
Let Me In de Claire McGowan

de Claire McGowan - Género: English
libro gratis Let Me In


Claire McGowan Publisher: Thomas & Mercer, Year: 2023 ISBN: 9781542035392,9781542035408

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Thank you Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. IYKYK, my are always honest.

update: my kindle reappeared under a pile of crap on my desk.......

Writing: 2.5/5 | Plot: crumbled feta cheese/5 | Ending: you're trolling/5


Wanker... oops I mean George and his wife Helen move out to a derelict mcmansion in the sticks to start fresh. But when spooky sh!t starts popping off and secrets are revealed, it's evident that this new beginning is anything but fresh.


It's a sad day Goodreaders, but I have misplaced my Kindle. My husband and I (yep, I unchained him from the basement to elicit his help) tore apart the house, but it seems to have grown legs and sauntered on out. It's tired of the abuse! LOL. So, without my Kindle, I don't have all my handy dandy ranty notes... gonna have to activate my brain and do this one from memory.

This book took me a hot minute to get through, because I cannot concentrate on reading for the life of me. ANyways, it started off promising in comparison to her last stanker Are You Awake?. Suspicious things were occurring, and I was invested in the lite witchcraft storyline. Don't worry, there's no supernatural stuff involved.

So for most of it, I was leaning toward a Honda Civic Reliable three. The writing was whatever, but the plot was kinda interesting and I d the different threads that were being woven together. We're pottering along, reveals are being revealed, and suddenly a gigantic sink hole opens up around the 75% mark and swallows up the plot and all logic. BRUHHH I've never had a book tank this viciously in a hot minute. So here we are, at a generous 2.


Okay so I wanted to curb stomp George into another dimension. And tbh Helen needed a strong shoulder shake as well. George is the ultimate Great Value narcissist (lacking the charm, cunning, and intelligence of a brand name narcissist) who decides his floundering "career" is more important than Helen's pay check and general wellbeing. At one point, there's a gigantic hole in their kitchen wall, but George can't be fked to do anything about it. Also, who pays builders for work IN ADVANCE???? Bro you're just asking to be hoodwinked.

Anyways, we find out that Georgey boi has somehow blown through over 200k AND racked up serious debt trying to get back into journalism. HUH???? LMAOOO. He's oh it's expensive! No tf it isn't. Ever heard of an expense account? Jfc. And then he has the audacity to tell Helen "you're a liar mcliar pants!" after pissing away her hard earned dollars. Plus Helen's lie was harmless tbh. She honestly loved and supported stupid ass George, whereas Georgie only thought about himself and his dreams of being on Sky News. And then after everything, Helen just goes Helen Keller to his spending problem and still stands by him. LEAVE. HIS. ASS. EXPEDITIOUSLY.

Ok and then the ending... nah bruv. I'm not sure if Claire was trying to be funny, but this sh!t was laughable. So mama dearest Janna has been in jail for a hot minute, and literally, and I mean LITERALLY, pops back up on the scene and au casually says "he needs oxygen!" No, "hey guys! it me!" no explanation. Just rocks up to Helen tryna keep someone alive and jumps on in everything's normal. And everyone just goes along with it rather unperturbed? I legit had to reread one section three times in case I missed something. Ain't no way this woman just waltzes back in and starts bossing hoes around and we all just accept it??? WHO IS YOU???????


I honestly can't believe this is the same author who wrote I Know You? What's being going on with these last two books? Halp.


Pros: interesting premise

Cons: goes completely off the rails in the last 25% that ruins the entire book133 s2 comments LIsa Noell "Rocking the Chutzpah! 674 411

My thanks to Claire McGowan and Netgalley.
I finished this book about a week ago, and I'm still uncertain of my rating.
I guess "maybe" that I might be somewhat befuddled from the whole entirety of this story.
The husband was someone that I would completely despise. But, I also didn't anyone else, really.
Know what? Ignore my thoughts.
I read this book. I didn't this book. I would not recommend this book.
This is my second McGowan book. I'll not be reading more.111 s Chantal675 631

A house with a secret

One might question Helen's decision to go along with the move without seeing the house or understanding what challenges awaited her. It seems she sacrificed everything to accommodate George, who can come across as rather foolish. This dynamic adds depth to the story, providing intriguing material for the unfolding events. The strength of their relationship is now at stake as they face the mysteries lurking within the house.

The combination of a creepy house and elements of witchcraft makes for a thrilling premise in this book. Although the ending felt rushed and left something to be desired, the inclusion of these eerie elements adds to the overall appeal. While some readers might prefer shorter chapters, this book consisted of five longer chapters. However, it's important to note that this preference is a personal one and does not reflect any shortcomings on the part of the author or the book itself. Despite these minor critiques, the story as a whole was enjoyable.

I appreciate the chance provided by Netgalley, Amazon Publishing UK, and Thomas & Mercer to read and review this ARC.64 s Mallory1,524 217

I’ve seen several books by this author and been intrigued but this was my first by her, and I’m glad I finally picked one up. This was a fast paced book that I devoured in one sitting. I will say while the description is all accurate, it wasn’t the book I was expecting but that’s ok. George and Helen are moving away from London to a small village where they have purchased a house. But the villagers seem to be angry with them and Helen instantly knows there is more to the story of the house than George has told her. A little interest research tells her that a woman who lived in the house previously murdered three people and was believed to be a witch. As they try to renovate the house they find a poppet in the wall and other spooky things that have both of them trying to learn more. A fun, thrilling ride and definitely an author I’ll try again. 48 s Kimberly R 284

Helen and George move to an eerie house in the country from London. The house is steeped in death and superstition. Evidence of voodoo is all around. They find out a woman who practiced witchcraft murdered 3 people there. They begin to investigate and many secrets and lies are revealed. This was a creepy, disturbing read that I couldn’t hardly put down. Thanks NetGalley and Amazon Publishing-UK for this ARC that will be released June 20, 2023.
netgalley-202346 s jv poore632 232

So many secrets!
This felt exactly what I want from a psychological thriller. So much so, I ordered Ms. McGowan's THE OTHER WIFE and I'm really looking forward to diving right in.jv_library mystery psychological-thriller ...more44 s6 comments Nicole495 226

This book was just ok for me. I was really into it for a good chunk and then it took a turn where I lost interest. It was not what I was expecting and I’m disappointed.

Helen and George move to a cozy home in Cornwall. It was supposed to be a dream come true. Instead it turned out to be their worst nightmare. Helen had a bad feeling about the home from the moment she got there. Her anxiety increases as the renovations begin when the contractors find a doll with human hair buried in the walls. Helen looks up the home’s history and discovers that the previous owner was rumored to be a witch and was put in prison for murdering three people. Things pick up from there as one bad thing happens after another and she and George realize they are in danger. The secrets that were buried long ago come to light and things will never be the same.

Let Me In is available June 20,2023.

Thank you to netgalley and amazonpublishinguk for this arc in exchange for my honest review.27 s daniela weber320 88

a refreshing onion structure,
creepy enough to keep things 
flowing through its relatable 
points of view inside a dark 
well written storyline, wow.17 s Kimberly R 284

Helen and George move to an eerie house in the country from London. The house is steeped in death and superstition. Evidence of voodoo is all around. They find out a woman who practiced witchcraft murdered 3 people there. They begin to investigate and many secrets and lies are revealed. This was a creepy, disturbing read that I couldn’t hardly put down. Thanks NetGalley and Amazon Publishing-UK for this ARC that will be released June 20, 2023.15 s Barbara Behring394 156

Let Me In by Claire McGowan was one of my favorite books so sar this year. All the characters have flaws and the story is very powerful and important.14 s Mary1,799 573

I picked Let Me In by Claire McGowan up on a whim after seeing it in the library, not realizing I read and loved What You Did back in October 2021. Seems fitting I would read my second novel by her in the same month, but it's a shame I waited 2 years to do it! After finishing this I immediately put her full backlist on my TBR shelf, and I loved every minute of this twisty ride. Helen and George are both full of secrets they are keeping from each other and as you can imagine, things get interesting as more and more is revealed. There are plenty of tense moments in the book that kept me on my toes, and I loved that we had 3 main viewpoints here. It's weird because looking back at the book, each chapter is really long but when I was listening to the book it didn't feel that way at all.

The audiobook has 4 narrators, Elizabeth Knowelden, Will Watt, Pearl Hewitt, & Saskia Maarleveld and I will not tell you who the mysterious 4th POV is because it is more fun to find out for yourself. I really enjoyed listening to all of the narrators, and the 3 for Helen, George, and Janna were especially fantastic. I didn't have any issues with their narration whatsoever and despite this book being set in a different country, I didn't have any problems understanding them either. The eBook and audiobook are both currently available on Kindle Unlimited and I highly recommend Let Me In if you are in the mood for something twisty, mysterious, and atmospheric. I do recommend checking triggers beforehand, although there is not a lot of detail.2023-ng-group-challenge abuse-or-addiction adult-fiction ...more11 s Kori Potenzone891 87

My inner devious child peeked out this week and I got a bit jealous ! Whoa! I would love to say that is un me but who am I kidding. I can be a jealous brat
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