a creare nella mente del lettore delle immagini molto vivide che sarebbero perfette da mettere sullo schermo televisivo.

Impossibile non simpatizzare con il piccolo protagonista, anche se inizialmente vorresti dirgli di fermarsi che si sta comportando da stupido.
Ugualmente la figura di Jimmy è chiaramente negativa fortemente stereotipata e per niente “umana”.
Solo Cally è quella che sembra resa più realistica, con dei difetti e delle paure, con fragilità e che commette errori. E questi proprio, nonostante faccia delle cose palesemente condannabili, la rende comunque vicina e comprensibile.
Finale scontato ma anche in pieno clima natalizio e quindi ci può stare.3 s Kate Baxter605 39

Ramping up for Christmas and getting into the holiday mood but lets throw in a bit of suspense in the mix. As in many Christmas mysteries, there's struggle, redemption, hope and suspense. As most are novellas, they're often short. This book was all of those things. For me, most novellas always leave me feeling a bit cheated. I long for greater character development and backstory. But if it's a quick read you're seeking for a cozy Christmas dinner sit by the fire, then this would certainly fit the bill. I certainly enjoyed the story and hope you will too.mystery-suspense-thriller3 s Rebeca248 23

El último 10% del libro fue emocionante pero no recordaré este libro para mañana.

Está entretenido y lo recomendaría para tenerlo en la sala de espera de un consultorio o estética donde cualquier persona, sin importar sus gustos de lectura, pudiera disfrutarlo.

Es una lectura ligera, fácil y para descansar el cerebro y el corazón. Me recordó a esas mini historias que salían en la Selecciones.3 s Jake Knapke8 3

I give Silent Night a 10 out of 10 due to the way Mary Higgins Clark played the book out. Having the wallet stolen and a murder on the lose creates so much suspense in the book that you just can't put the book down. When I first started reading this book I wasn't so sure that I was going to it, but I was 100% wrong. I d the part about not only is Brian's dad Tom very sick with leukemia and Brian goes missing to top it all of it is Christmas Eve. What a lovely Christmas present right? Also, I d the way Mary Clark describes the part about The St. Christopher medal and how it plays its role in the book and how big of a role it plays in the book. Another reason I gave it a 10 out of 10 is because how she connects the book to real life. She does this by how we all know how it is on Christmas eve in New York it is crazy! Wallets can easily fall out and be taken. I would recommend this book to anyone that s suspense and mystery especially Lauren, Hope, Cody, and Hannah. They and pretty much everyone else would be pulled into the book and just can't stop reading. I wouldn't recommend this book to people that don't to be held onto the edge of there seat and to people who don't sad and depressing stories, because believe me it isn't the happiest book.

A brief summary would be two weeks before Christmas Catherine Dornan got a call saying that her husband has collapsed at work and is being care flighted to New York. Catherine and her two sons Michael and Brian head off to New York to see their father. They are hoping at praying that Tom will be ok but with the St. Christoper medal that kept their Grandfather safe during the war they are certain that that medal will get their father better. But a turn of events happens when their mothers wallet was stolen which has the St. Chrisopther medal in it and 7 year old Brian is certain that he wants to get it back. He follows the person who took it but gets kidnapped in heart of it all. You will have to read the book to find out the unpredictable end to the book Silent Night by Mary Higgins Clark.

3 s Jen323 5

Well, I've managed to avoid Higgins Clark, but I couldn't escape her any longer. I grabbed it off the shelf in the cafe in a fit of desperation over something new to read.


She's an engaging storyteller, who can get you involved in the stories and sympathetic to the characters. I can see her telling stories to a crowded room of appreciative listeners.

HOWEVER, does she need to start each new chapter with the full name of the character whose point of view she's shifting me to? It's simply awful writing, and really jarring. It really is true... people on the best-sellers racks can't write worth a damn. :/suspense truly-awful3 s Sally Lindsay-briggs731 41

This was a different Mary Higgins Clark book. It was not really a mystery but a well done poignant tale of Brian, a young boy, who trys to catch the person who stole his mother's wallet and gets kidnapped. There is a lovely feeling of courage and faith. It moves along with lots of action and has a holiday/Hallmark movie essence to it. Another great one from the Queen of Suspense.3 s Serch Tijuana Lee212 25

Desde hace años que tenía ganas de leer a Mary Higgins Clark, así que cuando “Noche de Paz” resultó ser la lectura del mes de diciembre en el #LectoClub de Chester, no dudé en unirme. El libro iba muy ad hoc a la temporada navideña y lo mejor del caso es que no iba a ser la típica lectura feliz, como saben, a mi me encantan los thrillers y las novelas llenas de misterio y suspense. En esta historia alguien está a punto de arruinarle la navidad a una familia…

El libro es relativamente corto así que no vamos a conocer con profundidad a los personajes, solo lo básico de cada uno de ellos. Lo interesante es que han secuestrado al hijo menor de una familia en plena Nochebuena. Lo malo es que el niño va acompañado de un rufián, así que la madre y la policía harán todo lo que esté a su alcance para que regrese sano y salvo.

Me agradó que la historia se desarrolla en las calles de Nueva York. Hay algunos sitios que he logrado conocer gracias a la televisión, jaja, como la 5ta. avenida o la Catedral de San Patricio, así que cuando leía sobre ellos me imaginaba a la perfección tales escenarios.

A lo largo de la historia se menciona mucho una medalla de San Cristóbal, así que tuve que googlearla para poder visualizarla. También me agradó como la fe tiene tanta relevancia en la trama e influye para bien con ciertos personajes. Otro detalle es que mencionan a mi querida Tijuana, siempre me emociono cuando encuentro a mi bella ciudad en algún libro.

La verdad es que disfruté mucho la lectura, fue como estar viendo una película, obviamente no una de mucho presupuesto ni con excelentes actuaciones, ya saben, esas que se transmiten cada fin de semana en televisión abierta. Aún así me ha gustado, a pesar de que el final es bastante predecible. Espero seguir leyendo más libros de Mary Higgins Clark.

Lo califiqué con tres estrellas en Goodreads. Ideal para ser leído en diciembre, bajo la sombra de la Navidad. Además fue de mis primeras lecturas en el Kindle, leer en formato digital es algo que me está gustando mucho. Gracias a Chester y a los miembros del #LectoClub por compartir esta lectura.3 s Lydia BenaventAuthor 2 books63

Ha sido mi primera vez con Mary Higgins Clark y, después de mucho oír hablar de la "reina del suspense", he de decir que estoy sorprendida por lo mucho que me ha gustado. La mezcla entre ambiente navideño y thriller me ha sorprendido. Creo que cuando una piensa en una novela navideña lo primero que le aparece por la mente es una romántica; sin embargo, la autora consigue que funcione y fusiona la Navidad con historias realistas y personajes crudos. Se trata de un libro muy corto, con una estructura interesante, ya que dentro del mismo capítulo alterna los puntos de vista de distintos personajes usando el narrador en tercera persona. Entre las cosas que más me han gustado, además del ambiente navideño, está el hecho de que, aunque una puede imaginar cómo termina, realmente, lo que más se disfruta es el proceso y cómo se llega a ese punto. 2 s Courtney191 29

This wasn't my favorite by Mary Higgins Clark, but she is definitely the Queen of Suspense for a reason! This story is about a 7-yead-old boy who tries to help catch his mother's lost wallet, and ends up being kidnapped by a murderer. The fact that it was a young boy hit a little too close to home. I do NOT when children are involved in the mystery.z-20212 s Kerri1,087 14

A quick little fun read. Mary Higgins Clark is my go-to for easy entertainment. There is always a nice touch of thrill and suspense, even when you see where it is going in this one. 2 s unlibro.unviaje119 16

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